Wednesday, March 02, 2022


Babi Yar, Ukraine, The site of a mass murder of Jews, September 1941 (Yad Vashem Archives)

Ukrainians are either staying and fighting, or fleeing. And one of the places they want to go, if they are fleeing and of Jewish descent, is Israel. Israel is preparing to absorb thousands of Ukrainians eligiblefor aliyah. The Jewish Agency opened six immigration processing stations at six Ukrainian border crossings to assist the refugees in making aliyah. “We [preparing] to provide humanitarian assistance on the ground, and of course to facilitate the immigration of Jews, from all relevant places,” said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, on Tuesday.

It is at times like these, that Jewish “blood” is a ticket out.

As this piece was being written, however, the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel made claims that Ukrainians who could not pay a 20,000 NIS bond, were being deported from Israel. But then again, Yevgen Korniychuk* also told us how good the Ukrainians were to the Jews during the Holocaust: “We believe that you remember the times of the Second World War when Ukrainians were saving the lives of Jews during the Holocaust.”

Funny how our ancestors remembered things COMPLETELY different. From a resource at The National Library of Israel:

During the Holocaust, it is believed that a million Jews were killed in Ukraine, including those killed in a large massacre at Babi Yar and others murdered by the Einsatzgruppen. The Germans were joined by Ukrainian collaborators, and according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, “Ukraine has, to the best of our knowledge, never conducted a single investigation of a local Nazi war criminal, let alone prosecuted a Holocaust perpetrator.” After the war, Jews who returned to their former homes in Ukraine were met with hostility by the local population. 

It is understandable that Korniychuk wants Israel to take in Ukrainian refugees, what he calls a “humanitarian issue.” But he has spit on the graves of our people with his lies. The Ukrainians were not good to the Jews during the Holocaust or at any time before in history, they were culpable for Babi Yar, and much more. There is a reason Putin uses Holocaust imagery to describe Ukraine. There is a reason Putin's forces attacked Babi Yar.

Korniychuk can cherry-pick righteous Ukrainian gentiles until the cows come home. This will not, however, change the bloodcurdling facts and history of the Jewish sojourn in Ukraine. 

The magnitude of Korniychuk’s suggestion—that Ukraine was good to the Jews—casts doubt on anything else he might say. Up to and including the accusations of Israeli graft and deportation. At a minimum, the ambassador’s report is missing context. Such as the eligibility of individual refugees  to make aliyah. Eligibility makes all the difference, and this is as it should be in the Jewish State:

The Forys are in a different situation than most of their neighbors in Kyiv: The Jewish people and the Israeli government have their back. The family is staying in a beautiful prepaid hotel room. They are given three meals a day, and will be immigrating to Israel on Wednesday. 

When they arrive in Israel, they’ll be able to stay in a hotel for at least a month, all paid for by the Israeli government. A Jewish Agency emissary is now helping them with anything they need. 

Korniychuk is disingenuous when he suggests that the purported deportations are by way of Israel siding with Russia, and not having Ukraine's back. 

"I am trying to be diplomatic," said Korniychuk. "My family is partially in Ukraine. We definitely need more help and we have received more help from other partners in the world than [from] Israel but we hope that decisions will be taken and there will be more aid from Israel in the coming days."

If Korniychuk were really trying to be diplomatic, he would be honest about the diplomatic delicacies of Israel siding not with Russia, but against Russia, vis-à-vis Syria, while still showing support for Ukraine. If he were being honest, he would speak to the eligibility to make aliyah of the individuals fleeing Ukraine. But we already know that Korniychuk is not being honest or diplomatic. We know this because of his gross lies about the Ukrainian role in the Holocaust.

In all of this, there is something to be gleaned. Israel is the place Jews go when they have no place to go. But it’s also the place where people who have the merest tangential connection to a Jew will try to go when things are bad at home. We understand this.

We also understand that it is maintaining Jewish stewardship of the land that serves to protect our people and the land itself, with both of them endangered species.

