Sunday, January 12, 2014

From Ian:

Israel in the Eye of the Hurricane
As upheaval sweeps into country after country of the Middle East, endemic instability has become the order of the day—with no end in sight. Egypt and Tunisia seem permanently on the verge of civil war, Syria in the­­ midst of it; Libya and Yemen are disintegrating, with Lebanon and Iraq seemingly not far behind; unrest is seeping into Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, and Jordan; not even oil-rich Saudi Arabia or the smaller Gulf states seem immune. Long-established certitudes about the regional order are no more, having been supplanted by an Arab “spring” that produced neither a summer of democracy and prosperity nor a return to the winter of past authoritarian immobility but, rather, a prolonged autumn of volatility and baffling uncertainty. And this is not to speak of the impact of events on nominally peripheral powers like Turkey, Ethiopia, and Iran—the last-named of which presents a regional challenge of major proportions—or on such formerly inhibited but now emergent actors as the Kurds, the Christians, the Druze, even the Alawites.
At the eye of this regional hurricane, Israel is eerily quiet, tensely following the turbulence and endeavoring, amid the wreckage, to fathom the shape of the new Middle Eastern reality. Much is still unknown—other than that the old order is gone for good, an epochal shift is under way, and Israel’s three-decades-old strategy for survival may have to be abandoned. Can it be replaced by a better one—even an older one? (h/t Bob Knot)

Ariel Sharon Obituaries
Netanyahu: Sharon will go down as one of Israel's most prominent leaders, courageous commanders
IDF Blog: IDF Remembers Ariel Sharon, 1928-2014
Caroline Glick: Ariel Sharon, Larger than life
Benny Morris: Ariel Sharon: 1928-2014
Times of Israel: Israel’s indomitable protector, Ariel Sharon emblemized military audacity, evolving politics
JPost: Salute to Sharon
Tom Gross: Sharon: Myths, Facts, and Blood Libels (h/t Bob Knot)
Rabbi Abraham Cooper: Ariel Sharon - fearless warrior leaves complicated political legacy
The Tower: Ariel Sharon (1928-2014)
The Tower: Ariel Sharon, the Last Lion of Judaea
Algemeiner: Ariel Sharon: The End of the Romance

  • Sunday, January 12, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few years ago I wrote a post about what I call "occupation glasses" - the widespread phenomenon where no matter what happens in Israel, certain people see it as a part of "occupation."

I even designed a pair:

On Friday, Tal Öfer tweeted a photo of French antisemite Dieudonne with Mahmoud Ahmadinajed, two Jew-hating peas in a pod.

Rabid anti-Israel nutcase Mira bar-Hillel responded in a predictable way by ignoring the point and trying to change the subject back to what is near and dear to her heart, saying  sarcastically that the photo was "Far more important than the additional 1,400 illegal homes in occupied West Bank, Mr Kerry."

CiFWatch responded to her, quite accurately, with a link to my post on the Occupation Glasses.

Bar-Hillel responded back,
I can only assume that anti-Israel fanatic Bar Hillel is referring to the clunky style of those glasses. I agree, the color and shape are not at all acceptable for 2014 (and probably never were.) Bar-Hillel is obviously up on the latest anti-Israel fashion. (I should ask her if the keffiyeh is acceptable to wear nowadays among her crowd or if that is also "so 2011.")

So, because she asked, I designed a new pair of Occupation Glasses, that are much more subtle, sleek and stylish.

People who wear these can rest assured that not only will everything they say have to do with "occupation," but even better - the rimless style makes it harder for people to tell that they are wearing them.

Until they open their mouths, of course.

  • Sunday, January 12, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Al Qassam Brigades English website (from a copy; I cannot reach the site itself):

Al Qassam Brigades- Gaza- Twitter has recently suspended the account of al-Qassam Brigades without any warning Thursday, January 9th ,2014.

A notification sent to Al Qassam’s Twitter account read “Your account (@AlqassamBrigade) is currently suspended”.

The Qassam Brigades confirmed that they did not violate Twitter’s terms of service ever, asserting that reason behind the suspension is Twitter subordination to US government and “Israel” as usual.

