Thursday, April 07, 2011

  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ray Cook has a great analysis of Goldstone's op-ed.

The Volokh Conspiracy shows how deceptive HRW and Amnesty are in claiming that they never said Israel intentionally targeted civilians.

Joshuapundit notes that the new head of the Democratic National Congress is a J-Street groupie.

Is Spain the most anti-semitic country in Europe?

Concerns about an Islamic chair at Huron College

The Muqata looks at Shimon Peres' goal of giving away the strategically important Golan - for what?

A Russian Jewish billionaire wants to create a pro-Israel news channel. Hire me!
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Police and Shin Bet forces arrested five residents of the Sur Baher village in east Jerusalem for suspected involvement in Hamas operations. One man is suspected of placing a trash bag containing a pipe bomb in a Jerusalem road which caused a municipal worker to lose his hand in early March.

The Shin Bet claims that Muhammad Dwiyat confessed to preparing a pipe bomb meant to detonate at a hitchhiker's station in Gilo which serves Gush Etzion and Mount Hebron residents. The Shin Bet said that Dwiyat eventually decided to throw the explosives insie a bush in the Hebron Road in Jerusalem.

The pipe bomb was found by a Jerusalem Municipality sanitation worker who was hit after the bomb exploded. One of his hands was partially amputated.
A lot of people have assumed that the deadly bus bombing in Jerusalem was related to this earlier pipe bomb attack. The fact that he intended to explode the device at a hitchhiker's station seems to lend credence to this idea.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ha'aretz thinks it has a scoop:

Danny Dayan, the chairman of the Yesha Council of West Bank settlements, told U.S. officials that some settlers would be willing to move to Israel proper in exchange for financial compensation, according to confidential State Department cables obtained by WikiLeaks.

His statements, which were made in closed-door meetings with U.S. diplomats in Israel in recent years, came in response to questions about a potential evacuation-compensation bill in the Knesset. When asked about the issue, Dayan replied: "I'm an economist, and I know that some people will take it if the price is right."
Guess what?

Some people who write for Ha'aretz would move to "occupied" Ariel if the price was right as well!

In both cases, the price would have to be steep to get people to move out of their homes and move elsewhere. This is not a big revelation, if you are being honest with yourself - which is something that Dayan is doing with his statement.

The difference is that a very significant percentage of Jews in Judea and Samaria do live there for ideological reasons, and they aren't going anywhere for any price. Look at how few Jews from Gaza took the money initially - and Gaza does not have nearly the importance to Judaism that the heart of the Land of Israel does.

Ha'aretz does not link to the actual cable, showing its lack of journalistic standards again, as other newspapers who received the cables generally had no problem showing the full text in context so people can make up their own minds. The cable is not at any of the Wikileaks sites I can find - I cannot find any new releases since March 25. The article claims that Dayan was inconsistent with his messages between American leaders and Jews in Judea and Samaria concerning illegal outposts, and that settler leaders are against vigilantes attacking Arabs at random.

More at Israel Matzav

UPDATE: Dayan tells Arutz-7:
"The main thing I said [at the meeting with American officials cited by Wikileaks] and on many other occasions," Dayan said today, "is that even if they offer bribes up to the sky, the number of people who will agree to accept it will be negligible – but that, Haaretz didn't say."
So maybe that's why Ha'aretz isn't releasing the actual memos! Al Jazeera and the Guardian assumed that no one would read them and show they were lying in their Wikileaks articles, but Ha'aretz evidently doesn't want to open up that possibility.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
A young Israeli winemaker stood out among a pool of more than a thousand competitors to take the Wine ‘World Cup' in Italy.

Golan Heights Winery, founded in 1983 in Katzrin, Israel, beat thousands of winemakers over the weekend to take the top spot as the best wine producer in the world at the International Wine Competition. The award was announced just ahead of the 45th annual Vinitaly conference in Verona, Italy, an international wine show that attracts 47,000 visitors every year.

The award is presented to the producer who achieves the best overall results at the show, calculated as the sum of the highest scores for two wines which take medals in different categories. A panel of 105 oenologists and wine journalists participated in the judging. 
The 3720 wines submitted came from 30 countries including Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Venezuela.

Though the Israeli winemaker has won awards at Vinitaly in the past -- Grand Gold Medals in 2004 and 2006 -- this year's win marks the first time the Gran Vinitaly Special Award was bestowed to an Israeli wine-maker.