Everyone is rooting for Ukraine right now, the mighty underdog. Israel is no different. We refresh and refresh our news pages for updates as do you. We’re saying prayers for Ukraine and for all its people. And Zelensky, of course has captured our hearts.

But Israel is not like other countries. Israel is not a random place of refuge. It's the Jewish State, a place where Hebrew is the dominant language, and Judaism the predominant religion. All we ask is that this be respected. We are happy and have made preparations to absorb all those eligible for aliyah.

The State of Israel was founded on the idea that it would be, first and foremost, a Jewish State. Occupied, persecuted, and pursued until today, the Jews know that they will always have a home in Israel--a Jewish home, where you don't have to hide your Jewish star, or change your name. 

This is why Israel exists, on land that was always ours.

*Possibly related to Corn Pop

UPDATE: Reader Esty points out that the supposed Russian attack on Babi Yar may have been Ukrainian propaganda, since the missile in fact, hit a communications some 300 meters away. Israeli correspondent Ron Ben-Yishai says the Babi Yar memorial and cemetery were unharmed in the attack. And still, Babi Yar stands as testimony that Ukrainians, far from saving Jews during the Holocaust, were active participants in the Babi Yar Massacre.

  • Wednesday, March 02, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
This thread, from Iran expert and former State Department official Gabriel Noronha, is extraordinarily frightening. 
1. NEW: My former career @StateDept, NSC, and EU colleagues are so concerned with the concessions being made by @robmalley in Vienna that they’ve allowed me to publish some details of the coming deal in the hopes that Congress will act to stop the capitulation.
2. “What’s happening in Vienna is a total disaster” one warned. The entire negotiations have been filtered and “essentially run” by Russian diplomat Mikhail Ulyanov.
The concessions and other misguided policies have led three members of the U.S. negotiating team to leave.Image
3. This is a long and technical thread, but here’s what you should know: the deal being negotiated in Vienna is dangerous to our national security, it is illegal, it is illegitimate, and it in no way serves U.S. interests in either the short or long term. 
4. Here’s why: Led by Rob Malley, the U.S. has promised to lift sanctions on some of the regime’s worst terrorists and torturers, leading officials in the regime’s WMD infrastructure, and is currently trying to lift sanctions on the IRGC itself. Let’s dive in. 
5. First, Biden’s team is preparing to rescind the Supreme Leaders’ Office Executive Order (E.O. 13876) as soon as this coming Monday, and lift sanctions on nearly every one of the 112 people/entities sanctioned under it, even if they’re sanctioned under other legal authorities. 
6. We sanctioned some of the worst people you can possibly imagine under this authority, like Mohsen Rezaei, who was involved in the 1994 AMIA bombing that killed 85 people in Argentina.

He’ll be able to live free of sanctions next week if Malley proceeds.
7.Also under this action, the U.S. will lift sanctions on IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, who led IRGC forces in Lebanon and Syria when Hezbollah bombed the Marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 U.S. servicemembers in 1983.Image
8. Who else? Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior advisor to Supreme Leader Khamenei, who was charged in Argentina for homicide for the 1994 AMIA bombing and as one of the "ideological masterminds" behind the attack.

He also helped prop up Assad’s brutality in Syria.
9. This would also lift sanctions on Khamenei’s personal slush funds known as “bonyads”, including Astan Quds Razavi and Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order, which confiscated houses and billions from political dissidents and religious minorities to enrich Khamenei and his goons. 
10.Sanctions also to be lifted on Bonyad Mostazafan, a massive conglomerate that systematically confiscated property from Jews and Bahai’s after 1979.