Jewish-Christian incitation against the Qassam active account, so long exposed Israel’s war crimes and violations against the Palestinian civilians led to the suspension of the Qassam Twitter account.

The Qassam Brigades strongly condemned the act and asserted on right to freedom of speech and expression and media.
I love when terror groups use the language of human rights! They may suppress the media and freedom of expression and freedom to gather publicly, they might fire people from jobs who do not adhere to their political views, they may jail rival political groups, but they demand all those rights themselves.

I was upset at this news, because the Hamas Twitter account provided me with material for the blog; not to mention I liked to make fun of them directly on Twitter. for example, this one, during the recent cold snap in the area:

Of course, the terror group immediately opened up another Twitter account, which as of this writing already has 4000 followers. It is a little silly to close accounts like that - better to keep them visible to everyone so the lies and hate can be exposed.

From Al Arabiya:
Starvation victim in Syria
Severe hunger in a besieged refugee camp for Palestinians in southern Damascus has claimed two lives, raising the death toll to 48 people killed, an opposition Syrian group said Saturday in a statement.

The Syrian Revolution General Commission (SRGC), a coalition of 40 opposition groups, said Yarmouk camp has depleted its food supplies and medical materials after 180 days of it being encircled by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

SRGC accused the Syrian regime for not allowing humanitarian aid to enter the besieged camp, which is home to an estimated 20,000 Palestinians.

Palestinian activists and journalists in reaction launched a nationwide campaign to pressure their government to help the starving refugees.
Hear that sound?

It is the sound of "pro-Palestinian" activists, pundits, politicians and NGOs not caring.

It is the sound of flotillas not being organized, petitions not being written, and demonstrations not being organized by Westerners who pretend to care so much about Palestinian Arab human rights.

It is the sound of articles not being written in the Guardian, the BBC or the New York Times.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Human Rights Watch remains as disgusting as ever.

As Ariel Sharon died after his long illness, HRW is very sad. Not about his death, of course:

Ariel Sharon died without facing justice for his role in the massacres of hundreds and perhaps thousands of civilians by Lebanese militias in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982. The killings constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Sharon also escaped accountability for other alleged abuses, such as his role expanding settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, prosecutable as a war crime. Sharon ordered the removal of all Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip and from four West Bank settlements in 2005, but the overall number of settlers in occupied territory increased significantly during his term as prime minister.

It’s a shame that Sharon has gone to his grave without facing justice for his role in Sabra and Shatilla and other abuses,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “His passing is another grim reminder that years of virtual impunity for rights abuses have done nothing to bring Israeli-Palestinian peace any closer.”
As far as I can tell, HRW has never written an article like this about the death of any other person. Not Osama bin Laden, not Moammar Qaddafi, not Saddam Hussein. Only Ariel Sharon gets treated this way.

Now, if you do a search through HRW's archives of the word "Phalangist" (or "Keta'eb," which is the current name of that group in Lebanon, still an active political party) you will not find a single condemnation of their massacres in Sabra and Shalita. Every single time they are mentioned it is in context of - Ariel Sharon.

To HRW, the people who actually slaughter human beings and mutilate pregnant women are blameless. They are not worthy of any calls to investigation, there is no reason to seek justice from them.

How can this be? How can Human Rights Watch ignore the perpetrators of the crime and give the lion's share of responsibility to someone who, while he should have anticipated and stopped the crime, was not either its planner nor executor?

The answer is very simple, and it betrays the racism of Human Rights Watch and many other such groups, media and politicians:

Middle Easterners are expected to be savages. Arabs and Maronite Christians, in HRW's world, are animals. They have no free will - their actions are disgusting but inevitable, a consequence of their subhuman natures.

Jews, on the other hand, must act like human beings. They must prevent two sets of animals under their control from killing each other.  Indeed, this is how human beings should act, and Sharon was correctly slammed by Israeli commissions for his not being proactive in stopping what was almost inevitable.

Human Rights Watch, however, only blames Sharon. The esteemed organization cannot be bothered to condemn Maronites or Arabs for acting like this - that is their nature. This is pure racism.

