Sunday, September 09, 2012

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt's El Balad, one of the types of articles that seem to be multiplying under the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt.

It goes into great detail into how Jews are taking over the world:

The close intellectual and spiritual cooperation between the Jews and the British shows their desire to capture the world, and then this cooperation extended to include the United States.

Here are their steps and protocols to achieve this control:

1 - the destruction of any community authority for the benefit of state power
2 - reducing the power of States to increase the authority of the United Nations
3 - put the United Nations authority in the hands of the five permanent members of the Security Council and to have Jews achieve control of the governments of these countries

Here are their steps to destroy the authority of society:

1 - a culture of equality between men and women, so men lose their sense of ownership of the family
2 - fight and destroy the marriage relationship and family authority and make the man and women as a means of producing children to be taken over by state care so the identity of the individual is only as determined by the state.
3 - to justify adultery.
4 - laws on child protection to reduce the power of family and inciting children to disrespect authority of the father or the mother or the family and freedom from any community limitations.
5 - insulting the clergy and ridicule them and show them that they are hypocrites, and incite young people not to obey them.
6 - to prevent beatings or any means of punishment of children in schools so teachers lose their prestige and their ability to control them, and the children are brought up to disrespect anyone.
7 - stripping tribal elders of their material and moral powers
8 - Revolution on popular fashion "folk"; new forms of clothing fashion so citizens lose values ​​of cultural identity.
9 - looting ancient cultures from the minds of the people and replace them with stories and Western films.
10 - rewrite history to guide peoples' cultures, including the historic Islamic stories of our Ancestors and sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
11 - the establishment of parties and political groups that are pro-religious Jews and America, and support for access to the rule, which in turn works to achieve indirect occupation by Jews of America.

I'm not sure whether El-Balad is a state-run newspaper, but its been a while since I saw such raw anti-semitism so explicit in an Egyptian media outlet outside of religious sermons.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here. Now.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ammon News:
Jordanian security forces on Saturday arrested nine Pro-reform activists who belong to the Free Tafileh Movement after tense protests that took place Friday in both the southern governorate of Tafileh, and the Tafileh neighborhood in eastern Amman.

The protests turned violent after pro-reform activists reportedly chanted slogans against the Jordanian regime and insulted King Abdullah II and the Royal Court. Security forces fired tear gas at the protesters and went on a campaign to arrest the activists.

A security source told Ammon News that the slogans chanted during the protest went against Jordanian norms and standards of decency, in addition to defamation, slander, and distorting reputation of top figures in Jordan.

Ammon News learned that the nine activists will be facing five major charges, including breaching security and order, Lese-Majeste, slander and defamation, violating public decency, and opposing the existing regime.
I had wondered why previous protests stayed away from saying anything bad about the king - it is because to protest against the king violates more laws!

I'm not sure if these protesters were Islamist, but there is an Islamist protest scheduled today as well. 

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Abbas attacks Israel, Hamas over PA economic woes By KHALED ABU TOAMEH
PA president clarifies no date set for UN application; protesters surround PA Prime Minister Fayyad's car, calling on him to resign.
“He also said that he would go the UN General Assembly on September 27 “to consult with friends” about upgrading the status of a Palestinian state in the international agency to non-member.
However, Abbas did not say that he would submit a request to the General Assembly in this regard. No date has been set for filing the application to the UN, he clarified."

Canada’s moral leadership
Canada’s bold words and actions give us Israelis hope that there are indeed many decent people, some of them in positions of power, who will not bow to demonization or to the Orwellian twisting of history and language that often pertains to Israel these days. And they will stand in defense of Israel.

PM: World must follow Canada's example, cut ties with Iran
Netanyahu praises Canada's decision to sever ties with Tehran, says int'l community needs to set down this type of "red line" which sends message "dark regime" mustn't obtain nuclear weapons.

Facebook Fails Review
OHPI (Online Hate Prevention Institute) recently reported a number of antisemitic images to Facebook using the regular reporting facility available to all users. Every one of our reports was swiftly reviewed and swiftly rejected.
Facebook is making a serious effort to respond faster to complaints, but this is meaningless if the response is to invariably reject the complaints. There is also no appeal and we have no details of any internal review process – if there is one, Facebook is welcome to share details to reassure us.

