Thursday, August 17, 2017

  • Thursday, August 17, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Scoop World:
The Auckland-based star of a video entitled “I am a Zionist”, which has been viewed by more than six hundred thousand people on social media, has admitted she is surprised by the reach.
“I didn’t expect the message to touch so many people. The responses have been overwhelmingly supportive”, said Juliet Moses, “and showed that many identified with the views I expressed. It seems most Kiwis are probably also Zionists, without knowing it”.
Produced by the Israel Institute of New Zealand, the video has been shared by more than 7,390 people. It presents a brief history of the Jewish homeland, affirms the indigeneity of the Jewish people and outlines the involvement of the United Nations in Israel’s establishment.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Advocating aliyah creates friction. Sometimes people think you are trying to display your moral superiority (“nyah, nyah, I moved to the Jewish state and you didn’t”). Sometimes they think you are trying to steal their children – my wife was a religious school teacher in the US, and some parents didn’t forgive her when their kids became lone soldiers here. Sometimes they hate you for reminding them of what they already believe, but haven’t acted on. Sometimes they think that you are a pest, because they are happy being Americans or French or British. And sometimes they dislike Israel itself, oppose nationalism of any kind, or feel sorry for the Palestinians.

I used to avoid doing it. But not anymore.

For those living in continental Europe or Britain, it’s simply a question of how much Jew-hatred you are prepared to tolerate in your daily life. Yes, you are a tough guy, no antisemite can force you to do anything, but do you really want to live in a place where a large proportion of your neighbors dislike or even hate you? You know it’s going to get worse over time, so unless you perversely enjoy conflict, you are probably already thinking of leaving.

But what if you live in the US? The commitment to tolerance of Jews and other minorities is high, expressions of Jew-hatred have been relatively rare (until very recently), and there are large Jewish communities as well as places where there are practically no Jews at all, so you can choose whichever you prefer. You are not going to be rounded up and forced into ghettos, and your kids probably won’t get beaten up on their way to school (although that’s more likely than it was 10 years ago).

Nevertheless, you should still start planning your aliyah.

As a member of the Jewish people, can you share the national goals of your diaspora home? For example, the US has just delivered a shipment of weapons and equipment to the Lebanese Armed Forces, which we know is tantamount to giving them to Hezbollah, Israel’s most immediately threatening enemy. And this happened during the relatively friendly, if somewhat erratic, Trump Administration! The previous President did far worse, of course, making a deal with Iran that basically granted the regime the right to develop nuclear weapons in a relatively short time span, and pumped money into its economy (including delivering pallets containing millions of dollars in cash). How do you feel about the way your taxes are used?

We don’t want to admit this, but the interests of the US and the Jewish people are not the same. Support for Israel has become a partisan issue, and surveys show that the Democratic party has moved far to the left on issues related to Israel. When the Republican administration is replaced (as it surely will be) by a Democratic one led by a progressive candidate (almost a certainty) then the relationship with Israel will take a sharp turn for the worse.

Yes, you can stay where you are and try to turn it around, a frustrating and probably impossible enterprise (anyone involved in pro-Israel advocacy in the US today knows this). Or you can decide to try to strengthen the Jewish state with your own hands.

Recent news reports about violent confrontations in the US between the extreme Right and Left have been shocking. Not so surprisingly, when their spokespersons are interviewed, it turns out that they agree about one thing – the Jews. The Right prefers to say that Jews control international finance and the media, while the Left is all about intersectional anti-Zionism and how it’s Israel’s fault when black people in America are shot by police, but they both have a problem with Jews.

Don’t kid yourself, the distinction between anti-Zionism and Jew-hatred is one without a difference. Although it is still socially unacceptable on the moderate Left to directly attack Jews (but even that is changing), the Jewish state is a legitimate target. It’s not an accident that the same people support self-determination for every indigenous group except the Jewish people, ignore oppression throughout the world but discover it when Israelis defend themselves against Arab terrorism, and question the right to exist of only one out of 193 UN member states.

If you live in a large city or a suburb of one, are a student or academic, or in a coastal area – in other words, a “blue” area, your neighbors will probably share some of the “progressive” attitudes about Israel mentioned above. If you live in a “red” area, many of them will hold more traditional anti-Jewish beliefs. Which do you prefer? Neither will be comfortable.

Many of the strongest anti-Zionists (and therefore antisemites) are Jewish. This has driven a wedge through liberal Jewish congregations in which many older members still believe that the Zionist aspiration for self-determination in our historical homeland is still legitimate, and those, mostly younger, who see it as a contradiction of their intersectional progressive belief systems. This phenomenon is increasing as anti-Zionism becomes more and more entrenched in the educational system.

