Monday, March 17, 2014

  • Monday, March 17, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports:

Security forces in the city of Suhaj in southern Egypt arrested a 24-year-old man who was corresponding with an Israeli citizen on Facebook, al-Youm al-Sabaa reported on Sunday.

The man is suspected of adding "Israeli pages" to his account, such as pages about the Mossad and the IDF Spokesman.

The man also allegedly criticized Egypt and attempted to travel to Israel through Sudan.

The paper also reported that the man has a Star of David tattoo on his arm, and that a search of his home uncovered a Hebrew-Arabic dictionary.

According to the report, the man reached the Israeli embassy in Cairo in an attempt to get a visa to Israel, claiming he wants to visit Jerusalem, but was unsuccessful.
Egyptian media are of course covering the story. His name is Shenouda Ashraf Sobhy Zekry. Here is his tattoo (UPDATE: No, this photo is from a 2011 story. Egyptian media quality shines through. H/t Bob K)

According to the Egyptian reports, he met an Israeli girl named "Nicolas"(?) in Sharm el-Sheikh, slept with her, she paid him $150 and then he turned into a fan of Israel.

 He started a Yahoo account called and tried to find Israelis to correspond with.

Zekry is charged with "collaborating with the state of Israel in order to damage the status of Egypt's military, political, diplomatic and economic situation, as well as acceptance of money from a foreign state for the purpose of committing an act detrimental to the national interest of the country, have also been a prosecutor charges correspondence with a foreign country in order to share secrets about the defense of the country." He is in jail for 15 days while they find more "crimes" to pin on him.

Sounds just like the Mossad, doesn't it?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Bob Knot in the comments has a tour de force of investigative journalism that destroys the recent libel claiming that Israeli troops fired on the feet of "Palestinian football players" and exposes the people using that incident to disqualify Israel from FIFA as liars. Here I reproduce the comment as a single post.

I found the news about the two young “Palestinian” footballers that were shot by Israeli border police and the growing demands to ban Israel from International competitions upsetting. I know that Zionists “control the world” and all that; there is nothing really to fear, but still, I had to dig up information on the incident. 
It would seem that the anti-Zionist Jew-hating camp never miss an opportunity to demonize and smear Israel .
Dusty of Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers wrote about this new libel here and so did Edgar of Confronting anti-Semitism and Israel hatred on his blog here . Unfortunately, it is not enough.
There are now many calls for the expulsion of Israel from FIFA.
A quick note first and then on with the findings; there was one detail that both Dusty and Edgar were incorrect about in otherwise excellent articles: the two “Palestinian” boys were first treated for their injuries in Hadassah Hospital and were released after four days. Their families checked them then in into a medical facility in Ramallah to be later transferred to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman.
Conflicting reports
The Arabic media first reported on this shooting incident two days after it took place and only after a lawyer for the “Palestinian Ministry of Detainees” got involved. Now, as is often the case in the “Palestinian” world of distortions and lies, there are several conflicting reports on this incident , all disregarding the Israeli Border Police statement .
Notice how Ma’an published two different versions:
“Adam Abd al-Rouf Jamous, 17, and Jawhar Nasser al-Din Halbieh, 19, were mauled by police dogs after Israeli forces opened fire on them without warning near al-Zayyem checkpoint near Abu Dis east of Jerusalem on January 30, Barghouth said.
The pair were visiting a friend's home nearby when Border Police suddenly opened fire in their direction before siccing the dogs on them.” (Ma’an News Agency, Saturday 01/02/2014 (updated) 03/02/2014 10:19, emphasis added)
And then…
“Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17, were shot by Israeli soldiers as they were walking home from a training session in the Faisal al-Husseini Stadium in al-Ram in the central West Bank on Jan. 31.” (Ma’an News Agency, Published Friday 14/02/2014 (updated) 16/02/2014 11:54, emphasis added)

Did the incident take place on the 30th or on the 31st of January?
Were the two visiting a friend’s home as initially reported or were they returning home from training?
Does the Abu Dis Youth Club train in Al-Ram?
Was there actually a training session in the Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium on the 3oth?
Did the two attend one? How about the 31st or were they in the hospital already?
What about the cigarettes story, why was it changed?
Why did Ma’an publish a different version ten days after the first one?

