Monday, September 09, 2019

  • Monday, September 09, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last month I reported on a play performed in Egypt called "Sobibor" that was set during the Holocaust. Egyptians complained that a play that sympathized with Jewish Holocaust victims was "Zionist" and angry op-eds were written against the play.

The writer and director of the play has now said that he wrote the play not to sympathize with Jews but to show how evil Israeli Jews are.

Mohammed Zaki wrote on his Facebook page that the entire point of the play is being missed by critics. He now says that he wrote it to show how Israelis have adopted Nazi methods against Palestinians, and to ask how something like this was possible.

Zaki says that the play is "a reminder to the present and future generations of Arab youth of the bloody Nazi experience that the alleged Zionist state has reproduced on the land of Palestine."

In other words, Zaki is reassuring his fellow Egyptians that he has not reduced his Jew hatred one bit.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Last week, the BDS “movement” suffered another in a string of defeats within academic associations when the American Political Science Association rejected efforts to start the ball rolling on a boycott of Israeli scholars.

This defeat took place at an early stage in the BDS playbook during which partisans within the association organized “discussions” of boycotting the Jewish state in an attempt to set the stage for an actual boycott vote at subsequent meetings.

Historically, these one-sided propaganda exercises (announced as “conversations”) take place outside public view, and given how few people are aware that groups like the American Political Science Organization even exist (and how few members participate in annual meetings), infiltrating a committee is often the best way to get BDS on the agenda unnoticed.  Unfortunately (for the boycotters) their efforts to subvert academic associations over the last several years has put their once-furtive efforts on the opposition’s radar. 

The BDSers generally focus on one category of target for several years before moving on, and given the number of eggs they’ve placed in the academic boycotts basket over the last five years, it’s safe to say this continues to be their priority.  Their optimism with regard to academic associations is based on having gotten the American Studies Association to come on board several years ago which triggered hope that academic boycotts would go mainstream.  As noted here, however, no major group has followed ASA’s lead: not the American Historical Association, not the American Anthropological Association, not the Modern Language Association (which actually voted to stop the boycott propaganda activity that had been forced on the group year after year after year).

One can look at this week’s victory for our side in different ways.

If you’re inclined towards the half empty, you could point out that exercises in academic boycotts are simply a feint, designed to inject anti-Israel poison into academic discourse, regardless of whether a boycott gets voted on or not.

If you’re more of a glass-is-more-than-half-full kind of person, you could describe this string of BDS fails as the result of the Jewish community rousing itself to fight back through groups like the Academic Engagement Network (AEN) which has responded to attacks and helped rally members of targeted associations to reject attempts to politicize their disciplines.

While I tend to favor the optimistic latter vs. pessimistic former interpretation, I believe what we are seeing might represent another example of a branch of civil society immunizing itself against the BDS virus. 

As just mentioned, BDSers tend to run to wherever they think they can find success, often anchoring years of effort in one victory within a category of institution.  For example, many years ago a single food coop in Olympia Washington (fondly referred to as “Oly”) announced that it had decided to boycott Israeli products which led to efforts by Israel haters across the country to get other food coops to follow suit.

But even as the boycotters were fanning out to demand other coops follow Olympia’s lead, chaos was breaking out back at Oly as members revolted against a pollical move that had been made without their knowledge (much less involvement or consent) in the dead of night behind closed doors.  The mayhem that ensued, which has gone on ever since, sent a powerful message that countered BDSers’ claim that joining a boycott was a simple, uncontroversial idea aligned with the (usually progressive) ethos of the coop movement.

One coop, which actually held their debate on the issue in the light of day, also performed research that convinced them such a boycott would run counter to the very principles the coop movement was founded upon.  With “Oly” as an example of what can happen when anti-Israel politics gets injected into a community, and more and more coops justifying rejection of boycotts on well-thought-out grounds provided by those who had previously rejected BDS, the entire food coop movement eventually became immunized from further BDS infection.  And thus a category of civic groups the BDSers placed their hopes on for nearly a decade translated to years of wasted effort.

One can look at the American Studies Association playing a similar role within the category of academic associations that Olympia played for food coops.  In the years since the ASA boycott was passed, some members resigned, others sued, and many began to question the wisdom of allowing the organization to fall into disrepute, just to allow a handful of partisans to attack the academic freedom of fellow scholars.  To make matters even worse, the ASA boycott call was never acted upon with the number of American Studies departments at universities implementing the boycott standing at zero six years later, meaning all the damage was caused so that a few partisans could pretend a boycott was in place.

With this “shining example” of what happens to an academic association that embraces BDS so vivid, groups like AEN, allied with scholars who don’t want to see their field politicized for the aggrandizement of a few radical hacks, have the vaccine they need: arguments that highlight that boycotts damage not Israel, but the organizations that participate in them.

It’s too early to say whether BDS is dead within academic associations since, as the head of AEN pointed out, the boycotters will be back given that they are always the last to realize how much they overplayed their hand.