The chief winemaker for Golan Heights Winery is Victor Schoenfeld, a graduate of the University of California at Davis, who works alongside professional winemakers educated in California, Burgundy and Bordeaux. The wines are produced under three labels -- Yarden, Gamla and Golan --and are aged in oak barrels.
So now you now the types of wine to find for your Seder table.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
I had missed this story last month:

An Israeli hockey team of children ages 11 to 13 took first place in an international tournament recently, beating 91 other teams – all without ever stepping on the ice prior to competition.

The kids, mostly from Bat Yam and Rishon Lezion, dreamed of practicing their hockey moves at a real hockey rink with real ice. Unfortunately the only hockey rink in the entire State of Israel is located up north in Metula, so the inventive team decided to play street hockey instead using rollerblades.

The team, consisting of 17 Israelis, recently competed in a Canadian tournament. They call themselves "The Bat Yam Club" despite the fact that the group members also come from Rishon Lezion as well as two other children from Ma'alot who regularly play ice hockey on real ice.

Many of the teams which took part in the Quebec International Pee-Wee Hockey Tournament 2011 came from countries where ice hockey is very popular and played by tens of thousands of kids, including: Canada, the United States, Finland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and more.

Israel was considered to be an underdog in the competition due to the fact that Israeli kids, unlike most of the children participating, only practice their hockey moves on dry ground using rollerblades instead of hockey skates. The Israeli team gets to play at the ice rink in Metula only a few times a year.

"We had five tournament matches, including the final match, and we won them all. The tournament organizers couldn't believe these kids, who barely even know what real ice hockey looks like," said Aaron Aharonovich, chairman of the Rishon Lezion hockey club.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Arab News, a story that never gets old:

A total of 30 officials of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) have been trained on how to deal with cases of black magic.

The three-day training program was held in the Eastern Province city of Al-Ahsa.

The commission has achieved remarkable successes in combating black magic in various parts of the country. It has set up nine specialized centers in the main cities to deal with black magicians.

The majority of people arrested for practicing black magic in the Kingdom are Africans and Indonesians.

According to a report received by Arab News, a single specialized center had dealt with 586 cases involving black magic, showing the enormity of the problem.

About 50 cases were reported in Jeddah alone in the first half of 2009. Gurayat and Qunfuda also reported high rates of black magic cases during that year.

The Riyadh governorate last year launched a campaign against black magicians and those who illegally treat people by reading from the Qur’an.

Only qualified Saudis are allowed to practice Qur’anic treatment methods. Expatriates practicing such treatments would be caught and deported.
I've seen plenty of articles about how the Commission is fighting black magic, but I hadn't heard that there are certified Quranic witch doctors before!

Thanks to Allah, I found a webpage that could explain this to me more fully. The author says "I graduated from the US, from where I obtained MA degree in clinical psychology. (Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy), too, I am qualified, since I have memorized the Holy Qur’an."

That site tells you all you need to know about how the Quran can heal you, but how black magic is evil. In fact, the entire reason the Jews did not follow the Prophet is because of a black magic spell! (More on the Jews here.)

I need to study it more fully so I can properly appreciate the role the Quran can play in curing various mental and physical problems. (This is not to be confused with camel urine, which cures other physical ailments.)

(h/t Challah Hu Akbar)
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ayeka:

(h/t JSing)
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's FARS:
Large numbers of Iranian students staged a rally in front of the UN office in Tehran to protest at the massacre of peaceful protestors in Bahrain and other Islamic countries in the region.

Protestors voiced their support for Muslims in Bahrain and other Islamic countries and underlined that they will continue their support for the oppressed people in those states.

The students chanted various slogans such as 'Allaho Akbar', 'Down with the USA', 'Down with the Zionist regime', 'Down with Zionist Saudis', 'Down with American-style Islam' and 'Saudi commits crimes and the UN backs it' to voice their support for people in Bahrain and other Islamic countries.

The students urged the Iranian government to dispatch voluntary forces to Bahrain and in other Islamic states.
Financial Times (behind paywall) reports
Iranian clerics and religious students abandoned their classes and staged protests inside their seminaries to show solidarity with Bahrain’s mainly Shia opposition and to denounce last month’s Saudi military intervention in the archipelago.

At gatherings in the holy cities of Qom and Mashhad, which were attended by senior clerics and aired live on state television on Wednesday, protesters shouted, “Death to Zionist Saudis” and, “The wicked Bahraini ruler is an enemy to Prophet [Mohammed]."
Of course, we already knew that Saudi Arabia was Zionist.

