Sunday, July 09, 2006

  • Sunday, July 09, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I have documented before, Palestinian Arabs consistently support terror against Israel. The latest poll from JMCC shows that these trends continue.

The idea that ordinary Palestinian Arabs are not culpable for the crimes of the terrorists gets weaker and weaker as their support and tolerance for terror grows.

Major findings:

77% support the kidnap of Gilad Shalit
67% want more kidnappings of soldiers
80% oppose releasing Shalit to avoid a ground incursion into Gaza
60% support further Kassam rocket attacks against "targets"
Hamas would still win an election if held today, but barely.

Possibly the most fascinating finding was this one:

47% think that the kidnapping will end up hurting the Palestinian Arab side, and only 37% think it will help.

This would seem counter-intuitive. If a plurality of PalArabs know that the kidnapping will end up hurting their cause, why would they support it?

The answer is simple and sad. The Arab sense of "honor" is so overpowering, it trumps logic and even personal welfare. I wrote about this nearly a year ago - the flip-side to "honor" is a massive inferiority complex that results in infantile attempts to act in ways that will prove relevance.

A single kidnap against a single Israeli soldier is a victory, no matter how tiny and pyrrhic. In a world where the Arabs have precious little to feel pride over, this is something to feel proud of, in a completely sick way.

Terror seems a logical response when one's sense of pride is over-arching and psychotic. Israel can kill many Arab terrorists, but they cannot force the Arabs to give back their small victory and all it symbolizes.

A secure person can look logically at his faults and do things to improve himself. An insecure person cannot allow himself to admit any faults, and must blame all his troubles on others.

And that is the Israeli/Arab conflict in a nutshell.

Until this mass psychosis in the Arab world is dealt with, we cannot hope to have peace.
  • Sunday, July 09, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Credit where credit is due: Out of the loony left coast comes an article that is actual reporting, even if it is in the op-ed section. The author looks beneath the surface of the Arab hysteria over Israel and discovers that many Arabs see through the facade.
Arab blogs that fight for reform

Frida Ghitis

Sunday, July 9, 2006

When Israeli forces entered Gaza in late June, the news media in the Arab world spared no adjective to describe the "Zionist aggression," as the Syrian News Agency labeled it, or the "crazed racist extermination war," in the words of a writer in the Palestinian al-Ayyam paper. No observer of the Middle East would find that degree of invective and bitterness surprising.

However, buried below the furious, raging surface, a different sort of commentary flowed through the Internet.

In Arab blogs and deep inside the Web comment pages of some major news organizations, a few people dared to disagree. In fact, some Arab advocates of political and social reform saw recent events in the Palestinian territories as ammunition with which to criticize the dictatorial regimes they want to change in their own countries.

The Israeli incursion, with its controversial bombing of a Palestinian power plant, came less than three days after Palestinian militants dug a tunnel into Israel and captured 19-year-old Cpl. Gilad Shalit. About one year ago, Israel had completed a withdrawal from Gaza. This was the first major Israeli operation on that strip of land since the withdrawal and since the coming to power of Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement, considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States and the European Union.

Many -- though not all -- in the Arab blogosphere sharply criticized Israeli actions as excessive, but they saw in the fury of the Israeli government something lacking in their own: concern for the life of a single citizen. "They will turn the world upside down to get that soldier back," wrote Sandmonkey, who describes himself as 25-year-old Egyptian living in Cairo. "I kind of envy how much they care about their own." The sentiment was echoed by Isis, at, wishing that "our government had half the respect" for its citizens' lives "that the Israelis have for theirs."

Lebanese bloggers found bitter irony in the failure of their leaders to accomplish very much and yet find the time to rhetorically blast Israel. Lebanonesque ( printed a local news item about a meeting of the country's National Dialogue, which "failed to solve any of their own country's problems ... but they did manage to agree that the international community should step in to halt Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip." A contributor noted sadly that "Arab 'leaders' are following in the grand tradition of posturing and emitting hot air while unable/unwilling to deliver bread to their own people."

