Saturday, January 07, 2017

  • Saturday, January 07, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
The MLA voted on boycotting Israel, a story I mentioned Friday.

From the "MLA Members for Justice in Palestine" Twitter account:

Yes, it is shameful that antisemites got as many votes as they did, but the tide in academia is definitety turning against boycotts of Israel.

The same "progressives" retweeted another tweet that oddly enough blames the MLA itself for being too white, and says that this is the reason the boycott resolution failed:

In there course of a few hours the MLA has gone from being a liberal academic bastion to a racist white men's club.

I'm sure that this will go over well with the members when they try again next year.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, January 06, 2017

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Real liberals must shun Palestinian colonialism
This is because Western progressives inhabit a grotesque universe of mirrors, created by viewing the world through an ideological prism which casts the West as inescapably oppressive and the developing world as its blameless victims.
Crucially, they also see themselves as innately virtuous while everyone who does not view the world through this distorting prism is damned as irredeemably hateful, bigoted and evil.
This, however, is the progressives’ Achilles’ heel. For if they themselves are shown to be supporting actual racism and colonialism, their supposed place on the moral high ground crumbles into dust and they are left with nowhere else to go.
Publicly calling them out in this way for betraying their supposed ideals would bring further benefits. For others would be listening whose minds are not hermetically sealed through ideology or malice.
Those people have no knowledge of the Middle East or Jewish history. They have no idea that the Jews are the only indigenous people of the Land of Israel who are still around; no idea that the Arabs are the historic occupiers; no idea that Israel’s “occupation” is nothing of the kind and that the “settlements” are lawful. They have no idea because no one has ever told them.
The delegitimization of Israel rests on the hijacking of the language so that victims are turned into oppressors and vice versa. We must now reclaim the language for truth and justice.
Palestinian colonialism means the Palestine cause is one that liberals must condemn and shun. Conversely, “progressives” who support Palestinian colonial conquest and the ethnic cleansing of the Jews from their historic homeland are nothing of the kind. It’s time to start letting them know. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Admiral Stavridis: The U.S. Should Form a Closer Military Alliance with Israel
Perhaps the most important area of potential cooperation is in the world of cybersecurity. Israeli intelligence gathering is superb, and the integration of the Israeli military with the nation’s robust private-sector security firms is nearly seamless. Israel is also ahead of the U.S. in bringing advancements from the private sector into public hands; the brightest people constantly flow between the military and civilian spheres.
A second zone of potentially enhanced cooperation is in technology and innovation. While we have jointly worked on a variety of defense projects over the years (like the Arrow, which is anti-ballistic-missile technology), this is an area in which we could enhance each other’s efforts considerably. In addition to missile defense, doing more together in advanced avionics (as we did with the F-15), miniaturization (like Israel’s small airborne-warning aircraft) and the production of low-cost battlefield unmanned vehicles (both air and surface) would yield strong results.
Third, we should up our game in terms of intelligence cooperation. The Israeli military and the associated Israeli intelligence services Mossad, Aman and Shin Bet are the best in the Middle East. Working together, they have been ahead of our more segregated sectors on a wide range of trends, including the disintegration of Syria, the events in Egypt and the military and nuclear capability of Iran. Here we need a more open exchange of information between our two countries (especially human intelligence from Israel and overhead sensor data from the U.S.). More liaison officers between military and intelligence commands would help, as would more frequent conferences and dialogue on principles.
Finally, within the opaque world of special forces, we have a great deal we could share with each other. Having the U.S. Special Operations Command constantly operating with Israeli commandos would be of enormous benefit to both forces. Both are expert in battlefield intelligence collection, use of unmanned vehicles, sniper technology and a host of other specialized skills. Setting up a joint special-forces training and innovation center for special operations in Israel would be powerful.
The motto of the crack Israeli paratrooper brigade is simple: “Acharai,” which translates to “Follow me.” The saying stems from the custom of Israeli commanders’ directly leading their troops into battle, even at the most senior levels. For the U.S. in the complex Middle East, we would be well served to follow the Israeli military’s advice on a range of key issues. And likewise, they would benefit greatly from further intelligence, technology and partnership with the U.S. It truly is a case of two nations that are unarguably stronger together–let’s build on what we have to get to the next level.
Former Porn Star, Jewish Convert Jenna Jameson Defends Israel, Blasts ‘Non-Existant Palestine,’ Islam on Twitter
Former porn star Jenna Jameson will not be deterred from expressing support for Israel despite the abusive messages she has been receiving on Twitter for the past few days, she told The Algemeiner on Thursday.
“The antisemitic comments don’t hurt me whatsoever; all they do is educate my followers and the public about how antisemitism runs rampant on social media,” said Jameson, who finished her conversion to Judaism in 2016. “So by attacking my faith, you prove my plight. I welcome the hateful debates, because I am informed on the Torah due to my recent Orthodox conversion. I’ve been a warrior all my life. Now I am applying my strength to defending the Jewish people and Israel.”
The mother-of-two, with a third on the way, has been flooding her Twitter page not only with support for the Jewish state, but with posts against “Palestine,” which she says does not exist. “Israel was promised to the Jewish people [by] G-d,” she wrote. “Don’t Arabs have enough land? They target the one free-thinking democracy and want to turn it into a wasteland”…”Why does ‘Palestine’ want to drive all Jews into the sea? Why do they want to take over what the Jews have built and ethnically cleanse?”
Jameson, whose husband is Israeli, also defended the IDF, in response to a Twitter user who accused Israeli soldiers of killing “innocent” Palestinians. “I don’t believe in Hamas launching rockets daily at Israel. They made their bed, now they can lie in it…Innocence is relative,” she wrote.