What should a Zionist Jew who finds him or herself in such a community do? What if even the leaders of the community share the anti-Zionist position, something increasingly common in liberal congregations?

Polarization in America is increasing. I lived in America through the Clinton, Bush and much of the Obama years, but judging by the media (mainstream, alternative and social) and my own correspondents, I don’t recognize my former home today. Social cohesiveness seem to be disappearing, divisions deepening, the economic state of the middle class never recovered from 2008, and confidence in government, media, business, law enforcement, education, health care – almost every major institution and societal function has fallen to unprecedented lows.

This is bad for America as a whole, but it is terrible for the Jews. For literally thousands of years, whenever there has been social instability, the Jews suffer. They are a visible element (even those who think they aren’t, are) and it is natural and traditional to blame them. They were blamed for the Black Death, for Germany’s defeat in WWI, for Communism, for various financial panics, for AIDS, for 9/11, for Obama and for Trump.

I am not predicting pogroms or purges of Jews. But I do think that life in America for Jews will become less comfortable, possibly more dangerous, and most importantly for those who are Zionists, without national purpose.

I’m not discussing all the problems involved in living in Israel. There are plenty. But in the diaspora, you struggle just to survive. In the Jewish state, you struggle, at least in part, for the Jewish people. If this is something you care about, it’s more significant than anything else.

There are those with good reasons to stay where they are: family, age, responsibilities. But if you believe that the Jewish people should exercise their right of self-determination in their historic homeland and are not prevented from making your own contribution, then – what are you waiting for?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

The Palestinian Authority is a Genocidal Terrorist Entity and Should be Treated as Such
The PLO became the first terrorist organization to have a seat at the UN and diplomatic representation in a Western country.
Daniel Pipes suggested measures to move the conflict in a constructive direction without causing major conflagration: require the Palestinian Authority (PA) pay for all damages inflicted by terrorists, including a very high price for each stolen life; burying the dead terrorists without returning them to their families; severely limiting access to West Bank territories ruled by the PA; banning PA leaders from entering Israeli airports if they make inflammatory remarks and each time there is anti-Israeli violence, or even asking them to use Jordanian airports from now on.
Why not tell European leaders that the Palestinian Authority is still a genocidal terrorist organization? Why not ask them how they can agree to finance in the Middle East what they claim to reject with horror in Europe?
PMW: Arab League lies: Israel does medical experiments on prisoners and murders them
The Arab League has adopted some of the Palestinian Authority’s most odious libels and is disseminating them as if they were facts. The following is from a new official report of the Arab League’s Department of Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories:
“The Arab League condemned the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, and particularly the holding of the Martyrs’ (Shahids’) bodies and theft of their organs, the legislation of additional racist laws, and the proposal of 120 racist laws against the prisoners... carrying out medical experiments on the prisoners within the prisons... it has even intentionally killed prisoners, whether through medical negligence or [after] abducting them to secret prisons.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 15, 2017]
All of these libels echo lies and demonization that the PA leadership disseminates to its people. Demonizing Israelis and Jews by spreading these and a wide range of other libels is a fundamental component of PA messaging to its people. By offering its people a steady diet of lies and libels about Israel and Jews the PA leaders assure a high level of hatred and a large pool of potential terrorists.
The following are a number of examples of these libels that were included in the Arab League’s report being disseminated by PA leaders, as reported by Palestinian Media Watch:
IsraellyCool: Al Jazeera Selects Antisemitic Child Abuser Manal Tamimi As “Palestinian Supermom”
Al Jazeera has come out with a video about How to be a Palestinian Supermom.
Their supermom? Manal Tamimi of the infamous Tamimi clan, which counts unrepentant Sbarro terrorist Ahlam Tamimi (a favorite of Al Jizz) and Pallywood child star Ahed Tamimi (aka “Shirley Temper”) as their members.
So apparently what qualifies a woman as a “palestinian supermom” is bringing her kids to violent protests each and every week, encouraging them to engage in violence while taking footage of them (which you actually see in the video) – while denying this constitutes putting them in danger.
Oh, and being a vile antisemite.
But she sure makes a mean breakfast.
This video comes out around the same time as Israel invalidated the press credentials of an Al Jazeera reporter after he said his journalism was part of the palestinian “resistance.”
This is what Al Jazeera represents – not objective journalism but propaganda and terror incitement of the worst kind.
Here’s hoping we closed down their entire operation here for good.

