Ali Salim: Hatred of Jews
The result is that we Muslims make the mistake of thinking Europeans really care about them, especially the Palestinians. We are wrong: Europeans simply hate the Jews more than they hate and fear us. The bitter truth is that the Europeans usually intervene in a crisis only if it gives them the opportunity for Jew-bashing. When hundreds of thousands, even millions, of Muslims are slaughtered – by other Muslims, such as the massacre in Syria and the recent upsurge of violence in Darfur – the apathetic European leadership does not lift a finger. At the same time, the European Union is obsessed with its need to condemn, sanction and boycott the Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. It does not even mention Syria, with its hundred thousand civilians murdered by the government and its millions of refugees, or the atrocities being committed in the Arab-Muslim world, the rapes of women and children, the beheadings and the wanton cruelty and murder, to say nothing of exploitation, discrimination, slavery and other crimes against humanity.Jew Hatred Officially Backed by Belgium
To my great sorrow, everywhere in the world where there are Muslims there is murder, mass bloodshed and terrorist attacks. We should leave the Jews alone, they are not responsible for our tragedies and hating them will not cure the nation of Islam or bring it successfully into the 21st century.
Shockingly, in Belgium, history lessons about Nazism and the Holocaust are currently being used to infuse children with hatred against Israel.Even amid Syrian crisis, Kerry makes clear his eye still on Palestinian track
The Belgian Ministry of Education funds an organization, the Special Committee for Remembrance Education (BCH), which provides teachers with ready-made templates for their history lessons. In its September issue, Joods Actueel, the largest Jewish magazine in Belgium, describes this educational material as "perverted." The so-called Remembrance Education, the magazine writes, "has degenerated into an instrument to infect youngsters with hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism."
One of the materials used is the cartoon "Never Again, Over Again." It equates the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis today with the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s.
One Israeli official said that the Israeli-Palestinian talks were continuing even amid the Syrian crisis.Oslo Accords Debated, Not Celebrated, in Israel on 20th Anniversary
Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom on Sunday night questioned whether Abbas was a legitimate partner for peace.
“The world tells us to talk to Abbas, because he’s the best option. This is the Left’s craziest argument,” Shalom exclaimed at a Likud activists’ event he co-hosted in Tel Aviv.
“It means that the people who come after him are worse. If we give him land, then the next round of Palestinian leaders will shoot rockets at us.
“Obviously, we can’t do that,” he said.
Parliamentarians from both Israel’s left and the right agree that the process has not yielded the results anyone would have hoped for, including the deaths of more than 1,000 Israelis and 3,000 Palestinians, and agree that the Israelis and Palestinians are more skeptical than ever about the prospects for a negotiated settlement.MKs Urge PM: Tell Kerry Oslo is Dead
Where Knesset members disagree is on whether the process was flawed from the outset, and on whether the principles that led to the signing of the interim peace agreement should still be applied. Consequently, the 20-year anniversary of the Oslo Accords—signed Sept. 13, 1993—is not a celebration the agreement’s outcome, but rather a debate on its merits.
“The main lesson is that the paradigm of the left, that land for peace will bring security to the region has failed, and this is the time to think clearly that we should not endorse a Palestinian state,” Member of Knesset and Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) told JNS org.
Member of Knesset Hilik (Yehiel) Bar, Secretary General of the Labo
In order to ensure that Netanyahu understands what is at stake – and how members of his government feel about it – sixteen coalition MKs on Sunday handed Netanyahu a message saying that he needed to make clear to Kerry Israel's opposition to further withdrawals and concessions to the PA.Livni 'Willing to Cede Control of Jordan Valley'
“Twenty years after the terrible Oslo Accords, we call on the Prime Minister to present to the U.S. Secretary of State our clear position: Israel will not return to the 'Oslo Formula' of concessions for 'peace,' handing over parts of our homeland to the PA in exchange for a piece of paper,” the message said.
Daily newspaper Maariv quoted sources close to Netanyahu who said that Livni's positions differ from those of Netanyahu on the key issues of Jerusalem, eviction of Jewish communities and Israel's security arrangements in the Jordan Valley.Abbas: Meet Our Conditions, Then We Can Have Peace
According to the report, Livni - who heads the left-wing Hatnua political party - is willing to pull out the IDF from the Jordan Valley which guards Israel's long eastern border, and let an international force take its place. Netanyahu vigorously opposes this, citing the region's crucial strategic importance.