MEMRI Clerics and Experts on Yemeni Houthi TV Indulge in Multiple, Antisemitic 9/11 Conspiracies

'Kill the Jews' Spray-painted in New Jersey
Residents of a neighborhood in Monmouth Heights, NJ, awoke on Thursday to find swastikas and hate-filled slogans.

Arsonists burn Jewish eatery; 2nd attack at Hollywood plaza
A strip mall where arson destroyed a Judaica store last year became the site of a second fiery attack Friday, when two masked arsonists in hoodies broke into a kosher restaurant and splashed flammable liquid all over the kitchen to make it go up in flames.

Jihadists join Aleppo fight, eye Islamic state, surgeon says
The foreign jihadists included young Frenchmen who said they were inspired by Mohammed Merah, a self-styled Islamist militant from Toulouse, who killed seven people in March in the name of al-Qaeda.

Syrian troops storm Palestinian refugee area
Latest act of brute force comes as Syrian Observatory for Human Rights raises estimated death toll in uprising to over 23,000.

Brother of Al-Qaeda leader justifies 9/11 attacks, says group would strike at Israel if it could
‘We consider anyone hostile towards the Muslims to be an enemy, but all in good time,’ says Muhammad Al-Zawahiri, brother of bin Laden’s successor

Iran releases persecuted Christian pastor
Iran’s judiciary issued orders to hang the dissident Christian, arrested in 2009 for seeking to register a home-based church.

Israeli actress wins big at Venice festival
Hadas Yaron takes best actress award for portrayal of a young Hassidic bride in 'Fill the Void.'

Israel: Where US vets come to heal
The unique Heroes to Heroes Journey to Israel gives America’s disabled veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan a spiritual and physical new start.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday he will make a bid on Sept. 27 to obtain non-member status at the United Nations.

“We will go to the U.N. General Assembly for consultations with our friends on the draft resolution calling for the upgrade of Palestine (to non-member status)” in the United Nations, Abbas said in a televised address.

“We are going to the U.N. to say that we are a state which applies the fourth Geneva convention (on the protection of civilians in time of war). There are 133 countries that recognize us as a state with east Jerusalem as its capital and where we have embassies hoisting the Palestinian flag.”
Given that it has been years since Abbas has condemned rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza, which he considers part of his territory, the idea that the PA adheres to the Fourth Geneva Convention is laughable. (Not to mention that Abbas' own Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades celebrate rockets fired at Israeli houses.)

Also, according to the official PLO UN page, there are PLO embassies in 80 countries, not 133. More may have opened since that page was updated in January 2011, but 53 seems unlikely.

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the Grad rockets from Gaza overnight, the Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank were also busy being violent this weekend.

The worst incident was the murder of a Jew:
A 50-year-old man was killed in a suspected hit-and-run accident Sunday morning on Road 505 between the Jewish settlements of Oranit and Elkana.

The man, a security guard who lives in one of the area's communities, was apparently trying to document the entry of illegal Palestinian workers into Israel when he was hit by a car and critically injured.

Police are searching for the driver, who fled the scene of the incident.

Judea and Samaria District Police Commander Amos Yaakov said that "the security guard arrived to document the entry of an illegal resident and tried to stop the vehicle, which kept going at high speed, hit and killed him. It was an intentional hit. We are currently investigating all leads."
There was also an attempted pogrom against a Jewish village:
Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs have been assaulting a Jewish village in the Binyamin region since Saturday afternoon, Tatzpit reports.

Residents of the Jewish village of Esh Kodesh reported that the assault began when three men from the community were walking in one of the town’s vineyards on Saturday afternoon, during the Jewish Sabbath.

The men were attacked by a large Arab mob armed with clubs and sticks, residents said. The attackers apparently came from the nearby PA town of Kotzra.

A security team from Esh Kodesh was called to the scene, as were nearby IDF units. The responders encountered hundreds of PA men armed with rocks and other makeshift weapons, and were unable to stop the assault.