It is enmeshed with the IRGC and is a corruption network used to enrich top Iranian terrorists.
11. It’s important to note that the Supreme Leaders Office EO was not at all related to Iran’s nuclear program, and the removal of these sanctions under a so-called nuclear deal is a ridiculous farce. The State Department’s lawyers know better but were forced into this by Malley 
12.Our lawyers were clear when we released this EO: it was a response to actions by Iran & its proxies to destabilize the Middle East, promote international terrorism, advance Iran’s ballistic missile program, & Iran’s attack against U.S. military assets + civilian vehicles.Image
13.There’s much more: sanctions will be lifted on huge swaths of the regime’s economic and financial arms (close to 40 major entities) that support the Iranian terror, repression, and WMD infrastructure and were sanctioned under those legal authorities. 
15.The U.S. is not lifting sanctions on the Basij (responsible for killing thousands of Iranian protesters) itself, because the Iranians didn’t care – they just wanted sanctions on the funding mechanisms lifted because that’s what actually matters. Malley obliged. 
16.These sanctions are also not related to Iran’s nuclear program, but we’re about to lift sanctions on them anyways. These are not “inconsistent with the JCPOA” as Blinken and Malley claim – they targeted the institutions that kill thousands of innocent Iranians and Arabs. 
17.More: Every individual and entity that was de-sanctioned under the JCPOA’s Annex II Attachment 3 will have all sanctions stripped again, EVEN THOUGH close to 100 of them were later sanctioned for terrorism, human rights violations, and participation in Iran’s WMD activities. 
18.Take Ghavamin Bank for example. It was sanctioned under human rights authorities in November 2018 for involvement supporting the Iranian Law Enforcement Forces that tortured and drowned Afghans. That won’t matter anymore – they’ll be free from sanctions. 
19.Same for Sepah Bank, sanctioned in 2007 as “the financial linchpin of Iran’s missile procurement network.” That first sanction was lifted by the JCPOA, but Sepah was later sanctioned for their support of the Iranian Ministry of Defense. Now, both sanctions would be lifted. 
20.The JCPOA lifted sanctions on the Attachment 3 list under the guise that they were nuclear-related sanctions. But now, Malley and co. are effectively trying to codify their permanent exemption from sanctions even if they are complicit in gross violations of human rights. 
21.This is akin to criminal prosecution. The Attachment 3 lists were all previously indicted for nuclear “crimes”. But a bunch of them later committed human rights and terrorism “crimes” and were sanctioned accordingly. But now Malley is giving them a full-on pardon. 
22.Sanctions will also be lifted on the Central Bank of Iran and the National Development Fund, which were sanctioned under counterterrorism authorities for providing billions of dollars to the IRGC, the Qods Force, and Hizballah. These organizations STILL fund terrorism. 
23.The CBI and NDF were sanctioned after Iran brazenly attacked Saudi Arabia in September 2019 in the attacks on Saudi Aramco in an act of war. Again, these sanctions are not related to Iran’s nuclear program – they are about terrorism. More here:
24.Also to be lifted: sanctions on the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) that fund the Qods Force, responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Syrians and for the death of at least 603 Americans in Iraq from 2003-2011.Image
25.NIOC and NITC were sanctioned under counterterrorism authorities approved by interagency career lawyers, including from DOJ and Treasury. Why? Because they were involved in the funding of terrorism. They never stopped that activity, but sanctions are still getting lifted. 
26.The @StateDept has no legal basis to rescind the sanctions on the Central Bank, NDF, NIOC or NITC as they still continue to support terrorism. To remove those sanctions, you typically have to prove they aren’t supporting terror. They can’t. In other words, this is all illegal 
27.Speaking of lawyers, State’s lawyers are said to be working on “very creative” ways to try and bypass Congress’ right to review (or even see the deal) under INARA. The political appointees working this deal are said to strongly distain Congress and view them as a nuisance. 
28.Perhaps most troubling is Malley’s attempt to remove sanctions on the IRGC. Malley was initially rebuffed by the interagency after he tried to get them to let him offer the removal of IRGC sanctions to the Iranians. That hasn’t stopped him. 
29.Malley has proposed to the Iranians that the U.S. will remove the IRGC from the Foreign Terrorist Organization list & sanctions if the Iranians simply promise to talk to the United States in new negotiations about their “regional activity” (aka terrorism). 
30.This is one of the last issues still on the table in Vienna. The Iranians apparently have not accepted Malley’s offer, because they want an unconditional removal of the IRGC’s FTO designation. But even if the Iranians caved, we’d still be removing the IRGC sanctions! 