In a speech on Sunday to graduates of a university in Jericho, Abbas also clarified that unless all of the PA’s demands are met, there will not be a peace agreement with Israel.PMW Abbas admits sending terrorists to kill Israelis (2005)
Abbas told the graduates that the eastern border of the State of Palestine along the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley will be with Jordan, thus essentially rejecting an Israeli demand for a special security arrangement in the Jordan Valley, that would allow IDF soldiers to remain in the region after the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Abbas:"I demand [the release of] prisoners because they are human beings, who did what we, we, ordered them to do.
How Well Has the U.S. Responded to 9/11?
In that sense, America’s Islamist opponents in the Arab world are as implacable as the Palestinian groups opposed to Jews exercising the independence they demand for themselves. Disaster lies ahead for those who dignify imperial pretensions with a basis in justice.After 13 Years: Israel, PA Renew Agricultural Accords
We should note Palestinian statements of regret about events in New York and Washington, coupled with more ominous ones expressing the hope that the US (in the words of the local Palestinian mouthpiece) has “learnt its lesson” and will change course.
Winston Churchill once said there was no purpose in trying to sate a crocodile by feeding him on others. At the end, you face the crocodile compromised and friendless. That, however, is the “lesson” Westerners are again being invited to learn.
Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to renew the agricultural accords that were in place prior to the outbreak of the “Second Intifada” terror war in 2000.Going into elections, Merkel says support for Israel’s security 'part of Germany’s raison d’etre'
Agricultural officials from both sides met and agreed to establish a regional center for economic and agricultural cooperation.
The initiative aims to improve food quality for the PA population, and to assist both Israel and the PA in fighting crop disease and infestation, both of which can easily cross man-made borders.
In an interview for the September 13 edition of the publication Jewish Voice from Germany, Merkel – when asked about the Iranian nuclear weapons threat directed at Israel – said, “That means that we’ll never be neutral and that Israel can be sure of our support when it comes to ensuring its security. That’s why I also said that Germany’s support for Israel’s security is part of our national ethos, our raison d’etre.”German Publisher Shuts Down Nazi Glorifying Magazine, SWC Questions Motive
She flatly rejected anti-Zionism as a legitimate position, saying, “For those who share my view that the Jews as a people have a right to self-determination, Zionism as a national movement of the Jewish people is the embodiment of this very right which its opponents want to deny.”
A German publisher said Friday it would cease publication of a pulp magazine notorious for its heroic portrayals of Germans in World War II, The New York Times reported.Monster Cartoon Violates German Press Council Code
Simon Wiesenthal Center dean and founder Rabbi Marvin Hier, whose organization was instrumental in pressuring the Bauer Media Group to make the decision, welcomed the news but expressed skepticism over the publisher’s motives.
“The only reason that Bauer group made this decision is because if they didn’t the authorities would have,” he told The Algemeiner.
In July, German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung’s anti-Semitic cartoon portrayed Israel as a ravenous monster, causing outrage. Protests from HonestReporting subscribers and other organizations led to an apology from the newspaper.Future Refuse Derived Fuel plant to transform half of Gush Dan’s waste into fuel
The American Jewish Committee’s Berlin office submitted an official complaint to the German Press Council that has now ruled on the issue. The AJC has announced that Süddeutsche Zeitung was in violation of the German Press Council’s code.
Amid the aroma of garbage that still perfumes the air around the Hiriya Recycling Park, government officials and relevant executives laid the cornerstone for a refuse derived fuel plant that will eventually transform half of the Dan region’s waste into usable fuel.CAMERA: 10 Things CNN Needs to Fix in "10 Things To Know"
“This is a project that is going to generate a whole revolution in the treatment of waste in the Dan area and the whole of Israel,” said Gila Oron, head of the Tel Aviv region at the Interior Ministry.
"10 things to know before visiting Israel, the West Bank and Gaza" is CNN's Sept. 12 article by Matthew Teller meant to promote a broadcast this weekend called "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown," featuring the acclaimed author and chef on location in Israel and the West Bank. It is unfortunate that the piece, intended to educate about basic information on the region, is chock full of factual errors and distortions. CAMERA, in turn, presents the 10 things that CNN needs to fix in Teller's piece and the accompanying graphics and captions.TV chef Bourdain reveals Jewish heritage during show in Israel
The show closes with Bourdain talking to Natan Galkowicz, proprietor of Mides Brazilian Restaurant in the Negev kibbutz Bror Hayil near the Gaza border, whose daughter Dana was killed in 2005 outside her home, three months before her wedding, by a mortar fired by Hamas.Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown Season 2 - Jerusalem
“I know that my daughter was killed for no reason, and I know that people on the other side have been killed for no reason,” Galkowicz tells Bourdain. “Bottom line is, let’s stop with the suffering.” Trailer