“Children in the village are crying,” community spokesman Aharon Katzuf told Tatzpit. “They can’t sleep because of the screams of ‘Yitbach al Yahud’ [Slaughter the Jews – ed.] and ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

As of Saturday night clashes continued. An IDF spokesperson said, “Security forces are at the scene, and the circumstances are being investigated.”
Palestinian Arab media, not surprisingly, only reports about the security forces' response and nothing about the rampage. Oh, and they also claim that the religious settlers destroyed olive trees and wells on the Sabbath.

There was a similar attack against Esh Kodesh a year ago.

But the violence was not only against Jews. Riots against the PA intensified, as protesters burned vehicles and blocked roads.

Dozens of protesters blocked the main road connecting the south and north West Bank on Sunday morning, witnesses told Ma'an.

The Wadi al-Nar road was jammed with burning tires and rocks, they said, as protests against economic hardship continue across the West Bank.

Several students told Ma'an they were not able to travel to schools and universities because of the protest.

A northern West Bank governor was injured on Saturday night after a protester threw rocks at him during a protest against rising living costs.

Governor of Tubas Marwan Al-Tubasi suffered a moderate head wound when he was hit by a rock in Fara village, he told Ma'an. The governor said he went to the village to appeal to people not to shut down roads and damage property.
Sounds like they are ready for a state, doesn't it?
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:

Two Grad rockets were fired Saturday night at southern Israel. One of the rockets hit a street in the town of Netivot, while the second one exploded in an open area in Beersheba.

Two houses were badly damaged in Netivot, but luckily there were no injuries in the attack. One of the residents whose house was hit escaped injury by running into the bathroom. "The entire house collapsed on me," he said later.

Only two days ago, on Friday morning, two rockets hit open fields in the Netivot area. There were no injuries. The rocket fire was resumed over the weekend after the Israel Defense Forces increased its attacks in Gaza and assassinated a series of terrorist cells.
Lately, only Salafist groups have been taking responsibility for rockets fired into Israel.

But Grad rockets are smuggled into Gaza, not built there. And Hamas controls every weapons tunnel. Which means that Hamas knowingly allows supposed rogue groups to acquire them.

The only conclusion is that even though Hamas pretends it is suppressing rocket fire, the truth is the opposite. Hamas tacitly encourages these groups to fire rockets but maintains its plausible deniability.

That way, Hamas can look "moderate," while its own media gloats over the damage done to the "Zionist usurpers" in Israeli towns they consider "occupied."
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
After Canada announced it was severing diplomatic relations with Iran on Friday, Iranian spokespeople have gone on a number of funny tirades.

Here are the top ten comments about Canada by Iranian officials and media:

10. The Foreign Ministry said Canada has a bad reputation for protecting diplomatic headquarters and personnel and has repeatedly failed to protect the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa against attacks.

9. “The extremist regime of Harper did a lot to prevent the holding of NAM summit in Tehran but countries and international figures completely ignored it and imposed another defeat to this regime.”

8. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has described the decision as “an abuse of international law.”

7. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is known for adopting “extremist and failed policies.”

6. "The hostile attitude of the racist government of Canada that is following some policies dictated by Tel Aviv and London."

5. "Ottawa has made the move to satisfy Israel and the Zionist lobby and that it would leave no stones unturned to prove its devotion to the Zionist regime even if it costs Ottawa's international status and damage its respect in world public opinion."

4. "The closing down of the embassy was a psychologically and politically imbalanced behavior."

3. "Hostile attitude of the Canadian racist government is indeed pursuing the policies as dictated by the Zionist regime and the UK."

2. "Canada is under the control of Britain and the governor appointed by the British queen, saying that all important decisions are made by the governor in coordination with the queen."

1. "The government of Canada, according to the reports of United Nations Rapporteur on indigenous rights, has the worst record on violating human rights, with its radical actions and financially supporting the extremist forces in the region and its all-out, blind support for the Zionist regime which is a racist regime, has adopted policies which does not help the world peace but is a source of threat to international security."

Saturday, September 08, 2012

  • Saturday, September 08, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Column One: God, Jerusalem and American foreign policy
By removing both God and Jerusalem from the platform, Obama and his fellow Democrats stirred the furies of that American soul at its foundations.
"For most Americans – if not for most Democrats – support for Israel is the most important plank of US foreign policy because it indicates the nature of that foreign policy as a whole. A president who supports Israel is a president who has his priorities straight. A president who is hostile to Israel is a president who can’t be trusted on Iran or Russia or China or anything else.
In an apparent effort to end this state of affairs, Obama has adopted a policy towards Iran – whose nuclear program represents the greatest rising threat to US national security – that frames the issue as Israel’s problem."

