Sunday, February 05, 2006

  • Sunday, February 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A lot of the pundits that are analyzing the cartoon kerfuffle are missing the point.

The reality is inadvertently revealed in this bizarre but neat bit of psychological projection, courtesy of Arab News:
Let me step back for a moment to give a little background information that may help you make better sense of what is happening.

For a number of years now Western nations have suffered from a growing doubt; they fear that the global hegemony the West has enjoyed for the last couple of centuries is finally coming to an end.

This uncomfortable realization is by no means confined to Westerners; in fact most non-Western people have come to believe this as well.

So a gradual, but perceptible, fading of their global hegemony coupled with a growing fear of an uncertain future motivates Western society to intimidate weak nations in an attempt to keep their power unchallenged and intact.

A US neocon put it very succinctly when he said (I am not quoting exactly): “We must periodically find a weak country, hold it against the wall and slap it around to impress others”.

The ideal target for Westerners has been the Muslim world, due to its extensiveness and perceived weakness.

The current assault on our Prophet by the Danes and other Europeans must be seen within this context.
The deluded author subconsciously reveals the true roots of Muslim rage: it is Muslim impotence.

Centuries of the Muslim world consistently losing against the West in every field of endeavor that matters - scientific, military, cultural - coupled with an almost genetic Arab (not Muslim) sense of pride - brings an incredible dissonance between their beliefs that the world will inevitably become a Muslim ummah, and reality.

When someone who craves control finds that he is irrelevant, he will latch onto anything to make himself feel important.

Almost worse than the fact that the cartoons were published at all, from the Muslim viewpoint, the fact that they were published by a small irrelevant Danish newspaper - and they still couldn't control even that. They couldn't get the automatic condemnation that they expected. They couldn't call upon one of their perceived bases of power - their ability to control the European Left with impunity.

Every Muslim demonstration, with imams whipping up the crowds into a frenzy, is an attempt at relevance - if they can scare the Western world to move even a little bit, their sense of pride is somewhat restored and they can go to sleep with their delusions that they matter. Threats of economic sanctions or oil boycotts are nothing more than pathetic attempts to show that they have a little bit of control left in this world.

Terror serves exactly the same purpose. The very asymmetry of terror, where a small number of people can instill fear in a much larger population, is a way to show relevance for a people who cannot compete on a level playing field. This is why terror is celebrated by such a huge percentage of the Arab world, even as they pretend to denounce it - they are proud that they can still make a difference.

Unfortunately, this is not a problem that can be cured by counseling or self-esteem books.

There is an entire other dimension to this psychological history of the Arab (and to some extent the Muslim) world, but it will have to wait for another time.
  • Sunday, February 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
He says it better and with much more knowledge than I did.
  • Sunday, February 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A woman was murdered and five other people sustained wounds after a Palestinian terrorist of about 20 stabbed Route 51 minibus passengers in the town of Petach Tikva, east of Tel Aviv, Sunday morning.

Four of the stab victims are reportedly in serious condition, while another was lightly injured. MDA Director-General Eli Bin said the murder victim, a woman of about 60, sustained numerous stab wounds in her chest and abdomen.
Just waiting for the condemnations pouring in from the Muslim world. Any minute now.

UPDATE: Hamas never disappoints:
On the murder of an Israeli woman and injuring of five others near Tel Aviv earlier in the day by a Palestinian, the Hamas leader blamed the Israeli occupation.

He said if Israel wanted stability in the region, it should "stop its aggression and start to seriously think about leaving, and for the Palestinians to regain all their rights."

Saturday, February 04, 2006

  • Saturday, February 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islam not only frowns upon images of Mohammed, but also images of Moses, Jesus and Mary.

After seeing the riots and burning buildings as a result of the relatively innocuous cartoons of Mohammed published in Denmark....

Imagine what would happen if the Louvre would be taken over by Muslims.
  • Saturday, February 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Take a few Danish cartoons. Simmer for five months.
Add generous heapings of Muslim paranoia, unconstrained Jew-hatred, and a smattering of European media trying to belatedly prove they have freedom of the press, and you get:

The Zionist conspiracy to insult Mohammed!
Damascus, (SANA) - Minister of Awqaf or religious Endowments urged the Danish government Thursday to deal with the issue of insulting Prophet Mohammed by Danish newspapers while the Danish ambassador called to open a new page via dialogue....“ This is to put an end to the Zionist lobby that damages ties among peoples … we note that Zionist hands that spread corruption among peoples and nations are behind such seditions,” the minister told the ambassador.
TEHRAN, Feb. 3 (MNA) -- The insulting caricatures of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his household) published by the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, the Norwegian periodical Magazinet, and the German daily Die Welt have the potential to create a dangerous rift between Islam and the West.