Just look at this map , it is practically unlikely that they traveled from Al-Ram to Abu Dis at night.
The many open questions and holes in the news reports should cast serious doubts about the validity of the “Palestinian” version. Any serious journalist would have looked into the circumstances that led to the boys’ injuries, verify the information, and only then publish the story. That is apparently not the way people that are out to demonize Israel work. Let’s face it; facts are irrelevant, a little research and integrity are not required when the ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.
Love of the game

The Nation, Mondoweiss, and others based their libel and calls for FIFA to kick out Israel on the latest Ma’an article because racism and violence have no place in football. Thumbs up for that, Israelis believe the same; let’s find out more about these two young, innocent, “footballers”, their club, and what does their “training” entail?

(more after the break)

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I mentioned a "work accident" that killed 4 Hamas terrorists in Beit Hanoun, and injured several others, in a family house. (Some sources say three were killed.)

Today, a 2-year old child who was injured in the explosion died. he was named Mohammed al-Hamadin, the same name as one of the Hamas members who was killed, and the house was owned by that family.

According to that article, the terrorists were working on building rockets in their house when it blew up on them.

A 62-year old woman also died last Friday from a separate blast with unknown origins in Beit Hanoun the day before.

PCHR used to keep track of the people killed in "work accidents," "internal explosions" and the like. They hardly do that any more. They did not report about either of these.  The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights likewise has ignored deaths of Arabs because of  Palestinian Arab terror groups.

Which is funny for organizations that pretend to care about "human rights." Apparently, even they believe that  only Arabs killed by Israelis deserve "human rights;" those killed by Arabs are just irritating distractions from the important news.

(h/t Yenta)

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you take your Jewish humor seriously, this year is the 100th anniversary of the death of Gershon Rosenzweig - an almost forgotten yet brilliant satirist whose crowning work was a parody of the Talmud called Masekhet Amerika (Tractate America), of the Yankai Talmud, published in 1891.

Rosenzweig uses his "Talmud" to make a biting commentary on the hard times that Jewish immigrants had to make ends meet. He discusses all aspects of American labor issues at the time, including strikes, "scabs" and mistreatment of workers.  (His mention of "scabs" in the context of labor actually refers to a Talmudic page where it talks about real scabs.)

In this first page he describes America as a place where thieves, murderers and other criminals can go to start with a clean slate, saying that the word "America" is derived from "memarekes" (cleansing), it cleanses the sins of the people who immigrate there.

Another section makes fun of those who disdainfully wear top hats to feel like they are better than others.

If you are interested in some exhaustingly scholarly analysis of Rosenzweig's brilliance, check out these two recent papers by Ephraim Nissan, here and here. Unfortunately they are so scholarly as to drain most of the humor from his work, but Purim is still a good time to recall Gershon Rosensweig.

From Ian:

Johansson hails SodaStream as a ‘model,’ slams politicized Oxfam
Johansson was vigorous in her response, however. “I stand behind that decision. I was aware of that particular factory before I signed it.”
“Really?” the interviewer interjected, apparently surprised or disbelieving.
“Yes, and… it still doesn’t seem like a problem,” Johansson said. “Until someone has a solution to the closing of that factory to leaving all those people destitute, that doesn’t seem like the solution to the problem.”
When the interviewer then put it to her that “the international community says that the settlements are illegal and shouldn’t be there,” Johansson said: “I think that’s something that’s very easily debatable. In that case, I was literally plunged into a conversation that’s way grander and larger than this one particular issue. And there’s no right side or wrong side leaning on this issue.”
Eight Crucial Questions for Abbas (and One for President Obama)
There seems to be a double-standard when it comes to how Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian Authority's erstwhile President, Mahmoud Abbas -- now in the tenth year of his four-year term -- are treated by the Obama White House, as well as by many journalists. While Netanyahu is humiliated, insulted, threatened, and told that he must make "painful concessions" for peace, such as releasing more than 100 terrorists merely to get the Palestinians to come to a negotiating table, Abbas – a facilitator and supporter of these terrorists – is treated with kid gloves, and with Obama virtually begging him to visit.
Eugene Kontorovich; "Israel's Borders in International Law"

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Achashtranim News Sevice (ANS) SHUSHAN - Secretary of State John Kerry is preparing to return to the Persian Empire to defuse the escalating tensions between the Jews and the Amalekites in that Middle Eastern kingdom.