‘Palestine’ in perspective
The unflattering comparison that Mitt Romney drew between the accomplishments of Palestinian may have some merit.
"THE WEAKNESS of Khouri’s arguments is apparent from the very outset. He launches into his endeavor to invalidate the foundations of Israel’s achievement, which has placed the country on the cutting edge of human endeavor in science and technology in fields as diverse as medicine, telecommunications, irrigation and water treatment, by trying to belittle its contribution to... citrus farming."

Justice delayed is justice denied
The Arab countries targeted the Jewish nationals living in their respective countries, thereby creating two refugee populations.
"This November will mark the 65th anniversary of the UN Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947. It is sometimes forgotten – and often not even known – that this was the first-ever blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian “two states for two peoples” solution. Regrettably, while Jewish leaders accepted the resolution, Arab and Palestinian leaders did not, and by their own acknowledgment, declared war on the nascent Jewish state while also targeting the Jewish nationals living in their respective countries.
Yet the revisionist Middle East narrative – prejudicial to authentic reconciliation and peace between peoples as well as between states – continues to hold that there was only one victim population, Palestinian refugees, and that Israel was responsible for the Palestinian nakba (catastrophe) of 1948.
The result is that the pain and plight of 850,000 Jews uprooted and displaced from Arab countries – the forgotten exodus – has been both expunged and eclipsed from both the Middle East peace and justice narratives these past 65 years."

Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood Bomb?
"We [Egyptians] are ready to starve in order to own a nuclear weapon that will represent a real deterrent and will be decisive in the Arab-Israeli conflict." — Dr. Hamdi Hassan, Spokesman, Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Caucus, 2006

J’Acuse: Shame on Germany for Circumcision Ban Alan Dershowitz

MEMRI Article In Iranian Press TV - Were Real People Murdered On 9/11?
Article On Muslim Brotherhood Website Praises Jihad Against America And The Jews – 'The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs'

Iran slams Canada’s decision to sever diplomatic ties as ‘hasty and extreme’
Foreign Ministry says ‘racist’ decision is ‘in line with the policies that are dictated by the Zionist and British governments’

Chavez camp using anti-Semitism in reelection bid'
Venezuelan state media, Chavez backers regularly “vilify” opponent Radonski, derisively referring to his Jewish roots, study finds.
“This is done in a variety of methods, such as defamation, intimidation and conspiracy theories, many of which portray Capriles as a Zionist agent, and by mixing classic and neo-anti-Semitism,” said the report, authored by Lidia Lerner, an expert on Latin America. “A Capriles victory, it is claimed, will inevitably lead to Zionist infiltration.”

British and Dutch urge sanctions against Hezbollah
FMs call on EU countries to join the United States in imposing sanctions on Hezbollah for providing support to Syria's Assad.

US declares Haqqani network a terrorist body
"The Obama administration declared Friday that the Pakistan-based Haqqani network of militants is a terrorist body despite misgivings about how the largely symbolic act could further stall planned Afghan peace talks or put yet another chill on the United States’ already fragile counterterrorism alliance with Islamabad."

ADL raps Democrats invoking Holocaust analogies
Three recently reported Nazi analogies used in political debate were all by Democrats

The Rise of Israeli Fish Farming
"Israelis are cashing in on a precise method for producing quality fish with limited negative environmental impact. The industry has grown dramatically, now producing around 20,000 tons of fish annually. With the market value of fish currently standing around $3.5/kg, this translates to a gross income for the farmers of about $70 million. Moving forward, Yaish underlines the priority of increasing production and marketing for tilapia. To be profitable, Israeli fish production must yield at least 10,000 tons annually; presently the country produces 8,000 tons. Israeli fish farmers hope to soon raise fish exports to Europe, expand the range of industrial fish products, and even encourage fish farm tourism, an unexpected bonus of a growing interest in Israel’s innovative fisheries."
  • Saturday, September 08, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
Six years after almost losing his life during the 2006 Lebanon War, Noam Gershony scaled the top of the Paralympic podium in London on Saturday, winning the gold medal in the Quad wheelchair tennis tournament.