  • Thursday, August 17, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Felesteen, a Hamas-leaning news site, has an article against the barrier Israel is building underground around Gaza.

It gives two reasons to oppose such a defensive measure.

One is that it makes it harder for the terrorists to infiltrate Israel and kidnap or kill Israelis.

The occupation leadership is seeking through the construction of the barrier to achieve several goals, such as tightening border control and preventing infiltrations as well as destruction of tunnels that can help the resistance to carry out unprecedented strategic operations.

Two is that it will hurt the environment.

Professor of natural geography at the Islamic University, Naim Baroud, said that digging the wall at deep depths in the ground will affect  the soil along the eastern border of the Strip, both near and far.
Baroud pointed out that the soil of Gaza is sandy  so drilling will increase the disintegration and decomposition of the soil, exposing the border area to ​​landslides, especially the eastern region, which is agricultural land planted with all kinds of vegetables and citrus.
He explained that the wall has catastrophic repercussions on the groundwater, rain water flowing from the east from the basin of Hebron and Beersheba to the west to enter the internal reserves in Gaza.
Baroud added that according to Israeli reports, "the occupation intends to inject industrial waste which contain some dangerous and toxic substances such as mercury, and also the possibility that the water contains radioactive materials from the Dimona reactor."
"This wastewater will be inextricably linked to the groundwater reservoir close to the surface of the earth, which will have catastrophic consequences affecting the safety and quality of water and the emergence of a carcinogenic disease."
Yes, Hamas is deeply concerned about the environment. It is so liberal when it is being prevented from murdering Jews.

But you can be sure that the anti-Israel Left will latch onto the second argument as a reason to oppose Israel's defensive measures. As always, the real reason they oppose any Israeli defenses are the first reason given in this article - Israelis shouldn't be able to defend themselves, period.

Which is exactly what Yousef Munayyer, a BDS leader, tweeted the other day:

You can be sure that now Munayyer will seize the supposed environmental impact to argue against the Wall to his liberal friends, many of whom won't realize that he really opposes it because he wants more dead Jews.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Times of Israel reports:
 A suicide bomber killed a Hamas guard in southern Gaza early Thursday when forces tried to stop him from infiltrating into Egypt, members of the terror organization said, in what sources described as a rare attack against the Islamist group.
“Early this morning security forces stopped two people approaching the southern border (with Egypt),” an interior ministry spokesman in the Hamas-run territory said in a statement.
“One of them blew himself up,” it added.
Later a medical source confirmed a member of Hamas had died in the attack.
The source named the man as Nidal al-Jaafari, 28.
Here is the late Mr. Jaafari.

Notice that he is a member of the Al Qassam Brigades, Hamas' "militant wing." But he is also a guard - which means according to the Goldstone report and the PCHR, he is a civilian.

Hamas doesn't distinguish between civilians and their "militants." Yet the world keeps pretending that there is a distinction.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the Rafah crossing is open now for the first time in four months, as Egypt is allowing Hajj pilgrims to leave. Practically no one has been reporting on the actual siege by Egypt on Gazans for four long months - months during which Israel allowed thousands to pass through its own Erez crossing.

More interesting is the reaction of other terror groups to this suicide bombing, apparently by a Salafist.

Islamic Jihad condemned the bombing in Rafah as "outside religion, culture and morality."

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stressed that it is "against the use of weapons, abuse and assault" describing the suicide attack as a  "dangerous violation."

Fatah called it a "terrorist act."

The Popular Struggle Front called this a "dark act that must be combatted"

Yes, the Islamists who innovated suicide bombings as suddenly aghast at the idea of becoming the victims of Islamist suicide bombings. It's so immoral!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, August 17, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Cloudflare is a web proxy service that protects websites from being taken down by distributed denial of service attacks. They have always been proud of the fact that they never took down a site for political reasons, no matter how odious.

But now they took down The Daily Stormer neo-Nazi site after it made headlines in the wake of Charlottesville.

We have followed Cloudflare for a while. They provide protection for jihadist websites that support murdering Jews, like Hamas and Islamic Jihad. I believe that Cloudflare is breaking US law by providing this protection.

In fact, Cloudflare claimed that they refused to provide services to ISIS because it is against the law - yet Hamas and Islamic Jihad and the PFLP and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are also US-designated terror groups, and providing services to them is just as illegal.

