Wednesday, December 31, 2008

  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel Matzav found the much-anticipated CNN video report on the Free Gaza incident:

The inconsistencies/lies in the Free Gaza story keep adding up.

The first Free Gaza communique, to their email list, said:
The Dignity has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage.

Another of their communiques said
The gunboats also fired their machine guns into the water in an attempt to stop the mercy ship from getting to Gaza.
The CNN report again doesn't say a word about gunshots. It says there were two Israeli patrol boats, although the video only shows a single spotlight. The CNN report says "They shadow us for a half hour, and then, with no prior radio warning according to the captain, one of the patrol boats rams the 'Dignity.' "

I cannot find them now, but I have previously seen reports where the captain claimed that the Israelis radioed to the boat and told them they were "terrorists,"

Video equipment is really cheap nowadays, You can get an HD video recorder that can fit in your pocket for about $150. Evry phone and digital camera has lower-resolution video capability as well. It is truly amazing that with a boat full of publicity-seekers and reporters, "shadowed a half hour" by the dreaded Israeli Zionist lying sons of apes and pigs, none of them have any video released that corroborates their fantastic tales of being shot at by six Israeli warships, or even of being rammed by a boat.

Maybe they all ran out of batteries. It couldn't possibly be because they are in fact the "inveterate liars" they accuse all Israelis of being.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Unknown assailants, believed to be Arab, attacked salespeople at an Israeli-owned stand in Denmark, the Foreign Ministry said Wednesday afternoon. Two Israelis reportedly suffered light injuries in the shooting attack.

"Two Israelis working a Dead Sea Products stand in a mall were fired upon," Dan Oryan of the Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen told Ynet. "We don’t know how many people were involved in the shooting, but several individuals were seen fleeing the scene.

Ma'an News Arabic:
Palestinians open fire on Israeli soldiers in Denmark

Israeli sources said that Palestinian youths entered one of the shops that sell Israeli products derived from the Dead Sea near the Denmark's capital Copenhagen opened fire on Israeli soldiers were inside the shop.

You see, if they were just store-owners it is a terror attack; but if they are soldiers than it is Jihad!

Life gets so much easier when you can justify terrorism through linguistics.

UPDATE: Commenter Henrik lives near where the shootings occured, he adds more details in the comments.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gaza terrorists have been shooting rockets and mortars at Israel since 2001. Some months saw many attacks and some saw only a few, but the net effect is the same - because the rockets are instruments of terror, not of genocide.

Of course, the terrorists want to kill as many Israelis and Jews as possible. Even so, the main effectiveness of the Qassams is not the deaths that they cause, but the fear that they instill in residents who are in rocket range. This is the very definition of terrorism - to cause civilians to be terrorized. The fact that there were "only" three or ten rockets in a particular month does not lighten the psychological burden in Sderot, because the fear that a rocket is about to slam into your house is always there, constantly hanging over every aspect of the lives of residents of the Negev.

Many voices are being raised now that Israel has reacted disproportionately to the threat of Qassams. They don't kill that many people, goes this argument. They are an annoyance but not an existential threat.

But it is wrong to say that there were relatively few victims of Qassam rockets. The victims aren't only the people who were killed, injured or suffered damage - the victims are every resident of a community that is in rocket range. Their number is not in the dozens but in the tens of thousands - and now hundreds of thousands.

To give a more concrete example, if a terrorist group would explode a "dirty nuke" in a populated area, chances are that the number of casualties would be no higher than from a conventional explosive. The goal of a "dirty nuke," and indeed its very purpose, would be to cause panic out of proportion to its actual potential to damage. Qassam rockets are essentially the same as dirty nukes in their intent and effect. Asking people to live with this threat is not just inconsiderate; it borders on the malicious.

Israel's response has, for years, been to use patience. Israel has told the residents under threat to just wait - wait for the schools to be reinforced and for shelters to be built, wait for an anti-rocket system to be tested and deployed, wait to see what the results of a "cease fire" are, wait until after disengagement (and then we'll really let them have it!), wait to see how assassinating terrorist leaders will affect things, wait for the blockade to take effect and for the Gaza residents to kick Hamas out.

These half-measures have not worked.

More importantly, they might have in some ways backfired.

