Thursday, July 18, 2013

From Ian:

Ben Cohen: Is the Islamist Era Over?
The notion that the era of Islamism has come to an end is not as outlandish as it seems. While the faith of Islam crystallized in Arabia 15 centuries ago, the ideology of Islamism—which aims to place the imperatives of sharia law at the heart of a coercive and all-powerful state—is a product of the last century.
Like its totalitarian cousins—fascism, communism and national socialism—Islamism’s point of departure is a visceral loathing of the political liberties that are integral to liberal democracies. All these monstrous political systems were convinced that, once empowered, they would stay empowered.
IDF Blog: Seminar Teaches IDF Officers How to Protect Gaza’s Civilian Population in Combat Situation
These officers are tasked with an enormous responsibility: to protect Palestinian civilians on the ground, no matter how difficult that may be.
“During an operation, these officers are in charge of evacuating the wounded, finding shelter for refugees, coordinating representatives of international organizations who want to visit a specific area, and assisting and treating innocent bystanders,” Maj. Dror said. He explained that the officers work with the understanding that taking care of the civilian population also contributes to the IDF’s operational effort, and gives IDF forces the legitimacy to continue their operations.
Anti-Semitic Group Uses Celebrities to Promote 'Youth March'
[Nick] Cannon, an American actor and rapper, appears in an online video being promoted by the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) through its web site and social media. In the video, Cannon invites people to attend the September 7 march in Harlem, New York, which it recently renamed “Millions for Trayvon” in the aftermath of the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of an unarmed black youth, Trayvon Martin, in Sanford, Florida.
“While it is unclear if these celebrity and business leaders realize exactly who and what they are promoting, their endorsements of the Million Youth March only help to legitimize the virulently anti-Semitic and racist message of the New Black Panther Party,” said National Director of the ADL, Abraham Foxman.
Anti-Semitism at Anti Zimmerman Protest; ‘You Ashkenazi Crafted Devil’ Proclaims T-Shirt
A man leading a demonstration against the recent acquittal of George Zimmerman in a murder trial that mesmerized the United States, was caught on camera wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with anti-Semitic language
Berlin Hotel Bars Infamous British Holocaust Denier
Berlin’s hotel and restaurant association has announced that it will not host infamous British Holocaust denier David Irving, who is planning to visit the German capital in September.
Irving, who was banned from entering Germany until last March, is set to address guests at a Sept. 10 dinner event with a $120 cover charge, according to reports.
Iranian activists back ‘brave filmmaker’ who made Israel visit
A group of 80 Iranian academics and activists sent an open letter to The Times of Israel Wednesday supporting an Iranian director who came under fire for appearing at the Jerusalem Film Festival last week.
The signatories, describing themselves as “members of opposition groups, scholars and human rights activists,” lauded exiled filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s “bravery for breaking the taboo of visiting the state of Israel and conveying the message of friendship between Iranian people and people of Israel.”
The Guardian's coverage: Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf defends Israel visit after outcry

Archaeologists say one of King David’s palaces found
Professor Yossi Garfinkel of the Hebrew University and Saar Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority have announced that they found a palace and royal storehouse that belonged to King David. The two buildings are the largest structures standing during the tenth century BCE that have been found in the territory of the Kingdom of Judah.
The discovery was made at Khirbet Qeiyafa near Beit Shemesh. For the past year, the researchers uncovered the two buildings at the site, which is believed by some to be the fortified Judean city of Shaarayim. According to the biblical record, after David smote Goliath, the Philistines were slaughtered on the road to Shaarayim as they fled. Shaarayim means “two gates,” and Khirbet Qeiyafa has two gates in its walls.
Singapore vs. Israel: Who’s the better role model?
But is Singapore the right role model for Israel? According to Singaporean entrepreneur Lee, “the government has been spending a lot of money setting up incubators and accelerators for entrepreneurs, but the program has been less successful than they hoped it would be.” While Singapore has the “form” of a start-up nation, Singaporeans “don’t have the chutzpah you need to buck trends and come up with something truly innovative. We are taught to listen to our elders,” he said, “and of course to teachers.” Whereas stories about Israeli or American tech heroes who were dropouts are not uncommon, said Lee, no Singaporean in his or her right mind would drop out of college, much less high school, for fear they would be frozen out of jobs at large corporations.
Ron Prosor: Boycotting A Better Future
Ironically, few regions could benefit more from entrepreneurship than the Arab world. According to the World Bank, roughly 20 percent of the population of the Middle East and North Africa lives on less than $2 per day, and income inequality is widening. The Middle East is dripping in oil wealth, but millions of people are starved of basic sustenance -- to say nothing of basic rights and freedoms.(h/t Norman F)
Prosor: It's Easier for Journalists in Israel
Speaking during a discussion at the UN Security Council about protecting civilians in war zones, Prosor noted that many journalists from around the world prefer to come to Israel to cover the conflict in neighboring Syria from there, knowing full well they would be much safer in the Jewish State.
"It's easier to cover Israel from Tel Aviv than to face live fire in the suburbs of Damascus," he said, adding, "The Middle East is undoubtedly the most dangerous place for journalists. In the first half of 2013 alone, 26 journalists lost their lives. Instead of being the ones to tell the story, the journalists have become the story itself. Torture, rape, and executions have become the lot of journalists in war zones.”
BreathID Hp device can detect H. pylori in a breath
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some two thirds of the world’s population is infected with H. pylori — bacteria found in the stomach. Most of those infected are completely unaware and thus develop peptic ulcers and increase the risk of stomach cancer. A new diagnostic system called BreathID Hp has hit the market and the Israeli makers of the device say it can detect gastrointestinal and liver conditions through a patient’s breath.
Exalenz Bioscience, the Modi’in-based company behind the device, says the BreathID Hp test is the “fastest, easiest and most accurate Urea Breath Test (UBT) for diagnosing H. pylori infection in the office or clinic.”
Israel eager to update air accord, expand trade with PH
Encouraged by Europe’s lifting of its ban on Philippine Airlines, Israel hopes to establish direct flights to Manila and back to boost exchanges between the two countries, particularly in the areas of trade and tourism.
Israeli diplomats disclosed this week that Israeli and Philippine aviation officials were in an advanced stage of discussions to update a 60-year-old air services agreement, with the goal of launching direct flights to link the two nations. (h/t Zvi)
America's most famous doctor to visit Israel
Dr. Oz is expected to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit.
The renowned doctor is convinced that the warm and deep bond between Israel and Turkey will persevere. In the interview that will be published in full this weekend, Oz speaks of his father, also a doctor, who still lives in Turkey, about his father's mentor who was Jewish, and about his friend, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and how his appearance on TV helps his viewers improve their health no less than the heart surgeries he still performs.
  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
On July 4, 1975, while busy crowds were preparing for Shabbat, a refrigerator filled with explosives was detonated in Zion Square, Jerusalem.

15 people were killed. Among the Jewish victims were Meir Zimmerman, 35, his wife Rosa, 28 and their 11-year-old daughter, Ahava; Michael Ben Yitzhak and his wife Rifka, American immigrants who left behind two small children; Yosef Amar, 28; David Cohen, 46; and Yoram Aivovi, 41. An eleven year old boy was also killed and his father was badly injured; he may have died (two victims died a few days afterwards.)

There were Arab victims as well. Nahiza Mohammed Hamed, 25, was about to get married; her aunt Fatima and a cousin Mohammed Abu Khadija from Amman who was in town for the wedding were also killed. Also Daoud Khoury, 50, a Christian from Nazareth, was murdered in the attack.

The architect of that attack was an Arab-American named Ahmed Jabara, whose terrorist name was Abu Sukkar. The Shin Bet managed to track him down more than a year after the attack, and he eventually confessed and sentenced to life. He was released from prison in 2003 in one of those "goodwill gestures."

Jabara died this week.