  • Friday, January 06, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
The backlash from the videos of Jewish Americans dancing in Bahrain keeps snowballing.

A dozen "civil society" institutions condemned the dancing, saying:

The visit of this delegation was provocative and the accompanying dances to the music of Talmudic songs called for the establishment of the temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in front of historic Bab Al Bahrain [square], and before that in the house of a businessman with a number of traders..This provocation caused a deep psychological wound and is blatantly opposed to Arab and Islamic values ​​in support of our brothers the heroic Palestinian people against the arrogance of the Zionists and their obnoxious occupation of the land of Palestine violating all moral and human values.
The the Bahrain Council of Representatives sent out a series of tweets denouncing the event.

The House of Representatives expresses its rejection and condemnation of what was done with a number of traders and businessmen in the Kingdom of Bahrain from trying business and social  normalization  with the visiting US delegation. We stress the strong condemnation of the unacceptable behavior, which provoked and embarrassed the Bahraini street which supports the rights of the Palestinian people. The Hebrew dance and songs called for an alleged temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa and they handed the [Bahrains] the Masonic logo. [This means a menorah - EoZ]  The Council reiterated Bahrain's position of rejecting all forms of normalization, communications and establishing relationships with the rapist Israeli entity, and that any move and act opposed to Bahraini law, and the principles of the Bahraini people.

I reported the story and video about the Jewish delegation to Bahrain days before the media caught up. And no one else is reporting about the backlash yet either besides me.

Which is why you are a reader of EoZ.

Shabbat Shalom!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, January 06, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

It is that time of year again where I ask you for nominations for the annual Hasby Awards,  the best examples of pro-Israel advocacy for the year.

Below you will find the categories of awards for this year. You can add your own nominees or you can second the ones that are listed in the comments. This is not the vote!  I have pre-populated nominees from those who had been seconded last year and some others, but you are encouraged to nominate additional ones. There is no need to second nominees that have already been seconded. 

No nominations or seconds from Twitter or email, they must be placed in the comments. Please include links!

Please don't second more than one in one category.

Self-nominations are allowed.

Additional category suggestions are welcome, but unlikely. It is already a crowded field.

As in previous years, no one gets awarded twice for the same category so I list the previous winners.