But even with this victory, we need to keep in mind that academic boycotts, like BDS as a whole, is simply the propaganda wing of a wider war against the Jewish state.  This means boycott and divestment tactics will never disappear until those who started that war call it off.  Since that’s not us, we will continue to have to man the walls until those who believe another century of warfare is worth it change their minds.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Uranium traces found in Iran warehouse flagged by Netanyahu
Traces of uranium were found in samples taken by United Nations nuclear inspectors from a Tehran facility alleged by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be a “secret atomic warehouse,” according to a report Sunday.

Iran has not provided an explanation for why uranium was found at the site to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, which is investigating the facility in the Iranian capital, Reuters reported.

In a speech last year at the UN General Assembly, Netanyahu revealed the existence of the warehouse in Tehran, which he said held “massive amounts” of equipment and material that were part of a secret Iranian nuclear program.

Netanyahu called for the IAEA to inspect the facility and, in July, Israeli television reported that soil samples from the warehouse turned up “traces of radioactive material,” without specifying the type.

Citing two unnamed diplomats, Reuters reported that the material found at the site was determined to be uranium. One of the diplomats, however, said the uranium was not enriched enough to be used for a nuclear bomb.

“There are lots of possible explanations” for why uranium traces were found there, the diplomat said.

The IAEA has been seeking answers from Tehran for two months, a senior diplomat said, with no success.
i24NEWS exclusive: Images show Iran covered up nuclear activity
New images showing the extent of the Iranian regime's efforts to cover up its use of a storage facility for nuclear materials has been released exclusively to i24NEWS.

The images show massive cement blocks used to hide radioactive material from being discovered at the site, just outside Tehran.

The new evidence ostensibly provides verification of claims made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year at the UN General Assembly.

Netanyahu's remarks were made months after an Israeli clandestine operation obtained a trove of highly sensitive documentation from the Islamic republic outlining parts of its opaque atomic program, supposedly shelved after world powers and Iran signed the 2015 nuclear accords.

On Sunday, the UN's nuclear watchdog found traces of uranium at the facility Netanyahu once described as a 'secret atomic warehouse,' Reuters reported Sunday.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is investigating the origin of the nuclear materials and asked Tehran to explain the samples, diplomats told Reuters.
EXCLUSIVE: Images on Iran's Efforts to Cover Nuclear Facility
New images showing the extent of the Iranian regime's efforts to cover up its use of a storage facility for nuclear materials has been released exclusively to i24NEWS.

UN atomic watchdog confirms Iran installing advanced centrifuges
The UN’s nuclear watchdog confirmed Monday that Iran was installing advanced centrifuges as the troubled 2015 deal with world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program threatens to fall apart.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement that on September 7 it had “verified that the following centrifuges were either installed or being installed…: 22 IR-4, one IR-5, 30 IR-6 and three IR-6s.”

The IAEA’s confirmation comes a day after Tehran hit out at European powers, saying they had left Iran little option but to scale back its commitments under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The IAEA added in its statement that the centrifuges had been installed at Iran’s Natanz facility and said “all of the installed centrifuges had been prepared for testing with UF6 (uranium hexafluoride), although none of them were being tested with UF6 on 7 and 8 September 2019.”

“In addition, in a letter to the Agency dated 8 September, Iran informed the Agency that it would reinstall the piping at two R&D lines to accommodate a cascade of 164 IR-4 centrifuges and a cascade of 164 IR-2m centrifuges,” the agency’s statement said.

Iran has said that notwithstanding its reduction of commitments under the JCPOA, it will continue to allow access to IAEA inspectors who monitor its nuclear program.

After the IAEA assessment was released on Monday, Foreign Minister Israel Katz called on the remaining signatories of the 2015 deal to follow the US example by abandoning the accord and re-imposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

  • Monday, September 09, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

David Hazony and Adam Scott Bellos have written a thought-provoking essay in the Jerusalem Post titled "The Aliyah of the Mind."

It describes what must be done for world Jewry to understand and engage actively in Zionism.

The article discusses the commonalities of the many diverse types of Zionism in the first part of the 20th century:

The troubles of the Jews stemmed not just from external threats, but from what they had become after centuries of exile. They survived unthinkable turmoil, but also lost the spine, dignity and inner fire that free peoples depend on to command their collective destiny.

They were cut off from the qualities of character that produced the immense achievements of ancient times – qualities that would be needed again to survive the coming horror.
This reminded me of something that happened earlier this year.

Mrs. Elder and I, along with many other Israel advocates, went to Israel to attend the Digitell19 program. After it ended, there was an semi-official get together at a nearby Tel Aviv bar where we could all talk and enjoy listening to Young Gravy rap about Zionism. 

Given that this wasn't an official event from the conference, the organizers who chose the bar didn't bother to find one that was kosher. This didn't bother me, I just wouldn't eat anything. But Forest Rain and her partner were quite upset that the bar was serving cheeseburgers.

Forest Rain and her man aren't religious. My wife and I are. Yet they were more upset over the obviously non-kosher food than I was. Forest Rain explained that this is Israel and Judaism should be part of the fabric of how things work, so things that are blatantly non-kosher should not be tolerated, especially for an event like this that someone from the government arranged, even if informally.

