Thursday, March 24, 2016

From Ian:

Isi Leibler: The ‘Obama Doctrine’ Has Led to Global Chaos
President Barack Obama’s determination to downgrade US international power has generated massive global instability and chaos with especially ominous implications for Israel.
The Obama policies have undermined longstanding alliances within the Western bloc. By supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and allying with terrorist and rogue states like Iran, the US has alienated Arab states such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which consider themselves abandoned and betrayed.
The wooing and groveling toward Iran has empowered the world’s leading Islamic terrorist state, enabled it to become a threshold nuclear power and exacerbated the conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis, which has led to the emergence of new Islamic barbarian groups like ISIS. The Islamic fundamentalists have reintroduced the Dark Ages to the region in which mass murder, rape and beheadings of civilians have become rampant.
JCPA: Dying for Allah
The sensitivity to criticism of the Islamic fundamentalist attitude on the “death for Allah” concept, which has been fully adopted by the Palestinian cultural code, is a further instance of our difficulty in understanding a different culture, which leads us to project our own values onto the other in a mirror-perfect image.
President Barack Obama exemplified this mindset in his 2009 Cairo address and in his address in Jerusalem in 2013 when he said there was no real difference between his daughters and the Palestinian youths he had met in Ramallah or the Egyptian youngsters he had encountered in Cairo. Like his daughters, they wanted to get an education, worship God in their way, raise a family, and make a good living, even if there were political or religious differences between them.
Really, Mr. President? Do your daughters identify on Facebook with the worldview of radical Islam, which calls on one to seek “death for Allah”? Palestinian youth indeed wear jeans and do not look religious. Yet almost every Palestinian child you ask will tell you he wants to be a shahid [martyr], and many believe that by attempting to stab a Jew-Zionist to death they increase their chances to attain that honor. This is a direct result of the education they receive.

  • Thursday, March 24, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week, in a secret mission, 17 Jews were smuggled out of Yemen and into Israel.

Arab media has shown a keen interest in this story - especially one detail, that the Jews arrived in a flight from Sanaa to Amman, Jordan and from there they went to Israel.

The idea that Jordan helped Jews who then met with Netanyahu did not sit well with some Arabs, but they know very well that the Houthi slogan includes the phrase "Damn the Jews."

So they instead questioned whether Jordan violated its own policies on dealing with people on flights from Yemen, Jordan has set restrictions on passengers from Yemen since the Houthis took over large parts of that territory.

Jordan responded that they only restrict Yemenis if their final destination is Jordan, not if they are ending up elsewhere.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, March 24, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jewish News UK:

Footage has emerged of a Muslim woman tearing up an Israeli flag at a memorial for the victims of the Brussels terror attack.

French television station RTL captured the incident in Brussels’ Place de la Bourse, where an Israeli flag had been placed at a vigil to more than 30 victims of Tuesday’s bombings.

The woman, pictured in a headscarf, appears to replace it with a larger Palestinian flag, before tearing up the Israeli flag, hiding the pieces under a banner.

Mourners have been placing flowers, candles and flags to show solidarity with the victims of the attack.

Following the removal of the flag, a video emerged of mourners putting an Israeli flag back at the memorial.

After an anti-Israel activist replaced an Israeli flag for a Palestinian one at a memorial for this weeks victims of...
Posted by Israel Advocacy Movement on Thursday, March 24, 2016

UPDATE: Another:

خلال التضـامن العالمي مع بروكسل ..ماذا فعل شاب فلسطيني عندما رأى علم "اسرائيل" يتوسط الشموع؟
Posted by Shehab News Agency on Thursday, March 24, 2016
(h/t Vandoren)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, March 24, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Anti-Israel groups at Ohio State University attempted to push through a BDS resolution on Purim night.

Ohio's members of Congress sent letters to members of the Student Union saying that they are against BDS, which greatly upset the Israel-haters.

On the other side, the BDS thugs threatened the lives of everyone who opposed the resolution. . (This tweet has been taken down.)

The resolution failed decisively, 9-21-15.