Some winners are decided by me and others will be based on surveys.. The awards will be given out sometime in 2017, maybe even in a real-life ceremony like last year's. (But it might have to be in the New York area this time. If you have a good venue and want to host, please let me know!)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL TWEETER (Previous winners: Avi Mayer, No Camels, Margie in Tel Aviv, Arsen Ostrovsky)

Hen Mazzig (seconded)
Israellycool (seconded)
Eugene Kontorovich (seconded)
Andreas Fagerbakke (seconded)

BEST YOUNG DEFENDER OF ISRAEL (under 25) (Previous winners: Muhammad Zoabi, Leora Noor Eisenberg, Alexandra Markus (Lex))

Chloe Valdary (seconded)
Hananya Naftali (seconded)
Elliott Hamilton
Rudy Rochman
Aedan O'Connor (seconded)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL COMMENTATOR EXCLUSIVE TO MIDDLE EAST/ISRAEL (Previous winners: Barry Rubin, Sarah Honig, Caroline Glick, Evelyn Gordon)
Martin Kramer (seconded)
Khaled Abu Toameh  (seconded)
Fred Maroun 
Noor Dahri (seconded)
Varda Meyers-Epstein (seconded)

BEST SATIRE/HUMOR (Previous winners: PreOccupied Territory, This Is Palestine)
 Mideast Beast (seconded)
Daily Freier (seconded)

Dry Bones Blog (seconded)

BEST ENGLISH-LANGUAGE PRO-ISRAEL ONLINE MEDIA OUTLET (Previous winners: Times of Israel, The Tower, Mosaic)

Algemeiner (seconded)
Tablet  (seconded)

BEST WATCHDOG: MEDIA AND NGOs (Previous winners: Honest Reporting, CAMERA, BBC Watch, Palestinian Media Watch, MEMRI)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL BLOG (PRESENT COMPANY EXCLUDED) (Previous winners: Daphne Anson, Missing Peace, Israellycool, This Ongoing War, Abu Yehuda)
Jews Down Under (seconded)
IsraelSeen (seconded)
Israel Thrives  (seconded)
Israel Shield 
Judean Rose (seconded)

BEST SOCIAL MEDIA ADVOCATE FOR ISRAEL (NON-BLOG) (previous winner: Varda Meyers Epstein)

The Muqata (seconded)
Miriam Goodman 
Mottle Wolfe 
Ben Shapiro (seconded)

Muslims of Israel (seconded)
Alexandra Markus


 "Instead of Apologizing” (Mosaic translation of 1911 Jabotinsky article) (seconded)
Israel Conducted No Ethnic Cleansing in 1948 (Benny Morris) (seconded)
Palestinians: Western Media's Ignorance and Bias (
Khaled Abu Toameh)
Yes, Many Journalists Choose Sides in a Conflict—and Often for the Worst Reasons (Zenobia Ravji)

Where Does All That Aid for Palestinians Go? (Tzipi Hotovely) (seconded)

"Prophecy in Israel: Expression of the Collective Hebrew Soul and Unity of Creation" by: Yehuda HaKohen (seconded)
My grandmother, the Palestinian (Forest Rain)
Dear Anti-Israel Activist (Nevet Basker) (seconded)
At the U.N., Only Israel Is an ‘Occupying Power’(EUGENE KONTOROVICH and PENNY GRUNSEID) (seconded)



Regavim (seconded)
Northwest Friends of Israel (seconded)fshapi
StandWithUs (seconded)
Canary Mission (seconded)
Im Tirtzu (seconded)

Jeremy Gimpel, Yom Haatzmaut, Canada (seconded)
International Law Issues in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, Eugene Kontorovich (seconded)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL CELEBRITY  (The David Draiman Award) (Previous winner: Mayim Bialik)

Roseanne Barr (seconded)
Ashton Kutcher
Jon Voight (seconded)
Jenna Jameson

BEST "OWN GOAL" (Anti-Zionists acting so stupid they disgust even disinterested parties or backfire spectacularly) (Previous winners: Max Blumenthal/David Sheen, Rototom Sunsplash Music Festival)