Although the Western media have often insulted Islamic sanctities -- an obvious example is the book “The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie – these publications’ recent insults of the prophet of Islam are a new development that had not occurred before.

The simultaneous measures definitely were not an accident. Rather, they are part of a comprehensive plan to confront Islam.

A careful analysis of similar events around the world over the past five years reveals that the U.S. neoconservatives and the Zionist lobby have formulated a plot to influence public opinion in the West so as to foster animosity between Islam and Christianity.
Meanwhile, in Lebanon...
Vice-President of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council Sheikh Abdel-Amir Qabalan has demanded that the journalist responsible for publishing the 12 caricatures in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten be put on trial.

Qabalan was speaking on Friday following a meeting with Danish Ambassador to Syria and Jordan Ole Egberg Mikkelsen who conveyed to the Shiite cleric a letter from Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen that included an apology for the insult made to Prophet Mohammad and Islam.

Qabalan said: "I believe that the person responsible for the caricatures is a Jew or Zionist, because such an insult is the work of a Zionist."
Yup, as always, it is the Jews pulling the strings behind the worldwide conspiracy to insult Islam.

Many Muslims are calling for a boycott of Western goods altogether because of this kerfuffle.

Also interestingly is the reaction of so-called "moderate" Muslims. MSNBC notes:
Aside from the large demonstrations today, what sort of reaction did you hear from more moderate Palestinians?
Surprising anger. We spoke today to Dr. Asad Abu Sharak, a professor of linguistics at Al Azhar University in Gaza. He is considered to be a moderate and belongs to a group that sponsors an interfaith dialog with Christian and Jews, called Sabel.

Sharak said that he believes that this is part of a conspiracy against the Muslim community and “
this is a premeditated campaign against the Muslims on the part of the West.”

He says that the publication of these cartoons is causing “a clash of civilizations that it will widen the gap of misunderstanding between the West and the East.”

He said he believed that this was an example of a double standard, that when someone denigrates the Holocaust they throw them in jail. But when someone denigrates the religious figure that Muslims hold most dear, they call it freedom of speech. He believes that the publication of the cartoons is actually a “premeditated crime” against Muslims and that “those people who published those cartoons should be brought to court.”

And this is coming from someone who is considered to be very moderate, but this was his attitude. Sharak lived in Ireland eight years and lived and taught at the University of Michigan for a year.

He doesn’t see this as an isolated incident, but rather as a campaign against Islam, and
he was very vehement about that.
The only conclusion one can reach is that when "moderate" Muslims want dialogue with others, it is only to push their agenda, but not to listen to a word that the other side may have to say. For someone to live in the West for a decade and not understand the basics of freedom of speech means that he was not listening.

The hypocrisy is stunning. The freedoms that they are demanding only apply to them and not to any non-Muslim. The day that a Muslim stands up and says that Arab newspapers should not publish anti-semitic cartoons is the day that he has some legitimacy complaining about the (mostly innocuous) cartoons published in Denmark.

Friday, February 03, 2006

  • Friday, February 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Those crafty Joooooz!
Tehran, Feb 1 - Iranian police announced on Tuesday that Israel is behind the smuggling of liquors into Iran.

"Foot print of Israeli companies and affiliated security organizations is seen in the smuggling of liquors to Iran," said local police commander Colonel Hossein Abdi in an interview with IRNA here on Tuesday.

Abdi said that Israeli companies, backed fully by the smugglers, transit liquors to Iraq via Ibrahim Khalil border and from there to Iran.

He said that Israeli security organizations are in efforts to spread flagrancy and corruption among young generation to harm the Islamic establishment.

He added that the facilities of the companies have been put at the disposal of the smugglers to motivate them to be active in the business.

To support his claim, Abdi said that the detained smugglers have confessed that the companies selling the liquors inside Iraqi territory receive the consignment when it is delivered safely to the destination.