But Cloudflare came up with a completely different explanation for dropping the neo-Nazi site, and one not involving hiding behind the law:

Our terms of service reserve the right for us to terminate users of our network at our sole discretion. The tipping point for us making this decision was that the team behind Daily Stormer made the claim that we were secretly supporters of their ideology.
Our team has been thorough and have had thoughtful discussions for years about what the right policy was on censoring. Like a lot of people, we’ve felt angry at these hateful people for a long time but we have followed the law and remained content neutral as a network. We could not remain neutral after these claims of secret support by Cloudflare.
Gizmodo quotes it slightly differently:
 [Cloudflare CEO Matthew] Prince explained in an internal email to staffers that he doesn’t think CEOs of internet companies should be in the position of policing content on their networks—he told Gizmodo he thinks that’s a job that should ultimately be left up to law enforcement if the content violates the law—but felt pushed to act because the operators of the Daily Stormer are “assholes.”
“I realized there was no way we were going to have that conversation with people calling us Nazis,” Prince said. “The Daily Stormer site was bragging on their bulletin boards about how Cloudflare was one of them and that is the opposite of everything we believe. That was the tipping point for me.”
That's the reason? Because some neo-Nazi sissies claimed Cloudflare shared their ideology and they were worried that people would believe them? I call bullshit.

While I don't doubt that some Nazi jerk might have made this claim on a bulletin board somewhere, no one in the world would have plausibly believed that Cloudflare is sympathetic to Nazis, just as it is obviously does not support the aims of jihadists. I cannot find a single news report saying that neo-Nazis claimed this.  No one would have even heard of such a claim if Cloudflare's CEO hadn't himself said it to the media.

Cloudflare supports only one thing, and that's making money. That's why it built its reputation on providing services to unsavory organizations to begin with - and that's why it is dropping its service to the Daily Stormer. The neo-Nazis suddenly became too toxic for GoDaddy and Google and Cloudflare couldn't take the pressure from the media and the tweeters and the angry, angry people.

The jihadists may want to kill or subjugate all the Jews and Christians in the Middle East - but they don't wave swastikas.

Hamas and the other antisemitic jihadist groups are just as morally reprehensible as the neo-Nazis. They have also murdered a lot more people in the past couple of decades than any neo-Nazis have. Cloudflare is simply looking for an excuse to get out of the business of helping the far-Right after Charlottesville - but the lack of outrage over its support for Islamist hate sites is the reason it retains them as clients.

In the end, I still believe that there is a solid legal case to be made against Cloudflare'a aupport of terrorist sites. By protecting websites for terror groups, Cloudflare is providing "material support" to terror groups by the definition of the Patriot Act as I have shown.

I am not going to rely on their CEO's decision that neo-Nazis are assholes but Islamist terrorists aren't. His refusal to support ISIS and The Daily Stormer proves that he does make these decisions for financial reasons which includes fear of being fined by the government. Free speech and morality have nothing to do with it. Cloudflare's CEO is not moral - he is opportunistic.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

From Ian:

IsraellyCool: Huge Own Goal As Israel Haters Release Video of “Palestine” Maps
Quds News Network has come out with the following video, to prove that “Palestine” existed.
I have to thank them for this. (h/t NormanF)

When Will the EU Stop Supporting Anti-Israel Incitement?
On July 26, the European Union Delegation to Israel posted a promotional video highlighting the importance of EU-Israel relations. The film is narrated by Avishai Ivry, an Israeli journalist identified with the Right. Ivry’s involvement drew criticism from across the political spectrum.
Complaints from the Right included, “How dare you promote those who try to meddle in our society?” – referring to the massive European government funding of political organizations operating in Israel. The Left asked, “How dare you oppose foreign funding and simultaneously work for the EU?” – again highlighting European funding of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), but this time condemning Ivry’s “hypocrisy” in disagreeing with the funding while also being paid to promote the EU.
The criticism, from both Left and Right, acutely reflects Israeli public discourse regarding the EU’s involvement in domestic affairs.
Beyond the partisan debate in Israel, the fringe anti-peace (and at times antisemetic) website Electronic Intifada discovered a number of Ivry’s past tweets against Palestinians.
Electronic Intifada demanded the EU remove the video, and indeed within 24 hours the film was removed. The EU’s stated reason – “We want no doubts that anything we do promotes the values the EU stands for.”
It thus appears that the EU is legitimately concerned when its public funds are distributed to individuals that contradict its values (or its image), so much so that it immediately acted on the demand made by the people who run a hate-filled website.
One might therefore imagine that if the EU was told that it was funding NGOs that contradict its values – such as groups that promote antisemitism – that they would immediately investigate and cease the funding.
To be sure, this phenomenon occurs. But the EU’s response has been quite different.
EU Support for Palestinian Security Reforms Has Not Increased Prospects for a Democratic and Viable Palestinian State as Intended
The international community fears that another intense round of violence and confrontation in the West Bank could, as in the past, threaten billions of dollars of investments in the Palestinian state-building project over the last decade. The international donor community remembers well when EU-funded premises, equipment, and PA infrastructure were flattened during the second intifada.
The EU, which is the biggest donor to the PA, has invested in the EU Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS), which prides itself on reforming and overhauling major elements of the Palestinian security establishment and enhancing effective policing.
From the political point of view, however, the mission has achieved little. Over the last decade, the mission has indeed carved the EU a niche in Palestinian security sector reform and increased its visibility in the Middle East peace process. Nevertheless, the EU's strategy to use EUPOL COPPS to pave the way for a democratic and viable Palestinian state by building its security capacities has fallen short.
While the EU generally refrains from supporting security services with a reputation for human rights abuse, such as the U.S.-sponsored Preventive Security agency and the General Intelligence Service of the PA, the EU-supported Palestinian Civil Police (PCP) has also been implicated in the excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrations.
If the current authoritarian backslide of the PA continues, the EU and its mission will be increasingly criticized for financing, professionalizing, and legitimizing a highly politicized and democratically unaccountable police force. This is far from the EU's envisioned approach to security sector reforms.

