Tuesday, December 30, 2008

  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I try to find topics that are not being covered well elsewhere, but for the main headlines and inside information about the current Gaza op I recommend these three essential blogs:

Aussie Dave at Israellycool has been liveblogging from the beginning, with a bemused attitude. Lots of links to insightful/interesting/humorous pictures and videos.

Jameel at The Muqata has likewise been liveblogging, a bit straighter than Israellycool but with many links you wouldn't know about otherwise. He also is tweeting on Twitter.

Omri at Mere Rhetoric has been writing posts at a mind-boggling pace. His writing is wonderfully sardonic, amusingly snarky and extraordinarily link-dense. Those links bring up a complete hypertext world of relevant facts that we've all seen and forgotten.

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