This year there was an
architectural design competition for creating sukkot, the huts that traditional Jews eat and (some) sleep in during the current Sukkot holiday. The finalists were on display in New York.
Here is a video of the finalists, from The Forward:
Union Square's High-Concept Sukkahs from
Jewish Forward on

When I first saw some of these designs, I thought that there was no way that they were kosher sukkot. However, it turns out that the designers used the services of a rabbinical student from
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, a (very) modern Orthodox institution, in order to ensure that each of the designs were halachically acceptable.
I wish I would have visited!
Here is an interview with the halachic consultant:
Designing a Kosher Sukkah from
Jewish Forward on
The competition generated such interest that it will be
expanded next year to some 15 cities in North America.