Whether Cailin Pitt will be prosecuted for threatening to kill everyone who voted against BDS is yet to be seen.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

From Ian:

Mike Lumish: Will the University of California Support anti-Semitic anti-Zionism?
As someone familiar with California university anti-Semitism, I would very much like to see the UC Regents suggest that the movement to rob Jewish people of self-determination and self-defense stands in direct opposition to its own proposed standards of social justice and universal human rights.
Needless to say, anti-Semitic anti-Zionist students and professors claim that their hatred of Jewish people, via their hatred of the Jewish State, is a matter of free speech. They should be allowed to defame Israel, and thereby defame the great majority of Jewish people, as a matter of liberal democracy, despite the fact that such defamation tends to result in violence against the Jewish people and young Jewish students on campus.
They honestly seem to believe that kicking Jewish students in the teeth on a regular basis is a privilege of liberalism and perhaps they are right. If liberalism means anything it means that you have the right to offend anyone. If that defamation results in violence toward the Jewish people, as we are currently seeing with the Children's Intifada in Israel, so be it.
I tend to think, of course, that kicking around Jewish students on California university campuses is not such a good thing and that university officials should look into means of reducing it, if they honestly care... which I also tend to doubt.
UN Watch: UN nominates anti-Israeli professor to 6-year post investigating “Israel’s violations”
Amid intense pressure and a flurry of letters sent from Arab and Islamic states, the South Korean president of the UN Human Rights Council today cancelled his decision to postpone the appointment of a new monitor charged with investigating “Israel’s violations of the principles and bases of international law.”
Instead, the president today nominated Canadian academic Michael Lynk — despite global objections over Lynk’s leadership role in Palestinian campaign groups and his record of inflammatory statements on Israel — and declared that the labor lawyer from London, Ontario, was both impartial and objective. The 47-nation plenary is slated to vote on the president’s proposal tomorrow. A UN Watch report two weeks ago documented the bias of the Arab states’ favored candidates, prompting outrage from the Palestinian ambassador.
“The UN’s selection of a manifestly partisan candidate — someone who three days after 9/11 blamed the West for provoking the attacks on the World Trade Center — constitutes a travesty of justice and a breach of the world body’s own rules,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a watchdog organization in Geneva whose work has been praised by top UN officials including former Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
“Someone who accuses Israel of ‘Apartheid’ and openly seeks to dismantle the Jewish state is neither impartial nor objective. We call on Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and all other Council members to uphold the Council’s own basic principles and oppose Lynk’s nomination in tomorrow’s vote,” said Neuer.

  • Wednesday, March 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory
 Check out their Facebook page.

Brussels, March 23 - The deadly terrorist attacks in the Belgian capital yesterday morning have sparked a fierce desire across the Continent to depart from the complacency and accommodation of the past in the face of growing Islamist violence, and instead engage in a new form of more severe, harsher cowardice.

After dozens of people were killed in bombings at an airport and subway station in Brussels Tuesday morning, political leaders in the European Union voiced frustration with the multicultural model that has for so long defined Europe's attempt to foster tolerance, and called for a sharper practice of avoiding potential offense to Muslim immigrants by implying that Islam has anything to do with the deadly Islamist violence that has plagued France, Germany, Sweden, Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Turkey, and other European countries.

"We're going to have to step up our game," admitted EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini at a press conference in Amman, Jordan. "When terrorist opposition to European values of tolerance, liberalism, and democracy rears its head in ever-increasing fury, we have no choice but to find the strongest possible way of shrinking from confronting it."

European leaders acknowledged the difficulty of the prospect, but vowed to persevere. "Our ancestors did not fight the Nazis so that we could surrendre our future to latter-day Nazis," insisted French President François Hollande. "We know better than to let a fascist ideology creep across the continent without taking forceful measures of abject surrender in response. France intends to take a lead role in such endeavors, as it has for most of the last century and a half."

US President Barack Obama offered whatever help the Europeans would find appropriate in pursuing their new, uncompromising line of compromise. "We are here for Brussels, for Paris, for Istanbul," announced Obama from Havana, Cuba. "Our resources will be made available to our allies in the way they feel is best suited to avoiding the issue in the most decisive manner."