The 29-year-old suffered severe injuries when his Apache helicopter crashed to the ground near Ramot Naftali after a collision with another IDF helicopter.

Gershony and co-pilot Ran Yehoshua Kochva were making their way towards the Lebanese border to assist IDF troops on the ground.

Yehoshua Kochva was killed, while Gershony was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries.

He began a long and arduous recovery process and decided to take up wheelchair tennis.

Gershony won the French Open at Roland Garros earlier this year and quickly rose to become the world’s No. 2 ranked player.

His crowning moment came on Saturday with a 6-3, 6-1 win over world No. 1 David Wagner, becoming the first Israeli to win a Paralympic gold since 2004.

“I can’t put into words how it felt to hear Hatikva and see the flag at the top of the pole,” said Gershony, who couldn’t stop the tears as the national anthem sounded. “I never thought I would have the chance to represent the country and certainly never believed that I would be able to bring it such honor.”

Friday, September 07, 2012

  • Friday, September 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another home run by Burak Bekdil:

About three months ago, Turkey’s top Islamic cleric, Professor Mehmet Görmez, introduced a new understanding of the concept of “conquest.” According to Professor Görmez, “In Turkish history there has never been occupation... but there has always been conquest.”

What distinction was Görmez trying to make from taking a foreign land by force? According to Professor Görmez, what the Turks have done throughout history was not “[occupy] lands or destroy cities and castles,” but was simply “the conquest of the heart.” In other words, the Turks had not occupied, for instance, Constantinople, but had merely “conquered the Byzantine hearts” there. How very romantic!

And what was the fancy term the head of the Turkish ulama deemed most appropriate to describe the Turks’ millennia-long westbound journeys? According to Professor Görmez, “One of the two pillars of conquest [of the heart] is to open up minds to Islam and hearts to the Quran.” An interesting view.

What was it when Christian armies took the lands the Turks had taken from Christians? Occupation. What is it when Turks take lands by force? Conquest of the heart. What is the difference? Because when we occupy we do not occupy, we benevolently open up non-Muslim minds to Islam and non-Muslim hearts to the Quran. Very well. But then why did the non-Muslims whose hearts must have been conquered by the Muslim Ottomans remain non-Muslim for centuries and, at the first opportunity, revolt against their benevolent conquerors for freedom?

Are Turks considerate of “the other”? Nearly one in every five Turks living in Germany thinks Jews are inferior people, and one in every 10 thinks Christians are inferior people. But more than 90 percent of them consider themselves religious.

The conquest of the heart... And the heart of the matter: According to the same survey, nearly half of Turks say they hope there will be more Muslims than Christians in Germany in the future. The conquest of the heart.

History tells us that the missionary mindset is not specific to Muslims. But it just sounds pathetic if 1.3 million Turks want to make 80 million-plus Germans Muslim, or if a handful of Hindus wanted to make America Hindu, or if a few Christians want to make China Christian.

By the way, why do the 6.5 million or so Jews not want to make the 300 million-or-so people of the United States overwhelmingly Jewish?
Read the whole thing.

(h/t Herb)
  • Friday, September 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Latma Tawil Fadiha discusses Iran and Islamophobia

British MP: South African Boycott of Israel Like Nazi Boycott of Jewish Shops
“In a speech to the South African Board of Jewish Deputies last week, Denis MacShane (Labour), a Member of Parliament in Britain said that South Africa’s ban of Israeli products is similar to Nazi Germany’s boycott of Jewish products, and that criticism of Israel as an apartheid state is meant to bring about Israel’s demise.”

Judith Butler, renounce the Adorno Prize
"Refuse the Adorno Prize, apologize to the Berlin Pride Civil Courage Prize, and make a public confession to the effect that you have misjudged the situation and misled people seriously. Maybe even give us some reflections on how we can raise the many problems manifest in current Islamic religiosity (e.g., Hamas and Hizbullah) constructively.
Alternatively, take the prize money, and spend it on coming to Israel for a year and speaking primarily with people who disagree with you. You’re very smart, you’ll actually learn a lot."