I was puzzled for about a minute as to why she felt so strongly about this, and as to why I didn't. Then it hit me, and I told her: I still have a galut (diaspora) mentality. I don't want to make waves in my normal environment. Deep down, I think of myself as a guest in the USA who is here through the graciousness of the Americans rather than a full citizen with full rights. I don't expect anyone to accommodate my religious needs unless there is blatant discrimination.

I brought this mentality to Israel for my visit. But in Israel, Jews are (or should be) proud to be who they are, and they stand up for each other and for themselves. They are responsible in every sense.

This mentality of the diaspora is what needs to be shed to be a true Zionist. This doesn't mean to impose Orthodox Judaism on every Israeli but it also means that Judaism is a core value of Zionism and must be respected.

 Jews who are proud of themselves and of their Zionism will be respected wherever they are, and in fact this pride is one critical way for Diaspora Judaism itself to survive.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, September 09, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
"Six Orphans," protest in Israel against the murder of the Henkins in October 2015

The PLO's Department of Public Diplomacy and Policy, headed by Hanan Ashrawi, tweeted this:

I've looked at the statistics of Palestinian prisoner deaths recently and showed that the number is significantly lower than what one would expect from the usual death rates among the Palestinian population outside of prison. In other words, the medical care that Palestinians receive in prison is far superior to that of Palestinians in general.

The PLO, and Hanan Ashrawi, are lying.

The fact that she is tweeting this to the UN Human Rights chief and the International Criminal Court shows that, to Palestinians, everything must be politicized and weaponized against Israel.

And look who she is defending: Bassam al-Sayeh was convicted for his involvement of the murders of Eitam and Na'ama Henkin, shot by Hamas while driving with their children.

Moreover, al-Sayeh was suffering from leukemia, bone cancer and heart problems for years before the murder of the Henkins. During his illness - his first diagnosis of cancer was in 2011 - his priority was not to keep himself alive but to kill Jews. 

Not only did Israel no mistreat him, but Israel transferred him to a civilian hospital last month as his condition worsened.

This murderer is the poster child of Hanan Ashrawi, a hero to Palestinians and an excuse to bash Israel rather than to look at the bloodlust that Palestinians are taught from birth and in schools.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, September 09, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Watan Voice published an article about Palestinian honor killing victim Israa Gharib, where the female author expresses great sympathy for Gharib and is critical of Arab society where women are vulnerable to being killed because of unfounded rumors and how women who are being brutalized can be blamed for simply being possessed by evil spirits, or "jinn," as Gharib was.

But then then author, Sohalia Omar, who has written for Palestinian media like Ma'an,  goes on to defend jinn as a real thing, as evil spirits that possess many women. She has witnessed Islamic exorcisms and is friends with a sheikh who has done hundreds of such procedures, which she describes.

I attended a treatment session by Sheikh Ahmed Nimr for my neighbor in 1998. The patient does not know what is happening because she is in a complete altered state and the jinn is uttered on her tongue. ...The Sheikh goes to each patient and interviews the jinn and reads the Qurans and beats the woman with a stick to get the jinn to leave. The women here don't feel the beatings but the jinn feels it. Most of the jinn were Jews and I was amazed that even the jinn among the Jews persecuted our women. Of course, the jinn is not exorcised from women immediately and comes out only after advanced sessions of treatment and not from the first session or two. There were women who were possessed for many months until the jinn came out of them...
Yes, even jinn are Jewish - and they are irresistibly attracted to Arab women, especially Palestinian women!

Jews are that evil that even their spirits attack poor Palestinian women!

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

  • Sunday, September 08, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Before the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, the most concise and accurate definition of the term was the one created by Natan Sharansky:

We must be clear and outspoken in exposing the new anti-Semitism. I believe that we can apply a simple test - I call it the "3D" test - to help us distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism.

The first "D" is the test of demonization. When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel's actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz - this is anti- Semitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel.

The second "D" is the test of double standards. When criticism of Israel is applied selectively; when Israel is singled out by the United Nations for human rights abuses while the behavior of known and major abusers, such as China, Iran, Cuba, and Syria, is ignored; when Israel's Magen David Adom, alone among the world's ambulance services, is denied admission to the International Red Cross - this is anti-Semitism.

The third "D" is the test of delegitimization: when Israel's fundamental right to exist is denied - alone among all peoples in the world - this too is anti-Semitism.
Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch tweeted something that proves not only that he is aware of this definition, but that he believes that Human Rights Watch is not guilty of it:

Now, I honestly would never have claimed that HRW usually engages in the kind of demonization or delegitimization of Israel that Sharansky refers to. (Sometimes it does, as in a tweet where Ken Roth implies that there is a relationship between Israel and White Supremacism.) It certainly criticizes Israel but it doesn't compare it to Nazi Germany; it doesn't say that the state has no right to exist as BDS leaders, Palestinians and others say. Roth is claiming that HRW does delegitimize and demonize Israel along with other countries. It is an interesting argument, meant to deflect the 3D definition of antisemitism - it is no coincidence that he chose the exact same words used by Sharansky.