Sabra and Shatila would not exist on the website of Human Rights Watch if it wasn't for Ariel Sharon. In fact, Lebanon saw much worse massacres in recent decades- even against Palestinian civilians - and HRW has not a word to say about those massacres. Only if a Jew can be blamed is it worth being brought up.

Another angle: Sharon forcibly expelled thousands of people from their homes in Gaza and the West Bank. This would seem to be against the Geneva Conventions. The ICRC interprets international law this way: "Individual or mass forcible transfers...are prohibited, regardless of their motive." But they were Jews, so HRW has nothing bad to say about that. Jews in the territories are the only group of people in the world that HRW insists should be forcibly removed from their homes. There is a double standard clear to all: international law must be twisted to ensure that Jews, the indigenous people of ancient Israel and Judah, are always violators of law while Arabs who invaded or moved in millenia later are nearly blameless in their actions.

To put the icing on the HRW anti-semitism cake, they also wrote this about antisemitic French "comedian" Dieudonné:

France made the wrong decision when it banned controversial comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala, known for appallingly and insultingly mocking the Holocaust, from performing a number of his stand-up shows.

The government’s representative in Nantes banned a show scheduled for Thursday, on grounds of threats to public order. On the day of the show, one of the city’s courts overturned the ban. But Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls, who has spoken out openly and strongly against Dieudonné, appealed to France’s highest administrative court, the Conseil d’Etat, which later in the day upheld the ban.

On Friday, another court upheld the ban on another show by Dieudonné that was to take place in Tours in the evening. Welcoming the ruling by the Conseil d’Etat, Valls said that “The Republic has won”.

Yet a country’s dedication to human rights and democratic values is measured in the way it treats those with whom it disagrees, and in this instance, France has failed that test. France should respect freedom of expression, including those opinions that shock, offend, or disturb – unless they amount to inciting violence. Any restrictions to this freedom must be necessary and proportionate, and banning Dieudonné shows is neither. If there are indeed threats to public order, authorities should deploy enough police officers to deter violence, not ban the show altogether.
Please, HRW, explain how making fun of the Holocaust and Jews is anything less than incitement. How does creating an environment where Jews being gassed and burned is a subject of mockery make it a safer country for Jews to live in? There is a reason that record numbers of French Jews moved to Israel this year, but, hey, HRW probably considers that a war crime as well.

And, of course, Arab media regularly has much more open incitement against Jews, as I have documented countless times. Yet to this day, HRW has never said a word against Arab antisemiticm and incitement to kill Jews.

HRW has a halo effect as being one of the most prestigious human rights organizations. And in some parts of the world, perhaps it does some good work. But its standards are twisted into a mockery of human rights when the subject or object of the reports happen to be Jews. The standard for Jews to tolerate hate against themselves is lower than that for anyone else; while the standard for Jews to act in a humane manner is much, much higher than that of their neighbors.

 It is hard to find this to be a coincidence.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Israel and the death of pan-Arabism
The post-pan-Arab Middle East exposes the truth that has been obscured for a century. The Jews and their Jewish state are a natural component of our diverse neighborhood, just like the Kurds, the Christians, the Druse, the various Muslim sects, and the Arabs. The demise of pan-Arabism is our great opportunity, at home and regionally, to build the alliances we need to survive and prosper. But so long as our leaders insist on clinging to the now irrelevant dream of appeasing the defunct pan-Arabists, we will lose these opportunities and convince our allies that we are treacherous, disloyal and temporary.
A criminal culture
Since the stupidity of Oslo, Israelis and the PLO have been ‘negotiating’ to arrive at yet another partition of the sliver of Jewish land that exists precariously among the 22 Arab nations of the Middle East and North Africa. The Palestinians have never stopped incitement and terrorism, and they have never negotiated in good faith toward an end to the conflict. They have pursued a strategy of alternating violence and deceitful diplomacy whose objective is the elimination of Jewish sovereignty.
And yet President Obama says they ‘deserve’ a state!
In deciding whether establishing a new state here is a good idea, it makes sense to think about what the character of that state will be. And there is no doubt that ‘Palestine’ will be an aggressor and a locus of terrorism. A criminal culture will produce a criminal state.
How could the embodiment of the philosophy of Yasser Arafat be anything else?
(h/t NormanF)
Obituary: Israel’s indomitable protector, Ariel Sharon emblemized military audacity, evolving politics
Ariel Sharon, the general and prime minister who embodied the Zionist notion of the new Jew — a robust man, adept with both plowshare and sword, and feared, hated, and adored for his proficiency with the latter, is dead. He was 85 years old.
Doctors at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer said that Sharon, who had been in a vegetative state for eight years, had suffered renal failure in recent days, which led on Saturday afternoon to multiple organ failure and death.