He said since the start of the current Iranian year on March 21, 2005, more than 210 bottles and cans of liquors have been confiscated from smugglers in Mahabad.
So over 11 months, they confiscated about five cans of beer a week.

But I think that they are onto something. The morality of the Persian people is way too high (blowing up millions of Jews - good, having a woman drive a car - bad) and the Zionists need to tempt them with Western vices. It is time for the Elders to work on an initiative to spread flagrancy and corruption.

It should be called the Immorality to Really Anger Nutcases initiative.

A few bottles of booze is just the beginning. Immorality takes many forms, and poisoning the pure minds of Persians is a worthy goal.

IRAN will use the global resources of the Zionists to undermine Iranian morality. The best way to do this is to disguise it as an anti-Zionist message, making it easy to infiltrate past the borders of the holy Islamic Republic.

First, we will publish pamphlets that show just how degraded and immoral the Zionist West has become. This pamphlet will be liberally illustrated with examples, such as the scandalous attire worn on the red carpet of the Oscars. Chapter 8 will be titled "Very Immoral Content! Do Not Read Unless You Are Pure of Mind!" and will include soft core porn, Budweiser ads and Mohammed cartoons.

Videos wil also have to be produced using our Hollywood connections. The storylines will be of a familiar theme: Hook-nosed cannibal rabbis stealing the eyes of Palestinian children, the normal Muslim prime-time fare. But then the bearded rabbis will make a trip to the beach in Eilat to plan to jam Iranian air force radar and in the background will be topless European women frollicking in the surf. After 30 minutes of this scene, the rabbis will join them to play volleyball. These videos will play on the Zionist Al-Jazeerah network.

In order to stop Iranian intelligence to find out about these plans, pictures of female ankles should be placed in strategic places of the written instructions. The pure Persians will be forced to avert their eyes and we can continue our nefarious plans to contaminate and ultimately dominate the Islamic world.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

  • Thursday, February 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The JIBs are just about over, and I would like to thank those who voted for my blog both in the preliminary round and in the finals.

Despite the kvetching, the vote manipulation, and the groveling by certain blogs for votes, the JIBs were a success. Average daily readership of this blog increased by about 30% for the duration of the awards; I hope most of my new readers stick around (and that I have the time to keep posting.)

  • Thursday, February 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the unwritten mottoes of this blog is Jewish unity. I hesitate to criticize an Israeli government from afar, preferring to write about issues that every thinking person can agree on. Also I am not nearly as well-read in internal Israeli politics as many other JBloggers and there is little I can add to the discussion.

I will try to bend over backwards to give the benefit of the doubt to any Jewish Israeli in issues of Israel and Zionism. I might be saddened by things that happen, and I might disagree with what the government does, but almost always I can understand it.

Gaza is a perfect example - I disagreed strongly but I can understand it and I can readily see that the motivation, however misguided, was a love for Israel.

I can see no such justification for what happened in Amona. The method, timing and viciousness of this attack against unarmed Jews, especially children, is unforgivable.

Read other blogs for the details - I recommend Boker Tov Boulder - but this distresses me greatly. To me, this is the turning point where Israel ceases to be a Jewish state. To me, this is where the leaders of Israel have lost the last vestiges of faith in G-d.

And when Israel loses its unity - when Israel forgets its roots - that is beyond tragic. When winning an election is more important than the welfare of her own citizens; when non-Israeli Arabs get treated with more respect than the most patriotic Jews, when bloodying fellow citizens is cheered as a victory for the rule of law, one must conclude that the current Israeli leadership has lost its way.

And unfortunately, when Israel forgets the fact that her very existence is a continuing daily public miracle, the Creator of that miracle may, chas ve'shalom, forget her.
  • Thursday, February 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Simply Jews, in response to this news item - a modest proposal just for Mr. Zahar:

  • Thursday, February 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hamas victory has put the spotlight on the Palestinian Arab-administered areas, especially how the Arabs will be able to maintain their economy when a huge percentage of their budget is in the form of welfare handed over from the West.

The Palestinian Arab economy is very interesting. It is wholly dependent on the one nation that it wants to destroy. According to the CIA World Factbook, when the second intifada started 100,000 Palestinian Arabs lost their jobs. Since they have no independent economy, the Palestinian Arabs went to the West begging for funds to pay for bogus "policemen" and pay them off to pretend to no longer be interested in terror.

