While no one wants civilians to die, these numbers support Israel's claims of precision much more than they support the widespread libel that Israel is reacting with disproportionate and indiscriminate force.
Half of Gazans are 17 or under. The remaining half would in turn be roughly 50% female.
If Israel was indiscriminately firing at Gaza, one would expect 184 children and 92 women to be dead.
For children to be less than 10% of those killed, and adult women roughly 2.5%, indicates a very impressive rate of avoiding civilian casualties. Without knowing how many civilian men have been killed it is hard to know for certain, but these numbers indicate that Israel is doing as much as any nation in wartime has ever done to avoid civilian casualties.
The article goes on to say that children also comprise 10% of those injured, which confirms the IAF's accuracy.
This won't stop the Israel bashers (and so-called "human rights" organizations) from ignorantly saying that Israel deliberately targets civilians. But statistically this is far from a "massacre."