Fayyad’s blood-soaked overdraft
“It is not clear whether Fayyad will make good on his offer to step down. If I had a nickel for every time PA President Mahmoud Abbas reneged on his threat to quit, I’d be as rich as a suicide bomber.
But does it really matter?
Evidence repeatedly suggests that the honchos in Ramallah are no different from their Hamas counterparts in Gaza in terms of their ultimate aim to annihilate the Jewish state. As long as this remains the case, no democratic country in the world has any business believing there is room to negotiate with them – and certainly no reason to give them even one more dime to fund their program.”

Intra-Palestinian Arab Conflicts - The Great Divide by David Singer
Instead of blaming Israel for lack of peace, maybe they should try to get along with each other. 1948 Arabs don't get along with 1967 ones. Ramadan visitors may indicate that some PA Arabs want neither PLO nor Hamas.
"Are we indeed witnessing the genesis of a people movement not marching in step with the declared political aims of either Hamas or the PLO - as evidenced by what occurred at the easing of entry restrictions enabling 120000 PA Arabs to visit Israel during their holy month of Ramadan?"
"Denied any vote for six years - the 'West Bank' Arabs had voted with their feet - indicating to their political masters that the time had come to narrow the divide between the 1948 Arabs and the 1967 Arabs - not by trying to eliminate the State of Israel, but co-existing peacefully with it."

Congressman confirms Netanyahu-Shapiro spat
Republican Mike Rogers says Netanyahu expressed "elevated concerns" over Iranian threat to US ambassador Shapiro.
“Yedioth Aharonoth published on its front page last Friday a report of the exchange, saying that “sparks flew” during the meeting.
Two days later Shapiro went on Channel 2 and denied the story, characterizing it as a “silly” report that “did not reflect what actually occurred in the meeting.”
Rogers said that it was “very, very clear” from the meeting that the Israelis “had lost their patience with the administration. There was no doubt.” “Right now the Israelis don’t believe that the administration is serious when they say that all options are on the table, and more importantly neither do the Iranians. That’s why the [nuclear] program is progressing,” he said.”

Day After DNC Jerusalem Fiasco, State Department Still Refuses to Name Israel’s Capital
“A day after the Democratic party rammed through an amendment to its platform to retain its previous reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell refused to acknowledge the city as the capital of Israel upon being questioned by a reporter.”

Palestinians fire two rockets into western Negev
Kassams from Gaza Strip land in open areas; red alert sirens heard in Hof Ashkelon

Euro imams, rabbis pledge zero tolerance for hate preachers
Toulouse Chief Rabbi Harald Weill regretted that no local Muslim leader contacted him to condemn the murders at the Jewish school there last March, but he did not want to give up hope.

Iran sends elite troops to aid Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria

Northeastern University Chaplain Encouraged Students to Support Convicted Terrorists (Video)

“For the past 15 years Abdullah Faarruq was the Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. This week, Faarruq was revealed to be an Islamic extremist who encouraged acts of violence and who has publicly supported multiple convicted terrorists."

World’s first medical smartphone
Israeli engineering is behind LifeWatch V, a phone that performs and analyzes a range of self-tests and generates medical reports.
Don’t have a stethoscope handy? A thermometer? A pedometer? You won’t need any of these devices to measure your heart rate, temperature and daily steps – plus many more health and fitness parameters – if you have LifeWatch V, the world’s first medical smartphone.

Israel Daily Picture EArtHqUAkE! in the Holy Land in 1927.
85 years ago a powerful earthquake struck Eretz Yisrael. With its epicenter located in the northern Dead Sea area, the towns of Jericho, Jerusalem, Nablus (Shechem) and Tiberias were badly hit. An estimated 500 people were killed in those locations.
  • Friday, September 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
He scores points against everyone, but it is funny:

  • Friday, September 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel HaYom:

“I am the operations officer at the IDF ground forces training base at Tze’elim,” Ala Wahib says at the start of our conversation, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “I am like the mother and father of that place,” he adds. “The only thing is that I don’t really have anyone to share it with, so I make sure to pat myself on the back every now and again, and say ‘dude, you’re awesome. Look how far you’ve come.’”

