Monday, September 27, 2010

  • Monday, September 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah, taking a page out of the Mafia playbook, is telling the entire country of Lebanon that anyone who supports the findings of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on who was behind the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri (and 22 others) will be, pretty much, treated as a Zionist enemy and killed.

From Naharnet:
Hizbullah's MP Nawwaf Moussawi on Friday warned that "the period that will follow the (Special Tribunal for Lebanon) indictment won't be the same as the one before, and any group in Lebanon that might endorse this indictment will be treated as one of the tools of the U.S.-Israeli invasion, and it will have the same fate as the invader."

"Those must not only be worried, but also panic-stricken, and we tell everyone that those who couldn't defeat the Resistance through fire and iron and billions of dollars will not be able to defeat it through an indictment or anything else," Moussawi warned.
Now Lebanon parses it out:
Moussawi’s maddening logic [is] that those who support it are in league with Israel and will suffer the consequences. It posits that if you unconditionally support international justice (is there any other way to support justice?) and at the same time want a country that is predicated on the notion of the state; and if you oppose the open-ended right of Hezbollah to both maintain its weapons and dictate matters of war and peace, while at the same time using the threat of those weapons to promote its domestic agenda, then you are a Zionist.

This means the Resistance is permitted to confront the Israeli enemy, and presumably those who support it. If you don’t support Hezbollah, then you support Israel. If you support Israel, you are the enemy, and the enemy will be dealt with.
Lebanon is an entire country held hostage by Iran, using Hezbollah as a proxy. While the world pays lip service to worrying about Iranian nuclear ambitions, here we have an entire nation that is being blackmailed to bend to Iran's wishes on threat of civil war. Because of previous capitulations to Hezbollah, the Lebanese are no longer in a position to even consider fighting back for their very freedom.

The STL has delayed releasing its findings and is now supposed to announce them by the end of the year. The powder keg is in place, Iran is offering to provide lots of sparks, and the West still pretends that Lebanon is a minor issue but bulldozers in the West Bank are the real problem in the region.

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