Hate 101, as (apparently) Reuters goes to Hamas schools to see what those cute tykes are learning.

Hamas, like all good governments, is investing its money into the next generation.

(h/t Ian)

Friday, January 10, 2014

From Ian:

Israel: The first modern indigenous state
Just as black people struggled for their rights and basic human dignity during the American Civil Rights Movement, so the Jews continue to struggle for our rights and basic human dignity within our 3,500 year old national home. Just as native peoples everywhere seek to free themselves from the negative influence of hostile conquering populations, so the Jews of the Middle East seek to free themselves from the never-ending hostility of their former masters in that part of the world.
The so-called “Palestinian national movement” is not a national movement of an indigenous people. It is a national movement designed specifically to overthrow the indigenous people and replace that people with the very people who conquered them and held them in something akin to servitude (dhimmitude) for thirteen long centuries.
Like indigenous peoples throughout the world, the Jewish people, too, are worthy of self-determination and self-defense.
Actress Meryl Streep Blasts Walt Disney as Anti-Semitic; ZOA Condemns Actress Emma Thompson
Hollywood actress Meryl Streep blasted Walt Disney as an anti-Semitic misogynist in an unusually long and scathing speech at a film awards dinner on Tuesday night, Variety reported on Thursday.
Ironically, Streep’s nine-minute speech was to honor the actress who portrayed ‘Mary Poppins’ creator P.L. Travers in The Walt Disney Company’s ‘Saving Mr. Banks,’ Emma Thompson, who the Zionist Organization of America denounced on Thursday for her letter in the Guardian advocating for a boycott of Israel’s Habima Theater troupe, which is to perform later this year at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, in London.
Nelson Mandela: Co-opted, Re-mixed and Re-delivered
Anti-Israel activists deliberately manipulated footage of Nelson Mandela, speaking at a 1990 Town Hall meeting anchored by Ted Koppel on ABC Nightline in New York, in an effort to eliminate his declaration "The support for Yassir Arafat in his struggle does not mean that the ANC has ever doubted the right of Israel to exist as a state. We have stood quite openly and firmly for the right of that state to exist within secured borders"
Lies. Manipulation. Selective editing. Could these ethically bankrupt anti-Israeli propagandists stoop any lower?
SWU: Anti-Israel Propaganda Exposed

  • Friday, January 10, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
We all know the Arab theory that the two blue lines on the Israeli flag stand for the Nile and Euphrates rivers, symbolizing Israel's dream to expand to a huge state as promised in the Bible.

Today, Arabs and antisemites are convinced that the "Greater Israel" plan is alive and well.

How does that jive with the fact that Israel has been doing nothing but giving land up since 1977?

Glad you asked. You see, it is all explained in this article in a Hezbollah-leaning website, but apparently it got the ideas from this recent Global Research article expanding on old bizarre theories by the late antisemite Israel Shahak.

You see, Shahak was obsessed with an obscure article written in an Israeli journal in 1982 by someone named Oded Yinon. Out of all the hundreds and thousands of articles written by Israelis, Shahak was convinced that this article, available for all to see, represented Israel's real strategy.

The Global Research article says:
When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria, not to mention the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.

“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates.

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.

Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map).
The funny thing is that Shahak's translation of Yinon's article has very little to say about Israel actively causing Arab regimes to fracture. In fact, most of the article (and possibly all, since Shahak cannot be trusted to translate accurately) talks about how this dissolution of the Arab world is inevitable, given the hatred between Sunnis and Shiites, different tribes in Syria, Iraq and Jordan, oil rich states run by a tiny elite but not sharing the wealth with the poor citizens, and so forth. In some ways Yinon's article has been vindicated; he pretty much predicted the Arab Spring in 1982. (Yinon does seem to say that Israel must re-acquire the Sinai from Egypt because the loss of its oil would send Israel into an economic tailspin otherwise. That seems a bit quaint nowadays that Israel is looking to be an energy exporter.)