Palestinian Media Watch reports:

Yesterday, the Palestinian Authority honored terrorist Ahmad Abu Sukkar with an official military funeral. In a written eulogy Abbas referred to Abu Sukkar's life as: "A journey of struggle full of exceptional giving and devoted activity for Palestine and for the freedom and honor of our people."

Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim represented PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the funeral and laid a wreath from Abbas on the coffin.

In an interview at the funeral, Al-Rahim said: "We miss this man. He will remain in our minds and veins. His memory and his good and wonderful deeds for this nation and for this nation's cause will always remain an example for us to emulate."

In his eulogy Abbas referred to Abu Sukkar's "pure soul" and described him as "a righteous son and loyal fighter": "With the death of this fighter, Palestine and its people have lost a righteous son and loyal fighter, devoted wholeheartedly to protecting our people's rights. He dedicated most of his life to this people's independence and paid with many years of his life in the occupation's prisons so that the dawn of freedom will break over the pure land of Palestine."

Member of Fatah's Central Committee Jibril Rajoub praised Abu Sukkar as as “a tough patriotic fighter” and “the caring father of generations of struggle.” In his condolence telegram Rajoub vowed to keep the terrorist’s “principles and goals” and follow in his path:
“We emphasize our adherence to the principles and goals he dedicated his long life to protect… We commit to continue his way of struggle” [Ma'an News Agency's website, July 17, 2013 and Jibril Rajoub's Facebook page July 16, 2013]

Referring to Abu Sukkar's bombing that killed 15, PA representative to Lebanon and member of Fatah Central Committee Abbas Zaki said: "He [Abu Sukkar] started [out] with a wonderful and high quality operation (i.e., terror attack) using a refrigerator, that made the enemies lose sleep."

Fatah's spokesperson Ahmad Assaf stated to PA TV News:
"Abu Sukkar is an example of the brave, patriotic, loyal and honored fighter who dedicated his life to his people's cause and to his nation's cause." [Official PA TV, July 17, 2013]

Fatah's youth movement Shabiba remembered Abu Sukkar as the "hero of the heroic 'refrigerator' operation" and "the living conscience of the Palestinian people," mourning his death as a loss "to free men of the world and to all of humanity."

Many PA and Fatah officials attended the funeral, among them:
Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, representing PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas
Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Karake
Deputy Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Ziad Abu Ein. (spoke at the funeral)
District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh, Laila Ghannam (spoke at the funeral)
Members of Fatah Central Committee: Mahmoud Al-Aloul (spoke at the funeral), Azzam Al-Ahmad, Abbas Zaki and Tawfiq Tirawi,
Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Qais Abd Al-Karim, (Abu Laila)
I also found an Arabic site that says Jabari was known as - get this - "The Palestinian Mandela." And Greek Orthodox Bishop Attalah Hanna also eulogized him, saying he had spoken to him only a few hours before.

I wonder if John Kerry would, in passing, even think to mention to Abbas that normal people would consider his words to be morally depraved and utterly perverted. Or is it in the interests of "peace" to ignore that fact that one of the parties celebrates the murders of his " "peace partners"?

A nice op-ed by Rashad Hussain, U.S. special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation:
During Ramadan, Muslim communities around the world experience a month of fasting, devotion and increased consciousness of their faith. ...

In recent years, as Muslim communities have dealt with hateful depictions and inflammatory actions, American interfaith coalitions have come together to strongly reject such bigotry. It is this backdrop that makes the reported Ramadan release of the television drama “Khaiber” in some Muslim-majority countries particularly disturbing.

The new drama purports to provide a historical account of the Prophet Muhammad and the Arabian-Jewish town of Khaiber. But its producer has said that “the goal of the series is to expose the naked truth about the Jews and stress that they cannot be trusted.” The series also will reportedly focus “on the social, economic and religious characteristics of the Jews, including politics and conspiracies and how they dominate and control tribes.”

Rather than emphasizing Muhammad’s efforts to establish peaceful relations among religious communities, “Khaiber” does just the opposite. And it does so at a time when a number of religious groups, including Christians, face discrimination and violence in countries where the series will air.

Communities that were outraged at negative depictions of Islam must condemn this divisive and anti-Semitic effort. They should also understand that in many ways, this type of programming is also a disservice to Muslims and the legacy of the prophet. While censorship is not the answer, communities must come forward to counter such depictions with more informed views to prevent the spread of stereotypes and hatred that can dehumanize entire groups of people.

...Addressing Holocaust denial is an important step, and I raise this issue when I travel to meet government and civil society leaders in Muslim countries. Efforts also must be made to ensure that textbooks and television programming in the Muslim world are free from the types of dehumanizing ideas and images that breed intolerance and hate.

In doing so, honest and courageous voices must step forward, particularly during Ramadan, to condemn not only negative depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, but also a television series that uses a slanted historical narrative of his life as a facade for sowing discord, division and hatred.
It will be interesting to see if there is any reaction to this. So far, Arab media that discussed Jewish objections to the series tended to justify the hate.

By the way, JTA did have another article on Khaybar, which I missed because they choose to spell it differently.

(h/t Niklas Bergman)

  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
From Ian:

Wall Street Journal: Netanyahu Has Red Lines, Obama Doesn't
The article then went on to criticize Obama, who has in the past said that use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime would be a red line that “would change my equation.” The editorial quoted two similar statements by Obama, one dated August 2012 and another one from this past March.
“As everyone—most especially Bashar Assad—now knows, Mr. Obama has no red lines regarding Syria or chemical weapons,” the editorial charged. “Even his belated policy change to deliver small arms to the opposition is bogged down in bureaucratic inertia and congressional resistance. Readers may or may not think the U.S. should involve itself in Syria, but serious powers cannot issue empty threats and not expect consequences.”
New US envoy says she’ll defend Israel at the UN
The Irish-born Power, who has been criticized by some groups for past comments considered critical of Israel, said that the US has no “greater friend” than the Jewish state. She criticized the UN for its “disproportionate” focus on Israel and said she would fight to have Israel admitted as a member of the UN Security Council, a post that the Jewish state has been vying for.
CIF Watch: Guardian refers to ‘Judea and Samaria’ as a “right-wing” terms
As Elder of Ziyon noted, official UN documents routinely used “Judea and Samaria” until the end of the British Mandate, and in fact didn’t begin capitalizing the words “West Bank” until after the Six Day War. Further, before there were any settlements all, the Israeli government led by the left-wing Labor Party (under Levi Eshkol) called the area “Judea and Samaria” – as this 1968 UPI article, to cite but one example, shows.
Papers: EU ‘Earthquake’ Directive Underscores Europe’s Irrelevance in the Region
While Israeli officials reacted to the news with disappointment and confusion, today, the global news media weighed in on its significance.
Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post wrote that she wasn’t surprised by the EU’s position. In an Op-Ed, Rubin writes that the EU has a clear anti-Israel bias–a bias that makes it an otherwise insignificant player in the Middle East peace process: “This is an old story for the European Union — it strives for relevance but its anti-Israeli tendencies make it particularly unsuited to play any constructive role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
The EU’s Broken Mideast Compass
If this is how the EU chooses to spend its limited diplomatic and political resources “to help” the Middle East, then its moral compass is badly broken. The EU still hasn’t even mustered the clarity or courage to join the USA, Canada, and six Gulf states (led by Bahrain) in designating Hezbollah a terrorist organization, even though Hezbollah has committed terrorist acts on EU soil that killed an EU citizen, and has supported Basher Assad’s butchery in Syria. The EU has also failed to take any decisive action to address the urgent crises in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (which marches ever closer to nukes, and imports ore for armor and missile production from Germany and France). And where is the EU’s boycott of Mideast governments that persecute women, execute homosexuals, and condone the slaughter of Christians?
Israel moves to quit flagship EU project over restrictions
Israel is a major contributor to the EU’s €80 billion Horizon 2020 project, which aims to create new growth and jobs in Europe by the end of the decade. According to Hebrew daily Maariv, Israel is meant to contribute upwards of €600 million to the project over the next seven years, while receiving even larger sums in research grants.
'Europe wants to erect new Berlin Wall in the middle of Jerusalem'
In an interview with German magazine Die Welt, which will be published on Sunday, Netanyahu said that the EU was "trying to impose permanent borders by applying financial pressure on Israel rather than pursuing negotiations. That is an unfair move at any time, not just now, when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to get the parties back to the negotiating table."
Netanyahu told the German publication that Brussels "wants to erect a new Berlin Wall in the middle of Jerusalem, but anyone who has ever visited Jerusalem knows that you cannot turn back time and divide neighborhoods that would clearly remain under Israeli control as part of any peace agreement."
Conflicting reports surround possible imminent renewal of peace talks
Jerusalem on Thursday denied a Reuters report that Israel has agreed to a proposed formula for new peace talks with the Palestinians under which the border of the future Palestinian state would be along lines that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War with agreed land swaps.
Kerry closes in on resumed peace talks
Gaps between the Israeli and Palestinian positions have narrowed substantially after US Secretary of State John Kerry met with PA President Mahmoud Abbas Wednesday in Jordan, a senior Palestinian Authority official told the Lebanese newspaper Al-Mustaqbal. The official said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to a partial settlement freeze and is willing to negotiate on the basis of the 1967 lines. The freeze would not apply to Jerusalem and the major settlement blocs, the report said.
Report: IDF preparing to remove West Bank checkpoints
According to Army Radio, IDF commanders are examining alternate security measures in the southern Hebron Hills region that would allow for the removal of a major roadblock near the settlement of Beit Hagi, which is adjacent to the entrance to Hebron.
In Feud Over Unpaid Bills, Palestinian Hospitals Refusing Care to Palestinian Govt Personnel
Observers have long feared that financial mismanagement by Palestinian officials – a function of endemic corruption, and coupled with political illegitimacy – would prevent the emergence of a stable Palestinian economy. A functioning economy is considered a critical prerequisite in efforts to achieve a viable Palestinian state, lest that state fail.
PA holds military funeral for former Fatah terrorist who murdered 14, injured 60
The Palestinian Authority on Wednesday held a military funeral for Ahmed Abu al- Sukkar, a former Fatah prisoner who was involved in the 1975 “refrigerator bombing” in Jerusalem’s Zion Square.
Fourteen people were killed and more than 60 injured in the terror attack.
Egypt intercepts 19 Grad rockets, military equipment
The Egyptian military intercepted a shipment of 19 Grad rockets concealed in a truck bound to Cairo from the port of Suez, Egyptian media reported on Wednesday. The driver of the vehicle was apprehended in possession of an automatic rifle and ammunition.
An army spokesman confirmed the seizure to the Daily News Egypt website. The military believes the discovery is related to the ongoing violence in Sinai.
Egypt: Morsi Supporters Protest Outside Cabinet
Egypt's new 34-member Cabinet was sworn-in on Tuesday. It features several prominent figures from the country's liberal and secular factions, as well as three women and three Christians.
There are no ministers from Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood or other Islamist groups.
Copts Face Violence After Morsi Ouster
“What is disturbing is the failure of the security apparatus to act — which at times looks like collusion — to protect citizens and their property who are being targeted on the basis of their religion, Ishak Ibrahim of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) told Agence France Presse (AFP). “Copts are paying the price of the inflammatory rhetoric against them coming from some Islamist leaders and supporters of the former president, who accuse Coptic spiritual leaders of conspiring to foment army intervention to remove Dr Morsi.”
EU foreign policy chief floats plan to blacklist Hezbollah
The European Union could blacklist Hezbollah's military wing while stressing it is open to talking to the militant Lebanese movement's political faction, under a proposal by the EU's foreign policy chief, EU diplomats said on Wednesday.
European governments have been deadlocked over the issue since May when Britain asked for the Shi'ite Muslim group's military wing to be put on the EU terror list, citing evidence it was behind a deadly bus bombing in Bulgaria last year.
Gulf States Pursue Collective Ban on Hizbullah
Arab nations in the Gulf are apparently ahead of Europe in their readiness to concede the Lebanon-based Hizbullah group is a terrorist organization.
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), comprised of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman, announced Wednesday they are willing to blacklist Hizbullah as a terrorist entity.
New Burgas bombing evidence points at Hezbollah
Bulgaria’s interior minister says new evidence has bolstered its case implicating Hezbollah in a deadly July 2012 bus bombing, but investigators still do not know the specific identities of the suspects.
  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA's statistics show that in Syria there are some 235,000 "Palestinian refugees" who have become displaced in that country.

Over 71,000 of the "refugees" became real refugees in Lebanon, and 8000 more in Jordan. Thousands more have fled to Egypt, Gaza, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

44,000 homes of Palestinian Arabs in Syria have been damaged or destroyed.

In total, more than half of Syria's Palestinians have been displaced.

Palestinian Arabs in Syria are still being killed daily. A UNRWA employee was killed last week, becoming the 7th UNRWA employee killed in Syria. The total number killed is above 1500.

Yet no one is calling this a "Nakba." In fact, hardly anyone is talking about this at all.

While the UN has numerous committees and events and days and meetings dedicated to helping Palestinian Arabs who are perceived to be victims of Israel, this year (besides UNRWA press releases) there has been only one semi-official statement on the matter listed in the UNISPAL archives, from January. Here it is:

Asked about reports that the Secretary-General may be acting as an intermediary between Israeli and Palestinian officials over the fate of Palestinian refugees in Syria, the Spokesperson said that the Secretary-General has expressed his deep concern on the plight of Palestinians displaced and uprooted by the violence in Syria. He has called for countries in the region to help the refugees.

That's it. A half-baked statement only made as an answer to a question. Nothing - zero- being done pro-actively by the UN to help them (again, besides UNRWA.)

The UNHRC has had nine anti-Israel resolutions since the beginning of 2012 - and not one about Syrian Palestinians.

600,000 people who left their homes in 1948 - most not forcibly but out of fear - have generated tons of papers, dozens of resolutions and thousands of man-days of obsessive attention. Over half that number are suffering much more today, and are being ignored by that same body - even among the specific committees that are ostensibly meant to help Palestinians!

Even the Palestinian Arab media have far more articles about Jews walking on the Temple Mount than about their fellow Palestinians being murdered, injured and made homeless daily.

Gaza fishermen get more attention from the media, NGOs, the EU and the UN than hundreds of slaughtered Syrian Palestinians.

It is more than a double standard. It is proof that the only reason people pretend to care about Palestinian Arabs is because they really want to demonize Israel rather than to lift a finger to actually help any Palestinian Arabs.
  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Authority TV has been showing a cartoon to kids on Ramadan that is thematically very similar to the antisemitic "Khaybar" series being broadcast to adults.

In this case, instead of Khaybar, it shows how the Jews of Medina broke agreements with Muslims and tried to cause infighting among them. Again, the Jews are shown as deceitful, scheming and (in this case) in league with the Devil himself.