32.For all these concessions, we haven’t gotten anything at all from the Iranians. The JCPOA’s sunsets have not been extended at all. Some restrictions, like the UN arms embargo, have already expired. All the meaningful restrictions will expire in the next 9 years.Image
33.Iran won’t make any concessions on its ballistic missile activity, its terrorist activity and support for proxy groups, or taking further hostages from the United States and other countries. But it will get money anyways – lots and lots of money. 
34.Iran is set to get a massive windfall in access to cash: the latest estimate is $90 billion in foreign exchange reserves, and then $50-55 billion in extra revenue each year from higher oil/petrochemical exports, with no restrictions on where it’ll be spent.Image

• • •

Read all about it here!

From Ian:

Russia’s Next Target for Intimidation Could Be Israel
Now, Russia needs Iran and its markets more than ever before. For Moscow it might be the right time to expand the partnership, as the Iranians have been demanding. Yet if Iran signs the nuclear deal, brokered in large part by Russia, the roles of Russia and Iran may be reversed, with Iran—if sanctions are lifted—having a stronger and even determining hand in that relationship.

There is a loud anti-Russian camp in Iran that remembers well how Moscow ignored Iranian demands for a long time. Yet there is also no doubt that Tehran will be happy to receive the latest Russian weapons. It now seems likely that Iran will get the weapons systems it demanded a long time ago even if for some reason the nuclear deal is not finalized. Russia has nothing more to lose and it will have to seize every opportunity to continue to sell its weapons to anyone who demands them.

What’s on the Iranian shopping list? According to the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Iran is interested in SU-30 fighters, Yak-130 trainers, T-90 tanks and—the cherry on top—S-400 surface-to-air missile defense systems that Russia previously refrained from selling. Even if Russia fulfills only part of the Iranian shopping list, it will be very bad news for Israel. Until recently, advanced Russian missile systems inside Syria were under full Russian control. That might change as well.

The greatest threat that Russia poses to Israel may be in the expansion of its regional influence, especially in the absence of an effective U.S.-led security structure. With the exception of Lebanon and Kuwait, which denounced Russia, and Syria, a full Russian client that denounced the West, the Arab states are currently sitting on the fence, unwilling to put their neck on the line for either the United States or the Russians. During the last few years some of these countries, particularly the Gulf states, didn’t hide their frustration with American Middle East policy, which aimed under both the Obama and Trump administrations at diminishing the American presence in the region—and which under Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden put a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran at the top of American regional priorities. In response, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt all began purchasing Russian (and Chinese) weapons, and putting their relations with Moscow on display.

Russia has significantly expanded its web of relations in the Middle East, mostly due to the fear of some countries that they might be abandoned by the West. If the United States wants these countries to join an alliance against Moscow, it might have to rethink its regional policy—or else rethink its relations with Arab countries who might wish to continue with their current balancing act. Yet Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia heavily depend on wheat supplies from Russia and Ukraine. Rising prices on basic food staples and energy might disrupt stability in many countries in the region, creating more risks and insecurity. All of these developments might in turn have a negative influence on Israel and its attempt to build new alliances in the region—especially if Russia sees Israel as an American instrument, while the Americans see Iran as a partner.

There is little doubt that fateful events in Ukraine have turned over the chess board in the Middle East, as elsewhere. While risks for Israel are bound to increase, it will need—now more than ever—firm American support and a confident U.S. policy in the Middle East. A new American deal with Iran, which remains America’s regional priority even during the war in Ukraine, seems unlikely to provide those assurances.
Ukraine-Russia war: Kasparov urges US to leave Iran talks to protest Putin
Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion and expert on Russian President Vladimir Putin, on Tuesday urged the US and other world powers to walk away from the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna to protest Russia’s war against Ukraine.

