Thursday, October 03, 2019

  • Thursday, October 03, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Iraqi news site An Nabaa really tried to hide its Jew-hatred:
Control of the media has been the cornerstone of the Zionist strategy since the Zionist movement was founded by the Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl, who was able to hold the first Zionist Congress in 1897 in the city of Basel, Switzerland...The first World Zionist Congress, held in Basel, states in one of its resolutions the importance of controlling the media. From that date until today, the Zionist movement has always tried to control the world's major media outlets..
The author seems to be confusing the Basel Program with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, because the First Zionist Congress resolutions did not mention the media.

But after only a couple of paragraphs about how the Zionists are taking over the Arab media as well, the author forgets the cardinal rule of avoiding accusations of antisemitism - always use the word "Zionists" and never say "Jews:"
We must acknowledge that the current Zionist political media strategy is an inseparable part of the ancient and modern Jewish Zionist history, and is also one of the foundations of the construction of the global Zionist national project based on the construction and establishment of Greater Israel, which is directed and managed by the United States of America. Specifically by the Zionist lobby, which was able to control many of the sensitive centers in that empire, but to establish the main center of the Zionist political media strategy in the world, through that huge number of newspapers and periodicals and satellite channels, research centers, advertising and many other modern media.

In fact, the Zionist political media strategy, with its deception, lies and distortion of the meaning and content of the truth of the media, is not the product of the current Israeli Zionist presence in the Arab world, or the product of the Arab-Israeli conflict in particular, but rather a product and historical extension of an instinctive human ideology. The hatred, lying and deception of others since eternity has been mentioned in many heavenly Jewish historical books such as Isaiah and Amos and Jeremiah and other books and chapters of the Jewish evidence of this fact.  Jeremiah speaks of God's wrath and rejection of an entire generation of Jews because the truth has been destroyed and torn because of them.
Incidentally, this is a merger of traditional Muslim and modern antisemitism. Muslim antisemitism says that Jews are liars and breakers of agreements; modern conspiracy theory antisemitism says Jews control the banks and media.

The author is Mustafa Qutbi who writes widely for many Arab media outlets and has even won awards.

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Wednesday, October 02, 2019

From Ian:

David Collier: Palestinian solidarity – the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism
Look at this tweet. It is the strongest defence Jewish people can expect from the left these days. Yes – antisemitism exists – but it is wrong to blame Jews for what Israel is doing. In other words Israel is guilty, but that Jew is innocent. But then what if that Jew supports Israel?

This adherence to a toxic cause entirely removes all responsibility from the Palestinians. They do not have to do anything to detoxify the narrative before being rewarded by MPs and American politicians wrapping themselves in the Palestinian flag. It is why sickening policies like ‘pay for slay‘ can exist. The Palestinians have no agency – they can do no wrong. These Solidarity movements have embedded themselves in the west as a ‘humanitarian’ force and are spreading a toxic hate of Jews everywhere they are permitted to set up a stall.

Until this is addressed, nothing will change. This marriage has unleashed raw antisemitism. Images like this are posted without the person in the image understanding what is wrong with what he is doing. Palestinian solidarity legitimises such hatred:

Then we see images such as this from the Labour Party conference.

None of this has anything to do with Palestinians who live in Ramallah or Gaza and want to live their lives in peace. Palestinian solidarity has created a travesty. Not only does picking up a Palestinian flag require you to support a fictitious narrative. It means you adopt toxic beliefs and it holds everyone hostage – even the Palestinians.

A question for politicians such as Afzal Khan, Marsha de Cordova, Clive Lewis, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Ian Lavery, Diane Abbott, Jeremy Corbyn, Lisa Nandy, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib. When you hold the flag aloft of your local Palestinian solidarity group – what are you standing in solidarity with?

Are you suggesting that the Arab irregular armies were not invading in January 1948? Do you believe that the Jewish immigrants of 1890 deserved to be attacked? Are you indicating your support for the story that Jews were responsible for the massacres against them in the 1920s and 1930s? Do you oppose immigration and think refugees buying houses is a provocation that requires a violent response? Do you believe that the Zionists of 1900 could foresee the Holocaust?

Why exactly are you standing in solidarity with these lies and why are you waving the flag of such a toxic, rancid, antisemitic movement?
Jeremy Corbyn celebrates Rosh Hashanah with pro-Hamas Jewish activist
UK Labour Secretary Jeremy Corbyn marked Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, by meeting with a group of Jewish activists who included an activist who last year led a public mourning prayer for Hamas members, the London-based Jewish Chronicle reported on Sunday.

In a video posted by Corbyn on Twitter ahead of Rosh Hashanah, the controversial leader goes to buy apple and honey with some Jewish Labor Party members, including Rob Abrams.