Which is not surprising, since many Muslims know that the Saudis themselves are Jews.

Those Zionists are everywhere!
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
At least for EDT/CDT....

Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian asks where the other Goldstones are.

Jennifer Rubin reminds us that the US and the UN have agreements with Israel as well - and they are being reneged on.

HRW notices that journalists in the West Bank and Gaza are abused. No surprise there.

But what is a surprise is that not only are reporters threatened by Arab regimes, but they are also bribed. 

On the same topic, the Muqata notices what happens in Gaza when a reporter notices that a "martyr" is still alive.

ITIC analyzes Hamas' response to Goldstone's change of heart (although not his possible reversal.)

(h/t Yerushalimey, Lenny, Greg)
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday morning, Mohammed Shalha was killed at the Gaza border. The IDF said that was armed, the Arabs say he was merely gathering concrete for aggregate.

Firas Press reports that after the body was released to the hospital it was taken to a mosque and Fatah was holding the funeral there.

During the service, Hamas came and took the body to a Hamas mosque, saying that Fatah is not allowed to "adopt" any martyrs in Gaza.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Qassam Brigades website has a large section of "shahids" who were members of that terror group when they were killed, usually by Israel. They are always adding new entries, some from many years ago.

I just saw that at least three more "martyrs" that the PCHR and other human rights groups considered "civilian" were added recently. Two were already on my list of fake "civilians" from other sources, but it still verifies that the methods that my team used to count terrorists were valid.

The two old names I noticed are Ibrahim Youssef Nofal (#106) and Ahmed Badawi (#4).

The new name is #200, ‘Umar Ahmed Hassan Abu Sa’id. His Hamas obituary mentions that he joined the Qassam Brigades in 2004 and was adept at placing IEDs as well as digging tunnels.

And until now, he was counted as a "civilian" in every list I am aware of.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
A new poll by Hebrew University done together with the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research finds:
63% of the Palestinians oppose and 32% support the attack in the Itamar settlement in the West Bank in which a family of five was murdered.
If that isn't a sign of moderation, I don't know what is!

How wonderful it must feel for Israelis to walk around Arabs, secure in the knowledge that only one out of every three would happily cheer their families being butchered. I mean, if you have to take an Arab cab, odds are a solid 2-1 that the driver does not pray for you and your children to die a horrible death.

This is a positive sign that needs to be publicized. Those Israelis who are skeptical of any real sort of peace agreement must now be able to sleep better at night, knowing that the Arabs who celebrate the heinous slaughtering of babies and toddlers are outnumbered.

And this is after Israel withdrew from Lebanon, Gaza and Area A of the West Bank, and after Israel has been dismantling checkpoints, helping the PA economy, sending tons of humanitarian aid to an enemy entity in Gaza, stopping the physical expansion of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria outside their boundaries for many years, and implementing a 10 month building freeze. Just  imagine how much more peaceful the Palestinian Arabs would be if Israel did more!

As always, this calls for more compromise on Israel's part to reward this great sign of moderation and peacefulness.

We need more optimism in the Middle East. I think this qualifies.

(h/t Dan)
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Fatah-affiliated militant groups in the Gaza Strip have asked the Hamas government to return the weapons seized from fighters in 2007 when the Islamist movement took control of the coastal enclave.

Twelve divisions of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades asked to be rearmed in a letter to the government.

"Our fighters are on alert to confront any Israeli aggression, incursion, or folly," the letter said, asking for the return of their weapons in order to fight the threat.

The signatories of the statement included the Ahmad Abu Ar-Reish Brigades, Jihad Amarein Brigades, Sami Al-Ghoul Brigades, Nabil Mas'oud Brigades, Ayman Juda Brigades, Faris Al-Leil Brigades, Engineering and Manufacturing Brigades, Muhammad Siyam Brigades, Raed Al-Karmi Brigades, Luay Qanna Brigades, Marwan Zalloum Brigades and Palestinian Commandos Brigades.
Look at all those peaceful-sounding Fatah divisions - all with allegiance to the leader of Fatah, that well-known peacemaker Mahmoud Abbas.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
A mystery still engulfs the airstrike which took place near the airport in Sudan's main port city of Port Sudan on Tuesday, as the Sudanese media released first images of the strike's scene

According to a state government official, an unidentified plane bombed a car driving in the vicinity of the airport, killing two people. The aircraft flew in from the Red Sea but it was not clear to whom it belonged, Ahmed Tahir, the speaker of parliament in the Red Sea state where the port city is located, told Reuters.