Which means that Roth knows the definition, and purposefully omitted the third D - of double standards.

Why? Because he knows that HRW is guilty of double standards on Israel. 

What other country does HRW demand that tourist sites like AirBnB and TripAdvisor withdraw all review from disputed (or even occupied) areas? What other country gets the sheer amount of reports that Israel does? What other country does HRW claim that every possible means of defending its citizens from being murdered is illegitimate? 

HRW is now very critical towards Saudi Arabia's actions in Yemen - ever since the Saudis started unofficial channels of communication with Israel. But before that, HRW was much more reticent to criticize Saudis killing civilians compared to the IDF.

I have dozens of examples of HRW lies and double standards towards Israel, as well as double standards of how they treat Palestinians compared to other groups that support terror and martyrdom. I've shown how HRW's criticism of Israel is way out of proportion to that of every other country. I've even shown how HRW has gone after Jews, by implying that most IDF soldiers are religious enough to  listen to a right-wing rabbi on when it is permissible to kill enemies instead of listening to their commanding officers. I've shown how HRW has different interpretations of international law for Israel and for everyone else. The only obituary it has ever written that attacked the dead person is for an Israeli leader.

There is no question that HRW engages in double standards when it comes to Israel. Ken Roth knows this, which is why he tries so hard to misdirect his readers away from the definition of antisemitism that he knows HRW is guilty of in spades.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Daniel Gordis: What American Jews just don’t get about Israel
The United States and Israel are very different projects. America’s Declaration of Independence begins “When in the course of human events,” while Israel’s begins “The land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people.” America was created to be a haven to “huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” as Emma Lazarus’ poem at the foot of the Statue of Liberty declares, while Israel was intended to be, as the British Balfour Declaration of 1917 notes, “a national home for the Jewish people.”

When we expect Israel to behave as America should, Israel often seems to fall short. And that, more than any of Israel’s actual policies, has long been the root cause of the fraught relationship between American Jews and the Jewish State.

“End the occupation,” American Jews chant. But Israelis are also exhausted by the occupation — they just have no idea how to end it without the West Bank becoming a breeding ground for terrorists, as happened with Gaza once Israel pulled out in 2005. That’s a risk Israelis are not willing to take.

To Israeli ears, when American Jews say, “End the occupation,” it sounds like “Abolish taxes.” It’s a great idea but entirely unrealistic.

American Jews look at Israel’s relationship with the Palestinians as a civil-rights issue. Israelis see it as a survival issue.

A country’s foremost obligation is the protection of its citizens, and any government Israelis elect will understand that. Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians is unlikely to change until the Palestinians declare that they have ended their drive to destroy Israel. That will not happen anytime soon, however, and that is why, should Netanyahu lose, progressive American Jews are in for a grave disappointment.

To be sure, there is much that Israel must do differently in its relationship with American Jews. A healthy relationship between American Jews and Israel is critical for both sides, and both need to alter their rhetoric to rebuild their partnership.

Most important, though, is for American Jews, and Americans at large, to understand that despite all their similarities, America and Israel are radically different endeavors. One was meant to embrace all of humanity, while the other was intended to save the Jewish people. All of the candidates vying to become prime minister understand that. Protecting the state that has revived the Jewish people will always remain, by far, their topmost priority.

Zionists need to embrace the real story of Hevron
The story of Hevron also reminds us why a strong military and independent State of Israel are needed for Jews to survive. Ninety years ago, 67 Jews were murdered in a single day. The rioters killed and looted families without making distinctions between long-established residents, including the doctor who treated them compassionately for years, and newcomers, or Zionists and their religious opponents.

The 1929 riots were exceptional in their barbarity and a turning point in modern Jewish-Arab relations. But throughout the Islamic rule over the city, Jews suffered from various forms of discrimination, and most famously were forbidden from entering the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs or even going further than the seventh step leading to it.

Hatred has only grown since the riots. Incitement is alive and well throughout the Palestinian Authority, and it is now coupled with denial of the Jewish history and connection in the area altogether.

Today, Hevron and villages around it are a Hamas stronghold, spreading violence against Jews throughout the 'West Bank'. In the four decades since the reinstallment of the small Jewish community in and around the city, allowed because of the city's significance to Judaism, the violence has continued.

The current mayor, Tayseer Abu Sneineh, himself is among the murderers of six Jews (including two Americans and one Canadian) in a 1980 mass shooting on a Friday night as they returned from prayers — a biographic detail, including the fact that they were shot from the back, he brushed off during his 2017 election campaign. In 2001, 10-month old Shalhevet Pass was intentionally shot in her stroller by a sniper lurking in the hills above the Old City.

Jewish presence in Hevron is more justified than in almost any other place in the world. But under present circumstances, this presence can be ensured only by the Israeli military — the army is all that stands between 1,000 Jews and utter chaos. It is a heavy price to pay in terms of freedom of movement for everybody in the Israeli-held area. But this is a consequence, not the cause, of the Arab refusal to admit the tiny Jewish minority back in the city.

Over eighty percent of Hevron is entirely under Palestinian control and empty of any sort of Jewish presence.