Counseling patience means that the status quo is, to some extent, acceptable (if not ideal.) Telling Sderot residents to live with their fear and to stop whining so much about it also means that you are telling the world that it is OK to live under the constant fear of your children dying in the school playground.

It is painful to say it, but Israel has been sacrificing Sderot and the other southern Negev communities for years to "patience."

Is it surprising that many otherwise well-meaning critics adopt the same mindset? If living with the rocket threat was considered acceptable to the government of Israel for years, then why should Israel suddenly decide that it is no longer acceptable?

What the critics understand is that even this Israeli government - one that has been trying like no other to make sacrifices for "peace," one that is risk-averse to the point of paralysis, one that will use any unethical and undemocratic methods it can to force Israel to give up strategic depth for an illusion of safety - even this government could no longer stand by and watch the rocket fire intensify yet again.

The price of this historical reticence is that, rather than "just" Qassams, the Israelis now have to deal with Katyushas and Grads; rather than "just" Sderot, there are now a million residents in rocket range.

It would have been painful to solve the problem years ago. Now it will be even worse.

Patience has a price.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Keeping up with the news is a bit overwhelming. I thank my commenters for linking to interesting stories. Here are a few that caught my eye:

The rocket that hit the school in Beersheba was made in China. Not quite homemade. It was also designed to spread lethal pellets over a large area, which would be considered yet another war crime for anyone who actually bothers to accuse Hamas of war crimes. (h/t busywolf)

Arutz-7 reported that Hamas executed at least 8 Fatah men (accused of"collaboration") trying to escape from prison during Israeli airstrikes on Sunday, quoting Yediot Aharonot. The New York Times mentioned the executions without saying how many deaths there were. I will add 6 to the self-death count to be as conservative as possible (I already had mentioned two.) (h/t henrik)

YNet published an "alert map" showing how many seconds Israelis have to find cover after hearing a Code Red alert. Notice that the range of rockets is now much larger than Gaza itself, which means that "buffer zones" would be meaningless.

Which brings up Moshe Arens' analysis of how to stop the rocket fire - he looks at all the possible alternatives that people suggest and that have been tried, and concludes that there is no alternative but IDF ground forces going in and taking full control of the rocket launching sites.

UPDATE: Commenter Henrik also pointed out an IHT article about executing "collaborators" in Gaza hospitals; I couldn't find his but found this version of it and it appears to be different people than the earlier article. So I am adding 6 more to the self-death count.
Most of the Grad/Katyusha longer-distance rockets are being shot by Hamas, a few from Islamic Jihad. The remaining "older" Qassams are from the PRC. Only a couple have been claimed by Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades since the start of the war.

By the way, no one can claim that the rockets hitting Beersheba, Ashdod and Netivot are "home-made." They were all smuggled in during the "calm" while the media was fixated on consumer goods being sent from Egypt to Rafah underground.

Lebanese officials promised they would "forensically examine" the Free Gaza boat to figure out whether IDF boats rammed it. The FGM freaks still claim they were fired at, even though none of the journalists on board have stated that. The captain appears to be somewhat of a liar too (he said that the IDF told him on the radio that they suspected "terrorists" were on board, which makes no sense; today he says that the "attack" happened "without any warning, or any provocation.")

The number of wounded people crossing to Egypt to be treated remains a trickle - only 15 yesterday. The PA has stopped blaming Hamas, though, now saying that it is because of a shortage of ambulances. Of course, Israel sent in 10 ambulances a couple of days ago (from the MFA site.)

Qatar and Israel agreed that humanitarian aid will be flown from Qatar directly to Ben Gurion Airport, from where Israel will send it to Gaza. Apparently, Egypt refused to allow the Qatari aircrafts to land at El Arish in the Sinai. Three planes are en route.

Hamas is taking control of the food sent in aid convoys and is selling it for inflated prices. Qatari and Egyptian flour is being sold by Hamas for 140 shekels a bag.

Hamas fighters are waiting for the ground invasion "on pins and needles."

Fatah leaders, possibly from the Al Aqsa Brigades, are demanding that Hamas returntheir weapons to them for the coming ground war.