As part of a new Twitter thread on how to isolate Putin and dissolve his regime in Moscow, Kasparov wrote “Defend Ukraine, which is paying a price in blood for the complacency and corruption of the free world that is watching them die. Boycott Russian oil and leave every table with Russia, from Iran deals to green deals. Cut Putin off so there is no way back with him.”

The Jerusalem Post reported last week on Kasparov’s plan to defeat Putin. He recommended that the international community “support Ukraine militarily; bankrupt Putin's war machine; freeze and seize Russia's finances; and kick Russia out of every financial institution.”

To the astonishment of many critics of Putin and Iran’s regime, the US government announced that it will continue to negotiate alongside Russia in Vienna to curb Tehran’s drive to become a nuclear power in exchange for economic sanctions relief.

Russian and the Islamic Republic of Iran are allied with the regime in Syria where President Bashar Assad's war against a revolt has caused the deaths of over 500,000 people.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi greenlighted Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The removal of sanctions on Iran's regime is a goal of Putin because it permits him to sell weapons to the theological regime in Tehran.

Kasparov is a ubiquitous presence in the media because, among other reasons, he was able to jump into the future in 2015 and predict Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the Russian strongman’s imperial aims. The chess grandmaster’s Twitter feed has been one of the go-to micro-blogs for instant analysis on Putin’s war in Ukraine, with each new Kasparov tweet going viral.
Ukraine and “The End of History“
For most Americans willing to be honest with themselves, the “end of history” liberal narrative is no less a problem on the local and national level and not just an international threat. The idea of others adopting a liberal outlook and liberal understanding of how society should function has not only backfired but instead has created a grim reality facing most Americans as they go about their daily routines only praying to reach their home safely by the end of the day.

The Democratic Party by empowering this false prophecy has infected all sectors of life in American society; energy (voluntarily shutting down energy production and self-sufficiency), police enforcement (defunding the police), economic disincentives (raising private and corporate taxes to the ceiling), violent street crime and bail reform (dismissing concerns about rising violent crime as “hysteria”), military recruitment (banning US military recruiting via Twitch), and ignoring the deterioration of the quality of life in most urban cities throughout the United States.

For most American’s, the “end of history” liberal agenda has simply made lives more susceptible, and more vulnerable. The “end of history” narrative will not be like the civilization shifting period of the French revolution nor that of the Industrial Revolution but more likely a re-run of “Ground Hog Day” with every day bringing more of the dismal dis-functioning of the Democratic Party just like the day before.

As the tides of history hit the shores of reality, and “the end of history” becomes just another bestseller from an earlier generation, what can we expect in the near future?

-The invasion of the Ukraine will become just another historical blip largely forgotten until the next invasion by a totalitarian state emulating Russia and her leader Vladimir Putin.

-The Democratic Party and their progressive cohorts will continue to promote false prophecies of the supremacy of liberal and progressive thought that most likely be coming to an end during the midterm elections this coming November.

-Americans will slowly but surely become tired and disgusted by the normalization of the declining quality of life as if it’s OK to live in fear, OK to live with daily shootings, OK to steal, and OK to make life miserable for others.

This is the legacy of Francis Fukuyama’s “the end of history”, this is the legacy of the Democratic Party and her liberal progressive agenda that has made the world and America that more dangerous for us all. The Democratic Party will move on as if it’s not her problem, not her responsibility, and will refuse to be held accountable.
  • Wednesday, March 02, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Today and tomorrow, the UN Human Rights Committee is reviewing Israel's compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR.)

The Committee is flooded with submissions by anti-Israel NGOs that purport to describe how Israel violates the ICCPR.

NGO Monitor gave its own submission that refute the false charges of the NGOs, meticulously going through the ICCPR and the false charges that Israel violates it.

Anne Herzberg of NGO Monitor tweeted, "My invitation to attend the Tuesday informal NGO meeting with the [UN Human Rights] Committee was rescinded because on Monday I asked them to adopt IHRA [Working Definition of Antisemitism] and refused to smear Israel with the apartheid calumny. PFLP-linked NGOs were welcomed at both events."