No one seems to ask the question: why have the Palestinian Arabs, who have been there for decades, failed to build up any sort of decent independent infrastructure and economy on their own?

Many would answer that Israeli military actions have devastated any chance that Palestinian Arabs may have had to build such an infrastructure. This theory assumes that it is impossible to build something permanent in uncertain times, that one cannot expect people to think far ahead when they have to worry about today.

Let me introduce you to the Palestinian Jews of the 1930s.

During the 30's, the Jews (and many Arabs) of Palestine were under relentless attack by bands of Arab terrorists. I have documented this situation in many other postings here; check out this posting about a single day in 1938 and this one about 1936 Arab incitement to terror with predictable results, as well as an article on a 1936 massacre in Atarot.

And yet the Jews who were under attack, for whom going to work was dangerous in itself, continued to do what was necessary to build their land. As the Palestine Post reported in 1937:

Even as more Jews managed to move in, they had no skills in agriculture. Yet they managed to obtain jobs and pitch in despite the uncertain pre-war atmosphere, despite the constant terror attacks, despite the fact that the future was very unclear.

And without any nations contributing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Then as now, a main beneficiary of the nascent Middle East economic powerhouse was the local Arab populace. Indeed, this is the major reason that so many Arabs moved to Palestine (often illegally) during the 1920s and 30s. The Jews would make money, the Arabs would get the trickle-down benefits of jobs and markets for their own goods.

The difference between how the Palestinian Jews and Arabs acted during times of trouble is highlighted in this article from 1939. The Jews kept growing the economyduring the worst of the terror, the Arabs fled.

To be sure, the Zionists of the era had a lot of monetary help from their Jewish brethren across the world, especially the US. But a significant amount of this help was in the form of private investments - Jews who expected (and realized) financial gains from investing in the Zionist project.

One cannot help but wonder: where are the major Arab investors in a Palestinian Arab future? Why do we not see any mutual funds specializing in Palestinian Arab industry or agriculture? Where are the Palestinian Arabs who are looking ahead to building their possible future state and setting the groundwork now? Why do we see Saudi telethons for terrorist families and not for building towns and parks?

If the goal is a Palestinian state, the absence of these factors is puzzling. If the goal is the destruction of Israel, then it all makes perfect sense.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a comparison of what Hamas has been saying in Newsweek and the Washington Post over the past couple of days, and what their charter says (which they still accept in full.)
Hat tip to The Zionist Conspiracy for the idea.

Hamas Media Blitz Hamas Charter
There must come a day when we will live together, side by side once again. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah’s victory prevails.
Our society has always celebrated pluralism in keeping with the history and traditions of the Holy Land. In recognizing Judeo-Christian traditions, Muslims nobly vie for and have the greatest incentive and stake in preserving the Holy Land for all three Abrahamic faiths. Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.
Hamas has elected 15 female legislators poised to play a significant role in public life. The Muslim women have a no lesser role than that of men in the war of liberation; they manufacture men and play a great role in guiding and educating the [new] generation.... The women in the house and the family of Jihad fighters, whether they are mothers or sisters, carry out the most important duty of caring for the home and raising the children upon the moral concepts and values which derive from Islam; and of educating their sons to observe the religious injunctions in preparation for the duty of Jihad awaiting them. Therefore, we must pay attention to the schools and curricula upon which Muslim girls are educated, so as to make them righteous mothers, who are conscious of their duties in the war of liberation. They must be fully capable of being aware and of grasping the ways to manage their households. Economy and avoiding waste in household expenditures are prerequisites to our ability to pursue our cause in the difficult circumstances surrounding us. Therefore let them remember at all times that money saved is equivalent to blood, which must be made to run in the veins in order to ensure the continuity of life of our young and old.
The West has nothing to fear from Hamas. We're not going to force people to do anything. We will not impose Sharia. The PLO is among the closest to the Hamas, for it constitutes a father, a brother, a relative, a friend. Can a Muslim turn away from his father, his brother, his relative or his friend? Our homeland is one, our calamity is one, our destiny is one and our enemy is common to both of us. Under the influence of the circumstances which surrounded the founding of the PLO, and the ideological invasion which has swept the Arab world since the rout of the Crusades, and which has been reinforced by Orientalism and the Christian Mission, the PLO has adopted the idea of a Secular State, and so we think of it. Secular thought is diametrically opposed to religious thought. Thought is the basis for positions, for modes of conduct and for resolutions. Therefore, in spite of our appreciation for the PLO and its possible transformation in the future, and despite the fact that we do not denigrate its role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, we cannot substitute it for the Islamic nature of Palestine by adopting secular thought.
Hamas wants peace.We hate bloodshed and killing. We don't want to fight. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters.