Several progressive Arab blogs quoted approvingly from the comments page of the satellite news channel Al-Arabiya. An article titled "Where is the Arab Brain?" and signed by "A Wise Muslim" beseeched Arab leaders to stop supporting terrorism and start helping their own people. "The Arab leaders cheat and lie their people and make them holocaust fuel to their wars with Israel to divert their people from their national and democratic rights," the writer argues, adding, "Continuing the war with Israel is an advantage for Arab rulers and not their people."

Syrian democrats also maintain that their government should stop supporting terrorism, particularly by playing host to Hamas leaders. After Israeli jets entered Syrian airspace and flew low over the home of Syrian President Bashar Assad, someone identified only as Fares wrote at, a Syrian reformer's blog, "Now even myself for the first time ever I applaud an Israeli action. ... Israel by this action has shown that it does not want to harm Syria. ... (It is) time for Syrians to pick the message up and stop supporting radicals and terrorists."

A recurring theme among many who want regime change in their own countries is a demand that their leaders stop supporting terrorists.

Hamas itself came under withering fire from several writers, including many who expressed impassioned support for Palestinians. In the Al-Arabiya page, someone asked, "What did Hamas expect" when it took the Israeli soldier? With concern for the Palestinians and little sympathy for Israel, he cries out, "the people in Gaza have enough troubles than to be occupied again due to the stupid, irresponsible actions of Hamas idiots."

Hamas leaders fall into the same category as other regional governments that "enrich themselves and enlarge their external bank accounts" while speaking about the "glories of Jihad and martyrdom," was the sentiment in an article quoted in the blog "Free Michel Kilo Now," a site named after a Syrian writer taken prisoner by the authorities in a recent crackdown against the opposition.

The majority of the writing on Arab blogs and other Internet commentary was in support of the Palestinians and highly critical of Israel. Still, Arab democrats are increasingly noting that, however much anyone sympathizes with Palestinians, there is little doubt that Arab autocrats, dictators and assorted rulers-for-life have long used the Palestinian cause as a thick cloak to cover up the deficiencies of their rule.

The Internet, it seems, is slowly drawing the threads off that cloak, making it transparent enough to reveal the ugly truth. This time, even an Israeli crackdown in the Palestinian territories has provided an opportunity to bring more attacks against Arab regimes.

Statistics you will not see mentioned in the mainstream media:

Number of Palestinian Arabs killed by other Palestinian Arabs since the Israeli incursion began: 21

Since my last posting about this on Friday, we have three members of a family killed by an Arab anti-tank missile, a bystander killed in an armed clash, a terrorist was killed while handling a bomb, and a police officer was assassinated.

In fact, far more Arab civilians have been killed by Palestinian Arabs since the incursion began than by Israel.
The article says:
The Palestinians on Sunday blamed Israel, saying it fired the missile at the house. Israeli military officials, citing intelligence, said a Palestinian anti-tank missile inadvertently hit the house, located on the outskirts of Gaza City near the front lines.

The headline says:
Palestinians blame Israel for missile hit

Even though it would be exactly as accurate to say
Israel blames Palestinians for missile hit
and it would be even more accurate to say
Palestinian Arab anti-tank missile kills three Gazans
along with some background information about the sheer number of anti-tank missiles smuggled into Gaza over the past year.

But that would require the AP to actually seek truth rather than even-handedness and fitting the facts into their pre-written script.
  • Sunday, July 09, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Knesset Member Wasal Taha, corresponding publicly with internet surfers on the Arabic-language IslamOnline site, said he repeatedly advised PA terrorists to battle and kidnap Israeli soldiers.

MK Zevulun Orlev (National Religious Party), who last week submitted a bill to negate Knesset membership to MKs who support terrorists, said that Taha's "traitorous" remarks are further proof that Israeli democracy must protect itself.

