From Palestine News Network (Arabic, autotranslated):
They mightily try to avoid saying the word "Jew", and you just know it is killing them. Yet they shamelessly talk for hours on end about the Christian and Muslim sanctity of a land whose entire holiness derives from the very people whose name they try so hard to avoid.
opened hotel in the Russian city of Bethlehem Wednesday afternoon after Heritage Conference of Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land at its nineteenth session, which will hold the meeting of religious studies and heritage in the Holy Land, which lasts for three consecutive days attendance crowdFigures from the Palestinian territories and the Green Line areas, including Patriarch Michel Sabah Latin Patriarch of the Holy Land, Bishop Attallah Hanna, the Archbishop of Sebastia and Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, the Chief Justice in Palestine and Marwan Khader deputy governor of Bethlehem and representatives of institutions and the forces and events differently.
The conference started with the word of Dr. Grace Khoury head of the Center for the meeting, welcomed the attendees at the beginning, pointing out that the aim of this conference is not to cry over what happened to the Palestinian people over forty years of age or occupation since Catastrophe where continued violations and various practices that targeted Palestinian people and its territory and holy Islamic and Christian alike, killing thousands of people and tens of thousands trapped, but we have come here to assess and draw lessons and learn 2, and said in light of this situation we must lament tempted, especially after the fratricidal, and I want to say without shame that we must condemn and deplore what happened from the burning of the institutions and the killing of tens of our sons Almamenyen national cause and who have already sacrificed and suffered and therefore shame us all that they will get real about what each of us in the first of whom clergymen Christians and Muslims to assume responsibility for the work to stop this situation, which must be abnormal because there are no winners or losers in this fight Everybody loser and the cause of our people losing arms and found that it is not for killing brother for his brother, this weapon is for self-defense in case coats.
Khoury concluded by saying that we have to restore the strength of national unity, and the clergy implementation of this sacred mission, provided by religions Ours to bring one another and to manage the national dialogue effective and serious.
The Patriarch Michel Sabah has reviewed the most important events that occurred during the 40 years of occupation, pointing to the existence of negative and positive Among these stations Positive founding of the PLO, which kept the Palestinian identity at home and abroad and established a Resistors armed and unarmed, One of the key strengths is to stay so far to the Palestinian people despite the presence in their ranks of migration Christians and Muslims but the people stayed at home facing difficult circumstances all their patience, will and endurance.
As one of the most important aspects that could be addressed in this conference turmoil security, and the fratricidal and said ask God to anticipate sensible what happened in Gaza bloodshed on the hands of all of us is letting dangerous and detrimental to the Palestinian cause and fairness if we do not put an end as soon as possible and on a stable footing.
Sheikh Taysir Tamimi had said in a speech on the concept of dependents age founded the existence of brotherhood and unity between Muslims and Christians, which stipulates non-Christian prejudice blessed homes and the preservation of crosses, churches, property and defend them whenever necessary so.
Laden and his al-Tamimi at gay march that took place in the evening in Jerusalem confirmed that these homosexual who gathered from all corners of the world staged a march in Jerusalem after they refused all of the countries of the world and welcomed them the State of Israel, it is prejudice to the sanctity of this city and its people, and the feelings of its people, Forty years have elapsed from the prisons, massacres and attacks and settlements, a violation of Islamic and Christian sanctities and removed positioned our firm in the face of this brutal aggression.