Israeli flag burned outside DNC
Senator Dianne Feinstein supporting abstention of UNSCR 2334 (seconded)
Barack Obama crafting UNSCR 2334 (seconded)
US collusion with PA revealed by Egypt
Bernie Sanders (seconded)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Bat Ye'or: UN Security Council Res. 2334: A Victory of Jihadism
No European nation protested against the Islamic colonization of Jewish-Palestinian areas, the expulsion of their Jewish inhabitants and the seizure of their belongings, or against the persecution of Jews in Arab countries.
An artificial Palestinian Arab "people" was created in order to replace the people of Israel. A European army of forger-historians and Arab Christian dhimmis transferred the historic characteristics of the Jews onto them. Names of towns and regions were Islamized: Jerusalem was called Al-Quds and "the West Bank" replaced Judea and Samaria.
Israelis, guilty of existing, were expected to apologize for that, humbly to maintain their enemies and suffer their terrorism without protesting or defending themselves. Their crime? They refused to mingle with and disappear into dhimmitude by giving up their rights and their history to the people created by the Euro-Arab alliance to replace them.
It is the turn of Europeans to see a replacement population be created in their countries, with all the rights that are being taken away from them. It is their turn to be forced to renounce their national, historic, cultural and religious identity, to apologize and take the blame for existing. It is their turn to be forced to monitor their borders and guard their airports, their schools, their trains, their streets and their cities with soldiers. European governments that contemplated the destruction of Israel worked together with the enemies of Israel to destroy their own people, their sovereignty, their security and their freedoms.
The recognition of the legitimacy of Israel's return to its homeland is the essential condition of Islamic peace with the world, because it will abolish the jihadist ideology.
Caroline Glick: The IDF’s new social contract
Ya’alon and Eisenkot and his generals have repeatedly offended the public with comparisons of “IDF values” with alleged processes of barbarization, Nazification and ISIS-ization of the public by the likes of Azaria and his supporters.
If there was a specific moment where the military brass abandoned its compact with society once and for all, it came on Tuesday, the day before the military court convicted Azaria of manslaughter. In a speech that day, Eisenkot insisted that IDF soldiers are not “our children.” They are grownups and they are required to obey the orders they receive.
By making this statement the day before the verdict in a case that pitted society against the General Staff, which sided with B’Tselem, Eisenkot told us that the General Staff no longer feels itself obligated by a sacred compact with the people of Israel.
Azaria is the first victim of a General Staff that has decided to cease serving as the people’s army and serve instead as B’Tselem’s army. The call now spreading through the Knesset for Azaria to receive a presidential pardon, while certainly reasonable and desirable, will likely fail to bring about his freedom. For a pardon request to reach President Reuven Rivlin’s desk, it first needs to be stamped by Eisenkot.
A pardon for Azaria would go some way toward repairing the damage the General Staff has done to its relationship with the public. But from Eisenkot’s behavior this week, it is apparent that he feels no need and has no interest in repairing that damage.
As a result, it is likely that Azaria will spend years behind bars for killing the enemy.
Moreover, if nothing forces Eisenkot and his generals to their senses, Azaria will neither be the last nor the greatest victim of their betrayal of the public’s trust. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Evelyn Gordon: The IDF’s Self-Inflicted Wound
This impression was reinforced over the ensuing months by the fact that Eisenkot, in particular, refused to stop talking about the case, while demonstrating shocking insensitivity to the way his comments would sound to most Israelis. The very day before the verdict was issued, for instance, he said, “An 18-year-old man serving in the army is not ‘everyone’s child’ … He is a fighter, a soldier, who must dedicate his life to carry out the tasks we give him.”
Obviously, the second part of that statement is true; the army can’t function if its 18-year-old draftees aren’t treated as soldiers and fighters. But to parents, their child is always “their child,” even after he turns 18 and dons a uniform. And because in Israel, most young men do army service, most parents can imagine their own son in any other soldier’s place. In that sense, Azaria is “everyone’s child,” just as kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit was “everyone’s child.” Israelis therefore overwhelmingly supported freeing 1,027 terrorists to secure his freedom. Israeli parents entrust the army with their most precious possession–their children–and in return, they expect the army to take the best possible care of them that’s consistent with carrying out its military functions.
Thus, when Eisenkot dismissively declared that a soldier isn’t “everyone’s child,” what Israeli parents heard was a refusal to acknowledge that his soldiers are indeed also their children, whose protection must be high on his priority list. And that merely reinforced the impression left by his initial hasty condemnations: In responding to the case, he had given insufficient weight to his responsibility toward his soldiers.
Based on the evidence, I see no reason to think Azaria was in fact convicted unjustly. But from the start, Eisenkot and Ya’alon created the appearance of injustice by routinely speaking out against Azaria when they should simply have kept silent and let the military justice system do its work. The result is that now, many Israelis still aren’t certain Azaria was convicted fairly, and that has translated into overwhelming support for an early pardon.
This case has sowed devastating distrust of both the army’s leadership and its justice system among a large section of the Israeli public. Yet much of that distrust could have been avoided had Ya’alon and Eisenkot simply kept their mouths shut. That neither man proved capable of doing so is a damning indictment of them, and a tragedy for Israel.
Eugene Kontorovich on The John Batchelor Show (starts about 10:30)
Risks to Israel in UNSC Resolution 2334 & What is to be done? @jschanzer, @followfdd.