According to a report in Maariv newspaper today, Taha told surfers on Thursday that he repeatedly advised the PA Arabs to stop shooting and targeting civilians, and to concentrate on IDF targets. An English translation of Maariv's Hebrew translation of Taha's Arabic words:
"We told them more than once that the Palestinians, who are subjected to murder and ongoing crimes on the part of the Israeli army, have two options: One is to explode and kill civilians - and these are much easier operations. The second option is the military option, in the framework of which a military unit from the resistance [i.e., terrorist infrastructures - ed.] is established in order to break into a military camp, clash with the soldiers and battle them and take them and the conquest into captivity."
How exactly can Israel let this traitorous scum remain in Knesset? What definition of "democracy" allows those in government to actively support and advise the enemy?
  • Sunday, July 09, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
After ten frustrating days of not being able to provide the media with any pictures of dead kids that could be blamed on Israel, the Palestinian Arabs finally got their wish:

Never mind the fact that Israel had nothing to do with this explosion. Lying Palestinian Arabs claim that it was from Israel and gullible wire services are more than willing to believe it, because it fits in with their script. As AP reported in he caption for the picture above:
The Israeli military, backtracking on its previous denial of responsibility, said an airstrike in the area targeting a group of militants did not hit an open field, as it previously reported, but struck a street on the outskirts of Gaza City.
What AP failed to mention is that the two incidents have nothing to do with each other. So Israel has not backtracked at all on its denial - it has strengthened it.

So now the Palestinian Arabs who killed Ruwan Hajaj can smile as they blame Israel for her death, as they try to turn her into a new symbol of Jewish evil.

Meanwhile, something interesting happened in Reuters reporting in Australia. For some reason, the headline provided to every Australian source by Reuters was an unbelievably biased, while not for any other country:
Air strikes follow peace offer
Sunday, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer
Courier Mail, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Air strikes follow peace offer
The Australian, Australia - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza. ISRAEL launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip overnight ...
Israel rejects Hamas ceasefire offer
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - 4 hours ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi. ... offensive, Israel's first incursion into Gaza since quitting the territory last year, has dashed hopes of renewing peace talks, stalled ...
I don't know exactly how wire services provide headlines, but someone at Reuters came up with a doozy to give Australians, making it look like warmongering Israel is rejecting Hamas' "peace" overture which doesn't include returning Gilad Shalit. Also not mentioned was what the peaceful Hamas thought of stopping rocket attacks:
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Saturday denounced Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' call for immediate stop of firing homemade rockets at southern Israeli target.

In a written statement, the ruling movement also condemned Abbas' call for releasing an Israeli soldier abducted by the three militant groups including Hamas armed wing during a deadly attack on an Israeli army post near Gaza border on June 25.

Friday, July 07, 2006

  • Friday, July 07, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
With oil prices hovering around $70 a barrel, Israel is looking for ways to reduce its near-total dependence on energy imports. It's pondering the use of the nation's huge reserves of oil shale - a dark, crumbly rock loaded with hydrocarbonslocated in the central and southern parts of the country. Thanks to a technical breakthrough, it should be possible to extract fuel oil from the shale for less than $20 a barrel. That could allow Israel eventually to cut its crude imports by up to one-third.

Shale is already used as a fuel for power plants in Israel and Estonia, where the rock is burned like coal to drive steam turbines. Israel's small shale-fired power plant was built nearly 20 years ago. But past attempts to extract liquid oil from shale weren't economically feasible: The process cost upwards of $50 per barrel at a time when oil was selling for less than half that.

Now, the tables have turned. A Russian-born Israeli immigrant named Moshe Gvirtz developed a technique in the 1990s to squeeze oil from shale by mixing the rock with a residue from conventional oil refining and putting it through a catalytic process. The dramatically improved results, coupled with soaring crude prices, have inverted the economics of oil shale. That could help not just Israel but dozens of other countries, including the U.S., that are rich in shale reserves.