The truth is that he deserves these accolades. It is not every day that a Muslim Arab, hailing from a village whose residents largely do not recognize Israel’s right to exist, comes to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. And he doesn’t only serve: Major Wahib, 32, is currently the highest ranking Muslim officer in the IDF. He is enormously patriotic, a true Zionist. Precisely the kind of person we like to see lighting the torches during the national Independence Day ceremony every year.

“In my village, they can’t understand what could possibly motivate me to protect a country that is not my own. In the army there are people who know me and would go all the way with me, but there are those who don’t know me and don’t really know how to relate to me,” he says.

So why did he decide to give this interview, with his face exposed and his full name in print? “Because it is important to me to show the Arab public what they are missing. There are quite a lot of people [in the Arab community] who want to enlist, but they are afraid and they don’t know if they will be accepted by their environment. It is important to me to show them the road I’ve traveled, and to make them understand that it is possible.” Regardless, he doesn’t take his hand off his gun for a second during the entire interview. “It is my security. It is my only means of protecting myself,” he says.

His Hebrew is fluent, without a hint of an accent, and he could easily be mistaken for an average Tel Avivian. A map of the training grounds hangs on his office wall, and his green eyes constantly sweep it, making sure again and again that everything is under control. Every once in a while a soldier will knock on the door, asking permission for this or that mission, and one of them, noticing the newspaper crew, can’t resist and says “write that he is the best commander there is.” Wahib tries to hide an embarrassed smile and tells the soldier to get his backside back to the field.

He describes himself as a “Zionist Israeli Arab.”
Read the whole thing.
  • Friday, September 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Center for Strategic and International studies just released a report detailing a number of scenarios of either the US or Israel attacking Iran's nuclear facilities. Here's the executive summary:

• Over the past couple of months, speculation about a U.S. or Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities has made headlines around the globe. This report addresses how the U.S.  could take the lead in carrying out a preventive  Military Strike against Iran If all peaceful options have been exhausted and Iran has left no other means to convince it to stop or change its course in pursuing nuclear weapons . It also examines how the US could provide a defense umbrella against any Iranian air and  missile retaliation that would be aimed at U.S. military targets and allies in the region, in particular the GCC states.

• A key question arises is what should the objectives of a military strike be? To halt the Iranian nuclear program? To set it back five years or for one year? This criteria is the key to defining the force allocation required to achieve a successful mission against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

• The study shows that the initial strike should be against key Iranian nuclear enrichment and research facilities, ballistic missile basis located around the country, numerous mobile ballistic missile launchers dispersed around Iran and main ballistic missile production facilities. At the same time, it shows that the payloads required to hit underground enrichment facilities with a high level of damage, to carry out the scale of initial and follow-up attacks, and providing  resources such as near real time intelligence required to detect and destroy other potentially lethal Iranian military weapons, for instance ballistic missiles that could be used in a retaliation, can only be carried out by the United States.

• An initial U.S. strike will require a large force allocation consisting of Defensive Counterair and Offensive Counterair Operations, such as the main Bomber Force, the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense System, Escort aircraft for the protection of the Bombers, Electronic Warfare for detection and jamming purposes, Fighter Sweep and Combat Air Patrol to counter any air retaliation by Iran.

• While such first strike will try to be as effective as possible, the U.S. would be the only country that has the air power, support capability, and mix of sea-air forces in the Gulf  to continue a sustained campaign over a period of time and restrike after an initial  battle damage assessment it is found that further strike sorties are required.

Several other key points are made in the analysis:

• The aging Iranian airforce will definitely be no match against the U.S. and even the GCC airforces. In addition the Iranian Air Defense systems do not have the Command Control Communications and Intelligence required to detect, track and shoot down the US advanced military combat aircraft. However U.S. planners will definitely take all operational planning precautions necessary to ensure that both the Iranian Airforce and Air Defense system are ineffective and all U.S. combat aircraft have a high probability of survival throughout.

• U.S. officials are working with allies in the Gulf to develop the capability to defeat the threat Iran poses to the Gulf, allied territory, and the flow of trade and energy exports GCC countries worry that during a crisis, Iran could try to prevent their ships from traversing the Strait of Hormuz, cutting off their oil export business.

