It has been extremely difficult to establish who is actually funding this booklet but it seems, the booklet was funded by the Education for Reconcillation,which is a project run by the CDVEC (now CDETB) who received the money through PEACE III who get their funding from the EU
We must now speak out loudly against this material being used in Irish schools, it clearly is intended to push a one sided agenda onto Irish school children.
The material is available for schools in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland..
It is vital that you speak out now,
Please email the following organisations
Education for Reconciliation
Chairperson of CDVEC now CDETB, Cllr Paddy Bourke -
Object to the Chairperson that CDVEC (now CDETB) used public funds to promote one sided anti Israel material for schools. Ask why was Irish and EU tax payers money used to produce such material ? Did he agree with supporting and funding this material produced by CDVEC, Sadaka Ireland and The Centre for Cross Border Studies.
Peace III Programme , (Funded by the Special EU Programmes Body)
Please object to EU funding being used to promote such one sided partisan material.
The Centre for Cross Border Studies - Mairead Hughes (Finance Officer)
Once again object to the material which they produced in conjunction with Sadaka Ireland and CDVEC, Enquire how much money they gave to produce this material ?
Minister for Education - Northern Ireland - John O'Dowd -
Write to express concern that this material will be available for schools across Northern Ireland
Minister for Education - Republic of Ireland - Ruairi Quinn
Write to express concern that this material will be available for schools across the Republic of Ireland.
We stress the need to remain polite, It may be worth including in your mails concerns about Roger Waters hardline bias against Israel and antisemitic behaviour.
(h/t Irish4Israel)