A Jenin man killed his 28-year old sister in a possible "honor killing," bringing the 2008 PalArab self-death count to 231. I do not have confirmation of rumors that a number of Fatah prisoners were killed while escaping prison on Saturday (besides the two I reported.)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Have you ever seen Hamas' jihadist music videos? They are cheesy propaganda with awful music and tacky special effects that would be funny if they weren't advocating genocide.

Anyway, here is my take on how an IDF video would look if it was directed by the same talent that Hamas uses...

Q=Qassam (may include Katyusha-style rockets)
QS=Qassam landing short in Gaza
F=Fatality (F=Gazan, F=Israeli)
(G)=Grad (included in Qassam count, not consistent yet)

M*- Apparently upgraded 120mm mortars
MS=Mortar landing short
P - unnamed "projectiles"
(Paren) indicates unconfirmed Palestinian claims

Yellow=day Israel sent aid to Gaza
Blue=day Egypt sent aid to Gaza via Israel, inspected by Israel at Kerem Shalom)
Green=Both Israeli and Arab aid allowed in under Israeli auspices

December 2008

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa






1QS (2F)
64Q (1F)

30Q (5G)
73Q (11G, 2F)
15M (1F)

55Q (4G)

Previous calendars here.
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to a report in Firas Press, quoting the "Conscience Foundation for Human Rights" in the Gaza Strip, so far there have been 368 deaths. Of those, 36 have been children and 9 women.

While no one wants civilians to die, these numbers support Israel's claims of precision much more than they support the widespread libel that Israel is reacting with disproportionate and indiscriminate force.

Half of Gazans are 17 or under. The remaining half would in turn be roughly 50% female.

If Israel was indiscriminately firing at Gaza, one would expect 184 children and 92 women to be dead.

For children to be less than 10% of those killed, and adult women roughly 2.5%, indicates a very impressive rate of avoiding civilian casualties. Without knowing how many civilian men have been killed it is hard to know for certain, but these numbers indicate that Israel is doing as much as any nation in wartime has ever done to avoid civilian casualties.

The article goes on to say that children also comprise 10% of those injured, which confirms the IAF's accuracy.

This won't stop the Israel bashers (and so-called "human rights" organizations) from ignorantly saying that Israel deliberately targets civilians. But statistically this is far from a "massacre."
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
They aren't even trying to pretend that they don't hate Jews anymore. From MEMRI (which now, unbelievably, requires registration to see their videos):
Following are excerpts from interviews with several Egyptian clerics, which aired on Al-Nas TV and Al-Rahma TV on December 28 and 29, 2008.

One of the clerics, Dr. Salah Sultan, is president of the American Center for Islamic Research (ACIR), a nonprofit organization registered in Ohio and located in Columbus....

Egyptian cleric Sheikh Muhammad Al-Saghir: "I say to the people of Gaza: Take my heart, which has hardened like a stone. Take it, and use it to stone all the Jews. Take my soul, and it will give you shade, for no longer does it fly far away. Take my eye - by Allah, take my eye. Perhaps a handsome youth, who was blinded, could see again. Take my skin, and turn it into a fuse or a slingshot for a child or a newborn baby."

Al-Rahma TV, December 29, 2008

Egyptian cleric Sheikh Muhammad Hassan: "We want to teach our children the truth about the Jews. We want them to know that the [Jews] will never make peace or agree to it. The Jews will never accept any international resolution, from East or West, because they understand nothing but force.

"I remember what the great terrorist Menahem Begin said: We fight, therefore we exist. These are real terrorists. They are extremists. They are blood-suckers. They are shedders of blood. Review the history of the Jews from beginning to end, from the very first moment to the last moment, which is now. They specialize in the shedding of blood, in crime, and in killing - even the killing of prophets."


Egyptian cleric Sheikh Amin Al-Ansari: "It is told that the Israelites killed more than 70,000 prophets in a single day. It's not the people they want to eradicate, but Revelation itself. They do not want there to be any revelation, purity, religion, or religious law. The secret behind the war between the Jews and non-Jews is that they want to have a monopoly on the spiritual and ideological leadership of the world, and eventually, the physical leadership.


"By the 'Chosen People,' they mean that they are a people, and all those who are inferior to them are not peoples. In other words, they are human beings, and all others are not. They are people, and all others are not. They are human beings, selected by God to be the leaders of all beings.