The uneasiness that liberal Zionists feel about the situation in Hevron is legitimate. But the shame is not: Hevron tells us a story that is complex and far from perfect, but it is a vital part of Jewish history from which we should not shy away.
PMW: PA raises salary of suicide belt makers who murdered 16 in Café Hillel and Tzrifin attacks in 2003
The Palestinian Authority has paid 3,248,900 shekels in financial rewards to the Hamas terrorists who carried out two consecutive suicide attacks on Sept. 9, 2003 (16 years ago tomorrow). The first attack at a bus stop near the Assaf Harofeh Hospital and the Tzrifin military base resulted in the murder of 9 people and the injury of 18. The second attack in Jerusalem's Café Hillel resulted in the murder of 7 people and the injury of 57.

Among the victims of the Café Hillel attack were Dr. David Applebaum and his daughter Nava, who was to be married the day after the attack. American-born Dr. Applebaum was chief of the emergency room and trauma services of Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center and a specialist in emergency medicine. Before the attack he had just participated in a symposium where he taught terror-trauma procedures to medical professionals.

Alon Mizrachi, the security guard of the café who was killed when he identified the suicide bomber and shoved him out as he exploded, thereby saving many other lives, was the uncle of Ziv Mizrachi, an IDF soldier who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in November 2015.

According to the calculations of Palestinian Media Watch following the PA's own pay scale, the PA has, to date, paid the six terrorists who were arrested and imprisoned for their roles in the attacks, a total of 2,892,500 shekels. The PA has also paid the families of the two suicide bombers - so-called "Martyrs" - a total of 356,400 shekels since the attacks.

While the PA will continue to pay monthly salaries to all of the terrorists, it is noteworthy that the PA just raised the salaries of the two terrorists who prepared the suicide belts to 7,000 shekels/month. Similar to an employee of any company that receives a raise after a certain period of employment, the PA - following PA law - just raised the salaries of these two terrorists as they completed 15 years in prison (they were arrested in July and August 2004). For the last five years the PA paid them 6,000 shekels/month.

  • Sunday, September 08, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades announced the death of Mu'een Suleiman Salama al-Attar, 41, a member of their Military Industrialization Unit.

Al-Attar was killed in an "accidental explosion" in a "resistance site."

The Islamic Jihad statement said,
We in the Al-Quds Brigades, as we mourn our mujahid martyr, emphasize that the blood of the martyrs will not be wasted, Allah willing, and we pledge to Allah Almighty and then pledge our people and our nation to maintain the path of jihad and martyrdom, and to move forward in the approach of resistance until the liberation of the entire beloved Palestine.
Allah willing, may there be many more such martyrs of mujahadeen.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 08, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Do you ever wonder why there are so few joint initiatives between far-Left Israelis and Palestinians who equally yearn for peace?

Here's a good indication why.

Al Ghad, a Jordanian news site, asks if there are any good Jews.

The answer is, the Neturei Karta - and that's it. Only Neturei Karta accept that Palestinians have a better claim to Israel than Israelis do, and are willing to live as dhimmis under Arab rule. Every other Jew, no matter how leftist he or she is, is not as willing to be subservient to Arabs who rightfully own the entire land from the river to the sea  - and therefore they are not worth working with.

There are Jews - declaring belonging to the state of the occupying entity and bearing the status of "Israeli" - but who express sympathy for the Palestinians and oppose the policies of their governments, and demand the rights of the Palestinians. These are really puzzling. Some of them are demanding a Palestinian state in the "occupied territories," which they believe are only territories captured in 1967. Others are demanding one bi-national state, in which Palestinians are granted equal rights. Some do not object to the return of Palestinian refugees, often believing that the numbers of returnees will not be so large that they cannot be absorbed.

Those belonging to the “peace camp” or “left” in the entity touch an emotional nerve in us. They address a need in us to see people from the other camp recognize and criticize the many shortcomings there and “do justice to us”. What they say and write certainly affects world opinion more than our own. These activists are sometimes so enthusiastic that Palestinians share their protests and boycotts, and spend time, effort, and sometimes passion for what they do.

But there is a question that confuses our initial impressions: these peace activists in the state of the Zionist entity are all living on Palestinian land, living in homes either built by Palestinians and forcibly displaced, or built on the ruins of Palestinian homes demolished - certainly on Palestinian land. What if the Palestinian owner of the land and the house went and asked them to return his property to him? Will they pack their bags and give him the keys, or will they stay and tell him to leave?

Those who demand a Palestinian state in the territories of '67 (less than a quarter of historic Palestine) want to give the landowners a small room with no furniture at the edge of the garden, and they will be relieved. Those who demand equal Palestinian citizenship want to make their homes in Palestinian homes and confiscated lands “legitimate” and also get rid of reprimand. They ignore - with full and premeditated consciousness - the history of their presence here and its modalities, whose outputs cannot be fair.