And the best part is the byproduct: less money going to Arab terrorists laundered through Saudi Arabia, Iran and other oil-rich terror-supporting countries.
  • Friday, July 07, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Unknown assailants shot dead Dr. Hussein Abu Ajwa, 44, a senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip, as he got out of his car outside his home on Wednesday night.
Sources in Gaza described Abu Ajwa as a leading promoter of religious and political reform in Hamas.
Palestinian Center for Human Rights -
Two members of the armed wing of Hamas were killed in a mysterious explosion in a house in the densely-populated Zaitun quarter of Gaza City.
It is believed they were preparing an explosive device that detonated by mistake.
Palestinian Center for Human Rights -
A 12-year old girl was killed Thursday in an armed clash within the Abu M'hadi clan in Nuseirat in Gaza.
An armed clash between the Foujo and El-Arja clan in Rafah on July 1 resulted in the injury of four people.
In fact, since the Israeli operation began, at least 15 Palestinian Arabs have been killed by work accidents, clan fighting, honor killings and the occasional bullet fired in the air that hits someone during a wedding.

Somehow, the 90,000 "security forces" haven't been able to make things safer for the ordinary Palestinian Arab.

Good luck finding this reported in the mainstream press.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

  • Thursday, July 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

BEIT LAHIYA, -: A Palestinian masked and armed militant stands near graffiti art sprayed on a wall during fire fighting with Israeli soldiers in a part of the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya, 06 July 2006.

What are the odds that he wants the kid to run away to a safe place?
  • Thursday, July 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Was it only a couple of months ago that the Palestinian Arabs demanded that the Western world pay their salaries?

Of course, most of the people who work for the welfare state of the PA work in the "security forces."

Now, what are the security forces, created and funded with Western tax dollars, doing today?
Interior Minister Said Siyyam of the Palestinians' ruling Hamas party issued the regime's first call to arms since Israel invaded last week, urging Gaza security forces to fulfill their "religious and moral duty to stand up to this aggression and cowardly Zionist invasion."
As everyone and their grandmother knew (besides the EU), the Palestinian Arabs were building an army, not a police force. But good luck finding any news sources that refer to them that way.
  • Thursday, July 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since 70 virgins don't hold any appeal for the pre-pubescent potential shaheed, the disgusting Palestinian Arab Islamic leaders need to find another angle to convince kids to blow themselves up.

Hence, the PA showed a video recently showing Mohammed al-Dura in Heaven, flying kites and going to an amusement park.

Palestinian Media Watch has the whole video.

Meanwhile, in Egypt, our friends and allies there also have a children's show where they encourage martyrdom and applaud kids who say that Jews are "the people of treachery, betrayal, and vileness." As MEMRI translates:

"Ruqaya, what did you learn from today's show?"

Voice of Ruqaya: "I learned that the Jews are the people of treachery and betrayal..."

Muhammad Sharaf Al-Din: "Allah Akbar! Say Allah Akbar! What did Ruqaya say? The Jews are the people of treachery and betrayal. May Allah give you success. We want mothers who teach their sons jihad, the love of Allah and His Messenger, sacrifice for the sake of Islam, and love for the countries of the Muslims. Loving the country of the Muslims. May Allah bless you, Ruqaya. That is the most beautiful thing I have heard - that the Jews are the people of treachery, betrayal, and vileness."

The utter depravity of a culture that brainwashes their children to hate and murder and blow themselves up is beyond description. The assumption made in the West that everybody is basically the same is soundly refuted here - there are entire large groups of people on this planet who do not share normal human values and dreams. We want our children to grow up and be successful, they incite their children to murder and die before they grow up. To even entertain the thought of celebrating this culture as somehow being equivalent to Western culture is sickening.

The $2 billion we spend annually in Egypt and the hundreds of millions that the world has sent Palestinian Arabs are paying dividends - we are bankrolling the next generation of jihadists and murderers.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

  • Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
My family's Independence Day was exhausting and we had no plans to go a couple of miles away to see fireworks.