Analysts see a new maturity on the part of European leaders in response to the ongoing terrorism. "It takes a certain threshold of emotional growth to acknowledge one's limitations, and that humility is part of the core of European tolerance," explained commentator Rella Tivist. "The newly emerging approach evidently involves a strict adherence to open-mindedness, such that, for example, it is considered bigoted to assert that the Nazis were evil, or developed and implemented evil policies. The mature European asks, 'Who are we to judge?' That humble, tolerant attitude will now also govern all major European policy decisions regarding Islamist terrorism, instead of merely informing it."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Douglas Murray: A terrorist attack has happened in Europe. Let the standard response begin…
Well at least we all know the form by now. This morning Islamist suicide-bombers struck one of the few European capitals they haven’t previously hit in a mass-casualty terrorist attack.
The standard response now goes as follows. First the body parts of innocent people are flung across airport check-ins or underground trains. Briefly there is some shock. On social media the sentimentalists await the arrival of this atrocity’s cutesy hashtag or motif and hope it will tide them over until the piano man arrives at the scene of the attack to sing ‘Imagine there’s no countries’. Meantime someone will hopefully have said something which a lot of people can condemn as ‘inappropriate’. I see that the Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson was this morning’s Twitter miscreant, foolish enough to say in the wake of the Brussels attack that the EU might not make us very safe. One may agree or disagree with this sentiment, but Ms Pearson should have known that the only acceptable thing to do after a suicide bomber detonates beside the European Commission is to acclaim the Commission as one of the few entities able to keep us safe.
We will shortly move to the next phase, which is to find a good news story amid the rubble. Anything will do, but best of all is a Muslim good news story. After Paris it was swiftly reported that one of the suicide bombers at Stade de France had been turned away by a brave Muslim security guard. The story whizzed around the world before anyone could check whether it was true. It wasn’t. But people needed it to be. Not because Muslims don’t do good deeds, but because in the wake of any Islamist terrorist attack people need people opposed to the bombers to be Muslim and the bombers themselves not to be Muslim. Then the good Muslim can represent Islam while the bad Muslims can be said to have nothing to do with it.

Ben-Dror Yemini: Europe must confront its reality
Belgium schools teach their students the Holocaust. One textbook includes a caricature of a Jew on a barbed wire fence with the inscription "never again." Just beside him, there is a Palestinian on the same fence with the inscription "once again!" The text book includes an explanation of the caricature, making clear its message: "The interpretation for 'never again' is what happened under Hitler will never happen again. The interpretation of 'once again' is what is happening today is exactly what happened under Hitler. Concentration camps were fenced off by barbed wire and today the border between Israel and Palestine is barbed wire and a wall."
When polls in Europe indicate that Europeans think what the Jewish state does to Palestinians is what the Nazis did to Jews, one should recall public education. This poison has not been injected only into the older generation of Belgians, but also the hundreds of thousands of Muslim youth studying in Belgium's education system. Combined with incitement in mosques, frustration with discrimination and claims of discrimination, propaganda from Arab TV networks, it becomes clear dangerous weeds are growing in the backyard.
The Belgians like many others in Europe believe that their enmity towards Israel grants them immunity from attacks. They do not understand that exactly the opposite is true: As long as incitement against Israel rises to new heights, hatred for Europe will rise to new heights. Europe will have to explain why its relations with Israel are flourishing, if Jews behave like Nazis. How can Europeans cooperate with Nazis? Not only Jews deserve to be punished, but also young Belgian collaborators as well.

  • Wednesday, March 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Purim is the perfect time to visit Iran's PressTV:

US Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is “endangered” by Israel for his perceived neutrality in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, similar to former president John F. Kennedy (JFK), an American political analyst says.

“Because he is a threat to the satanic Zionist conspiracy, he is also endangered as was JFK,” said Steven D. Kelley, a former CIA and NSA contractor.

