Caroline Glick: Column One: God, Jerusalem and American foreign policy
By removing both God and Jerusalem from the platform, Obama and his fellow Democrats stirred the furies of that American soul at its foundations.
"For most Americans – if not for most Democrats – support for Israel is the most important plank of US foreign policy because it indicates the nature of that foreign policy as a whole. A president who supports Israel is a president who has his priorities straight. A president who is hostile to Israel is a president who can’t be trusted on Iran or Russia or China or anything else.
In an apparent effort to end this state of affairs, Obama has adopted a policy towards Iran – whose nuclear program represents the greatest rising threat to US national security – that frames the issue as Israel’s problem."
‘Palestine’ in perspective
The unflattering comparison that Mitt Romney drew between the accomplishments of Palestinian may have some merit.
"THE WEAKNESS of Khouri’s arguments is apparent from the very outset. He launches into his endeavor to invalidate the foundations of Israel’s achievement, which has placed the country on the cutting edge of human endeavor in science and technology in fields as diverse as medicine, telecommunications, irrigation and water treatment, by trying to belittle its contribution to... citrus farming."
Justice delayed is justice denied
The Arab countries targeted the Jewish nationals living in their respective countries, thereby creating two refugee populations.
"This November will mark the 65th anniversary of the UN Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947. It is sometimes forgotten – and often not even known – that this was the first-ever blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian “two states for two peoples” solution. Regrettably, while Jewish leaders accepted the resolution, Arab and Palestinian leaders did not, and by their own acknowledgment, declared war on the nascent Jewish state while also targeting the Jewish nationals living in their respective countries.
Yet the revisionist Middle East narrative – prejudicial to authentic reconciliation and peace between peoples as well as between states – continues to hold that there was only one victim population, Palestinian refugees, and that Israel was responsible for the Palestinian nakba (catastrophe) of 1948.
The result is that the pain and plight of 850,000 Jews uprooted and displaced from Arab countries – the forgotten exodus – has been both expunged and eclipsed from both the Middle East peace and justice narratives these past 65 years."
Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood Bomb?
"We [Egyptians] are ready to starve in order to own a nuclear weapon that will represent a real deterrent and will be decisive in the Arab-Israeli conflict." — Dr. Hamdi Hassan, Spokesman, Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Caucus, 2006
J’Acuse: Shame on Germany for Circumcision Ban Alan Dershowitz
MEMRI Article In Iranian Press TV - Were Real People Murdered On 9/11?
Article On Muslim Brotherhood Website Praises Jihad Against America And The Jews – 'The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs'
Iran slams Canada’s decision to sever diplomatic ties as ‘hasty and extreme’
Foreign Ministry says ‘racist’ decision is ‘in line with the policies that are dictated by the Zionist and British governments’
Chavez camp using anti-Semitism in reelection bid'
Venezuelan state media, Chavez backers regularly “vilify” opponent Radonski, derisively referring to his Jewish roots, study finds.
“This is done in a variety of methods, such as defamation, intimidation and conspiracy theories, many of which portray Capriles as a Zionist agent, and by mixing classic and neo-anti-Semitism,” said the report, authored by Lidia Lerner, an expert on Latin America. “A Capriles victory, it is claimed, will inevitably lead to Zionist infiltration.”
British and Dutch urge sanctions against Hezbollah
FMs call on EU countries to join the United States in imposing sanctions on Hezbollah for providing support to Syria's Assad.
US declares Haqqani network a terrorist body
"The Obama administration declared Friday that the Pakistan-based Haqqani network of militants is a terrorist body despite misgivings about how the largely symbolic act could further stall planned Afghan peace talks or put yet another chill on the United States’ already fragile counterterrorism alliance with Islamabad."
ADL raps Democrats invoking Holocaust analogies
Three recently reported Nazi analogies used in political debate were all by Democrats
The Rise of Israeli Fish Farming
"Israelis are cashing in on a precise method for producing quality fish with limited negative environmental impact. The industry has grown dramatically, now producing around 20,000 tons of fish annually. With the market value of fish currently standing around $3.5/kg, this translates to a gross income for the farmers of about $70 million. Moving forward, Yaish underlines the priority of increasing production and marketing for tilapia. To be profitable, Israeli fish production must yield at least 10,000 tons annually; presently the country produces 8,000 tons. Israeli fish farmers hope to soon raise fish exports to Europe, expand the range of industrial fish products, and even encourage fish farm tourism, an unexpected bonus of a growing interest in Israel’s innovative fisheries."