You'd never know that what happened in Charlottesville was about the Jews. Not from listening to the president, who spoke about racial harmony, the color of our skin, but not one word about the Jews. And not from following Bernie Sanders on Twitter, who had the nerve to call out the president for not saying it like it is, while not saying it like it is—not saying a single word about the Jews.
People like the president and Bernie Sanders, you see, live under the illusion that Jew-hatred is nothing special. That's despite the fact that we have, still walking among us, people who survived the systematic rounding up, gassing, and burning of more than 6 million Jews.

What is comparable to that event in history? How is what happened there anything like garden variety racism?

The answer?

It isn't.

And lumping Jew-hatred with any other hatred, bigotry, or xenophobia waters it down. Takes its meaning away. Makes us feel less alone, less targeted, and puts the world in danger, puts us back in time to the chaos of the Holocaust.

There. I said it. The word that is in a category of its own.

Now you might be excused for looking the other way and hushing up the Jew thing if you'd been duped into thinking the protest was really about the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, or a thousand or so alt right Trump supporters. Except that we know exactly what went down at Charlottesville.

We know that men holding torches shouted "Jews will not replace us."

As if Jews had anything to do with Robert E. Lee or Trump's election.

We know that in Charlottesville, men wore swastikas and gave the Nazi salute in the bright, hot summer sunlight while chanting, "Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews."

But President Trump said nothing about the Jews or antisemitism, “Racism is evil," he said, though the Jews are not members of a single race. "And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K., neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," he said, blurring the significance of the chants, the symbols, and the salutes.

By Cristiano Del Riccio (Hollywood Olivia Wilde) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By Cristiano Del Riccio (Hollywood Olivia Wilde)
“As I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws,” said Trump, though Jews are not one color or another. “We all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God. We must love each other, show affection for each other and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry and violence," said President Trump, neatly removing any specific reference to the people specifically targeted by the Charlottesville protestors.

Celebrities, whose words should not matter to anyone but do, followed suit.

Olivia Wilde, for instance. Olivia Wilde is an actress. Why should any one of us care what she thinks about abortion or racism? It's a mystery, but we do.

That means that she, Olivia Wilde, is in a unique position to speak out about the ugly, blatant display of Jew-hatred at the Charlottesville protest. But Wilde followed the path of Trump and Sanders and watered it down, speaking of Nazism, blacks, and the alt right, but refraining from all mention of the "J" word.

Lady Gaga? She spoke of the necessity for kindness and love, a form of Jew-hatred blindness that doesn't see what is, and doesn't speak of it. And if we don't speak of it, talk about it incessantly, it will not go away, no matter how much kindness and love this individual or that will throw at the world.

Kim Kardashian, a woman of color married to a black man, also chose not to see the singularity of what those men were chanting. She spoke of "Americans" and "targets of hate & violence," but like Trump, et al, nothing about the Jews.

Demi Lovato spoke of general prejudice and racism. Again, seeing nothing special about what exactly those men were chanting. Not paying heed, giving it no credit.