Following are excerpts from “Raids of the Prophet,” an Egyptian animated series which aired on Palestinian Authority TV on July 15-17, 2013:
Jews of the Qaynuqa’ tribe conferring
Nawfal, member of the Qaynuqa’ tribe: The Muslims have grown stronger and have become mighty.
Another member of Qaynuqa’: You are right, Nawfal – especially after their victory at Badr.
Another member of Qaynuqa’: We, the Jews of the Qaynuqa’ tribe, are now on a par with the Muslims, after we used to have the power and the final say in Al-Madina.
Older member of Qaynuqa’: But we will not let them sit back and enjoy that. We will show them what the Jews of Bani Qaynuqa’ are made of.
Devil jumping up: How can they enjoy it while I’m around? I am responsible for them.
Devil's helper: You are responsible for your followers only, but you have no authority over those who are God-fearing.”
Devil: I know that, you idiot, but I have followers, whose hearts are filled with animosity, hatred, and envy towards Muhammad and his companions. This, in itself, can accomplish a lot.
Qaynuqa’ member: The Aws and Khazraj tribes are having laughs together, after their enmity used to fill the land from east to west.
Another member of Qaynuqa’: Muhammad brought harmony to their hearts, and what you see is the outcome. My heart rages with fire whenever I see Muslims who love one another. Utility means power and success in everything. We will not allow this.
“The Muslims besiege the Jews of Qaynuqa’ having foiled their plot to pit the Aws and Khazraj tribes against one another.”
Muslim fighter: This is the fortress of the Qaynuqa’ tribe.
Another Muslim fighter: The gates are locked. How are we to get in?
Muslim fighter: Masoud, we will lay siege to them.
Masoud, a Muslim fighter: Only besiege them? No fighting?
First Muslim fighter: These are the orders of the Prophet Muhammad.
Giant spiders jump around in the devil’s den
Devil: You idiot, where were you, when everybody abandoned the Qaynuqa’ tribe?
Devil's helper: I did what you told me to do.
Devil: Shut up. You are worthless. All you can do is play and have fun. However, we still have a chance.
Devil's helper: What chance?
Devil: Ibn Saloul.
Muslim: How can you possibly ask us to defy the order of Allah’s prophet?
Ibn Saloul: I’m just reminding you of your old pact with the Qaynuqa’ tribe, before Muhammad came to Al-Madina, before Muhammad came to Al-Madina.
Other Muslim: We kept that pact until they breached it themselves.
Ibn Saloul: Um… Um… They didn’t mean to.
Muslim: Inciting the Aws and the Khazraj tribes against one another, violating agreements harassing our women, making fun of the Muslims, affronting the Prophet of Allah – they did all this by accident?
Member of Qaynuqa’: Everybody has abandoned us. We are here alone.
Another member of Qaynuqa’: We have been here for 15 days, and nobody has saved us.
Older member of Qaynuqa’: We are imprisoned here. If things don’t change, we will die of hunger. Our supply of food and drink is almost finished.
Member of Qaynuqa’: I don’t want to die. No, I don’t want to die.
Older member of Qaynuqa’: Neither do we. We don’t want to die either.
Member of Qaynuqa’: Do something then.
Member of Qaynuqa’: There is only one thing to do.
Narrator: So they left Al-Madina, and the Prophet made sure no harm would be done to them on their way out. He sent a group of the Ansar to protect them.
Muslim: The Jews of the Qaynuqa’ tribe did not honor their pact with us. They persisted in their evil until it turned against them.
The "human rights defenders" of the EU and HRW and Amnesty don't have a problem with showing this. Antisemitism is bad, of course, but only when it is done by white right-wing bigots. Arabs and liberals and Muslims get a free pass with their brand of hate and incitement to violence. That's "free speech."
  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Last week I noted Arab reporters that an Egyptian helicopter hovered over Gaza for about an hour. The Times of Israel quoted Israeli sources as saying it accidentally strayed over Gaza for only a few minutes.

Now, an adviser to the interim Egyptian president is saying it was deliberate.

Al Ahram reports that Dr. Mustafa Hijazi, a political adviser to the president, said that the Egyptian overflights over the Gaza Strip comes as part of a security framework for the protection of Egyptian sovereignty. At a news conference Wednesday afternoon he said that there are military operations to clear the Sinai cleared of terrorists and to defend its "sovereignty of the homeland."

Clearly, Egypt is still regarding Gaza as a major threat to its own security, even though Hamas stresses that it has no desire to hurt Egypt.

Israeli moves to defend its own territory from threats from Gaza are a bit more likely to result in UN condemnations, though.

  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
In April, I briefly profiled Magda Haroun, the new head of the Jewish community in Egypt whois an avowed anti-Zionist, as was her father, who wanted to fight Israel in the Six Day War.

In a new interview at Al Masry al Youm, Haroun gives an interview that includes a shocking anecdote that shows that her father's sickening way of thinking.

In 1954, Magda's older sister Mona became sick with leukemia. Mona was 4 years old at the time. Magda says that her father, Chehata, was crazy about Mona; the only treatment available in Egypt for the disease was blood transfusions and Chehata gave as much blood as he could.

Things got worse, and doctors told him that the only way tosave Mona's life was to travel to France to receive treatment there.

Egyptian authorities told Chehata that, as a Jew, he would not be allowed to return to Egypt if he took Mona out of the country.

He refused to accept that he could never go home again. And Mona died.

Even after this incident, Chehata remained dedicated to Egypt - the country that didn't want him.

Now, Magda says that she refuses to travel to Israel, and to take any money from Israel to help preserve the remaining Jewish sites in Egypt.

She inherited her father's stubbornness - and fatal stupidity.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Paul Rockower at HuffPo:
With just a bit of trepidation, I set off in early June last year for Iraq. I was to be there for five weeks, running performing arts academies in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. I was working as the Communications Director for American Voices, a nonprofit organization that conducts cultural diplomacy to countries emerging from conflict or isolation.....

In terms of religiosity, Kurdistan felt laid back. Islam was part of the social fabric and culture, but did not seem to dominate daily life. I met many Kurds who were quite secular. Like Israel (at times), religion felt to be part of the broader culture but not in an overbearing fashion. I happened to be there as Ramadan started, and there were still some restaurants open although they covered their entrance-ways in concealing cloth. Also to note, it was quite easy to find a liquor store to get a Turkish Efes or Danish Tuborg beer, or a bottle of arak named for the ancient Sumerian god of the harvest.

...On learning that I was Jewish, the Kurds I spoke with often mentioned their historic Jewish community, and shared about the Jewish history of Kurdistan. I heard over and over again that Kurdistan had so many Jews, and a sense of lament that they had left....

But what jumped out and shocked me was the support of the Kurds for Israel. I was aware of long-standing support for the Peshmerga (Kurdish fighters) from the Mossad . But I wasn't prepared for the actual sense of reverence that Israel held for the Kurds. Part of the support comes from the classic Middle Eastern dictum, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and as such the Kurds and Israel had a bevy of common enemies over the years such as the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein.

Another part of the support seemed to come from a similar identification. The Kurds are a nation divided with parcels of historic Kurdistan attached to Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria. They are the largest people in the world without their own state. The notion of being a stateless people, I believe, helped shape the Kurd's affinity and identification with the Jews and Israel. Like the Jews, Kurdish history has been peppered with heartbreak. There is a saying: "the Kurds have no friends but the mountains," a notion that reflects the Kurdish sense of longstanding betrayal and misfortune. Many of them mentioned feeling an affinity to Israel as another beleaguered outpost in the midst of bigger enemies.

Finally, another aspect of the affinity is drawn from the centrality of Iraqi Kurdistan for the rest of Kurdistan. Iraqi Kurdistan has taken on a Zion-like centrality for the rest of Kurdistan and the Kurdish Diaspora. I was sitting one night with a friend in a mountain café, waiting for our food, when one of the servers came to give us plates of salads. My friend Aram said something to him, but couldn't understand his response. Aram said he thought the server was likely a Turkish Kurd. Iraqi Kurdistan, Aram explained, had become a hub for Kurds in the region. He noted that Kurdistan's President Masoud Barzani had spoken of an open-door policy for Kurds of the region, and that many had flocked here for work and to live in freedom. Kani Xulam, the Director of the American-Kurdish Information Network once remarked to me a similar notion of Iraqi Kurdistan's centrality : "Five million Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan have become a beacon of light for the 35 million Kurds who live in Turkey, Syria, and Iran. That beacon of light is keeping us awake at night and is filling our hearts with hope."