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, an American "news" source allows a Hamas terrorist to give unfiltered opinions on its own pages. Once again, the Hamas terrorist uses the key words of the liberal "progressive" movement to support his terror aims (taking care not to make the liberals think that Hamas is promoting a theocracy.). And once again, Hamas is saying the exact opposite message in Arabic.

This time it is the Washington Post:

DAMASCUS, Syria -- A new era in the struggle for Palestinian liberation is upon us. Through historic fair and free elections, the Palestinian people have spoken.

Accordingly, America's long-standing tradition of supporting the oppressed's rights to self-determination should not waver. The United States, the European Union and the rest of the world should welcome the unfolding of the democratic process, and the commitment to aid should not falter. Last week's victory of the Change and Reform Party in the Palestinian legislative elections signals a new hope for an occupied people.

...Through its legacy of social work and involvement in the needs of the Palestinian people, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) flourished as a positive social force striving for the welfare of all Palestinians. Alleviating the debilitative conditions of occupation, and not an Islamic state, is at the heart of our mandate (with reform and change as its lifeblood).

Despite the pressures of occupation and corrupt self-rule, Palestinian civil society has demonstrated its resilience in the face of repressive conditions. Social institutions can now be given new life under a reformed government that embraces the empowerment of the people, facilitates freedoms and protects civil rights.

Our society has always celebrated pluralism in keeping with the unique history and traditions of the Holy Land. In recognizing Judeo-Christian traditions, Muslims nobly vie for and have the greatest incentive and stake in preserving the Holy Land for all three Abrahamic faiths. In addition, fair governance demands that the Palestinian nation be represented in a pluralistic environment. A new breed of Islamic leadership is ready to put into practice faith-based principles in a setting of tolerance and unity.

...Hamas has elected 15 female legislators poised to play a significant role in public life. The movement has forged genuine and lasting relationships with Christian candidates.

As we embark on a new phase in the struggle to liberate Palestine, we recognize the recent elections as a vote against the failures of the current process. A new "road map" is needed to lead us away from the path of checkpoints and walls and onto the path of freedom and justice. The past decade's "peace process" has led to a dramatic rise in the expansion of illegal settlements and land confiscation. The realities of occupation include humiliating checkpoints, home demolitions, open-ended administrative detentions, extrajudicial killings and thousands of dead civilians.
As the Israelis value their own security, Palestinians are entitled to their fundamental rights to live in dignity and security. We ask them to reflect on the peace that our peoples once enjoyed and the protection that Muslims gave the Jewish community worldwide. We will exert good-faith efforts to remove the bitterness that Israel's occupation has succeeded in creating, alienating a generation of Palestinians. We call on them not to condemn posterity to endless bloodshed and a conflict in which dominance is illusory. There must come a day when we will live together, side by side once again.

The failed policies of the U.S. administration are the result of the inherent contradiction in its position as Israel's strongest ally and an "honest broker" in the conflict. World nations have condemned the brutal Israeli occupation. For the sake of peace, the United States must abandon its position of isolation and join the rest of the world in calling for an end to the occupation, assuring the Palestinians their right to self-determination.

We appeal to the American people's sense of fairness to judge this conflict in light of the great thoughts, principles and ideals you hold dear in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the democracy you have built. It is not unreasonable to expect America to practice abroad what it preaches at home. We can but sincerely hope that you use your honest judgment and the blessings of ascendancy God has given you to demand an end to the occupation. Meaningful democracy cannot flourish as long as an external force maintains the balance of power. It is the right of all people to pursue their own destiny.