Jessica Alba went on for quite some time on Instagram chiding those of us who claim others "aren't THAT racist," but saying nothing at all about the target of the protestors or their identity. Which makes you wonder whether she might just be THAT racist.

A post shared by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

The interesting part of this is that there is no difference between President Trump and Bernie Sanders or their mutual supporters. None of them understand that the Jews are the canary in the coal mine and that they have been silenced: muffled on campus and hushed up in the news. They've been plastered over with an Arab narrative that paints them as the villain of the story, whose every word is a lie.

And all are complicit, including the Jews who join the masses, speaking of "occupation" and "choosing love" (instead of truth).

The Jews are not just hated generally, as a needed focus for blame, for venting anger and spleen. There's a back story. The Jew has long been typecast as the one who comes to undermine and destroy society, in particular, white Christian society.

Leo Frank

Why else was the Jewish American Leo Frank lynched for an act he did not commit? But no. This is an ugly story that must be muted.

Along with Henry Ford's Jew-hatred and the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 barring Jews fleeing persecution from the United States, the latter of which prompted President Calvin Coolidge to say at its signing, "America must remain America."

All of these things made it even more important for the president and others to decry what so nakedly happened in Charlottesville by giving it its proper name.

Because Jew-hatred isn't just a fringe thing, something in which wild-eyed crazy men indulge themselves, but something mainstream, too.

Here one must recall the 1862 General Order No. 11, penned by General Ulysses S. Grant, a man who would someday, like Trump, be president. The order expelled Jews from territory under Grant's command over drummed up claims the Jews were war profiteers, running goods between the Union and the Confederacy. Grant's papers from this time referred to the black market as being run "mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders."

Ulysses S. Grant

Henry Ford

As one can see, Jew-hatred, contrary to myopic belief, isn't confined to Eastern Europe. In some of its iterations, Jew-hatred is as American as the DAR or apple pie.

All of this is why, when you've got men in Charlottesville shouting the English version of the Nazi cry, "Blut und boden," (blood and soil), it's not sufficient for the president of the United States to give a canned, watery speech—to speak of "racism," something that brings to mind the divide between black and white people and the controversy over Trump's immigration policy. In using broad terms, you see, the president failed to address the crux of the problem, and the very specific danger at hand.

We have seen the rise of the far left ethos in America. This societal state of mind, historically, has always led to blaming a specific other for economic and social woes. And we know the identity of that other, the one who is always blamed, always at the core of the deepest hate possible, the one who will always be hunted down and murdered, the one who must be eradicated at all costs, as the presumed source of the deepest frustrations of man.

The Jew.

The one who must never be named.


We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

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Beatles 1965Jerusalem, August 16 - Jesus Christ, son of God, the Prince of Peace, King of the Jews, Messiah and Savior, shrugged His shoulders today and stated He had no problem with John Lennon of the Beatles asserting they were more popular than He.

At a press conference at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City, the Lord incarnate as Jesus dismissed protests over Lennon's 1966 remarks and what he called the "insecure obsession" with the words and their implications in the ensuing decades.

"He was right, you know," pronounced the King of Kings in human form. "I had a good run, a lasting impact, but as a driver of contemporary culture, the Beatles have outdone Me. I don't have a problem acknowledging that, and no one else should, either."

"To those who burned or crucified Beatles records, made threatening phone calls, canceled concerts, or otherwise did their darnedest to display righteous outrage, I have one word," continued the founder of the Christian religion. "Chill. You do Me no favors by showcasing your insecurity over the observations of a celebrity. It says more about you than about him, or about Me, and trust Me - you do trust Me, right? - what it says is less than flattering."

"Divine humility was kind of a major point in the whole exercise of My incarnation, torment, and crucifixion," added the Messiah. "If you think I'm going to get exercised, or that you should get exercised, when some egocentric blowhard who got catapulted to fame overnight says something in a way you don't like, well, there's a different kind of news you should be focusing on than that of My dying for anyone's sins."

The Christ also observed the unsavory similarities between those who raised such vociferous objections to Lennon's comments and those to whom the objectors would never want to be compared. "These people remind Me of those who rioted when My good buddy Mohammed appeared in a bunch of cartoons a number of years ago. Went totally ape$#!t. Even he couldn't believe how his followers, once the custodians and promoters of the most advanced civilizations had devolved into shrieking loonies over a bunch of drawings. Well, that's what we have here. As I said, chill."