"So what about the rest of mankind? They view them as pigs. That's the truth. Pigs! So why do they look like human beings? So that they will be worthy of being servants of the Jews, who could ride on their backs and suck their blood.

"That's why when a Jew kills a Palestinian child, he considers him to be a little pig. What difference is there between the two?! On the contrary, he might show mercy for the pig, as an animal that should not be harmed. The Palestinian child is worth less to him than a pig." [...]

Egyptian cleric Dr. Sallah Sultan: "The arch-murderer who commanded the campaign against Jenin in 2003 went to America a few months later and boarded a NASA space shuttle. The space shuttle was launched by NASA, and a few minutes later, it reached Texas, the land of President Bush. Then this space shuttle shattered to pieces, along with the five top American space scientists, and that commander of the Zionist airforce was on board with them. Where exactly did it shatter and fall? By Allah, Sheikh Mahmoud, although I was living in America, I didn't know that there was a city called 'Palestine' in America. Sheikh Mustafa, the space shuttle fell, of all places, in the city of Palestine, in President Bush's state of Texas.

"The stone which is thrown at the Jews hates these Jews, these Zionists, because Allah foretold, via His Prophet Muhammad, that Judgment Day will not come before the Jew and the Muslim fight. The Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the stone and the tree will speak, saying: 'Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' The only exception will be the Gharqad tree."

TV host: "The Jews know this for sure, that's why they plant Gharqad trees."

Dr. Sallah Sultan: "The stone's self-awareness is such that it can distinguish Muslims from Jews."

TV host: "True, and it will support the Muslims."

Dr. Sallah Sultan: "America, which gave [Israel] everything it needed in these battles, will suffer economic stagnation, ruin, destruction, and crime, which will surpass what is happening in Gaza. One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an attempt to rule and corrupt the entire world. When the world concentrates on its desires and lusts, the [Jews] will be free to implement their plan of controlling the world." [...]

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Gheini: "The truth is that I do not understand why the sons of apes do the things they do to us, especially whenever there is a holiday that may make the nation happy. Let me remind you that it was on the day marking the Prophet's nocturnal journey that Sharon defiled the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This was also on a holy day."


Sheikh Safwat Higazi: "I take my little son Baraa, who is 10 years old, and make him look at the torn body parts of his Muslim brothers, in order to sow in his heart hatred and loathing for the Zionists, so he will know that these are his enemies.


"Israeli President Shimon Peres used to fill his helmet with the blood of Egyptian POWs, so that whenever he looked at it, he would be reminded that he had fulfilled his duty to his god."

TV host: "The Bahr Al-Baqr massacre is well known."

This is not simple anti-semitism. This is off the wall, foaming at the mouth craziness. It is unapologetic loathing, broadcast without any qualms by "moderate" Egyptian TV. These people don't just dislike Jews - they hate them with every fiber of their being. They literally want to see all Jews dead, as they unblinkingly claim that Jews are the ones guilty of desiring genocide.

Were there any opposing clerics on TV telling these guys that they went overboard? Were there any protests by moderate Muslims, picketing the TV station for broadcasting such loathsome opinions? Or can this be assumed to be the mainstream opinion of generations of Egyptians, who dare not allow their true thoughts to escape their lips in English for fear of losing billions of dollars of the hated Americans' money?
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I try to find topics that are not being covered well elsewhere, but for the main headlines and inside information about the current Gaza op I recommend these three essential blogs:

Aussie Dave at Israellycool has been liveblogging from the beginning, with a bemused attitude. Lots of links to insightful/interesting/humorous pictures and videos.

Jameel at The Muqata has likewise been liveblogging, a bit straighter than Israellycool but with many links you wouldn't know about otherwise. He also is tweeting on Twitter.

Omri at Mere Rhetoric has been writing posts at a mind-boggling pace. His writing is wonderfully sardonic, amusingly snarky and extraordinarily link-dense. Those links bring up a complete hypertext world of relevant facts that we've all seen and forgotten.
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an (as well as many other pro-Hamas venues) publishes an article from a professor at Islamic University in Gaza that asks, plaintively:
Why would Israel bomb a university? - By Dr Akram Habeeb

As a Fulbright scholar and professor of American literature at the Islamic University of Gaza, I have always preferred to keep silent about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

I always felt that it was my mission to preach love and peaceful coexistence. However, Israel's massive offensive against the Gaza Strip has spurred me to speak out.