The plane involved in the strike was "foreign", the Sudan media center said later. The report, quoting a member of parliament, said the car was on the road leading to the Port Sudan airport when it was attacked by the plane, which was following it.

In January 2009, a convoy of arms smugglers was hit by unidentified aircraft in Sudan's eastern Red Sea state according to Sudanese authorities, a strike that some reports said may have been carried out by Israel to stop weapons bound for Gaza.

A total of 119 people were killed in that strike near Sudan's border with Egypt, according to state media.

Sudan is a known as a smuggling route exploited by terror groups. Last month, Egyptian security forces claimed that they seized five vehicles transporting weapons to the Gaza Strip. It was reported the weapons were seized along the Sudan-Egypt border and included mortar bombs, grenades, rifles and explosives.

The IDF Spokesman’s Office declined to comment on Tuesday's attack.
Palestine Press Agency indirectly quotes Sudanese intelligence officials as saying that the two killed were a Palestinian Arab - and an Iranian.
  • Wednesday, April 06, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet shows how Itamar's security failed on the night of the massacre:
The alarm system of the electronic fence surrounding the West Bank outpost of Itamar goes off at exactly 8:59 pm.

Over the next three minutes, seven more warning messages register on the computer screen in the settlement's operation room, indicating that someone might be trying to breach section 20 of the fence. A security officer scours the specified area, but does not find anything unusual.

Things return to normal, with the approval of the settlement's security coordinator, who does not arrive on the scene. No military force is alerted.

That same night, five members of the Fogel family are stabbed to death.

No one sees the terrorists slip in or out of Itamar. They walk around town undisturbed for over two hours.

Itamar is protected by guards provided by a private company, Nof Yam Security. The town's security coordinator, an IDF subordinate, is in charge of these guards. On the night of the attack, guard Yuri Antropov was securing the settlement, answering to coordinator Matanya Ben-Shitrit.

The infiltration took place at a blind spot, hidden by trees and unseen by the town's security cameras. "The area wasn't exposed because the Civil Administration objected," an element of the Samaria defense establishment said. "The IDF knows very well that it is a dead spot. I didn't ask for exposure because it wasn't something achievable." Only after the attack was the area cleared of trees.

If section 20 of the fence was under surveillance, the terrorists could have been identified. But Ben-Shitrit, the security coordinator, said that a camera was not installed because there was no one to finance it. "If the IDF agreed to install a camera here, it would have been here a long time ago," he said.

Moreover, the security guard, who arrived on the scene minutes after the alarm went off, surveyed the area using only his vehicle's head lights. He did not carry a searchlight or night vision equipment; he did not even have a flashlight with him.

According to the defense establishment element, the settlement and the regional council were supposed to equip the guards with flashlights and searchlights, while the army is supposed to provide the night vision devices.

The "smart" fence surrounding the settlement was designed to identify movements caused by touch, cutting or shaking. The computer screen registers the time of the breach, the time that the alarm was turned off by the guard, and the time that the breach was terminated.

"This case did not seem suspicious because animals sometimes touch or collide with the fence for many minutes," Antropov said.

"It was irrelevant because it was a routine occurrence," Ben-Shitrit added. "There can be a shift with 200 fence collisions caused by animals."

But a security source claimed that if the guard was properly trained, he would have realized that it wasn't an animal rocking the fence.

While the fence does not differentiate between animal and human touch, the length of the alarms should have raised suspicion. Out of the eight warning messages that registered on the screen that evening, the longest one lasted 18 seconds.

"According to a test done after the terrorist attack, it takes 10 seconds on average to get through the fence," Antropov said. "A fat tracker got past the fence with a jump, and there was a shock that lasted maybe a few seconds."

Antropov noted that he and his fellow guards did not train extensively on the fence system.
"We were ordered to treat each warning in the dead spot in the same manner, regardless of how long it lasted, by sending a patrolman out," he said. "Only after the attack did the technician explain to us the different lengths."
This security failure had deadly consequences.

All of this is entirely consistent with what Itamar's mayor and his wife said in my interview with them.

The execrable Mondoweiss has a thread where they claim, based on their expert knowledge of course, that Itamar's mayor is lying, that it is impossible to climb such a fence, that there are no blind spots, and that Itamar's security was unbreakable. Comparing that thread with the YNet story is a nice lesson in how much practitioners of misoziony will cling to lies - and even still insist that it was a Jew or a foreign worker that massacred the Fogels.


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