"I don't need you to defend My honor - I think I demonstrated that on the cross," concluded Jesus. "If you're wondering what Jesus would do under the circumstances, rest assured it does not involve rioting. The whole humility thing appears to be lost on many of you."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Netanyahu’s great challenge
In recent weeks, coalition chairman MK David Bitan has told the media that Netanyahu has pledged not to resign if indicted in light of the trivial nature of the probes. Netanyahu’s ability to remain in his position, in opposition to the non-binding norm dictated by the Supreme Court in 1993, will be a function of the public’s view of him and of the investigations against him. And if Netanyahu is strong enough to stay, then his intention not to fold will have a salutary impact on the fairness of the investigations against him.
If the prosecutors realize they will have to win a case against a sitting prime minister rather than one they have already forced from office in disgrace, their decision about whether or not to indict Netanyahu will be based far more on the investigations’ findings and far less on their political views than in the past.
Although prosecutors do not care what the public thinks of them, they do care what their colleagues think of them. And if they indict a sitting prime minister and then fail to convict him while he is still in office and popular, their colleagues will not think well of them.
So it all boils down to governing. But how should Netanyahu govern? If Netanyahu follows the lead set by prime minister Ariel Sharon when he and his sons were under investigation, and abandons his political base to appease the Left, he will harm his chances of remaining in power. Netanyahu will become as unpopular as Ehud Olmert was when he was indicted. He will not avoid indictment. And he will not be reelected.
If on the other hand Netanyahu is loyal to his voters and implements the Right’s policy on Judea and Samaria – namely, applying Israeli law to Area C of Judea and Samaria in anticipation of the era that will begin when 82-year-old PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas dies – then he will not only be able to stay in office if indicted, he will win the next elections even if he is still enmeshed in criminal probes.
Gil Troy: Go Netanyahu, go – for your sake and Israel’s
Israel is enduring a moment of split-screen governing. Side by side, headlines report Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planning unprecedented visits to South America in November and his opponents anticipating his imminent indictment.
It’s time for Netanyahu to go to his Caesarea retreat and think. He should think about his character. He should think about his actions. He should think about his legacy. And he should think about his people and his nation.
If Netanyahu and his wife are innocent of the mounting allegations against them, he is behaving appropriately. If he really stayed within the law while accepting boxes of cigars and cases of champagne, he shouldn’t quit. He should hold his ground if he really knew nothing about the submarine deal, which, more than a putrid story of bribery, threatens the state’s security by wasting money on unnecessary purchases and by exposing these superfluous submarines to Iranian chicanery through the Revolutionary Guard’s investment in the German manufacturer ThyssenKrupp.
If innocent, Prime Minister Netanyahu is morally obligated to champion the rule of law against the media lynch mob. Israel needs him to defend the principle of electoral legitimacy and stop the criminalization of politics. Our Gotcha Age is bad for democracy. Politicians should be defeated by voters at the ballot box, not slander on the Internet and in the press. We should argue prime ministers out of office, not indict them.
Ben-Dror Yemini: We must stop Raed Salah and his ilk
Sheikh Raed Salah was arrested again on Tuesday. These are his best days. He's succeeding. Three of his followers carried out the terror attack on the Temple Mount and caused an outbreak of violence; the murderers' funeral became a display of solidarity with the shahids (martyrs) not unlike Hamas's anti-Semitic rallies; a young Arab man was killed in Jaffa and a Channel 2 reporter was almost lynched while covering the funeral while nearby businesses refused to give him refuge. The impression we're left with is that Israel's Arab citizens are becoming the enemy from within.
But we ought to be careful not to give the strife-mongers and barons of incitement—the Salahs and Zoabis of the world—more credit than they deserve. There are Hamasniks among them, to be sure. But before the wounds that have a hard time healing become an incurable disease, we should remember that polls conducted in recent years show most Israeli Arabs are actually in a different place—somewhere far less violent and enraged.
According to Israeli Democracy Index, for example, 55 percent of Arabs are proud to be Israeli, and in complete contradiction to the fight their leadership wages, over 50 percent of Arab youths want to do national service. The percentage of recruits among them increases every year.
How can this gap between the polls, which give cause for optimism, and even the process of Israelization among the country's Arab citizens on the one hand, and the displays of violence and hatred on the other hand, be explained?
The libel that kills
Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement's outlawed Northern Branch, refers to himself as the Al-Aqsa sheikh, sailed on the Gaza blockade-busting Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, and for years has spoken of his vision for a global caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital. He is also the same man who for years has disseminated the false warning that "Al-Aqsa is in danger."
His latest arrest, one of dozens, presents a legal question: Has this false suggestion that Israel is somehow planning to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque shifted from being an abstract claim to being an actual weapon, considering that it has motivated vehicular rammers, stabbers, shooters and murderers in recent years?
In practice, the answer is clear: This libel does indeed kill. Quite literally. Hundreds of attacks in recent years were motivated by this falsehood.
It is enough to consider the indictments issued against the attackers, as well as their own statements and Facebook pages, to understand that this libel -- rooted in the days of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini -- has gone beyond the point of just venomous propaganda. It has been turned into an actual weapon, the equivalent of a suicide bomber, a Qassam rocket or a gun. Those who repeat this libel over and over are akin to an attacker who pulls the pin of a grenade or starts a timer on a bomb.