Trying to understand the sentiments better, I asked an Iraqi friend about Kurdish support for Israel. Paradoxically, he said that while the Kurds support Israel, they still saw "Zionism" as a taboo word -- as if Israel and Zionism were separate entities. He mentioned that while Kurds may hold affinity with Israel from a similar sense of isolated status, the term "Zionism" held a connotation of conspiracy that is often rife in the rest of the Middle East. He mentioned that while not everyone differentiates Zionism from Israel from Judaism, and hold some hostility to all three as an inseparable enemy, most Kurds see Israel within a similar beleaguered paradigm and with similar enemies, and harbor sentiments of support.
I briefly discussed Kurdish feelings for Israel in this 2009 post.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Ahram reports:
Hamas spokesman Ehab Al-Ghaseen said on Wednesday that the Egyptian army has initiated a campaign to close smuggling tunnels to Gaza.

"These campaigns were initiated for specific political reasons," added the spokesman.

Al-Ghaseen stressed the need for a formal commercial alternative before the tunnels are closed, saying that calls to Egypt have been made concerning the matter.

The suspension of smuggling activities has led to a serious gas shortage, added Al-Ghaseen, who underlined the tunnels' importance to the Strip.
Remember that Gaza can get much more fuel from Israel, but it is at market rates and not subsidized by the Egyptian government the way the smuggled fuel is.

Here is a video showing the Egyptians destroying a reservoir for fuel near the Gaza border that was meant to be pumped by smugglers into Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian NGO Network issued a joint press statement condemning Egyptian media incitement against Palestinians, aimed at "defaming Palestinian citizens."

A number of "unfortunate" decisions have been made regarding Palestinian mobility at border crossings and airports to and from Egypt, the statement added. The statement did not elaborate on the nature of these decisions nor the party responsible for them.

The Network expressed sympathy for Egyptian concerns given the recent political unrest, but called on Egyptian authorities and civil society organisations to limit incitement before it damages relations between Egypt and Gaza.
The Palestinian Arabs are the victims of incitement by the Arab media? That must be an awful feeling!

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
From Ian:

Jews Sue Police for Barring Them from Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av
The Babylonians and Romans destroyed the Holy Temples long ago. Since 1967, the site of the ruins returned to Jews, but Muslims have de facto rule. Police barred Jewish entry on Tisha B’Av and now face a lawsuit
Temple Mount activist groups are suing the police for “racist discrimination” and for tens of thousands of dollars in damages after the law enforcement agency closed the holy site to hundreds of Jews on Tisha B’Av Tuesday.
ANALYSIS: With Hamas Cooperation, Jihadists Turning Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula Into Key Battleground
The Sinai Peninsula is fast becoming the primary battleground between the Egyptian military and Islamist groups ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian off-shoot Hamas, to Al-Qaida and Salafist groups. The peninsula’s always-tenuous stability has been further undermined by the successive falls of Egyptian presidents Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and Mohammed Morsi in 2013. Homegrown Islamists, Hamas, and foreign jihadis are now regularly attacking Egyptian and Israeli targets in the Sinai.
This time in Sinai, the Egyptians mean business
Egyptian security forces early Tuesday morning discovered and sealed another eight smuggling tunnels running from the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian media reports, the Egyptians also located 23 warehouses used for storing fuel and thwarted the imminent transfer of the fuel to the Hamas-run territory. These warehouses contained 140,000 liters of fuel, a rare commodity of late in the Strip.
Erdogan: Morsi Is Still “My President”
Erdogan was an early and consistent supporter of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood-linked government, and Ankara reacted to Morsi’s removal with outrage. Cairo had already summoned the Turkish ambassador to Egypt last week after Ankara described Morsi’s removal as an “unacceptable coup.”
MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Zoghbi Calls on Allah to Annihilate Jews and Shiites in a Friday Sermon

UK Zionist Federation Slams Transport for London Deal Banning Sale to Israel
The United Kingdom’s Zionist Federation has sharply condemned Transport for London, the local government body responsible for most aspects of the transport system in London, England, for agreeing to an Israeli exclusion condition put forward by the United Arab Emirates. The condition was included in an Emirates Airlines sponsorship contract for Thames Cable Cars, a cable car link across the River Thames in London. Thames Cable Cars is also referred to as the Emirates Air Line.
Student BDS movement leader up for regent post in California
“While it would be an important milestone for a Muslim student to become the student regent, Ms. Saifuddin is an ill-advised choice because she promotes activities that marginalize a large group of students on campus, and she advances extremist positions,” StandWithUs wrote in an open letter to the Board of Regents.
“If you appoint a student who is prominently associated with the ‘BDS’ movement, you would send a message normalizing and even rewarding the very activities that are greatly harming the campus environment,” the letter said.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center also launched a petition against Saifuddin’s nomination.
Alice Walker evokes Che Guevera in post on Trayvon Martin at ‘Comment is Free’
Whether espousing explicit antisemitism, defending Palestinian suicide bombers and paying tribute to radical chic ‘anti-imperialist’ mass murderers, Walker is about the last person who should be taken seriously on the issues of race and bigotry. And, the fact that she was imputed with such moral authority by ‘CiF’ editors is a remarkable commentary on the continuing perversion of true progressive thought at a media group which, however risibly, still fancies itself the world’s “leading liberal voice”.
Kirchner to Skip Bombing Memorial Again
Jonathan Schanzer, vice president for research of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, points out to me that for the second year running, Argentine President Christina Kirchner is going to skip commemorations for the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. Her snub to Argentina’s Jewish community comes after her refusal to allow the prosecutor in the case to testify in the U.S. Congress in recent hearings about Iranian activity in Latin America.
ADL ‘Applauds’ De Blasio’s Campaign to Highlight Saudi Arabian Airlines ‘Six-Decades of Discrimination’
“Saudi Arabia, along with numerous other Arab countries, have refused entry to people traveling on Israeli passports since 1948. As many travelers know, many of these countries will not allow entry even to individuals who have an entry stamp from Israel in their passport.
“Mr. De Blasio is attacking this old prejudice with a new approach, and seeking to change Saudi Arabian Airline’s policies through U.S. anti-discrimination statutes.”
Leonard Garment, Beyond Watergate
Leonard Garment, Richard Nixon’s law partner, adviser, and White House Counsel during the Watergate scandal, died in New York on Saturday at the age of 89. The New York Times’ obituary emphasized Garment’s exquisite success in defending his friend-president-and-client while preserving his own integrity and reputation–a daunting task. But this 2,200 word article overlooked Garment’s essential contribution to American, Jewish, and world history in working with Daniel Patrick Moynihan to denounce the UN’s Zionism is Racism Resolution. Garment, a trial attorney, carefully sought the right word to describe Resolution 3379, which the General Assembly passed in November 1975. His ultimate choice, “obscene,” brilliantly captured how this unfair, inaccurate libel sullied us all.
Orthodox Jewish Boxer Dmitriy Salita Featured in Documentary Series, Talks Jewish Roots (VIDEO)
Overshadowed in recent years by The Algemeiner’s other favorite film-friendly Jewish pugilist, Yuri Foreman, Salita was recently given his own chance to shine.
In the film, part of an ongoing series from Moonshot Productions called New Yorkers, Salita tells how coming to New York from Odessa, Ukraine, opened his eyes to his religion.
Israeli-Made ‘Pencil Sharpener’ Device Peels Carrots, Vegetables (VIDEO)
An Israeli has invented a tool that will shave time off of peeling carrots. The device? The Karoto, looks and works like a large pencil sharpener, and peels vegetables such as courgettes and carrots or any similar-shaped vegetable.
Designed by Avichai Tadmor for Monkey Business design studio in Israel, it is also touted for its safety. The Karoto’s creative team says it is a safer way to slice the skin off vegetables compared to using a peeler or knife.
Apple in Talks to Buy Israel’s PrimeSense for $280 Million
American tech giant Apple is in talks to buy Israel-based PrimeSense, a developer of chips that enable three-dimensional machine vision, for $280 million, Israel’s Calcalist website reported Tuesday.
The company has developed an integrated system which gives digital devices the ability to observe a scene in three dimensions. The technology has been used in Microsoft’s Xbox.
New clips, alarms and apps can stop parents forgetting tots in cars
Israelis have been saddened — and angered — by the deaths of three very young children, in the past two weeks, forgotten for hours inside vehicles on sweltering summer days, succumbing to dehydration and heat exhaustion.
But bad feelings notwithstanding, officials in recent days have come to realize that Israel has a major problem — and some are looking to technology to solve it.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JCPA:

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Early today I noted that the official EU guidelines that were much discussed since yesterday incorrectly used the phrase "1967 borders" to refer to the 1949 armistice lines; lines that were never national borders and never meant to be national borders.