  • Friday, January 06, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New Zealand Herald has an op-ed by someone named Malcolm Eves where he recycles anti-Israel and antisemitic tropes:

The Christians are never going to be persuaded that Israel, as I believe, behaves as a rogue state responsible for the merciless slaughter of thousands of Palestinians under the leadership of Netanyahu and the other Israeli Prime Ministers before him because they believe that the Jews are God's chosen people (meaning they can do what they like and it must be God's will), so whatever the crime, they look to excuse the appalling behaviour.
It's impossible for Palestinians to negotiate, no one "negotiates" with Netanyahu, in a normal give and take manner, it's only his way and he cares not one bit for global condemnation of his assault on Palestinians as he has the American neocon Zionist Jews politically behind him and the hoodwinked US taxpayer haplessly funding him to the tune of billions of dollars each year calculated at about $US11 million each day.
He invokes The Map That Lies and he claims that Palestinians are starving:
Anyone wanting to see the truth of the just how much Palestinian land has been stolen by the Israelis since 1946 should simply use their home PC and google "Palestine map-loss of land" to see that Palestine has virtually been wiped from the face of the earth already, land confiscated, buildings bulldozed and any Palestinian commercial activity on a daily basis continually frustrated by the Israeli military such that Palestinians starve in what was once their homeland.
And he talks about the famous Rabbi Fischmann. At least, he's famous to antisemites:
According to Rabbi Fischmann, "The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon". This is being played out now with the destruction of Iraq and now Syria by the US backing the al-Qaeda rebels as they have now openly admitted.
It just so happens that another "news" outlet this week mentions this mysterious Rabbi Fischmann who never has a first name - in Pravda:
According to the founding father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, circa 1897, the area of the Jewish State should stretch: "From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates."  And according to Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, in his 1947 testimony before a UN special committee, "The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon." 
 I once looked up Rabbi Fischmann, who was a real person:

It turns out that he was Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman, later known as Yehuda Leib Maimon, a founder of the Mizrachi religious Zionist movement in America. He gave testimony to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, and he was answering a question from an Indian representative:
Sir ABDUR RAHMAN (India) : Rabbi Fishman, I do not know the Bible, I do not pretend to know it, but I should like to get information from you, your point of view, and I hope you will enlighten me as to what you have to say in regard to a few matters which I will put to you.

Rabbi Fishman, what was "the Promised Land"?

RABBI FISHMAN: The Promised Land was quite a large one, from the river of Egypt, up to the Euphrates.

The rabbi was answering a history question, not saying what he wanted the borders of Israel to be.

In fact, Rabbi Fishman did not even think it was realistic to have a Jewish state in all of British Mandate Palestine!

Not exactly a proponent of "Greater Israel!"

If you Google "Rabbi Fischmann Euphrates" you can find some 13,000 webpages that mention this obscure episode as proof of Israel's goal to take over the Middle East.

Honest Reporting also noticed the New Zealand op-ed, and does what it normally does to idiots like Eves.

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