As we sat outside on our deck we saw what looked like, at first, to be a couple of not-bad fireworks that we assumed some kids were setting off at a school a block away from us.

They kept getting better.

I still don't know who sponsored this fireworks show, and it is hardly Macy's, but from the comfort of your own home sitting outside with an iced tea, this was pretty good.

Enjoy the snippet!
  • Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Two Palestinians were killed on Wednesday in an explosion in a house in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City, Palestinian eyewitnesses said.

The explosion ripped through the house of the Dahdouh family whose sons are members of the Islamic Jihad. Two family members were killed in an Israeli air strike. The IDF has denied involvement while Palestinian sources said the explosion was caused by a work accident. Three people were critically injured in the explosion.

The sources added the two brothers were probably preparing an explosive device which prematurely detonated.
As the number of Palestinian Arabs who accidentally kill themselves while planning to murder Jews increases, I have one question:

How come the wire services have photos of the aftermath of every Israeli rocket attack, but hardly ever show the blown-up buildings and cars from "work accidents?" There are clearly plenty of photographers covering every square inch of Gaza. So where are the photos that document Palestinian Arab depravity and recklessness towards their fellow Arabs?

Is it because the story doesn't fit into the MSM playbook of the conflict?
  • Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Daily Mail has an op-ed by Melanie Phillips that hits the nail on the head. Quote:
Just as crucial is to address the hatred and lies that are driving this violence. In particular, what must be combated with the utmost vigour is the Muslim culture of grievance, the belief that the West is engaged in a conspiracy to attack and destroy the Islamic world.

This delusion has meant that many Muslims misrepresent Islamist aggression as self-defence, and the West's attempt to defend itself as aggression. This double-think means that Britain is itself blamed for the attacks mounted upon it.

David Gilmour is bemused by Roger Waters' graffiti. trots out yet another article saying that Muslims aren't anti-semitic, only anti-Zionist. Then they try to prove that Zionists have always been anti-Islam, using mostly fabricated and out-of-context quotes from Israel's founders. Yet all the pseudo-quotes talk about Arabs, not Muslims!

  • Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A must-read article about a reporter going undercover to a Jihad-infested suburb of Leeds, England.

But his kindness to me was coupled with a darker outlook on the wider world. I was shocked when one day at the Hamara centre he began explaining how the London bombers could be seen as martyrs.

“The western mind and the Muslim mind are two different psychologies,” he said. “The Muslim mind will see that this life means nothing unless I sacrifice myself for Allah.”

Inside I flinched, but outwardly I nodded with a look of sympathy. I did not want him to close up as much of the community had done after last summer’s attacks. I wanted him to speak honestly.

“My life means nothing, you know,” he continued. “I would give up this evil, two-seconds of a life.” Earthly experience, I think he meant, was but a moment compared with paradise to come.

Later he went on to eulogise Abdullah Faisal, a firebrand Islamic cleric who was imprisoned in 2003 for inciting the murder of Jews. Faisal, said to have been a strong influence on the 7/7 bombers, has advocated the spreading of Islam “by the Kalashnikov” and declared that one aim of jihad is to “lessen the population of unbelievers”.

To Ghani, the cleric was “one of the good ones” and he advised me where I might obtain recordings of his sermons.

Once again, I felt as if I had entered a strange bubble, a world where the reality I had known before had been suspended. Bham then asked me if I would ever blow myself up for Islam. I replied that the Koran says you should not harm innocent people.

“What Koran was that?” he countered. “Don’t fool yourself by saying jihad is a struggle within, to get on with life, to motivate myself to get up for prayers and that sort of thing,” he said. “That’s not jihad. Who told you that?”

Even after these experiences, the reporter looks atthis as merely a social problem. He doesn't seem to make the leap that the next 9/11 bomber is likely to come from a place like this, the middle of a Western town.


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