Last year, Abrams led a Kaddish in the central Parliament Square in London after 62 Palestinian were killed in clashes at the Gaza border, according to the Jewish Chronicle. At least 50 of them were affiliated to the terror organization that controls the Strip.

"The apple is the fruit of the Earth.. and it brings us back to one of the most important elements of Judaism, the guardianship of the Earth," he explained to Corbyn in the video.

The video also featured Labour councilor Sue Lukes who in the past shared an article entitled "Jewish 'War against Corbyn' risks bringing real antisemitism to Britain" and expressed appreciation for Malia Bouattia, a former president of the National Union of Students, who called the University of Birmingham a "Zionist outpost."

This episode does not mark the first time that Corbyn highly publicized his meetings with fringe Jewish organizations.
Take Bernie Sanders off the Democrat presidential contenders list
Just to emphasize my point of view, I'll begin by stating my staunch disapproval of Bernie Sanders even being considered as the Democrat nominee for president. He would be a disaster for the the citizens of this country, for Israel and for the prosperity of the world community.

Sanders is a staunch Marxist Socialist bordering on Communist, aligns himself with the enemies of Israel and would remove the physical power and economic influence of the United States that at present keeps the world relatively safe from turmoil and conflict. He's bad news ....for all.

First off, his declarations for free schooling for everyone, including illegal immigrants, his free medical programs for all, including illegal immigrants and his "citizenship for all" attitude would not only bankrupt this nation, it would destroy the basic institutions such as finance, production and health care and would make the 1929 Depression look like an enviable alternative.

Second, his overt dislike for our military, the institution that has kept us free from all of our enemies since the onset of our nation, nearly 250 years ago would induce the likes of China, Russia and the leaders of the Islamic terrorists' mouths to water.

Bernie also stands firmly aligned with the likes of Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, both of whom have accused Jews of dual loyalty, corrupting politics with money and hypnotizing their neighbors. His support for them was remarkable. In January of this year, he stated, "We will stand by our Muslim brothers and sisters. It's not antisemitic to criticize Israel for electing a right-winger like Netanyahu." He was not only dishonest, he was stirring Jew hating among Jew haters.

Fixing Relationships

It is a new year, and as such, we are filled with good intentions, even as we inch closer to atonement. We want to do better, but we also want to look back and examine our own behavior. Could we have done this differently? What would have happened had we done Y instead of Z?
These can be difficult thoughts.
Yes. Introspection is a painful endeavor, as none of us are perfect. But things shouldn’t be this hard. In fact, I tend to think relationships can all pretty much be boiled down to: Hashem wouldn’t want us to fight.
And if that were a t-shirt, I’d wear it.

Quora as Jewish History Learning Tool

Less difficult than going over the obsessive thoughts about what went wrong is thinking about the things that went right. I would qualify Quora, the social media platform for asking and answering questions, as being in the latter category.
I like Quora. It forces me to look things up. That means I learn about important things. Like my own history: the history of my people and my country. It sharpens the mind. Using this platform has helped me to develop and articulate a personal perspective on Israel.
I don’t answer every question. In fact, I turn down more requests for answers than I accept. I only answer the questions that pique my interest. I am selective.

If you are a literate commenter who loves Israel, we could use your voice. So give Quora a try. I think it’s a good thing.

Using the Word “Indigenous”

I don’t go in much for New Year’s resolutions. At the same time, I do note what I need to change and try to do better. One change I’ve made in recent years has been to my writing. I decided I would incorporate the word indigenous in my writing about Israel wherever appropriate.
I see it as an absolute truth: that the Jewish people are the indigenous people of Israel. It is important for me to talk about why this is so, and to help people understand that indigenous does not mean we were in Israel, first.
I do often encounter resistance to this idea. To me, that’s just a sign we need to get educated: we need to internalize the idea of indigeneity.

Disparaging Israel, Disparaging Each Other

I try to be careful in my writing and my speech not to disparage Israel. But speaking bad about actual people is a whole ‘nother ballgame, something that would be absolutely verboten. A recent piece in one of the Jewish media outlets was so nasty in tone that my mouth dropped open as I read. The writer began with a discussion on infighting between Jewish personalities then went on to blast a particular Jewish blogger by name. The kicker, for me, was this sentence: “He is not a good writer.”
Ouch. Maybe I was projecting. But that is the probably the worst thing that someone could say to me. The most hurtful thing. And if that would hurt me, I think it is reasonable to assume it would hurt others, too. So from that light, I want to ask the writer:

Why on earth was this insult necessary?

By the way, I didn’t think much of the substance of this hit piece, either, but most of all, I just couldn’t figure out the purpose of inserting that nasty, ugly, hurtful phrase. It made me think: I’ll never submit anything to that publication ever again. (Except that I’ve already said that about practically every other Jewish publication in existence and soon I’ll be writing from inside of a dark closet for myself.)