  • Wednesday, August 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
I found this op-ed in an obscure Palestinian news site.

The author complains that so many Jews are visiting the Temple Mount, more than any previous year since 1967, and he is very, very upset.

So he has a solution. Since the Jews visit as tourists and not as worshipers, the Al Aqsa compound must be closed to all visitors. " The Aqsa Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims and not a place for tourism. The Israeli occupation against Al-Aqsa is currently seeking to divide it spatially after being visited under the guise of tourism."

See? The Al Aqsa Mosque is so holy, that only Muslims can visit it. It is a place of worship!

And  soccer:

And parkour:

But they must stop all tourism, because that desecrates the holy place.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, August 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an extreme Islamist organization, banned in many countries, that works towards creating a single Islamic caliphate.

But sometimes the extremists see things more clearly than the rest of the world.

This article in one of their online news sites describes how terribly the Lebanese are treating their Palestinian "guests."

Lebanese authorities outperform Jewish entity by building racist walls!

The Lebanese authorities have completed construction of a concrete wall around the largest refugee camps in Lebanon, the Ein El Helweh camp, which is home to 80,000 people near the southern city of Sidon.
The wall was built between 5 and 6 meters high with barbed wire, with high observation towers up to nine meters high and iron gates at the entrances to the camp, despite promises to stop building it, without regard to any voice or opinion of the residents of this camp who were abandoned and suffered as they are separated from their parents and their homes against their will.
The Lebanese authorities, as usual, did not deal with the conditions of the Palestinians except in terms of security at a time when they neglected to address the humanitarian and economic issues faced by Palestine refugees in Lebanon. This wall was established in coordination with the Palestinian factions and the popular committees in the camp, under the pretext of maintaining security and combating terrorism, which has become a stain on any gathering of Muslims on this land as terrorist spots.
The Palestinian families in this camp are now in a large prison in the presence of towers, barbed wire, and other barriers that are usually used in prisons, which gives them an additional burden and a sense of being imprisoned inside their homes; they can only look at the sky. 
With the intensification of the political and security crisis in the country, and the absence of any legal status for the presence of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon, the Palestinian camps are the most prominent humanitarian issue with all the painful humanitarian details. They live in miserable humanitarian and economic conditions, These refugees are still subject to a discriminatory law that was implemented in 2001, which prevents them from the right to own property and to register their property legally, with difficulty in their access to the labor market and preventing them from working in 25 professions, incuding professions that require union membership, as well as tight to allow the expansion of the camps or the entry of building materials into them. 
These restrictions and unfair measures by the Lebanese state as a "host country", as well as UNRWA's restrictive services measures, have exacerbated the situation of Palestine refugees in Lebanon and those displaced from Syria which increased their daily suffering. 
In short, the humanitarian situation of the Palestine refugees in Lebanon is becoming more fragile day after day, to ask: "Is this the honor of the host?" How much time do we need to know that the problem of the Palestine refugees is not solved by organizations called humanitarian? And controlled by political interests ?! 
The people of Palestine and the refugees have been the fuel of this conflict for the last decades and are still paying their blood and lives for the liberation of their land. They live in oppression and suffering in the country of asylum in the hope of realizing the right of return. 
Lebanon's hospitable rulers! 
It is not the security and military dealings that are dealt with by the guests. It is their duty to honor them not to oppress them and imprison them between the separation wall, which is similar to the apartheid wall that was established by the Jewish entity, as you brandish a sword to terrorize the camp and its people. Will you take responsibility for the inhuman situation you imposed? 
The article throws in some bizarre political theories, blaming the Lebanese abandonment of their Palestinian "guests" on Western and Jewish power, but it is nearly impossible to find any articles in Arabic media that actually mention the institutional apartheid system that Lebanon has against Palestinians.  Too bad no one who matter will read Hizb ut-Tahrir news, and the Palestinians of Lebanon will remain to be treated as cannon fodder.

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