“JFK directly attacked the CIA, the Federal Reserve (US central bank) and Israel’s nuclear program; this is why he was assassinated,” Kelley told Press TV on Monday.
All you need to know about this "expert" can be seen in the blurb for a book he wrote:
A normal guy, wife and kids, finds a normal life spiraling in to the surreal world of CIA agents, UFOs, and secret underground bunkers. This true story shows the author slowly go from early exposure to CIA/NSA, to aliens and UFOs. From inventing laser weapon systems, to becoming an energy healer and Reiki master. Templars and Bildebergers, to healing the world with human energy. Many stunning secrets revealed guaranteed to wake you up.
Perfect for Iranian state media!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordan's Ammon News:
Minister of State for Media Affairs and Government Spokesman, Mohammad Al Momani, on Monday, said that neither Israeli right-wing extremists nor Israeli occupation authorities, have the right to prevent Jordan from installing surveillance cameras at the courtyards of the Al Aqsa Mosque/ the Al Haram Al Sharif, as the holy shrine falls within the custodianship of His Majesty King Abdullah II, according to the Jordan-Israel peace treaty signed in 1994.

Momani reaffirmed that the whole 144 dunums of the Al Aqsa Mosque/ the Al Haram Al Sharif is a sacred shrine for Muslims only, and no one has the right to interfere in its affairs.

"Installing cameras aims at preserving the Arab and Islamic identity of the Al Aqsa Mosque/ the Al Haram Al Sharif and documenting and addressing Israeli extremists and occupation police and army's violations," the minster noted.
This statement is not asserting Jordan's rights over the site. It is denying Jewish rights.

It is pure antisemitism.

The rest of the article shows that Jordan is portraying Israel as being against the cameras, when in fact the idea was part of an agreement between Israel and Jordan mediated by the US to reduce tensions over the site.

One Israeli group did petition the High Court, unsuccessfully, to stop the installation, saying that the installation was not being done with the proper Israeli permits. That is what Momani is referring to, pretending that an Israeli court decision is upholding Jordanian exclusive rights on the site, which is simply not true. And Israeli authorities have welcomed the idea of cameras, to prove that Israel is not doing anything provocative on the holy site.

Unlike how it is being reported, the camera feeds will be sent via closed circuit only to monitoring rooms on the Israeli side and the Jordanian side. They will not be broadcast over the Internet. Which is a shame, because now the Jordanians can claim that they saw Jews doing whatever they want, and Israel would have to be put in a position to deny it without being able to provide proof of 24-hour footage that can be confirmed.

Meanwhile, Arab sites are upset that Jews visited the site today. As they are every day.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Ma'an site, in English, wants to make it look like Palestinians are reducing support for terror attacks, with this headline "Palestinian support for knife attacks on decline, poll finds"

But if you look at the actual poll, things are not quite that sunny.

Support for use of knives to attack Israelis remains at 58%. It is better than the 67% from last year, but it is hardly an indicator of a desire for peace.

"In the absence of peace negotiations," 56% support a return to an armed intifada, a reduction of 4% from last year.

65% of the public believe that an armed intifada would serve Palestinian national interests in ways that negotiations could not.

65% also opposed any Palestinian Authority actions to stop terror attacks.

So far more than half of all Palestinians support killing Jews.

There's an example of an accurate headline that you won't see on CNN.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

  • Tuesday, March 22, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our Adar historic joke series continues...

From The Menorah: A Monthly Magazine for the Jewish Home, Volume 8 (1890):

The Dr. Adler mentioned was the chief rabbi of England.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Italian politician Mara Carfagna: “If the West abandons Israel, it will be abandoning itself”
“Mara Carfagna: ‘If the West abandons Israel, it will be abandoning itself,'” a translation of “Mara Carfagna: ‘Se l’occidente abbandona Israele, abbandona se stesso,’” L’Informale, February 11, 2016:
Mara Carfagna, the Minister for Equal Opportunity from May 2008 to November 2011, among Italian politicians has been one of the stoutest defenders of Israel. Mindful of ethical issues and civil rights, she was chosen by Berlusconi to be in charge of the civil and human rights section of his party, Forza Italia.
We wanted to speak with her not only about Iran, but about the growing antisemitism in Europe, and the boycott of Israeli goods from the territories.
We thank Mara Carfagna for agreeing to grant this exclusive interview to L’Informale, and for having restated her strong support for Israel and for the Jewish people.
Mara Carfagna, you have on many occasions spoken out openly in favor of Israel, as few other politicians have done. Do you really think Israel’s case is so hard to understand?