Hurting Each Other

Sometimes people refuse to resolve personal differences. When that happens, the thought always comes to me: “Hashem wouldn’t like this. Hashem wants us to get along.”
I always wish there were a way to communicate that to the people who won’t forgive me.

Refusing Friendships

Sometimes people don’t want to be friends with someone. That can really hurt the person so we should think carefully before refusing an offer of friendship. If you must refuse, be as nice as you can.
Of course, that’s not always possible.
Yes. I’m talking about Facebook and the person who declined my friend request and marked it “spam.”

Hurt in the World

There is a lot of hurt in the world. So much that you wonder how it can possibly hold it all.

Joy in the World

There is joy in the world. Most people don’t have a lot of it. But oh, when you find it, it is so worth it. So much more powerful than woe and pain could ever be. Remember that feeling. Remember those times. Hold on to the feeling. And remember to be grateful.
My grandson Gilad.
Gmar Chatima Tova and May You Be Inscribed in the Book of Life

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

In the US, there is a Jewish Voice for Peace, an If Not Now, a J Street, an Open Hillel, and a Tzedek Chicago – and probably a hundred other Jewish organizations with the same general objective. All would deny it, but they act politically to bring about the end of the Jewish state and the re-imposition of the historic exile of the Jewish people.

Although some of these groups claim to support “nonviolent change,” if they were to be successful in their endeavors, Jewish blood would flow (again) like water. And make no mistake about this – the conditions that enabled the Jewish people to survive as a people in the 2000+ year diaspora don’t hold in the 21st century. The end of the Jewish state would most likely be the end of the Jewish people.

I don’t think they are naïve. I am surprised that the ones with three-figure IQs believe that the ideal of nonviolence is attainable. They seem to be able to accept a remarkably great degree of cognitive dissonance.

This phenomenon is rare among other peoples. I haven’t encountered a “Hindus for a Pakistani Kashmir” group, or a Greek “Keep Northern Cyprus Turkish” organization, have you? But in addition to the countless Jewish and Israeli groups dedicated to ending Jewish sovereignty in what they relish calling “Palestine” (or “Israel/Palestine” at best), there are countless Jewish activists in Students for Justice in Palestine and similar non-Jewish groups. Some are even leaders in the anti-Israel movement.

Sometimes they reconcile the contradiction by believing that justice supports the case of the Palestinian Arabs. The can think this despite the actual history of the conflict as well as the warfare and truly horrific terrorism that have been the tactics of the Arab side, because they buy into a narrative that casts the Arabs as the indigenous “brown” inhabitants of the region who have been colonized by (primarily) “white” European Jews, supported by the rest of the white, privileged, world.

This narrative was initially introduced by the KGB’s presentation in the 1960s of the antisemitic Palestinian Arab opposition to the Jewish presence and especially sovereignty) in the region as a movement of national liberation, despite the fact that Palestinian nationalism had never been particularly strong before then, and decolonization, despite the fact that half of Israelis were native to the Middle East (and the rest represented no colonial power).

In the years since then, the narrative – which by now became a full-fledged self-consistent conceptual scheme – was given impetus by the UN which passed its “Zionism is racism” resolution in 1974, and then widely popularized by Edward Said’s book, Orientalism (1978), which fallaciously delegitimized attempts by non-Arabs to take any position at all on the Middle East. The connection to racism was reestablished after the 1991 repeal of the UN resolution, when the 2001 Durban Conference on racism turned into a theatrical anti-Israel festival and gave birth to the BDS movement that so many of today’s anti-Israel Jews support. Finally, the 21st century idea of “intersectionality” linked Palestinianism with other popular causes of the Left, especially in the universities.

All of this appears from the outside to be a house of cards, resting on faulty historical analysis. But once inside, the argument that the Jews are the paradigmatic “white” oppressors of the oppressed (and therefore innocent by definition) Palestinian Arabs seems reasonable. In this scheme, the Jewish state appears as emblematic of all that is unjust in the world, matched in its devilishness only by the United States of America.

But the Jewish proponents of this misozionist* world-view are sometimes uneasy. There is the problem of Arab violence, which is not so easily justified, especially when it involves beheading babies or slaughtering 13-year old girls in their beds. There is the problem of the Palestinian failure to meet modern standards for decent treatment of LGBTQ people, women, and even animals. And finally, there is the need to wriggle and dance to try to establish that misoziony is not antisemitic, given that it involves delegitimization, demonization, and double standards, the “Three D” criterion of Natan Sharansky.

One way that misozionist Jews have found to ameliorate their discomfort is to argue that their position is actually an expression of their Judaism. An early (1990s) proponent of this view is Michael Lerner, the publisher of Tikkun Magazine and author of The Politics of Meaning. Emphasizing the “social” commandments of the Torah and the writings of the prophets, Lerner and his followers redefined the mitzvot of Judaism in terms of (formerly) secular leftist social action. Given the position of the Left that justice is on the side of the Palestinian Arabs in their conflict with Israel, a “Tikkunist” Jew could see his misoziony as not only compatible with, but commanded by, Judaism.