Being a citizen of an occupying entity founded on the existential abolition of an entire people can make you nothing but a living member of the body of this entity with its requirements and what it is, which is pulsing with its heart. Returning the rights to the owners will mean giving up the stolen house and the stolen land. Otherwise, your “morality” will be fundamentally false. Perhaps the maximum that these “Israelis” reach is something like: “As long as I have found myself here, no matter how, I may consider myself a partner with the landowner by more than half, and consider giving him half - or even less than a quarter. - Adequate, fair and comfortable compensation for their conscience, from the position of the boss?

I wonder if any of these peaceful people will accept to give the Palestinian owner of the house the roof of the house he occupies to build a floor, or share it half of the house and the garden. I imagine most of them won't. They do not find any contradiction when it is written: “The Israeli activist (so and so) spoke to us from the garden of his house in Haifa”, who certainly has a Palestinian owner, or the land on which he resided. They accept the colonization of historic Palestine as a “fait accompli” that needs only a simple beautification.
Jews who want peace want to share the land, and they think that this will bring peace. Give them the "territories" and they will be happy, they think. Or give them the "right of return." Or make a single "binational state" and end the Jewish state altogether. Then there would be peace for sure, right?

No. The more Israel gives, the more the Palestinians are convinced that it is proof that the Jews have no business to be in the land to begin with. The Western concept of win-win is foreign to people who think in terms of honor and shame.

This article is not anomalous thinking by any means. But nearly all pollsters are too afraid to ask Palestinians if they agree with this thinking, because it would burst the bubble of a people willing to live in peace with Israel.

UPDATE: The same article is now published in Al Quds, a Palestinian Authority newspaper, more proof that this is mainstream thinking. (The other proof is that there is no visible protest against this article.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 08, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Hadath reports that three forensic specialists submitted their resignations to the Palestinian Authority on Sunday morning.

All three were involved in writing the forensics report on the horrific death of Israa Gharib, the Bethlehem woman who was apparently killed by her family for making a selfie video of herself with her boyfriend in a public place before they were officially engaged.

The doctors who submitted their resignations were: Dr. Moayad Bader, forensic specialist in Ramallah, Dr. Muhannad Shweiki, forensic specialist in Jerusalem, and Dr. Muhannad Jaber, forensic specialist in Hebron. All three areas are involved in the Abu Dis forensic institute.

Al Hadath's sources say that the doctors resigned over interference with their jobs by the Palestinian government. They are supervised by political appointees who have no expertise in the field, some of whom have no education beyond a bachelor's degree in Islamic education. Yet they control people whose jobs require high sensitivity and secrecy.

These supervisors were placed there by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mohammed Abu Sondos.

Abu Sondos denied that the doctors were involved in Gharib's autopsy, but not that they were involved in the writing of the autopsy report.

The doctors charge that some of the abuses in the department directly affected their work and contributed to delay some of the reports, including that of Israa Gharib.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 08, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Netflix' "The Spy," based on the life of famed Israeli spy Eli Cohen, is a very good miniseries.

Sacha Baron Cohen is excellent in the lead role of an Israeli born in Egypt (to Syrian parents)who joins the Mossad to spy on Syria. He is convincing as his cover persona, a charismatic Syrian businessman born in Argentina, Kamel Amin Thaabet. Cohen  gathers incredible information before being caught in 1965.

The direction is excellent. Nearly all of the scenes ring true. Bat Yam, where Cohen's family is, looks exactly right. This brief scene of Syria showing photos of Nasser as a bathing beauty in 1962 after Syria split from the United Arab Republic in Egypt is a small example of the attention to detail in the production.

I admit that I don't understand the decision to film all the Israeli sections in washed out colors. Perhaps it was to emphasize a forgettable theme of Cohen not being able to distinguish between his real life and the glamorous life of Thaabet.

The Israeli psyche and that of the Mossad members in the film ring true. There is no tendency to retell the story through the lens of 2019 wokeness. (Discrimination against Mizrahi Jews in Israel is touched upon but that was very real in the 1960s.)

Osama Bin Laden's father is there in subplot about Syrian plans to dry up the Kinneret that is largely true but that Bin Laden had nothing to do with (with a cameo of Osama himself as a boy). Saddam Hussein and Yasir Arafat are mentioned.

There are some inconsistencies that hurt the series. In the first episode, when Cohen is trained to be a spy, he is shown to be excellent at noticing if he is being followed; but in episode 2 when he is in Buenos Aires he doesn't notice he is being followed by a startlingly incompetent security officer. As Thaabet, he is a teetotaler in episode 2 but drinks in episode 6. (The real Cohen threw large parties where he would pretend to be drunk to listen to high ranking Syrians reveal secrets.)  Episode 6 itself, where he gets caught and is executed, is a little muddled as it jumps between three timelines.

Of course, some parts are clearly fictional and meant to add tension. Eli Cohen does some extremely risky things that don't make sense. This is Hollywood and they need to play up the spy part. The real Cohen also took on many lovers in Syria from powerful families as part of his ruse; in the series he is chaste as Thaabet.

Even though we know the ending from the beginning, this is a really excellent drama about a true Israeli hero who saved countless lives.