When I learned that Israel had bombed my university with American-made F-16s, I realized that its "target bank" had gone bankrupt. Of course Israeli politicians and generals would claim that the Islamic University is a Hamas stronghold and that it preaches terrorism.

As an independent professor not affiliated with any political party, I can say that IUG is an academic institution which embraces a wide spectrum of political affinities. I see it as prestigious university which encourages liberalism and free thought.

This personal point of view might seem to be biased; therefore, I would invite anyone who would doubt my assertions to browse IUG's website and research its history. They would learn about its membership in various international academic institutions, the active role its professors play in scholarly research as well as prizes and research grants they have received.

Why would Israel bomb a university? Israel did not only target my university last night. It also bombed mosques, pharmacies and homes.

...Israel itself chose to wage its wars to eliminate the indigenous people of Palestine.
How heart-rending! A university, dedicated to independent and liberal thought, bombed heartlessly by the Zionists who want nothing less than genocide against all Arabs of Palestine.

A little research shows that Islamic University is not quite as idyllic as the good professor implies.

From YNet, February 2, 2007:
Kidnapped soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit spent most of his time in captivity imprisoned on the campus of the Islamic University in Gaza, said senior Palestinian sources on Monday.

Shalit was kidnapped on June 25th 2006 and up until three months ago had been held at the university – a prominent Hamas stronghold – but arguments amongst his captors led to his relocation.

The Islamic University is under complete Hamas control, with faculty members and students alike all loyal to the organization.

Palestinian officials have labeled the university a "sanctuary for wanted men" and they note that Hamas mastermind Yahya Ayyash fled from the West Bank to Gaza in 1995 and hid in the Islamic University for several months during the time he was being pursued by Israeli forces for his role in numerous suicide bombings in the 90's.

Ayyash and other wanted Hamas members took advantage of the fact that none but Hamas loyalists set foot in the university.

That changed last Thursday when troops from Fatah's Force 17 raided the university campus, confiscating some 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles, hundreds of RPG launchers and massive amounts of ammunition.

Fatah troops also uncovered a tunnel opening leading all the way to the Palestinian Police headquarters in Gaza City. Estimates suggest Hamas had intended to fill the tunnel with explosives and destroy the police building.

But isn't that normal behavior in prestigious universities which encourage liberalism and free thought?

Dr. Habeeb is also being a little less than honest when he claims he prefers to stay silent about the conflict. Somehow, his quiet opinions made it into the Washington Post in 2006, in the wake of Hamas' election victory:
Akram Habeeb, 50, who teaches American literature at Gaza's Islamic University, was just as optimistic. "Hamas possesses the potential to establish itself as the Palestinians' most reliable political party" in the world's eyes, he said. "Hamas has a clear vision for a stable and corruption-free Palestine. "

Habeeb was adamant in his belief that Hamas would not allow international donors to "blackmail" the Palestinian people. "Palestine's land has been occupied for long and we have nothing but dignity, so we won't sell our land for the donors' funds." If donors continue to insist that Hamas change its position on Israel, he said, the new Palestinian government would have to "find alternatives" -- presumably among wealthy Arab nations. Experience has given us little reason to expect that will happen, but Habeeb insisted: "Increasing local, regional and even international investments in Palestine will certainly have a strong boosting effect on the ailing economy, especially when Hamas duplicates what it did in the municipalities.

"Certainly some groups at the end of the day will try to sabotage Hamas's efforts but they will fail because most Palestinians have already said the word: Hamas is our legitimate and democratically elected representative."

It sure sounds like he favors the side that supports the genocide of all Jews in the Middle East, doesn't it? Perhaps his determination that Hamas never, ever recognize Israel counts as "love and peaceful coexistence" in his eyes.

So we now know that Hamas used Islamic University for storing weapons, for holding hostages, for planning attacks and for acting as a safehouse for terrorists.