And now, making it even more explicit, comes a new book by Atalia** Omer, a Jewish woman born in Jerusalem with a Harvard doctorate who teaches Religion, Conflict, and Peace Studies at Notre Dame University. The book is called Days of Awe: Reimagining Jewishness in Solidarity With Palestinians. It is a study of the Jewish misozionist movement from an appreciative standpoint, and it brings together all the concepts so beloved by the contemporary “woke” academic Left. Here is an almost randomly selected passage from the book:

I hadn’t noticed the alliance between the white power types and Jewish Zionists that she mentions, but I do note that she hits absolutely every note on the intersectional scale, including the ever-potent image of Trump, as she struggles to neutralize the fundamental antisemitism of her position. And if Zionism is chauvinistic, masculine, heteronormative, [and] homophobic,” what is the Palestinian movement with which she is so proud to show solidarity?

The “reimagining” of Judaism in terms of leftism is an act of enormous arrogance. The twists and turns that it requires are remarkable, and demonstrate, yet again, the great adaptability and virulence of the virus of antisemitism – which has found a susceptible, even welcoming, host in the Jewish Left.

* Misoziony is the extreme and irrational hatred of the Jewish state. It is antisemitism raised up one level of abstraction, although almost all misozionists are antisemites as well.

** Atalia (also spelled “Athalia” in transliteration) was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. She reigned as Queen of Judah for six years, and was known for killing all possible claimants to the throne and for introducing the worship of Baal into Judah before she herself was assassinated.

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From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: Rosh HaShanah greetings in the Muslim world are changing
Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington put out “a happy and sweet new year” greeting this year, courtesy of her highness the Ambassador Reema Bandar al-Saud.

United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin-Zayed al-Nahyan also wrote a “Shana Tovah” greeting on Twitter.

An aid to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani also wished Jews a happy a new year.

The three examples are small signs of increasing willingness of countries in the Middle East to express tolerance and openness to Jews. This is interesting, considering the fact that Jews lived in most modern Middle Eastern countries since before their current foundations and have roots in the region going back thousands of years. However many of the modern countries in the region have had varying degrees of official state anti-semitism expressed either in textbooks or through obsession with destroying Israel, often thinly veiled behind hatred for Jews in general.

Because some of the governments in the region linked their hatred for Israel with a loathing, suspicion and persecution of their own Jewish minorities they chose to forego any expression of respect for the Jewish religion. Now things are changing, just a bit. With a new chapter being written in Israel-Gulf relations, the first steps can be seen in respect for Jews in general, including discussions with openly Jewish delegations, rabbis or groups, and discussions about having a synagogue or two here and there. Much of this is still a sensitive issue, and in general while there have been overtures to Jewish communities, and outreach in places like Bahrain, Dubai, Qatar, and the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, there is still much work to do.
In first, Saudi envoy in Washington sends Rosh Hashanah greeting to US Jews
Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington sent out Rosh Hashanah greetings to US Jews wishing them a happy and sweet Jewish new year, NBC News reported Tuesday.

According to the report, it was the first time the embassy has sent such a message to Jewish people in America.

“On this occasion of Rosh Hoshanna [sic], Her Highness The Ambassador Reema Bandar Al Saud sends her wishes for a happy and sweet new year,” the embassy wrote on the greeting card.

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Along the bottom the card read, “Happy Shana Tova,” along with images of honey, apples, and pomegranates, all foods traditionally eaten at Rosh Hashanah feasts.

The report did not say in what format the card was sent out. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, fell on Monday and Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the US, Princess Reema Bandar Al Saud (screenshot: YouTube)

Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington sent out Rosh Hashanah greetings to US Jews wishing them a happy and sweet Jewish new year, NBC News reported Tuesday.

According to the report, it was the first time the embassy has sent such a message to Jewish people in America.

“On this occasion of Rosh Hoshanna [sic], Her Highness The Ambassador Reema Bandar Al Saud sends her wishes for a happy and sweet new year,” the embassy wrote on the greeting card.

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Along the bottom the card read, “Happy Shana Tova,” along with images of honey, apples, and pomegranates, all foods traditionally eaten at Rosh Hashanah feasts.

The report did not say in what format the card was sent out. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, fell on Monday and Tuesday.

Last week the State of Israel congratulated Saudi Arabia on its national day, showering the Gulf kingdom with warm wishes for peace and security, despite the absence of formal diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry routinely tweets congratulations on countries’ national days, but only to those with which it has formal diplomatic ties.

  • Wednesday, October 02, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

46% of Muslim immigrants in France want to apply sharia in the country, according to a poll conducted by IFOP for Le Point magazine.

