The latest participant in the contest is Iranian First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, who put out this entry:
Iran's first vice-president says Israel will bite the dust in the face of regional nations' resistance and determination, calling the Israeli regime the very embodiment of evil.Nice! How will the next Iranian official top this one? Maybe accusing all Zionists of eating their young?
"There is no doubt that the Zionist regime will be absolutely defeated in the face of the regional nations' determination and resistance," Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said in a meeting with Lebanese Health Minister Mohamad Jawad Khalifeh.
The Iranian official described Israel as 'the representative of the Devil on Earth,' and added the existence of Israel in the region is like “deadly venom.”
He said Tel Aviv seeks to sow discord among different faiths, adding the sacrilegious burnings of the holy Qur'an was yet another move to drive a wedge between Muslims and Christians.
"Zionism is hostile to all divine faiths and intends to secure its evil objectives by provoking divisions among the followers of different religions, but it will certainly fail thanks to the vigilance of nations," he continued.