I just did a quick look through official EU documents and the earliest mention I can find of  the phrase "1967 borders" is this 2002 document, which was quickly followed by a host of others with the same wrong formulation.

It is astonishing that Israel apparently never pushed back on the EU to change that incorrect language.

But beyond that, it is notable to see how the EU's language has, over time, become more strident against Israel and more pro-Palestinian.

From the June 1997 Presidency Statement:
The foundations of peace are widely known : the right of all States and peoples in the region to live in peace within safe, recognized borders; respect for the legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people to decide their own future; the exchange of land for peace; the non-acceptability of the annexation of territory by force; respect for human rights; the rejection of terrorism of all kinds; good relations between neighbours; and compliance with existing agreements and the rejection of counterproductive unilateral initiatives. In this context the Union recalls its opposition to settlements and attachment to security cooperation.

...We call on the people of Israel to recognize the right of the Palestinians to exercise self-determination, without excluding the option of a State. The creation of a viable and peaceful sovereign Palestinian entity is the best guarantee of Israel's security. At the same time we call upon the Palestinian people to reaffirm their commitment to the legitimate right of Israel to live within safe, recognized borders.

From the June 2002 Presidency Statement - as noted, the first time I can find a reference to "1967 borders."
The European Council strongly condemns all terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. The peace process and the stability of the region cannot be hostage to terrorism. The fight against terrorism must go on; but so at the same time must the negotiation of a political solution.

A settlement can be achieved through negotiation, and only through negotiation. The objective is an end to the occupation and the early establishment of a democratic, viable, peaceful and sovereign State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders, if necessary with minor adjustments agreed by the parties. The end result should be two States living side by side within secure and recognised borders enjoying normal relations with their neighbours. In this context, a fair solution should be found to the complex issue of Jerusalem, and a just, viable and agreed solution to the problem of the Palestinian refugees.

The reform of the Palestinian Authority is essential. The European Council expects the Palestinian Authority to make good its commitment to security reform, early elections and political and administrative reform. The European Union reaffirms its willingness to continue to assist in these reforms.

Now compare those to this statement from the High Representative, November 2012, which no longer calls on the PA to have any responsibility - as if the PA has achieved the goals of democracy and transparency insisted upon ten years earlier:
The EU has repeatedly expressed its support and wish for Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations as part of a solution to the conflict. The EU has also consistently worked to advance the Palestinian Authority's state-building efforts under Prime Minister Fayyad. It will continue to do so. Recalling the Berlin Declaration of March 1999, the EU reiterates its readiness to recognize a Palestinian State when appropriate.

...It is important for all parties and actors involved to work towards a settlement of the conflict with renewed purpose and sense of urgency. The European Union recalls its well-known positions on intra-Palestinian reconciliation behind President Abbas, settlements and Israel’s security. The European Union calls on all parties to pursue actions conducive to an environment of confidence necessary to ensure meaningful negotiations and to refrain from actions that undermine the credibility of the process....

The EU reaffirms its position that clear parameters defining the basis for negotiations are key elements for a successful outcome, together with the avoiding of unilateral measures and acts on the ground which undermine confidence and the viability of the two-state solution. The European Union reaffirms that it will not recognise any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties...

Two weeks ago, from a joint statement with the GCC:
The Ministers reaffirmed their shared position that a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East is vital for international peace and security, noting that such a solution must be based on UN Resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, leading to the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the territory occupied since 1967. ...

The Ministers reaffirmed their position not to recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders other than those agreed by both parties including with regard to Jerusalem. They stressed their common position that Israeli settlements anywhere in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace. In this regard, they called on Israel to immediately end all settlement activity in East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, including natural growth, and to dismantle all outposts. The Ministers agreed on the need to continue to support Palestinian state-building efforts, both politically and financially.

I still do see some more recent documents that call for "secure and recognised borders" such as this one from January 2012 and this one from this month. But both those statements also enshrine the "Arab Peace Initiative" as one of the bases for peace.

The change in language over the years is unmistakable. Essentially the entire Palestinian Arab position has been adopted fully by the EU.

There is not even insistence to end Palestinian Arab incitement against Jews and Israel, nothing about Hamas (and some Fatah) terrorism, nothing condemning Abbas' embrace of stone throwing and firebombs as "peaceful resistance" - nothing.

This represents a great failure on the part of Israel's diplomats.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Maariv has a story about how Palestinian Arabs take advantage of the easy access to Israel during Ramadan.

Officially, most of the passes are meant for them to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque, but tens of thousands of these Palestinians visiting the beach instead of, or in addition to, their prayers.

They are also spending lots of money.

 "For the first time in my life I was in Tel Aviv," said Ligal Atz'ai, 24, who came to the city for a fun day with some friends from Ramallah. "I've always dreamed of Tel Aviv's beach, which I saw in pictures. When I got here this morning I was struck by the beauty of the city." Atz'ai is an aluminum factory worker near Beit Horon. Two weeks ago he asked permission from the Civil Administration to enter Israel for travel during Ramadan.

He is one of a million Palestinians who received or will receive a permit to enter Israel as tourists during Ramadan. Thousands of them filled yesterday the beaches of first Hebrew city. Lifeguards were alerted about the throngs about to flood the coast in the coming weeks. "They are not disciplined," declared one of the lifeguards. "Some are so excited about entering in the sea for the first time, but they do not know the rules and the dangers of the sea."

"For me it's like being abroad," admits Mahmud Adna, a 20 year old student from the Ramallah area who did not hide his excitement for his visit to the Holy Land. "I want to be in Paris and Berlin, but from what I hear Tel Aviv is not much different from the cities of Europe. This is my first time here. I only had time to walk in the sea, and the next time I want to hang out in Jaffa. "
So far, 100,000 permits have been issued, but far more will be given out for the end of Ramadan, the holiday Eid al Fitr.

Many of the Arabs interviewed were seeing normal Israelis for the first time, and some showed appreciation for being allowed to come into Israel.