The writer is deputy political bureau chief of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). He has a U.S. doctorate in engineering and was indicted in the United States in 2004 as a co-conspirator on racketeering and money-laundering charges in connection with activities on behalf of Hamas dating to the early 1990s, before the organization was placed on the list of terrorist groups. He was deported to Jordan in 1997.
The terrorists have completely co-opted the language of the Left in their pursuit of genocide against Israeli Jews. At the moment, the world doesn't seem to be buying it, but Hamas knows quite well the lessons of Arafat - just keep hammering at it for a while, blame all terror attacks on Fatah and Islamic Jihad, keep getting the amoral "even-handed" liberals to assimilate their message of a Holy Land where Jews and Christians pay a jizya tax to live there, where blowing up grandmothers in buses is just "resistance against occupation," where democracy is a tactic for an extremist Muslim theocracy.

Nobody wated to talk to Arafat while the PLO was hijacking planes in 1970, but he addressed the UN in 1974. Islamists have patience, and they know that the world has many people who will use any excuse to believe them against the Jews.

Some pro-Israel liberals think that today's calls by the West for Hamas to reform are meaningful.

Just wait a few months or years, as Hamas successfully becomes mainstream and considered "moderate". Once again only Israelis who want to live in their land will be called the "extremists."

It will not take too long for the Arafatization of Hamas to be complete, and rags like the Washington Post are only too happy to accelerate that process.
This month's Muslim outrage has been directed towards Scandinavians over the Danish newspaper printing cartoons of Mohammed:
Norway's Foreign Ministry was heeding a warning Monday from Islamic groups that want all Scandinavians out of Gaza. The groups claim the Scandinavians have offended them by printing controversial caricatures of their prophet Mohammed.

One Islamic group burned a Danish flag over the weekend.

PHOTO: REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini

The first drawing, which showed the prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb, appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten in September and was re-printed in a Norwegian Christian publication called Magazinet earlier this month. Islamic law forbids any illustrations of the prophet Mohammed, so the caricatures have spurred protests from Islamic countries and from Muslims living in Denmark.

One Islamic group demanded on Sunday that all Scandinavians leave the Gaza Strip within 48 hours. Armed members of another group, the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, handed out pamphlets in Gaza encouraging Danes and Swedes to leave within three days.

Members of the al-Aqsa Brigade burned a Danish flag, and a Norwegian Foreign Ministry official said the ministry has alerted Norwegians to the groups' threats.

A year ago it was supposed Koran desecrations, the year before that it was supposed Israeli digging under the Temple Mount. There is no end of source for Muslim "outrage", often resulting in riots and deaths.

World reaction to these periodic outbreaks of insanity is interesting. The craziness of the Islamic world is taken as a given in Western reactions.

Geopolitics is partially based on the idea that Arabs and Muslims are completely irrational. Instead of treating them like normal adults who need to take responsibility for their actions, we treat them like your crazy Uncle Ned who makes a scene every Thanksgiving. We smile nervously, say whatever we need to say to calm him down for now, lock up the liquor cabinet and hope he doesn't drive into a crowd. And when he acts sort-of rationally, we fall all over ourselves complimenting him on not setting the table on fire.

So we now see entire nations and former world leaders who publicly condemn the horrible fact that free speech exists in some parts of the world and try to say the right things to avoid a billion Uncle Neds from getting more pissed off. Better to say a little white lie than to risk finding out what Ned could do when he becomes really belligerent. It never works, of course, but what else can we do?

The Arabs have perpetuated this idea of their own mass psychosis when it is convenient for them. How many times have we heard threats that the "Arab street" will rise up unless the West does whatever the Arab world demands this week? Isn't that the same thing as threatening to unleash a few million Uncle Neds?

There is of course a solution. It is to treat everyone as actual mature grown-ups, and when they act irresponsibly they should be punished, not rewarded or coddled. It seems like an obvious point when the Uncle Neds are running nations, but somehow the West can't quite figure this out.

They'd rather condemn the rational parties.
  • Tuesday, January 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From MEMRI, a Hamas leader on Al-Jazeera, in Arabic of course:
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al: "Some people believe it is impossible to combine resistance with politics. As long as we are an occupied people, resistance is our natural right."


"The Legislative Council is one of the Oslo Accords' political frameworks, but the Oslo plan is over. It is no longer effective, and no one follows it anymore, and I don't think our people will accept the revival of Oslo, after it has been buried and eulogized by all."


