Latma Tawil Fadiha discusses Iran and Islamophobia
British MP: South African Boycott of Israel Like Nazi Boycott of Jewish Shops
“In a speech to the South African Board of Jewish Deputies last week, Denis MacShane (Labour), a Member of Parliament in Britain said that South Africa’s ban of Israeli products is similar to Nazi Germany’s boycott of Jewish products, and that criticism of Israel as an apartheid state is meant to bring about Israel’s demise.”
Judith Butler, renounce the Adorno Prize
"Refuse the Adorno Prize, apologize to the Berlin Pride Civil Courage Prize, and make a public confession to the effect that you have misjudged the situation and misled people seriously. Maybe even give us some reflections on how we can raise the many problems manifest in current Islamic religiosity (e.g., Hamas and Hizbullah) constructively.
Alternatively, take the prize money, and spend it on coming to Israel for a year and speaking primarily with people who disagree with you. You’re very smart, you’ll actually learn a lot."
Fayyad’s blood-soaked overdraft
“It is not clear whether Fayyad will make good on his offer to step down. If I had a nickel for every time PA President Mahmoud Abbas reneged on his threat to quit, I’d be as rich as a suicide bomber.
But does it really matter?
Evidence repeatedly suggests that the honchos in Ramallah are no different from their Hamas counterparts in Gaza in terms of their ultimate aim to annihilate the Jewish state. As long as this remains the case, no democratic country in the world has any business believing there is room to negotiate with them – and certainly no reason to give them even one more dime to fund their program.”
Intra-Palestinian Arab Conflicts - The Great Divide by David Singer
Instead of blaming Israel for lack of peace, maybe they should try to get along with each other. 1948 Arabs don't get along with 1967 ones. Ramadan visitors may indicate that some PA Arabs want neither PLO nor Hamas.
"Are we indeed witnessing the genesis of a people movement not marching in step with the declared political aims of either Hamas or the PLO - as evidenced by what occurred at the easing of entry restrictions enabling 120000 PA Arabs to visit Israel during their holy month of Ramadan?"
"Denied any vote for six years - the 'West Bank' Arabs had voted with their feet - indicating to their political masters that the time had come to narrow the divide between the 1948 Arabs and the 1967 Arabs - not by trying to eliminate the State of Israel, but co-existing peacefully with it."
Congressman confirms Netanyahu-Shapiro spat
Republican Mike Rogers says Netanyahu expressed "elevated concerns" over Iranian threat to US ambassador Shapiro.
“Yedioth Aharonoth published on its front page last Friday a report of the exchange, saying that “sparks flew” during the meeting.
Two days later Shapiro went on Channel 2 and denied the story, characterizing it as a “silly” report that “did not reflect what actually occurred in the meeting.”
Rogers said that it was “very, very clear” from the meeting that the Israelis “had lost their patience with the administration. There was no doubt.” “Right now the Israelis don’t believe that the administration is serious when they say that all options are on the table, and more importantly neither do the Iranians. That’s why the [nuclear] program is progressing,” he said.”
Day After DNC Jerusalem Fiasco, State Department Still Refuses to Name Israel’s Capital
“A day after the Democratic party rammed through an amendment to its platform to retain its previous reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell refused to acknowledge the city as the capital of Israel upon being questioned by a reporter.”
Palestinians fire two rockets into western Negev
Kassams from Gaza Strip land in open areas; red alert sirens heard in Hof Ashkelon
Euro imams, rabbis pledge zero tolerance for hate preachers
Toulouse Chief Rabbi Harald Weill regretted that no local Muslim leader contacted him to condemn the murders at the Jewish school there last March, but he did not want to give up hope.
Iran sends elite troops to aid Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria
Northeastern University Chaplain Encouraged Students to Support Convicted Terrorists (Video)
“For the past 15 years Abdullah Faarruq was the Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. This week, Faarruq was revealed to be an Islamic extremist who encouraged acts of violence and who has publicly supported multiple convicted terrorists."
World’s first medical smartphone
Israeli engineering is behind LifeWatch V, a phone that performs and analyzes a range of self-tests and generates medical reports.
Don’t have a stethoscope handy? A thermometer? A pedometer? You won’t need any of these devices to measure your heart rate, temperature and daily steps – plus many more health and fitness parameters – if you have LifeWatch V, the world’s first medical smartphone.
Israel Daily Picture EArtHqUAkE! in the Holy Land in 1927.
85 years ago a powerful earthquake struck Eretz Yisrael. With its epicenter located in the northern Dead Sea area, the towns of Jericho, Jerusalem, Nablus (Shechem) and Tiberias were badly hit. An estimated 500 people were killed in those locations.