Maariv also interviewed some shopkeepers in Ramallah who are staring at their empty stores while their potential customers flock to Israel and spend twice as much for the same products. The article ends off:

Mahmoud from Hebron is one of the few who did not receive permission to visit Israel. "It's really upsetting," he admits. "I did crap as a kid a few years ago, and now they will not let me enter. All my friends are going to 'tear up Jaffa and Tel Aviv', and I'll have to make do with things they will bring me back." ...Most Palestinian tourists who entered and experienced Israeli vacation are already planning their next vacation - another day of fun on the beaches of Tel Aviv and Jaffa's markets. "What I saw today, it was an experience," says Mariuv Ashi, 25, who lives in a small village between Ramallah and Jerusalem, shortly after leaving the water . "I loved everything here - the food, the sea and the air and even the pretty girls walking around on the beach. Inshallah, tomorrow I will come again, but I have to go home to the village by ten o'clock tonight, because these are the terms of the permit to stay in Israel."
They're not exactly boycotting Israel, are they?
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: The baseless hatred of the EU towards Israel
News of the EU’s act of existential spite against Israel broke on the fast of Tisha b’Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple (you know, that Temple, the one that stood in Jerusalem all those centuries ago before any Arabs existed, let alone any Green Line) along with the seemingly never-ending list down through the ages of all those prosecuting their uniquely murderous and baseless hatred of the Jewish people.
Some coincidence. To that list of infamy, the EU can now add its name. For shame.
Missing Peace: New EU directive about Israeli settlements raises serious questions
Nevet Brasker of the Broader View Resource Center asked the EU the following questions
1. Does the latest European initiative mean that the EU has abandoned, officially or de facto, the Middle East Quartet effort? Borders were supposed to be a “final status” issue under the Quartet Roadmap, and last we heard—granted, it’s been a couple of years—Tony Blair, the Quartet envoy, was seeking proposals for border arrangements. Has the EU now explicitly abandoned this effort and unilaterally determined the borders of Israel?
When Europe demanded Israel surrender the Western Wall
As another official noted, the EU’s new policy is in effect demanding that Israel deny — in writing — any rights to the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, as a precondition for signing any agreement with the EU.
Ashton’s office tried to explain that the development was a positive one for Israel.
PA official: EU Judea and Samaria guidelines harm Palestinians
"For our part, we approached a number of [European] Union officials, in the [Palestinian] Authority and also in Israel, to try and prevent the decision or at least to keep it unofficial," said the official, who declined to give his name. "It's not just Israeli companies that are going to be hit economically, it's also going to be disastrous economically and socially for the Palestinian community."
According to the Palestinian official, the European move will freeze joint projects, force employers to stop hiring Palestinians to work on joint projects with Israelis and lead to widespread layoffs of Palestinians laborers working in Judea and Samaria industrial zones.
Senior Official: Israel’s EU Embassy Failed
Finance Minister Yair Lapid said that the controversial EU directive undermines the efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to bring both parties to the peace negotiation table. According to Lapid, the EU move signals to the Palestinians that there is no diplomatic or economic cost to their continued refusal to return to negotiations, causing them to believe that Israel will have to give in to political and economic pressure.
ADL: PA Got ‘Free Pass’ From EU
ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman fired off a letter to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday, stating, “President [Mahmoud] Abbas has blocked the [peace] process with his preconditions, so who does the EU pressure? Israel. Who gets a free pass? The Palestinians.”
Foxman called on the EU to end its “long-standing habit of not holding the Palestinian Authority responsible for its actions and inactions that are unequivocally obstacles to peace,” and reminded Ashton that in fact, risks to peace were an issue long before the establishment of communities in the region.
'Implement the Levi Report in Response to EU Boycott'
The Levi Report was commissioned by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, to examine the legal status of so-called "outposts" - nascent communities in the Judea-Samaria region. The committee was headed by former Israeli Supreme Court justice Edmund Levy, and found that - contrary to the claims of Israel's detractors - Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is legal under international law.
'East Jerusalem is not a Palestinian territory'
The statement, signed by ZOA President Morton Klein, also noted that the neglect of eastern Jerusalem only ended under Israeli rule and after the unification of Jerusalem.
"Eastern Jerusalem was seemingly unimportant to Jordan because it failed to provide even the most basic municipal services there," Klein said. "Eastern Jerusalem’s residents lacked electricity, plumbing, health care services and even a steady water supply. It was Israel that began providing those badly needed municipal services to eastern Jerusalem, including to Arab homes and businesses."
Kerry’s New ‘Peace’ Brainstorm: Talk with Abbas without Israel
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry left Washington Monday with a new a brainstorm of meeting with Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan to advance the dead and buried “peace process” while leaving Israel off the itinerary.
Kerry also will meet with officials of the Arab League, which has backed the 2002 Saudi Arabia plan to “normalize” relations with Israel as soon as the country simply transfers 600,000 Jews from their homes and turns over hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure over to the Palestinian Authority, along with all of land in Judea and Samaria and half of Jerusalem
Prosor to UN: Condemn the Mortar Fire from Syria
"Israel is an island of stability in a region steeped in violence, blood and destruction, and we expect that the Security Council will do everything in its power in order to maintain stability," Prosor wrote in his letter.
“Unequivocally condemn the firing,” he urged the Council. “The Syrian government systematically violates the separation of forces agreement, which could bring the region to instability."
Prosor noted that Israel had so far shown "maximum restraint" over the incidents, but it would "continue to exercise its right to self-defense."
Syrian gunmen hide in unmanned IDF post; Israeli patrol shot at
Two Syrian gunmen of unknown affiliation infiltrated an unmanned IDF military outpost in the southern Golan Heights in the demilitarized zone Tuesday night. Shots were then fired at an IDF patrol approaching the area.
Europe Fears “Jihad Tourism” as Radicalized Citizens Flock to Syria
European countries are rushing to head off what’s being labeled “jihad tourism,” as evidence emerges that radicalized Europeans are traveling to Syria to fight against the Bashar al-Assad regime. Officials are expressing concerns that their citizens will eventually come home as battle-hardened jihadists:
Syrian Kurds to declare autonomy from Damascus
The PYD’s declaration of autonomy came amid reports of intense clashes between the Kurdish group and the al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra in the northeastern city of Ras al-Ayn. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the clashes took place approximately 200 meters from the Turkish border crossing.
Iran’s Rouhani affirms support for Syria, Hezbollah
The official IRNA news agency on Tuesday cited Hasan Rouhani as saying close Iranian-Syrian ties will be able to confront “enemies in the region, especially the Zionist regime.” According to the semi-official Fars News, Rouhani “lauded the Syrian nation for its resistance against western plots” and said Syria will “overcome its current crisis.”
Rouhani says Netanyahu threats over nuclear program are laughable
“When some (the United States and Israel) say that all options are on the table and when a miserable regional country (Israel) says such things, it makes you laugh,” AFP quoted Rowhani as saying in an address to Iran-Iraq war veterans.
He added that Iranian warnings of retaliation to an attack had deterred Israel from carrying out any such strike on the Islamic Republic.
E.U. Courts Dismantling Iran Sanctions, “Dozens of Cases” Put International Regime at Risk of Unraveling
European Union courts are dismantling sanctions designed to stall Iran’s nuclear program at the behest of companies and individuals targeted by the sanctions. Courts are demanding that European governments provide information – much of it sensitive and classified – justifying the asset freezes, visa restrictions, and other measures imposed by the international community against Tehran. In the absence of such evidence, which European agencies have declined to provide lest they expose delicate sources and intelligence, several courts have ordered restrictions removed.
CRIF, the umbrella organization of French Jewry, has sent a formal complaint to CSA, the French authority
that monitors TV programming in that country, about the incitement against Jews in the "Khaybar" miniseries.

Three of the satellite networks broadcasting the antisemitic series - Dubai TV, Algeria 3 and Dream 3 - are available to French satellite customers.

According to CRIF, the anti-Semitic series encourages serious public incitement to national and racial discrimination, hatred and violence.

The series can also be seen on cable and the Internet, which gives it a significant and disturbing potential audience.

As "Khaybar" is included in various paid packages, CRIF also informed Eutelsat Numéricâble, SFR, Orange and Canal satellite TV providers of offensivbe material recorded during the broadcast of this series.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Will the crushing human rights situation in the territories never cease?

There are reports that Ikea is looking positively upon opening an Ikea branch in Ramallah. Two Ikea officials met with Palestinian Arab businessmen and its economy minister last month.

The convenience of inexpensive, ready to build slingshots and Molotov cocktail kits might be irresistible to the discerning middle-class Arab customers.

Actually, it looks like Ikea was marketing to "Palestine" for a while.

I'm not sure that they will be selling the "Omar" wine shelf, though.