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Saturday, September 07, 2019

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: A changed paradigm
Greenblatt helped change the conversation from one that was just about placing blame on Israel to one that recognized that the Palestinians were just as much to blame for the lack of progress in the peace process, if not more.

The economic summit held in Bahrain in June which was attended by Israelis – including our own Herb Keinon – showed how Greenblatt could skillfully break down barriers and help realign the Middle East with an understanding that Israel is a partner to countries in the Gulf, not an adversary.

On the other hand, Greenblatt’s role and outspoken support of Israel led Palestinians to believe that the US was no longer an “honest” broker in the region. That alone may have buried the so-called “Deal of the Century”.

What will happen with that plan now remains to be seen. Greenblatt might have been the key convener and author of the plan, but it has other architects, including Jared Kushner and Friedman. Will it really come out as the administration says it will after Israel’s election? Will it succeed in bringing the sides together? Or will it automatically be rejected by Abbas’s intransigent government in Ramallah?

Ultimately, no matter how detailed and comprehensive a deal it is, it will face two major problems from the outset. The first is that any peace plan needs to have presidential involvement, without which it will be difficult, if not impossible, to bring the two sides to the table. Trump, who is already deep into his re-election campaign, does not appear to be the type willing to invest the time, effort and personal resources.

The second problem is in Jerusalem and Ramallah, where the leaders – Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas – do not seem interested in negotiating or working on a resolution to the conflict. Netanyahu is never in a rush to get involved in a peace process and Abbas seems to prefer to wait for November 2020 and see who wins the presidential elections. Why rush into something if Trump might be out of the Oval Office in a year?

Greenblatt has played a positive role in this process. As much as he has done though, no one can want peace more than the sides themselves.

PA: Greenblatt resignation is Trump's "opportunity to rethink" peace plan
Jason Greenblatt, US President Donald Trump’s special envoy for Middle East peace, has announced he’ll be leaving his post.

According to administration officials, Greenblatt’s departure will wait until the US rolls out the political part of its long-awaited peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians sometime after the Israeli national election on September 17. It unveiled the plan’s financial segment last June during a conference in Bahrain.

Greenblatt has been a main pillar of President Trump’s Mideast team. He has worked alongside Trump’s powerful son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

His resignation could throw the future of the troubled peace initiative – it has already been rejected by the Palestinian Authority – into a swirl of ambiguity. The team itself has come to be viewed by the Palestinians as an extension of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s policies.

The PA has yet to officially respond to the news, but a high-ranking official in Ramallah told The Media Line he hoped that Greenblatt’s departure would create an “opportunity” for the White House to “rethink” its policy toward the Palestinians.

“His resignation,” the official said, asking to remain unnamed, “is a result of the growing conviction by the US administration that implementing the plan as originally conceived is not going to be easy. This does not mean that America will abandon attempts to pressure the Palestinian side, but Greenblatt's flight means he does not trust all the promises he and his team have made.”
Juan Cole: Michigan's Pontificator-in-Chief
Becoming a recognized authority in any field is an admirable achievement. Yet when professors pontificate on matters far beyond their expertise, the results can be risible. That's particularly true of academics whose track record in their own field leaves much to be desired.

Which brings us to Juan Cole, Exhibit A for professorial puffery and purple prose.

Breitbart has taken note of the University of Michigan Middle Eastern history professor's latest foray into a subject well beyond his competence: climate science. Never one for wise counsel when hysteria will do, Cole called on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to resign in the wake of Hurricane Dorian because "his inaction on fossil fuels will literally sink Florida."

Moreover, Cole believes studying the Middle East qualifies him for informed comment on the underground liquid gold that made the region rich: oil and, now, natural gas. To boot, being above ground and partaking of the climate on a daily basis, he fancies himself a meteorologist extraordinaire, able to leap logic in a single blog post – a skill at which we'll concede he excels. And if that's not enough, since Florida will "literally sink," we must add geology to his conquests.

As for Breitbart, Cole wasted no time responding to its article by labeling the conservative publication "far, far rightwing reused toilet paper," a "brown shirt rag," and a "racist piece of excrement" that makes "fascist sh** up, riffing on Mein Kampf." One might suspect Cole is a bit fixated on the scatological (calling Freud), but at least the implements at hand are recyclable.

Friday, September 06, 2019

From Ian:

David Collier: Amnesty’s human rights activist. Sorry, I meant terrorist supporter
The Amnesty report is not yet out and already Amnesty International have lost the input of a terrorist sympathiser. Yesterday, I released a teaser. The report is entering the final stage and is almost ready for final editing. With the information gathering stage behind me, I felt confident enough to release one item – about the true face of an Amnesty consultant in Gaza.
The Amnesty Consultant

Hind Khoudary worked as an Amnesty Research Consultant in Gaza:

Since the regular violence erupted on the Gaza border again, Hind has been a popular ‘journalist’, used by different media outlets worldwide. Amnesty pushed their ‘consultant’ too, using iconic images of her to turn her into some type of hero:

Like most propagandists her English output was always moderated, to show a ‘peaceful’ face to the west. She was also photogenic. Hind came across as a presentable, articulate, friendly, young, peace-seeking, progressive and is the type of ‘reporter’ western media outlets love. She spoke long and hard about the awful situation and how she just wants her ‘freedom’.