Her statement was going to include this:
But the discrepancy in NGO attention here is not just about open vs. closed societies, it is also indicative of the obsessive demonization of Israel because it is a Jewish country. Many of the submissions, rather than make constructive policy recommendations to improve the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians, have chosen instead to delegitimize Israel’s existence and advocate for the elimination of Jewish self-determination, using highly offensive terminology like “apartheid regime”, portraying it as uniquely evil, and relying on discriminatory tropes to do so.
The NGO Monitor submission and Herzberg's planned speech can be seen here. Here, I highlight a couple of the points in the submission that do not get enough attention, and which show how legal concepts in international law get twisted by today's antisemites.

The right to self-determination is a core principle in the ICCPR. All too often, however, in UN frameworks (particularly the Human Rights Council) and in publications relating to Israel, including those presented to this committee, self-determination rights are presented as if they belong to the Palestinians alone; the equal rights of the Jewish people are ignored. Moreover, many of these statements seek to erase or deny the Jewish historical presence and connection to the region.
Several, for instance, repeatedly and offensively accuse Israel of engaging in a policy of “Judaization”. The PLO developed the term “Judaization” to erase the Jewish historical connection to the region, as well as to suggest that the very presence of Jews is alien and unacceptable. The use of the term Judaization, therefore, is an expression of anti-Jewish racism.
While it is perhaps not surprising that the PLO would employ such terminology, it is immoral for human rights organizations to use phrases supporting ethnically-based exclusion. In addition to erasing the self-determination rights of the Jewish people, many NGOs distort this vital concept as it applies to Palestinians.
It is also legally and factually false to claim that Israel has imposed a “siege” on Gaza. Restricting the flow of goods in a war environment does not constitute a “siege” under international law and does not refer to the legal act of retorsion (e.g. sanctions, blockades). In fact, pursuant to Article 23 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (which sets standards for the provision of limited humanitarian aid), Israel has no obligation whatsoever to provide any goods, even minimal humanitarian supplies, if it is “satisfied” that such goods will be diverted or supply of such goods will aid Hamas in its war effort. As numerous accounts have reported, Hamas has diverted supplies from Gaza’s civilian population. Although Israel is under no legal obligation, and despite the diversion as well as attacks on the Israeli border crossings, Israel continues to provide thousands of tons of humanitarian supplies and goods to Gaza on a weekly basis.

Read all about it here!

  • Wednesday, March 02, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Yesterday, Lebanon's Asas Media reported that Israel destroyed a Hezbollah drone warehouse.

Sources told Asas reporter Qassem Qassir that "the Zionist enemy succeeded in reaching and destroying one of Hezbollah's drone hideouts through a special commando operation, and Hezbollah did not discover this operation until after it ended and the commandos returned from where they came."

The same sources claimed that Hezbollah was preparing for another operation to ambush and kill (or kidnap) IDF soldiers as they did in the 1997 Ansariya ambush which killed 12 soldiers.

This was not reported anywhere else, but Naharnet reports that Qassir is known to have close contacts within Hezbollah and is an expert on the group. 

Hezbollah denied that any drone depot was hit.

“Hizbullah strongly denies the reports about a Zionist force entering into one of the resistance’s drone depots and destroying it,” the terror group said in a statement, saying the reports are totally baseless.

Read all about it here!

  • Wednesday, March 02, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

From The Jerusalem Post:

Arina Forys, 12 years old, is a modern day refugee. She left Kyiv with her parents and brother with no clothes except for what she is currently wearing. The rest she left behind. However, Arina has one thing that has possibly saved her life: she is Jewish.

The Forys family finally reached a hotel in Warsaw over the weekend after close to a week of avoiding shelling, shooting and huge traffic jams outside the Polish border.

Yet the Forys are in a different situation than most of their neighbors in Kyiv: The Jewish people and the Israeli government have their back. The family is staying in a beautiful prepaid hotel room. They are given three meals a day, and will be immigrating to Israel on Wednesday. 