Did the UN Just Admit that Israel Is Among the Happiest Places on Earth?
In case you missed it, Sunday was International Happiness Day.
As usual, it was accompanied by a U.N. study of the state of international happiness, including the ranking of countries from most to least.
This year’s top ten are pretty much the ones you would expect: Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Holland, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden. All are peaceful, long established, prosperous democracies with homogenous populations, located in the calmest regions of the First World.
And then, at number 11, comes Israel.
Israel? A hated democracy in the world’s most violent neighborhood? A society where boys and girls are drafted into the army at eighteen and men do military reserve duty well into their forties? Where taxes are higher and salaries far lower than in dozen countries that rank lower on the happiness scale? A nation with a history so somber that it three separate national days of mourning?
Yep, that’s the one.

In January, an EoZTV report showed that the Negotiations Affairs Department of the PLO has a map on its front webpage that shows something other than they might have intended.

The page looks like this:

The map there, which says "Palestine," is actually a 1915 map entitled "Palestine in the Time of Saul" and it shows the land of Israel under King Saul:

Instead of proving an ancient land called Palestine, the map actually proves that the Jews controlled Judea and Samaria!

The PLO seems to have been suitably embarrassed by this failed attempt to show a historic state of "Palestine" on their front page. They are planning to replace their page with something that looks like this:

The "ancient map of Palestine" is being replaced with a satellite image of the area.

Poor Saeb Erekat. Even his own propaganda proves that the Jewish nation has the only legitimate claim to the land.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