As is fitting of her role, she embellished her articles with endless tragic human-interest items which may or may not have been invented. When it came to the ‘Great March of Return’ Hind never saw a gun on the Hamas side. She spoke of the ‘tolerant’ Gazans who accept people who are different, reminding people that Palestinians are always so accommodating and peaceful. This balderdash has been swallowed whole by western media and Amnesty International are so embedded inside this false narrative, they regurgitated her poppycock verbatim.

Hind’s Arabic content was somewhat different. For example, she retweeted this which followed a thwarted terrorist attack. It talks about the Gazan casualties, but calls them ‘martyrs’. Notice the glorification of the violence. There is apparently nothing better than entering ‘paradise’ with machine guns:

There was this one too, as she retweeted the video of the Hezbollah leader Nasrallah’s when he made a recent threat against Israel.
Jonathan Tobin: What ‘Our Boys’ doesn’t want us to know
The brutal murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir by three extremist Jews is a story that deserves to be told. The same can be said for the account of the swift and efficient manner in which his murderers were tracked down by Israel's security services, and ultimately convicted and given harsh sentences. Yet the kidnapping and murder of the Palestinian Arab resident of Jerusalem in June 2014 is the exclusive focus of the HBO series "Our Boys."

Documenting the transgressions of a few Jews, as well as the diligent efforts of their compatriots to catch and punish them, is no insult to the Jewish people. But many who usually take special pride in seeing Israeli TV shows get such wide exposure aren't cheering "Our Boys."

In June 2014, a Hamas terror cell operating in the West Bank kidnapped three Israeli teenage boys and murdered them in cold blood. The discovery of their bodies after an 18-day search was a shocking reminder of the brutality of Israel's enemies. In response, three Jews violated not merely the laws of Israel, but of their faith. They kidnapped a random Arab boy and killed him in a manner that provoked outrage and shame.

Hamas then escalated the conflict with 50 days of war that forced much of Israel's population to spend their days dashing in and out of air-raid shelters, including in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. So Israelis can be forgiven for thinking that there is something wrong with the fact that the sole focus of the only international television show that seeks to depict these events rests on the murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir.

The point of each episode is to depict the two sides of the conflict as morally equivalent. "Our Boys" doesn't mention that while Khdeir's killers are reviled by almost all Israelis and locked away (two received life terms), Palestinians treat those who murder Jews as heroes. They even get generous pensions from the supposedly moderate Palestinian Authority as a reward for their evil deeds. That is truly outrageous.
Honest Reporting: Not a Moment of Peace: Israel’s 1956 Sinai Campaign
Nasser believed he could count on the United States for assistance with wrestling control of the canal from the British and with the finances of the project. But when the US turned him down, Nasser turned to the Soviets for help. The Soviet Union not only helped finance the project but also gave Egypt weapons for its army alongside military advisers to train the Egyptian military. Backed by the Soviet Union, Nasser evicted Britain from the Suez Canal with ease, declared it a possession of Egypt, and quickly gained fame and supremacy as a leader in the Arab world.

Armed with his alliance with the Soviet Union which was already anti-Israel, and with the sights of the Arab world upon him, Nasser quickly turned to confront Israel.

Instead of attacking Israel with his full army, Nasser came up with a tactic which is still being used against Israel today. In the early 1950s, not long after Israel thought it could enjoy a respite from the War of Independence, he organized, armed and supported terrorists, called “Fedayeen,” to cross the border and terrorize Israelis – blowing up farms, planting land mines, and even entering schools to shoot Jewish children. The philosophy was to attack, hurt and demoralize Israel without starting an actual war. Israel would have no choice but to retaliate and that retaliation would be the justification for the next terror attack as retribution for Israel’s actions. This created a “cycle of violence” which cost Israel in lives, money, and focus, and served Nasser’s plan of partnering with the Soviet Union and showing the Arab world his strength.

Egypt was not Israel’s only problem following the War of Independence. The Syrians continuously shelled northern Israeli towns from the Golan Heights, forcing Israelis to sleep in bunkers and leaving Israel with no choice but to respond – continuing the cycle of violence. Jordanian snipers would regularly shoot at Jewish civilians from the Old City of Jerusalem which they controlled. Israel even had to construct its residential buildings with no windows facing the Jordanian controlled areas.

Thus, the new Jewish state was under a continuous state of attack and to make things even worse, when Israel would respond – against Egypt, Syria, or Jordan – the United Nations would condemn Israel for instigating violence and inflaming the region.

  • Friday, September 06, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

This photo is being spread around social media by the anti-Israel crowd with different, fake backstories.

What really happened is that in January 2017 the two youths both had knives and were trying to enter the Karnei Shomron settlement. The security guard was suspicious and saw the knives, drew his gun and demanded that they drop the knives, asking "Do you want to die?" Eventually the pair did give up without being hurt at all.


Here they are being apprehended:

(h/t Tomer Ilan)

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