When they arrive in Israel, they’ll be able to stay in a hotel for at least a month, all paid for by the Israeli government. A Jewish Agency emissary is now helping them with anything they need. He’s an amazing individual who has left the business world and is devoting himself to the Jewish people.

Israel was established almost 74 years ago as a Jewish state, and I could not be more proud of my beautiful country and people after what I have seen during the past week.

Even before we knew that Russian President Vladimir Putin would invade Ukraine and begin a terrible war, Jewish organizations around the world, and the Israeli government, invested countless hours in order to think of all the possible situations that might occur, but also of ways to evacuate and save the lives of tens of thousands of Israelis and Jews.

Less than 100 years have passed since the Holocaust wiped out six million Jews. In the 1930s, being a Jew in Europe was considered being a second-class citizen. In 2022, having Jewish blood can literally save your life.
This is the flip side of Amnesty's and HRW's "apartheid" reports.

Israel is only actively seeking to save Jews. To these "human rights" organizations, that is discrimination. It is bigotry. It is immoral.

To them, it is "apartheid."

But there is a huge difference between favoring people of your tribe/family and discriminating against groups of people. And the Jewish people are family. If you don't understand that, you don't understand anything about Israel or Jews.

Most countries will happily send money towards housing and feeding the Ukrainian refugees, but most of them aren't actively seeking to allow them to immigrate. Only Israel is working this hard to save even some of them. As a tiny country, Israel cannot even think about allowing unlimited numbers of people to move in, but for Jews, it will move heaven and Earth to save them.

This is what Israel is about. This is a major reason Israel exists. In the past, no one gave a damn about Jewish refugees. Now, Jewish refugees not only have a place they can go - they have a place that they are welcome. 

And this is exactly what the moral midgets are Amnesty and HRW are against. Amnesty describes Israel's Law of Return under a section of their "apartheid" report titled “Intent to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people." They take what is beautiful about Israel and tell the world it is ugly. 

Favoring your own tribe is a world apart from oppressing and dominating others. 

To anti-Israel bigots, it is racism against Palestinians. In reality, it is altruism - towards Jews.  Because no one else wants Jews.

Just as no one would expect a family to house random strangers ahead of their own relatives, it is absurd to insist that tiny Israel must treat everyone - including some descendents of those who tried to murder Jews - the same or better than their own people. 

It's a big world out there. Let Christian nations step up and save their co-religionists. Let Muslim nations finally step up and bring in the hundreds of thousands of potential Muslim emigres from Ukraine. (And they can naturalize Palestinians who want to become citizens, too.) Where are the human rights groups demanding a more aggressive immigration policy from huge countries like Brazil?

This is not to say that Israel should never accept non-Jews as refugees or refuse to shelter those who reach it. Those issues should be addressed and policies created. Yet why is there more attention on a tiny nation of immigrants to do more to bring in immigrants than every nation that has more land area?

Insisting that Israel do more than the other nations - knowing full well that this will destroy the Jewish state - is not human rights. It is the opposite. It is a perfect example of how one can openly be bigoted against the Jewish people by accusing them of being bigots themselves.

Israel takes responsibility for Jews around the world - a world that has historically been uncaring about Jews at best, openly hostile towards them at worst. This is the most wonderful thing about Israel. Framing that as immoral is nothing less than spreading the next generation of Jew-hatred.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Read all about it here!

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: The disingenuous attempt to link Ukraine with Palestinians
The argument that Palestinian Molotov cocktails don’t get the same adoration in Western media is misleading. For many years, Palestinian rock-throwing during the Intifada was given positive coverage. Palestinians slinging rifles and “resisting” Israel in places like Jenin also received positive coverage.

But Palestinian groups went from “resisting” to bombing civilians and celebrating the attacks on them. That is a big difference. Ukraine hasn’t turned into a quagmire for Russia yet, and Ukrainians aren’t blowing up buses in Moscow. Russia has actually suffered terrorism in the past from Chechens and others.