The survey also indicates that among French-born Muslims, 18% believe that sharia should be the law of the land.

The IFOP survey also reveals that are only 41% of French Muslims believe that the practice of Islam must be adapted to comply with French secularism." 37% say that it is French secularism that must adapt.

IFOP, Institut Français d'Opinion Publique, is a well-known opinion research and survey firm.

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 02, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember earlier this ear when the UK Labour party tweeted out this Passover greeting that included a loaf of bread?

Who would have thought that Saudi Arabia could school the Labour Party in basic Judaism?

Here is the quite appropriate Saudi embassy in Washington's Rosh Hashanah greeting:

And what did Labour do for Rosh Hashana?

UK Labour Secretary Jeremy Corbyn marked Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, by meeting with a group of Jewish activists who included an activist who last year led a public mourning prayer for Hamas members, the London-based Jewish Chronicle reported on Sunday.

In a video posted by Corbyn on Twitter ahead of Rosh Hashanah, the controversial leader goes to buy apple and honey with some Jewish Labor Party members, including Rob Abrams.

Last year, Abrams led a Kaddish in the central Parliament Square in London after 62 Palestinian were killed in clashes at the Gaza border, according to the Jewish Chronicle. At least 50 of them were affiliated to the terror organization that controls the Strip.

"The apple is the fruit of the Earth.. and it brings us back to one of the most important elements of Judaism, the guardianship of the Earth," he explained to Corbyn in the video.

The video also featured Labour councilor Sue Lukes who in the past shared an article entitled "Jewish 'War against Corbyn' risks bringing real antisemitism to Britain" and expressed appreciation for Malia Bouattia, a former president of the National Union of Students, who called the University of Birmingham a "Zionist outpost."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 02, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
I reported last week on a Hebrew article that between 80%-90% of all Gaza Christians have fled Gaza because of harassment from both Hamas and local Salafis,

Hamas, ever sensitive to appearing anti-Christian, responded by sending a delegation to a church and effectively forcing the priest to lie about how wonderful things are:

A Hamas delegation in Gaza on Tuesday visited the Church of Saint Prefors and the Greek Orthodox pastor Bishop Alexos.

The delegation included Bassem Naim, Maher Al-Houli, Fawzi Barhoum, while they were received by Bishop Alexios, pastor of the Church in Gaza, and Issa Terzi, Chairman of the Council of Agents.

The delegation stated that the visit comes within the framework of promoting good relations and values ​​of love, brotherhood and coexistence among all our people, Muslims and Christians. 
Al-Houli stressed that Christians in Gaza live in safety just like Muslims and no difference between them, pointing out that this visit is to emphasize the lofty meanings of coexistence, love and security.

For his part, Archbishop Alexios thanked the delegation for his visit and said that Gaza is a role model for coexistence between Muslims and Christians on the basis of national partnership.

He added: "We do not feel at all any targeting us as Christians in particular, but we find all the love, appreciation and respect of Hamas, and the great interest of its leadership, as well as the follow-up and keenness of all government agencies in the difficulties or challenges."

Of course the archbishop didn't feel any pressure at all to toe the Hamas line with Hamas officials standing next to him speaking to a Hamas newspaper.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

From Ian:

Seth J Frantzman: Iraq blames Israel for airstrikes, why now?
Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on Monday said that “investigations into the targeting of some Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) positions indicate that Israel carried it out,” marking the first time he has spoken so clearly about a series of mysterious attacks since July that have targeted munitions facilities of the PMF.

Previously, voices in Iraq have sought to blame Israel but have been reticent to do so clearly. Elements within the PMU – a group of mostly Shi’ite militias, some of which are closely tied to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – have instead held the US responsible, claiming the US allowed Israel to carry out the attacks.

So why would Abdul-Mahdi, who faces many challenges at home, decide to blame Israel now?

It appears that the Iraqi prime minister is blaming Israel at this juncture, because he is being targeted for criticism for removing a key member of the Counter Terrorism Service (CTS), Lt.-Gen. Abdul Wahab Al-Saadi, who was a popular deputy commander of the CTS – Iraq’s most elite unit – and who played a key role defeating ISIS.

However, he was suddenly sidelined last week and the prime minister is being criticized across the political spectrum. However Abdul-Mahdi’s office has said the decision is irreversible and insisted that Al-Saadi must adhere to it.

In addition, rumors have been spread against the commander, suggesting he visited foreign embassies. Abdul-Mahdi sought to blame the CTS for the decision on Monday, suggesting that the chief of staff wanted Al-Saadi out of the way.

The Iraqi prime minister has said that “no one wants war in the region except for Israel.” However, a large context looms. He was recently in Saudi Arabia and is now supposed to travel to Iran.

Iran’s IRGC head Hossein Salami spoke on Monday, threatening to destroy Israel. In addition Iran’s Tasnim is taking credit for getting the US to re-position air force assets away from Qatar, claiming its drones scare the Americans.