If Israel's strategy in the 1980s was to cause the Arab world to collapse, it failed, as the current Arab Spring upheavals came over 20 years later.

But the beauty of the theory - especially for Shiites - is that the problems in Egypt, Syria, Libya and so forth can now be blamed on Israel, which is behind everything! Sunni leaders are Israel's puppets!

The Hezbollah article says:
The Zionists ruling Egypt want to turn Egypt gradually into a state of no states, as in Somalia, Iraq, as is happening now in Syria; to destroy Egypt to achieve the dream of a Zionist state from the Nile to the Euphrates.
So that explains everything! Israel is going to rule perhaps 150 million Arabs, because it just wants to. The Arab leaders are Israel's puppets. And the Protocols will be realized! Bwahahaha!

(See also this post from 2007 of a reasonable sounding Egyptian going off the rails when discussing this.)

From Ian:

Israel kills fewest innocents but takes most heat
Professor Richard Falk is a top UN official. Recently he declared that Israel wreaks carnage upon the Palestinians, harboring what he termed "genocidal intent." If we want to understand the relationship between the industry of lies and the discourse of human rights, we could do worse than examine the case of this bad man, perhaps a Jew, who is an embodiment of this link.
Let us gauge the genocide claim. In 2013, 36 Palestinians were killed, according to the human rights organization B'Tselem. At least 30 of those were either involved in clashes with IDF soldiers or were members of terrorist organizations. Only a few innocents were killed. The death of each one of them is to be deeply regretted. Yet one should add that there isn't another conflict in the world where the fatality rate among civilians is as low as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In other conflicts it is estimated that between 60 and 90 percent of fatalities are innocents. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they are a minority.
IDF Blog: After Mortars Fired from Gaza, Israel Air Force Targets Terrorists, Terror Site
After mortars were fired from Gaza at Israel, the IDF targeted terrorists during their final preparations to launch rockets toward Israel early Thursday morning (January 9). No damage or injuries were reported among the soldiers.
WATCH as the IAF targets a Gazan terrorist site preparing to launch rockets:

Charles Krauthammer: How to fight academic bigotry
Which makes obvious that the ASA boycott has nothing to do with human rights. It’s an exercise in radical chic, giving marginalized academics a frisson of pretend anti-colonialism, seasoned with a dose of edgy anti-Semitism.
And don’t tell me this is merely about Zionism. The ruse is transparent. Israel is the world’s only Jewish state. To apply to the state of the Jews a double standard that you apply to none other, to judge one people in a way you judge no other, to single out that one people for condemnation and isolation — is to engage in a gross act of discrimination.
And discrimination against Jews has a name. It’s called anti-Semitism.

  • Friday, January 10, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This week there was a double memorial service at the Hazrat Zahra mosque in Tehran.

The first person being remembered was General Ahmad Kazemi, commander of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution who died in a plane crash in 2006, which some allege was sabotage.

The other was not for an Iranian at all, but for the Hezbollah commander Hassan Lakkis, assassinated a month ago in Beirut.

One of the facts revealed at the memorial is that Hezbollah was "the first nucleus of the resistance in Lebanon was formed by forces of the [Iranian] Revolutionary Guards," and that Lakkis was trained by Iran and had a "special loyalty to Imam Khomeini."

The ceremony showed (yet again) how Hezbollah is nothing more or less than a remote arm of Iran's military.

Two banners were set up at the service, showing two quotes: one from Ayatollah Khomeini and the other from Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The quote from Khomeini says "Israel must vanish from the entire world."

The Farsi in the Nasrallah photo says "to target Israel, we need only a few missiles." They mistranslated "a few" as "some."

The juxtaposition of the two banners makes an unmistakable statement: Iran is threatening Israel, militarily, and Hezbollah is the means that it intends to use to accomplish that.