A week or two ago, on a public holiday in the central business district (“downtown area”) of “The World’s Most Liveable City” (Melbourne, Australia), two rival gangs of violent youths composed of Sudanese on the one hand and Pacific Islanders on the other traded blows with – among other weaponry – tables and chairs they’d wrested from local cafes while law-abiding citizens celebrating an iconic annual carnival fled in fear and while outnumbered, defied and taunted police attempted in vain to cope. The scenes were ugly. Next day, an “elder” of the Sudanese community expressed shame and disappointment at the behaviour of these children of refugees, and so, soon afterwards, did a football star of Sudanese parentage. (Members of the Sudanese gang have been linked to criminal activity including a recent spate of luxury car thefts across suburban Melbourne.)
Australia’s popular conservative columnist Andrew Bolt (“Our immigration and refugee program has become a public menace”) has a good piece the above, including the self-censorship imposed by certain leftist media regarding the ethnicity of the miscreants. []
Yet for reasons that I for one fail to comprehend, the local Jewish community has over the past fifteen years or so fostered a so-called “special relationship” with the Sudanese. Why the Sudanese and not, say, the Cambodians or the Pacific Islanders? Or the down-on-their luck pensioners and welfare recipients, Anglo-Celtic, Italian, Greek, Maltese, Aboriginal – whatever – of this increasingly economically bifurcated city, one in which homeless “have-nots” seem doomed to rent for the rest of their lives or, worse, pitch sleeping bags by the side of the River Yarra, as a result of ridiculously inflated house prices being driven ever upwards by foreign buyers and overseas investors, a scandalous state of affairs that no mainstream politician seems to want to solve? Why the “ethnic” consciousness? Performing charitable works on behalf of the Sudanese is, it appears, the default “social justice” position for the Jewish community’s boys and girls. Every Jewish day school, it appears, is involved.
Don’t get me wrong. The pursuit of social justice is a component of Tikkun Olam, and therefore enjoined upon Jews. It’s not the concept that I find puzzling but the constituent. Why the focus on a particular ethnic group? Are the others not “black” enough? And why focus on one particular ethnic group anyway? Isn’t that discriminatory, as well as paternalistic and rather patronising (the “white man’s burden” and all that)?
The institutional “leadership” of the Melbourne Jewish community is firmly on a “social justice” bandwagon, but what actually constitutes “social justice” is of its own interpretation, one that has been hijacked by the community’s Left. Question a component of what the Left deems de rigueur and you almost risk the “heretic” label. In the past few days I’ve seen a well-known member of the Orthodox Jewish community who cannot in conscience accept some of what the secular “leadership” considers acceptable – indeed, not merely acceptable but absolutely necessary to promote – named and “shamed” on social media for clinging to what he considers “Torah-true” beliefs.
And the Left, I’m afraid, includes not only the political left but the Reform (renamed the Progressive) strand within Australian Judaism, one in which many political conservatives such as myself feel increasingly marginalised. The absurd incident in which Muslim conversionists strutted their stuff at Australia’s oldest Reform Temple still rankles. I suppose we should be grateful that, so far, Israel and Zionism have not been in the firing line of the Progressive congregations (though, sadly, in contrast to the halcyon days when such a thing was unthinkable and a great unapologetically Zionist Reform rabbi bestrode the Melbourne stage, the Progressives’ Zionist body has taken a few pot shots at Israel in recent months. An egregious example was a press release issued electronically, and to my mind quite gratuitously, last Pesach; it arrived in my “in-box” just as I was leaving for a seder, and had it not been for the entirely contrasting enthusiastic pro-Israel sentiments I found there – among immigrants from the former Soviet Union, no lessthe bitter taste of that press release would have remained with me all evening. Political leftists at work again, I fear.)
The leftist hijacking of the Jewish community’s secular “leadership” has its parallel in the general leftist hijacking of the debate over immigration to Australia, or, to be more specific, the question of “asylum”. On that issue, as on so many others, the ABC (Australia’s counterpart to the BBC, and similarly obliged, as a publicly-funded national broadcaster, to be objective, an obligation it flouts with impunity) spruiks the narrative of the Green Left, and in particular an all-too-ubiquitous interviewee in ABC news broadcasts about “immigration and detention,” federal politician Sarah Hanson-Young.
Like the BBC, the ABC spins the vexed question of large-scale Muslim immigration into championship of the latter. A recent example is the enthusiasm with which the ABC touted a report entitled Islamisation’ and other anxieties: Voter attitudes to asylum seekersbased on research led by Dr Denis Muller from the Centre for Advancing Journalism and launched at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute.
A look at both the latter institutions suggests definite left-wing influences, and, given its leftist agenda, the ABC was quick to imply that those who fear the islamisation of Australia are just bigoted ignoramuses: Focus groups from rural towns and cities have demonstrated how ingrained fear and mistrust of new arrivals coming by boat are across the country. This new research, commissioned by Melbourne University’s Social Equity Institute, shows that prejudice against people seeking asylum is not grounded in evidence but in an unfounded fear of Islam, which is being falsely linked to terrorism. People from ten regional communities and capital cities were asked to answer a range of questions involving refugees, the media and community and their responses highlight how common ill-informed, Islamophobic attitudes are amongst the population. []
It’s a though no terrorist incidents and threats involving Muslims have occurred in Australia, as though no Australian Muslims have gone off to fight for Islamic State, as if no Australian Muslim there has photographed their offspring triumphantly holding up a severed head, as if no Australian Muslims have called for a Caliphate in this country, scorning democracy and gender equality in the process, as if no Australian Muslims have blamed Lebanese gang rapes of Anglo-Celtic young women on those young women themselves (“uncovered meat”) or proclaimed (as did one of the gang-rapists) “It’s not a crime to f**k a white slut”, as if no Australian Muslims have voiced the vilest antisemitism while inveighing against Israel.
It’s as if no Australian “Islamophobe,” looking at the current Muslim invasion of Europe, should tremble for Western civilisation and fret about the future of his/her own land, children and grandchildren. It’s as if Australians must turn a blind eye to the fact that virtually all chickens in this country are Halal-slaughtered and grin and bear it when confronted with so many Halal-compliant products in Aussie supermarkets that even buying a pot of yoghurt is a challenge.
It’s as if no Australian Jew or lover of Israel should look at the number of Muslims already in Australia (500,000) compared to the number of Jews (120,000) and draw his/her own conclusions about the deleterious impact on governmental support for Israel inherent in the consequent voter figures.
Yes, the Left strives to make heretics of the rest of us. If it continues on its path unchallenged it may succeed in consigning all of us – and with us its own adherents and progeny to an ignoble and untenable dhimmitude.

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