German antisemitism commissioner calls on Merkel to exit Iran nuke deal
One of Germany’s leading commissioners tasked with combating antisemitism has urged Chancellor Angela Merkel to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal to protect Israel’s security and instead impose sanctions on Tehran.

“The current escalation with Israel should be reason enough for Germany to advocate the.... Iran nuclear agreement, which has been undermined by Iran... [as] dead, and for the necessary sanctions against Tehran to become effective again in their entirety,” Uwe Becker, commissioner of the Hessian federal state government for Jewish life and the fight against antisemitism, told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.

Becker said Germany’s national interest in a secure Israel is “above possible economic interests” rooted in the Iran deal.

“If Germany takes its reason for state [raison d’État] seriously, it must immediately freeze its relations with Iran and thus send a clear and unequivocal signal to the Iranian leadership,” Becker said. “It is not a question of a policy against the Iranian people, who are even deprived of important freedom rights by their own government, but of a clear position towards the political leadership in Tehran.”

Becker, who is a member of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party, is the first antisemitism commissioner in Germany to urge the chancellor to pull the plug on the accord and re-impose economic sanctions against Iran.

Merkel delivered a speech to the Knesset in 2008 in which she declared Israel’s security interests to be part of Germany’s raison d’État.

At the time, the chancellor said that Israel’s security is “non-negotiable” for her government.
Palestinians Steal Electricity, Then Blame Israel
Apparently, the Palestinians believe that they have a "right" to free electricity -- even if that leads to the collapse of their own electric company.

This conviction is in keeping with the longstanding Palestinian perception that someone else -- preferably Israel and Western donors, but basically anyone else -- should pay their way in the world, particularly their electricity bills.

Palestinian officials are using the electricity issue to incite not only the international community against Israel, but also their own people. These officials are telling Palestinians that Israel is seeking to punish Palestinians for no good reason, and that their anger should be directed against Israel, not against the electricity thieves or the Palestinian leadership.

The controversy surrounding the unpaid electricity debts is yet another example of the Palestinians' unceasing search for ways to blame Israel for self-inflicted miseries. Instead of assuming responsibility for the electricity theft and unpaid bills and taking punitive measures against the offenders, the Palestinians are doing what they do best: trying their utmost to convince the world that it is all Israel's fault.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

  • Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Wishing my readers a sweet and healthy New Year!

I will not be blogging until Tuesday night or Wednesday.

Ktiva v'chatima tova!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

President Rivlin wishes Jews around the world a happy new year
President Reuven Rivlin wished Israeli citizens and Jews around the world a happy Jewish new year in a new video.

"Another year has past and a new year starts," Rivlin said. "In our prayers, we say, 'let the new year and its blessings begin.' After a difficult year for the safety of Jewish communities and relations between Israel and the Jewish world, let the new year be better and different."

Rivlin stated, "Over the last year, I have been honored to meet so many of your from across the Jewish world. Your commitment to the future of the Jewish people and to the State of Israel is inspiring.

"Despite the difference and the disagreements between us, we must take care to protect our relations and ensure they are strong and silent," he emphasized. "I believe our bonds are stronger than any difference."

Rivlin took pride in the country's accomplishments, noting that Israel "got to the moon, even if the landing was not entirely successful. We hosted the Eurovision, we printed an artificial heard and we have a Judo world champion.

"Many of those achievements are shared with you," he concluded. "I want to thank you for your partnership and for standing with the people and the State of Israel. Israel was and will remain your home, the home of all Jewish people. Happy new year!"

Trump wishes Jewish community a happy New Year
US President Donald Trump on Sunday issued a message to the Jewish community in honor of the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

“As the High Holy Days commence, Melania and I wish those observing Rosh Hashanah a blessed and happy New Year.”

“This sacred day marks the start of a 10-day period of both celebration and reflection. Throughout the High Holy Days, those in the Jewish community engage in prayer and repentance, which culminate in the holiest day of the year in Judaism, Yom Kippur. Each day, with the blowing of the shofar, the Jewish people embark on a new spiritual journey to grow closer to Hashem and find a renewed sense of purpose in their faith,” said Trump.

“As men, women, and children around the world partake in traditional liturgy and enjoy customary meals with loved ones, we are all reminded of the virtues we can incorporate into our lives to better us as a Nation—kindness, compassion, and love. Together, with devotion to these ideals, we can form more sincere bonds with people of all faiths to help spread peace and prosperity in the United States and abroad.”

“Melania and I pray that those celebrating Rosh Hashanah build a more meaningful relationship with God throughout the High Holy Days. May the Almighty bless you all,” the President concluded.

  • Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
I came across a Time-Life book about Jerusalem published in 1976. It includes this vignette:

I peered into one of the shops. Its Arab keeper tried to sell me a dagger, then a cricifix, then a Jewish candlestick. "You sell Israeli things?" I asked.

He avoided my stare. ...."Our people take work from the Israelis because they have to. They've no choice."

"You can't grow to like them?"

He jerked back his head in denial. ..."None of us here minds whether we belong to Jordan, Egypt or Palestine - what does it matter? So long as we're ruled by Arabs." With a dark bitterness, he added, "Only take away Israel. That's all we ask. Set us free from Israel."
Similarly, many Gazans voluntarily left to go to Jordan in 1967 because they didn't want to be ruled by Jews, even though Egypt turned Gaza into a large ghetto for Palestinians. Those Gazans' children and grandchildren are still in Jordan, still stateless, still living in camps.

The book also includes a series of sketches made by David Roberts in the 1830s. These two scenes of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives do not show any Arab villages between the Mount and Jerusalem - no "ancient" Silwan.

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  • Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Screenshot from video accusing Abdelmajid Taboun of being Jewish

In Algeria, university professor Issa Bin Aggoun has accused former Prime Minister Abdelmajid Taboun of really being Jewish whose real first name was Benjamin.

Taboun who announced his candidacy for the December 12 presidential election. It is a time honored tradition that Arabs accuse their political opponents of being secret Jews.

However, Taboun is a popular name, and other Tabouns have filed a lawsuit against Bin Aggoun for his sullying their good names by claiming that the Taboun family members are really crypto-Jews.

Human rights activist Hassan Bouras denounced the accusation as"slander," saying that while the government is corrupt and he is no fan of Taboun, calling him Jewish is not a principled way to defeat him politically.

A video with over 12,000 views in 12 hours shows Taboun's face juxtaposed with various images of Orthodox Jews to incite hate.

Not one Arabic-language commentator I could find has said that it is not a slander to call someone Jewish.

The antisemitism behind these accusations is blindingly obvious, but is rarely called out in the West.

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  • Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Bari Weiss' How To Fight Anti-Semitism has been the talk of the Jewish world for the past couple of weeks.

In six relatively short chapters, Weiss goes into details of her shock at the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where she grew up. It then surveys the history of antisemitism (my preferred spelling), and then goes into a bit of detail on antsemitism on the Right, the Left and by Muslims. Finally she discusses "How to Fight" the phenomenon.

Weiss' audience does not seem to be Americans as a whole. The entire book, especially the last chapter, is really aimed at overwhelmingly liberal American Jews.

And here is the real surprise of the book: Despite how Weiss is described in the media, she is a liberal. She supports the right of immigration, she is a feminist, she supports equal rights for all, she is against Israel's rabbinate's exclusion of non-Orthodox in some aspects of life. All of Weiss' arguments in this book are from within a firm liberal mindset and tradition.

This is why, despite the title, the centerpiece of the book really isn't the last chapter. It is the chapter on the antisemitism of the Left. The longest chapter in the book, Weiss knows all of the arguments that the Right is the only real threat to Jews today, and she methodically demolishes them. While it is true that the antisemites from the Right are the ones with the guns, the ones on the Left are limiting how American Jews can even think if they want to be accepted in progressive circles.

In a stunning analogy that she quotes from Dana Horn, there are two categories of antisemitism: Purim antisemitism and Chanukah antisemitism.

Purim antisemitism is the Jew-hatred of the Nazis and the Islamists: the desire to eliminate all Jews. Chanukah antisemitism is the desire to eliminate Jewish civilization - and, worse, it asks Jews to be willing participants in that destruction, just as the Hellenized Jews of the Seleucid regime did. This is today's Leftist antisemitism, where solidarity with the Jews of Israel is enough to cut Jews off from the causes that they gravitate to most such as anti-racism or feminism.

Weiss also spends a bit of time analyzing historic socialist antisemitism - how it turned against the very socialist Jews who enthusiastically joined up and persecuted their fellow Jews in the Soviet Union, and how that immoral philosophy has survived to attack Jews today under the guise of supporting human rights.

She also shows how the concept of intersectionality, originally a noble idea, has been hijacked and twisted into a perverted show of who is the biggest victim - and how the biggest victims are automatically assumed to be righteous, no matter what they say or how they act.

This is where Weiss' liberalism shines. To her, people's words and actions are important, not their race or gender. In the bizarre progressive world, Ilhan Omar's antisemitic words simply do not matter because she is a black female Muslim. Islamic misogyny should be condemned every bit as much as any other type, and the fact that it comes from a group perceived as non-white doesn't excuse it.

The book has been praised by Zionists and vilified by anti-Zionists, because Weiss proves quite handily that the anti-Zionism that delegitimizes Israel is an fact antisemitism. (Although this review in The American Prospect actually tries to argue that Muslim and Arab antisemitism is not really a thing - Pew surveys notwithstanding.)