At the event, which had many senior Iranian military figures, officials spoke of a "big surprise that Hezbollah has in store for Israel, and that Hezbollah warehouses are filled with highly accurate missiles aimed at Israel. Another speaker spoke of a time, not so far in the future, that will witness "an apocalyptic battle" across the region for the Holy Land.

Iran is supplying even more advanced missiles to Hezbollah - today.

A few years ago when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that "Israel should be wiped off the map/off the pages of time" there was a lot of apologetics saying it was a mistranslation, or that he didn't mean "militarily," or that Ahmadinejad was just a blowhard and didn't set Iranian policy so it was no big deal.

Iran is saying that Hezbollah, as an arm of Iran, will wipe Israel out. There is no ambiguity here. But people who refuse to see the truth will always find reasons to ignore the facts, even when the facts are printed on large banners in English.

  • Friday, January 10, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just another day in Gaza.

This is an Islamic Jihad rally to denounce any possible peace deal - because any deal would allow Israel to still exist, which is against Palestinian Arab principles.

Dr. Mohammed al-Hindi, a member of Islamic Jihad's "political wing," spoke and led the crowd in both marching and in the obligatory stepping on an Israeli and American flags.

  • Friday, January 10, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an says:

A Palestinian inmate in Israel's Ofer prison suffered from "hysteria" after carrying out an extended hunger strike, a prisoners' ministry lawyer said Thursday.

Ehab al-Ghaleet, a lawyer for the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs, said that Thaer Abdullah was on hunger strike for 50 days, as a result of which he was treated in Assaf Harofeh medical center.

Throughout that period Abdullah suffered from brain dehydration and had to stop his strike before he was returned to Ofer prison, al-Ghaleet said.

Abdullah was brought to a psychiatrist when he returned to Ofer due to his hysteria, al-Ghaleet said.
There has not been a psychological diagnosis of "hysteria" for decades.

What would Def Leppard think?

Ma'an goes on:

Since 1967, more than 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel, representing 20 percent of the total population and 40 percent of all males in the occupied territories.
I showed that these numbers are complete fiction a number of times.

Anti-Israel groups love to pick up on ridiculous claims like these.

It would be hysterical -  if so many didn't believe and disseminate the lies so easily.

(h/t Bob Knot)

Thursday, January 09, 2014

  • Thursday, January 09, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel's Channel 10; translation by Yoel:

From Ian:

Israelly Cool: Israel Palestine Who’s Indigenous?
Now you might ask, why is this important? It is important to indigenous people because we cannot allow the argument that conquerors can become indigenous. If we, as other indigenous people, allow that argument to be made, then we are delegitimising our own rights.
If conquerors can become indigenous, then the white Europeans who came to my indigenous lands in North America could now claim to be indigenous. The white Europeans who went to Australia and New Zealand could now claim to be indigenous. If we, even once, allow that argument to be made, indigenous rights are suddenly devalued and meaningless. This is somewhat peculiar, as those who are arguing for Palestinian “indigenous rights” are usually those who have little grasp of the history, and no understanding of the truth behind indigenous rights.
Report: 2013 Christian Persecution Driven by Islamic Extremism
Of the 14 countries labeled as “extreme persecution,” 11 of them are countries with a predominantly Muslim population, including several Middle Eastern countries such as Syria at number 3, Iraq at number 4, Saudi Arabia at number 6 and Iran at number 9. However, North Korea was the worst offender at number 1.
Egypt, where there has been widespread persecution of its Coptic Christian minority over the past year by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups, ranked at number 22. While the Palestinian Territories ranked at number 34.
The report noted that in 36 of the 50 countries, Islamic extremism was the driving force behind Christian persecution.
Tamar Natural Gas Field Worth $52 Billion to Israeli Economy – Ernst & Young
The natural gas in Israel’s Tamar field is worth some $52 billion to the Israeli economy, accountants Ernst & Young Israel said in a new report. The CPA firm will present their report at a gas and energy conference in Tel Aviv next week, according to Israel’s Globes business daily.
The initial findings of the study found that Tamar, which began production less than a year ago, boosted Israel’s GDP by almost 0.5 percentage points, and is projected to boost GDP by 1.5 percentage points for 2014.


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