(h/t Uri)

Last Friday, the first Friday of Ramadan, there was a pro-Morsi demonstration on the Temple Mount. A huge banner of Morsi was unfurled at the site.

There was some controversy over such a political demonstration in the Arabic media and I saw some pushback on people openly supporting Morsi after the Egyptian revolution.

However, none of the Arabic media I could find mentioned anything negative about the content of the speeches themselves, and how thousands of people were chanting anti-Western slogans.

That is a little more newsworthy.


Following are excerpts from a pro-Morsi demonstration held outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which was posted on the Internet on July 12, 2013:
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May America be destroyed.
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May France be destroyed.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May France be destroyed.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May Rome be conquered.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May Rome be conquered.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May America be destroyed.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May America be destroyed.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May France be destroyed.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May France be destroyed.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May Britain be destroyed.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May Britain be destroyed.
Palestinian cleric: Allah Akbar. May Rome be conquered.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. May Rome be conquered.
Palestinian cleric: We warn you, oh America: Take your hands off the Muslims. Take your hands off the Muslims. You have wrecked havoc in Syria, and before that, in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and now in Egypt. Who do you think we are, America? We are the nation of Islam - a giant and mighty nation, which extends from east to west. Soon, we will teach you a political and military lesson, Allah willing. Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Palestinian cleric: Oh Obama, listen up...
Crowd: Oh Obama, listen up...
Palestinian cleric: The Caliphate shall return.
Crowd: The Caliphate shall return.
Palestinian cleric: Oh Obama, listen up...
Crowd: Oh Obama, listen up...
Palestinian cleric: The Caliphate shall return.
Crowd: The Caliphate shall return.
Demonstrator: Say: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Demonstrator: Say: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Demonstrator: Oh Obama, listen up...
Crowd: Oh Obama, listen up...
Demonstrator: Our nation will never kneel in submission.
Crowd: Our nation will never kneel in submission.
Demonstrator: The Caliphate shall return.
Crowd: The Caliphate shall return.
Demonstrator: Oh Obama, listen up...
Crowd: Oh Obama, listen up...
Demonstrator: The Caliphate shall return.
Crowd: The Caliphate shall return.
Demonstrator: Our nation will never be humiliated.
Crowd: Our nation will never be humiliated.
Demonstrator: The Caliphate is the solution.
Crowd: The Caliphate is the solution.
Demonstrator: We are the nation of the best men.
Crowd: We are the nation of the best men.
Demonstrator: We are the nation of the best men.
Crowd: We are the nation of the best men.
Demonstrator: We want to cleanse it of the impure.
Crowd: We want to cleanse it of the impure.
Demonstrator: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews...
Crowd: Khaybar, khaybar, oh Jews....
Demonstrator: The army of Muhammad will return.
Crowd: The army of Muhammad will return.
Demonstrator: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews...
Crowd: Khaybar, khaybar, oh Jews....
Demonstrator: The army of Muhammad will return.
Crowd: The army of Muhammad will return.
Demonstrator: Down with America and with all its dogs.
Crowd: Down with America and will all its dogs.
Demonstrator: Down with America and with all its dogs.
Crowd: Down with America and will all its dogs.
Demonstrator: Whoever negotiates with America...
Crowd: Whoever negotiates with America...
Demonstrator: ... is a collaborator and a coward.
Crowd: ... is a collaborator and a coward.
Demonstrator: Whoever negotiates with America...
Crowd: Whoever negotiates with America...
Demonstrator: Down with peaceful solutions.
Crowd: Down with peaceful solutions.
Demonstrator: Down with peaceful solutions.
Crowd: Down with peaceful solutions.
The people who complain that Jews quietly and reverently visiting the Temple Mount are being "provocative" have never said a negative word about this.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Tablet has an analysis of the new, much talked about EU guidelines that caused an uproar on Tuesday in Israel. The actual text was only published early this morning so much of the coverage was based on a Haaretz report that was not as accurate as it should have been.

So, just how earth-shattering are these guidelines? Tablet has acquired the official document containing the regulations, published today by the European Union, and we’ve spoken to an EU diplomat with close knowledge of its contents and drafting. As it turns out, there’s a lot less in these guidelines than most press coverage would have you believe. Here’s why:

They do not bind EU member states in their bilateral relationships with Israel.

The new regulations only apply to the institutions of the European Union itself. They do not restrict its member states in their bilateral ties with Israel, whether economic, cultural or diplomatic. ...

The guidelines do not affect trade.

In addition to not impacting Israel’s bilateral relationships with EU members, the new guidelines do not address trade, i.e. products originating in the settlements. The rules are a far cry from the platform of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which seeks an end to all commerce and other contact with Israel in toto, and don’t even approach the West Bank boycott advocated by some liberal Zionists like Peter Beinart. Rather, in their own words, the guidelines only prohibit “EU support in the form of grants, prizes or financial instruments” from being given to companies or organizations with activities in the West Bank, East Jerusalem or the Golan Heights. (Individuals living in those areas, however, are exempt.)
The regulations do not apply to Israeli governmental institutions, regardless of their location.

The new rules explicitly exempt all Israeli national authorities, like ministries and government agencies, even if they are based in the Occupied Territories. For example, “the Israeli Authority for Antiquities, which is based in East Jerusalem, are not affected by this commission notice,” said the EU diplomat.

The move is not, as some have suggested, a hardball attempt to assist John Kerry in restarting negotiations.

The reason these guidelines were issued now is simple: “The budget of the EU is based on a six-year program, so the next budget will be 2014 to 2020,” explained the diplomat. “So they wanted to have this commission notice included now, in this budget.” ...

They do not take effect until 2014.

Contrary to Haaretz‘s reporting that the new guidelines “will go into effect by the end of this week,” they are only being published this week. Rather, as previously noted, the regulations are part of the next EU financial framework for 2014-2020, which takes effect on January 1, 2014. Whatever consequences these rules may have, they will not be sprung on Israel overnight and there will be time for Israel to explore options for working within (or around) them.
Nevertheless, the symbolism is indeed important, as the EU is clearly defining every inch over the Green Line to be Arab until negotiations make it otherwise:
The EU does not recognise Israel’s sovereignty over any of the territories referred to in point 2 and does not consider them to be part of Israel’s territory, irrespective of their legal status under domestic Israeli law. The EU has made it clear that it will not recognise any changes to pre-1967 borders, other than those agreed by the parties to the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP).
One problematic aspect of this document is that it refers to the 1949 armistice lines as "borders," when they were nothing of the sort.  UNSC 242 and its drafters made it clear that Israel must have "secure and recognized boundaries," as opposed to the situation before 1967. For the EU to explicitly refer to those lines as "borders" cannot be an oversight - it is a deliberate attempt to pre-judge the outcome of negotiations and is a huge gift to the intransigent Mahmoud Abbas. This might not be new, but that doesn't make it right - it only proves that the incorrect wording is deliberate, which should trouble anyone who wants to deal with the EU.

The idea of treating the anomalous 19 years of Jerusalem's artificial division and illegal occupation by Jordan of part of the city - where the holy sites were Judenrein - as somehow the "status quo" and an ideal to be strived for, while the successive 45 years of Jerusalem's unity is anomalous, is beyond absurd.

It means that the EU subscribes to this:

Israel is partially at fault for not having a clear, consistent, legal-based message to world diplomats on issues like Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Beyond the legalities, though, is the reality that the poster above means to show: the world is targeting Jews, and only Jews.  See this great post by Yaacov Lozowick on Beit Safafa for examples of Arab Israelis who moved to the other side of the Green Line and are never considered "settlers".

Israel is doing a poor job at explaining its side of the story, and EU documents like this - even if only an incremental step - are the result. Nothing Israel is doing points to moving the discourse in any other direction. So things like the verbiage "borders," instead of causing a firestorm, are roundly believed to be accurate.


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