In the case of Ukraine, however, there are no posters of “martyrs” massacring Russian children. There’s nothing romantic about a Palestinian or a Ukrainian throwing a Molotov cocktail onto a civilian’s car. The media are celebrating Ukrainian resistance because it is fighting the Russian military. Major media and the West in general have been sympathetic to Palestinians when they were seen to be primarily fighting Israel’s military.

Another difference is that the Palestinian narrative is backed by groups that say “From the river to the sea,” who argue that Israel should not exist. Ukraine is an independent country being brutally invaded. It does not say it wants Moscow, and it does not have maps of their country that includes all of Russia.

When people argue that Ukraine is getting unfair coverage for “resisting occupation” while Palestinians do not get the same coverage, their claims are misleading. Palestinians receive support and coverage, and Palestinian refugees are still refugees after 70 years. They receive enormous international support. Ukrainians are also getting support. And if, after 70 years, they are still resisting Russia, it will be fair to continue that support.

Many of those who back Palestinians while slamming the coverage of Ukraine are also disingenuous because they don’t back Ukrainian resistance. They claim the situations are the same, but many of them back Russia.

You can see by their social media background how some not only back Russia and the Assad regime, but are anti-Israel and anti-Kurdish. They don’t actually back the “resistance” of every group. They are primarily obsessed with Israel. This obsession is usually driven by antisemitism, and their talking points about Ukraine are merely a distraction.
JPost Editorial: The Palestinians are not like the Ukrainians - editorial
All those trying to paint Israel as imperialist Russia and the Palestinians as the freedom-seeking Ukrainians should keep a couple of truths in mind:
First, the Ukrainians never tried to throw the Russians into the Black Sea, nor does the Ukrainian constitution include a clause stating that Russia has no right to exist.

Second, the Ukrainians did not arm their people with explosive vests and encourage them to ride buses in Moscow and blow themselves up along with as many innocent passengers as possible.

Third, the residents of Kharkiv in northern Ukraine have not been firing rockets for nearly two decades at apartment blocks in Belograd just across the border.

To compare Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine to bring Kyiv under Russian President Vladimir Putin’s heel to Israel’s incursions into Gaza or southern Lebanon to stop Hamas or Hezbollah from randomly shelling civilian populations is to willfully distort reality.

Thankfully, most reasonable people see these lies for what they are.

Sadly, some will only see that the Russians are the far stronger side in this war, that Israel is the far stronger side when it fights Hamas in Gaza, and reflexively just sympathize with the underdog, the weaker side.

Weakness, however, does not automatically bestow virtue. In the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, it happens to be that Ukraine is both the wronged party and the weaker one. But that is not the case with the Palestinians.

Guardian criticises Howard Jacobson's concern about left-wing antisemitism
First, the “minor celebrity”/”Twitter personality” he claims has no right to speak for British Jews he’s likely referring to is the indefatigable writer, researcher and activist, David Collier, who, last year, had forty trees planted in Israel to honour those in Britain who, like Collier himself, have bravely fought antisemitism.

But, the former point in the paragraph we highlighted made by Moshenka is even more revealing.

If he would have said, prior to 2015, that the problem of left-wing antisemitism is overstated, that would be one thing.

But, to make that point after a Labour antisemitism crisis so toxic that most British Jews believed the party leader was personally antisemitic with many viewing Jeremy Corbyn as an existential threat to Jewish life, after the party was found guilty by the EHRC of violating the Equalities Act in its treatment of Jewish members, and after the worst year on record for antisemitic incidents (driven, in large measure, by the pro-Palestinian activist left), is astonishing.

Though we don’t know much about Moshenka, the fact that he’s gravely concerned about a work of fiction written 18 years ago, yet the tsunami of Jew hatred in recent years from within his own political community leaves him, as it left Sam Finkler, “stone-cold”, speaks volumes about why Guardian editors deemed him fit to review Jacobson’s book.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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