The last chapter, on how to fight antisemitism, is again aimed at liberal American Jews. It is not a chapter on how to defeat antisemitism, but how to respond to it. Weiss starts the chapter off with a lengthy quote from a terrific manifesto written by Ze'ev Maghen in the late 1980s. That essay covers most of Weiss' points in the chapter Here's an excerpt:

A man calls you a pig. Do you walk around with a sign explaining that, in fact, you are not a pig? Do you hand out leaflets expostulating in detail upon the manifold differences between you and a pig ("A pig has a snout, I have a nose; a pig wallows in mud, I only occasionally step in a puddle, and then, of course, inadvertently...")? Do you stand on a soap box and discourse eruditely on why, in general, it is extremely not nice to call people pigs, and appeal to the populace to please have no truck with an individual rude and nasty enough to say such things about an upstanding citizen like yourself?

Fellow Jews, where in hell is your dignity? Where is your abhorrence of useless, thoughtless, counterproductive endeavor? Of course we want people to befriend us, to treat us with proper regard, that's only natural. Of course we desire and advocate amicable relations between ourselves and other ethnic and religious groups (after all, who came up with "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore"-a Martian?). But let's make a moment's inquiry, shall we, into the analogous microcosm of a healthy, strapping, youthful, well-adjusted organism-say, the reader- and examine how s/he interacts socially toward the same ends in his/her individual life.

You want people to like you, right? Well, and how do you go about achieving this? Do you launch a campus-wide "Don't Dislike Dan!" campaign, replete with billboard, petition, full-page ads, a couple of lobbying organizations and occasional sky-writing? If some miscreant simply won't be your pal, in fact actually takes an overt aversion to you despite all your exertions to woo his affection and heal the breaches, would you....picket in front of his dorm? Or do you run your life a bit differently, concentrating your time and effort on being the best "yourself" that you can, growing and learning and living and enjoying, treating others fairly and kindly, setting up criteria for right and wrong and trying like the dickens to adhere to them and if despite all this a few folks nevertheless persist in being incurable slimeballs and absolutely refuse to interact genially and courteously........@!%#?& them, as my grandmother says-you move on.

Clearly any sane human would opt for the latter course, seeing as the alternative is not only laughably ludicrous, but profusely demeaning and unforgivably ineffective. And yet as a group, as a people, we Jews have inexplicably chosen to live this very same absurd alternative. The current trend among the vast majority of American Jewish youth is lamentably not toward being the best "ourselves," the best Jews, we can be; for most Jewish young people in this country the condition is rather one of fundamental ignorance of the enormous treasure and incomparable high that is full, glorious, meaningful Jewish life. At the same time, the preponderance of highly-funded Jewish organizations in America today (and the ones gobbling up the largest chunks of young, activist Jewish talent), rather than confronting this lethal problem, are focused almost entirely on one thing: perimeter "defense." So terribly many of us have never experienced the warmth and splendor of a genuine Shabbat, have never learned a word of our language or set a foot down in our homeland, so terribly many of us are assimilating and intermarrying at a rate auguring nothing short of national oblivion-yet dare anybody disturb us during this gradual (not so gradual!) disappearing act by calling us names or painting swastikas on our walls, and we and our organizations will raise a hue-and-cry so loud, so fierce and so heavily financed that it will be sure to accomplish..nothing. Instead of brilliant rays of edifying, stimulating light pointed inward at our own people, we have dull, feckless, tinker-toy weapons (like those demonstrations) trained outward at "them."
Weiss' chapter does not have the effective anger of the Maghen piece, but her advice boils down to the same thing: call out injustice, don't hide, engage more with Judaism and be proud of your beliefs rather than hiding them. These is not exactly earth shattering ideas but, unfortunately, many liberal American Jews need to hear this.  (No, having a seder to push the latest progressive agenda while ignoring anything about Judaism doesn't count.)

The book is quite up to date, with many examples from 2019 up through this past summer.

The reason that the anti-Zionists of the world hate Weiss isn't because she is "conservative" - it is because she uses liberal arguments to show that they are in the wrong. As such, this book is a must read for American Jews who are uncomfortable with their being forced to hide their Zionism.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Ma'an says:

The extremist "Temple Communities" commissioned a Jewish artist to prepare an attractive design depicting the Temple building.

The design is to be used as a central greeting card for the so-called Hebrew New Year Day next Monday and Tuesday, September 30, October 1.

The Temple Group, which holds 45 percent of the seats in the current caretaker government, is planning major incursions into al-Aqsa during the holiday season.

These groups are also looking to change the status quo in Al-Aqsa, circulating ideas such as "closing Al-Aqsa completely to Muslims during the holidays."
45% of the current government is part of a group supporting building a Third Temple now? That's a hell of a statistic. It would be most interesting if it were remotely true.

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