• The only effective counter-strike capability Iran has other than asymmetric warfare in the Gulf, and the use of proxies like Hezbollah,  is their Ballistic Missile Force. A massive retaliation strike with whatever launching sites that have survived the U.S. first strike could still cause quite a considerable damage to the GCC states, in energy, finance and various other critical infrastructure centers.

• The U.S. is currently involved in building a Defensive Shield against a massive Iranian Ballistic Missile attack targeted at the GCC states. The defensive shield consists of a Multi-Tier Ballistic Missile Defense System consisting of  Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) and Patriot Advanced Capability, PAC-3, missile systems supported with the most advanced Radar and Command and Control facilities.

• Ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems have been provided to Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, as well as stationing Aegis-equipped warships in the waters of the Arabian Gulf. The U.S. has been developing an integrated early warning radar system across the GCC states that could help U.S. and GCC forces to quickly respond to an Iranian missile attack.

• Israel does not have the capability to carry out preventive strikes that could do more than delay Iran’s efforts for  a year or two.

• Finally, the fact that US has the capability  to carry out preventive strikes does not mean it should not seek to negotiate an end to the threatening aspects of Iran’s nuclear programs. The brief shows just how dangerous any war in the Gulf could be to the world’s economy – although Iran is more vulnerable than any of its Southern Gulf neighbors.

• The U.S. also needs its Gulf allies as key partners and must consider the “law of unintended consequences.” Preventive military strikes could push the presently volatile middle east region into a war with far reaching global political, military, and economic consequences.

The report gives two scenarios for an Israeli strike. One is a conventional strike using aircraft. the other is using tactical nuclear weapons as the only means to attack the underground facilities.

It is possible that Israel will carry out a strike against Iranian Nuclear Facilities, if the U.S. does not, with the objective of either destroying the program or delaying it for some years. The success of the Strike Mission will be measured by how much of the Enrichment program has it destroyed, or the number of years it has delayed Iranian acquisition of enough Uranium or Plutonium from the Arak reactor to build a nuclear bomb.

• We conclude that a military strike by Israel against Iranian Nuclear Facilities is possible and the optimum route would be along the Syrian-Turkish border then over a small portion of Iraq then into Iran, and back the same route. However, the number of aircraft required, refueling along the way and getting to the targets without being detected or intercepted would be complex and high risk and would lack any assurances that the overall mission will have a high success rate
• The U.S. would certainly be perceived as being a part of the conspiracy and having assisted and given Israel the green light, whether it did or had no part in it whatsoever. This would undermine the U.S. objectives in increasing stability in the region and bringing about a peaceful solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It will also harm for a very long period of time relations between the U.S. and its close regional allies.

• Another scenario is in using Low Yield Earth Penetrating Nuclear Weapons as a substitute for conventional weapons to attack deeply buried nuclear facilities in Iran. Some believe that these are the only weapons that can destroy targets deep underground or in tunnels.

• The U.S. would not allow any other country, even a strong ally such as Israel, to use them, unless another country had used nuclear weapons against the U.S. and its allies.

• A strike by Israel on Iran will give rise to regional instability and conflict as well as terrorism. The regional security consequences will be catastrophic.
Their conventional scenario estimates a strike force of some 95 planes.
In essence over 25% of the high end combat aircraft of Israeli Airforce and 100% of the Tankers will have to be allocated for this mission.

• One strike would not necessarily be enough to achieve the mission objectives. Strike aircraft need to return for another strike. This would put a heavy burden on the Israeli Airforce.

• We can conclude that a military strike by the Israeli Airforce against Iranian Nuclear Facilities is possible, however, it would be complex and high risk in the operational level and would lack any assurances of a high mission success rate.

• Iranian retaliation will have a devastating regional consequences. U.S. expects Israel to be responsible and not to carry out such a strike.

• Air to ground strike mission can be difficult to implement and would involve some risks. Flying on a very tight route, practically hugging the Turkish-Syrian borders. Aerial refueling along the way and avoid being detected by Turkey, Syria and the U.S. Flying down to S/L when in Iranian territory, avoid being detected by flying low and applying ECM all the way. If detected by Iranian air defense the strike formation should be prepared to encounter interceptors, and to encountering firing of
ground based SAMs.
It is a very interesting, if sobering, report.

(h/t Challah Hu Akbar)


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