The IDF claimed after the bombing that the university was where Hamas did its research and development of rockets and explosives. This is more than plausible - it also was the place where Hamas recruited a young woman to build suicide bomb belts and to teach others how to build bombs.

Does this answer your question, Dr. Habeeb?

Another day, another lying propagandist for Hamas.

Pajamas Media has more about Islamic U.'s research facilities, where it gets funding from and more details on its terror history.

  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The media has a field day covering the many protests against Israel happening worldwide. The protests are colorful; they always have someone photogenic to publish or a gimmick that makes good copy. The impression one gets is that there is a broad-based mass of people who are genuinely concerned about Gazan lives and aghast at Israeli policy.

While there are certainly no shortage of rabid Israel-bashers in this world, the coverage of these protests shows a deceptive picture.

For one thing, the media usually doesn't mention the groups behind the protests. for example, the one pictured on the right, in Jakarta, was sponsored by radical Islamist group Hizb-ut Tahrir. You woldn't know that unless you look carefully at the entire sign, not shown in this picture but visible here. That group wants to create a pan-Muslim nation that would of course include "Palestine" where Jews would not be the most welcome members.

Other groups sponsoring protests include the Communist Party of India and Hezbollah, not to mention the so-called "peace" groups who have nothing bad to say about thousands of Qassam rockets.

Another point to keep in mind about protests is that even the most Zionist is not going to create a rally supporting a war. This is not a war of choice but of necessity, as the alternatives have all been tried and failed.

Once you take away the people who want Israel to be destroyed out of the picture, the number of protesters is not very significant. Almost by definition, these protesters prefer Hamas terrorists living in peace in the Middle East to Jews doing the same.

The fact is that most governments and sober-minded people, even critics of Israel and even Arab leaders, know that Hamas and its ideology is a serious danger to world peace. They either secretly or openly want to see Israel topple Hamas. Fatah isn't going to do it, Gazans aren't going to, and neither is Egypt. They know that only Israel has a chance - and even that is by no means assured.

The media, by spending so much time covering these protests that are little more than photo-ops for people dedicated to hate, is giving the false impression that the world supports Hamas. Over time, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is why it is vitally important to be vigilant about this sort of subtle bias and point it out. So far, media coverage has not been as bad as it has been in the past, but that can change very fast. We have to keep on top of how even innocuous images can effectively become Hamas' best weapon.
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
People have a lot to say, so I will provide a spot for them to say it.

Also, if anyone can find an old-fashioned rendition of Hava Nagila, fast and preferably sung only by a bunch of men, please let me know. I have an idea for a video that should be pretty funny but I need that music. YouTube has a huge number of Hava Nagilas but I couldn't find any that fit the bill, although some of them are mind-blowing.
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Adnkronos (h/t Dhimmi Watch):
A doctor in Saudi Arabia was able to stop the wedding of a five and 11 year-old whose family wanted to marry them to protect financial assets. "Thanks to the law that compels spouses to carry out blood analyses before marriage, we were able to stop a wedding with underage girls, among them a five year-old," said Hani Harsani, the doctor in charge of laboratory analysis in an interview with Saudi daily al-Watan.

"Two sisters came to us accompanied by their parents to undergo pre-marital blood analyses. The first one was five, and the other 11 years-old. When we asked the mother why they wanted to do the tests, she told us that she wanted to marry the girls to cousins to preserve the family's property rights."

During the interview, Harsani remembers an episode when a 10-year-old orphan was brought to do pre-marital blood tests by her brother, who wanted to marry the sister to a 40-year-old friend who already had two other wives.

"We cannot technically impede a marriage with a girl of this age. However, we can delay the process (by refusing to carry out the tests)," said Harsani.
The unanswered question is what stops the family to find a less ethical doctor?
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From MEMRI (h/t It bears repeating that at the exact same time that Gaza was going downhill under Hamas rule, the West Bank has been economically booming - as the PA started to take responsibility for its own people, Israel has been easing restrictions, and the result has been that West Bank residents' quality of life has been improving dramatically. This proves that Israel is not a racist entity hell-bent on enslaving Palestinian Arabs but a pragmatic country that yearns to live in peace with its Arab neighbors and takes its security seriously.

And it underlines that Hamas is indeed the party responsible for what a hellhole Gaza has become.


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