"We will not accept any formula that undermines some or all of our rights. In other words, we are committed to the liberation of the land and to Jerusalem. We will not agree to any kind of disregard [of our right] to Jerusalem. We are more committed to Jerusalem than Sharon and the enemy leaders. We are committed to the right of return and to our rejection of the settlements. We are committed to the resistance and adhere to its weapons. These are our choices and our fundamental principles, which the Palestinian people supported even before the elections. In the elections, I believe, the Palestinian people clearly demonstrated this support, in a democratic manner. No one should accuse us of being out of line or singing out of tune. There are internal Palestinian agreements. True, the Palestinian Authority was founded on the basis of the Oslo Accords. We recognize that this is a reality, and we will deal with it with the utmost realism, but without neglecting our fundamental principles and our rights. We will honor any agreement or commitment, as long as they benefit our people and do not infringe upon its rights. In other words, we will honor our Palestinian commitments, provided they serve our people and do not infringe upon its rights, and we will not accept dictates. This is, very clearly, our position. We are capable of maintaining this position, despite all the pressure. As for recognizing [Israel] and amending our charter - Hamas is not the kind of movement that succumbs to pressure. The occupation has no legitimacy. We will not recognize it, no matter how much time passes. We will never recognize the occupation as legitimate, and we will not give up on our rights. However, we are realistic, and we know things are done gradually, in stages."


"America may not recognize a certain country, yet it succumbs to reality. Today we, the Palestinians, do not recognize the legitimacy of the occupation, but this does not mean I want to abolish Israel in a matter of moments. I have a plan of commitment to my land and my rights."


"Succumbing to the will and pressure of others is unacceptable, but by our own decision, we can either calm or escalate the situation, depending on what is required at each stage. But if anyone expects Hamas to agree to take steps that it would not agree to in the past, I say clearly, brothers and sisters: We will not withdraw from our fundamental principles, from our rights and our strategic goals. The map of Palestine, for any Hamas member and for any Palestinian, is the well-known Palestinian map, just like any European or American - if you ask him about his country's map, he says to you: 'My country's map is this and that...' When they bring us someone from Europe or America who is willing to give up his country's map, and accepts a distorted map - come back to us then. The Palestinian rights remain intact. But we believe in acting according to stages, gradually and realistically, and we have the ability to obtain our rights, step by step. We will establish our state on any piece of land we liberate, providing we have real sovereignty over this land, Allah willing."


"There is a difference between regarding the period of calm as divergence from the resistance - which will never happen - and regarding the period of calm as one of the tactics of the resistance."
Now look at a description of the PLO plan in 1974:

The PLO was born with a committment to the destruction of Israel and in the early days of the organization, they would consider nothing other than that immediate objective. The October 1973 Yom Kippur War convinced the Arabs that they would not be able to destroy Israel through military action within its post-1967 boundaries. Thus they embarked upon a new three-stage strategy for Israel's destruction, embodied in the Palestine Liberation Organization's 1974 Political Program, commonly known as the "Phased Plan", adopted at the 12th Session of the Palestinian National Council, held in Cairo, June 9, 1974.

The plan has three main articles:

  • Through the "armed struggle" (i.e., terrorism), to establish an "independent combatant national authority" over any territory that is "liberated" from Israeli rule. (Article 2)

  • To continue the struggle against Israel, using the territory of the national authority as a base of operations. (Article 4)

  • To provoke an all-out war in which Israel's Arab neighbors destroy it entirely ("liberate all Palestinian territory"). (Article 8)

The Phased Plan remains the basis of PLO actions, even in the era of the Oslo Accords. Speaking on September 1, 1993, just after the announcement of the 1993 Israel-PLO agreement, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat announced on Radio Monte Carlo that the Oslo agreement:

  • ...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated.

In addition to the action plan against Israel, Articles 5-6 of the PLO plan call for a revolution in Jordan to establish a new Jordanian regime which will ally itself with the Palestinian National Authority. Historically, Jordan comprised the bulk of the territory of Palestine, and a majority of its residents are of Palestinian origin. The PLO has never recognized the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Jordan as a state independent of Palestine.

Monday, January 30, 2006

  • Monday, January 30, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
At least one on-line newspaper will publicly leak out the IP address of a person making a comment on an article. This means that if you say something provocative, you can end up inviting hackers to attack your PC.

Knowing this information would have a dampening effect on free speech!


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