Secretary Kerry thought that he had a framework agreement hammered out between the two parties, including that Jews should be allowed to live "freely and peacefully in the Empire." But Parshandata, spokesman for the Amalekites, refused this condition, saying "International law is on our side."

"The King specifically passed a decree saying, and I quote, 'to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.' The UN and international laws upholds the right of kingdoms to make up their own decrees and to enforce them, This is a local Persian issue and there is no reason for Secretary Kerry to get involved."

Mordechai, a Jewish activist from Shushan, disagrees. "The Amalekites and Agagites are suggesting no less than genocide against an entire people," he said, as he led a small protest outside the King's gates wearing sackcloth and ashes in a media stunt..

Parshandata vehemently denies Mordechai's statement. "There is no such thing as a Jewish people. The idea of Jewish peoplehood is incompatible with the facts of history. They are nothing but criminals, and they have no right to live freely and peacefully."

Mordechai, the Jewish leader, continues to insist this language be included.

Aridata, an Agagite leader and head of the "Brutally Decapitate Semites" (BDS) movement, charged that the Jews were poised to take over the entire kingdom and must be utterly destroyed. While sharpening his sword, he stated, "They already illegally occupy the capital, and many other cities and villages have gathering places where they get together and scheme to dominate everyone else. I hear rumors that there is a Monica Lewinsky situation going on in the King's palace itself, and that the king is being held hostage by a Jewish woman who is blackmailing him!"

Secretary Kerry, not wanting to upset either of the parties in this delicate time for negotiations, and showing frustration that his plan could unravel without an agreement, backtracked on the "live freely and peacefully" condition. He told Congress this week that insisting on the "freely and peacefully" language would be a "mistake for some people to be, you know, raising it again and again as the critical decider." However, in a move that may upset the Amalekites, Kerry insisted that the United States does not want to see the Jews "perish" on the 13th of Adar. "We would strongly protest any mass murder, if it comes to that," Kerry said.

Amnesty International refused to take any sides in the matter. Deborah Hyams, Amnesty researcher on Middle East issues, said, "We are of course against genocide, but the Amalekites have a point when they say that Jews are not a people and killing them all would not constitute 'genocide'. Also, the language of the decree does not sanction mass murder explicitly, but only 'to cause to perish,' which may mean to allow Jews to have the human rights to kill themselves if they so choose.

"We have more important issues to deal with, such as the illegal building of Jewish homes in Judea by the minority who remain there illegally after their alleged Temple was destroyed."

(expanded from an idea by Soccer Dad with his permission)

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From NPR:

Natan Gabbay takes a gulp of clear liquor and warms up on his shofar, the ram's horn trumpet that is sacred in Judaism. He's a member of a whimsical Orthodox sect known as Na Nach. Tonight, about a dozen Na Nachs have been hired as an entertainment act for a fancy wedding outside Tel Aviv. It's a surprise — the guests have no idea what's in store for them.

"We barge in, all of us together, and start to dance with them," Gabbay says. "The people in the wedding will see a different kind of happiness. This is happiness with holiness, together."

They slip the DJ a special CD of their music. Suddenly, a dozen young men with big beards, stiff dress clothes and long, curling sidelocks rush the dance floor.

Electronic dance tracks begin to pump from the speakers, and the Na Nachs jump around like teenagers at a music festival. With heavy bass drums and hard-edged synthesizers, the soundtrack isn't much different from those of the wild trance parties Israel is famous for — save for the lyrics, which all concern God and the Torah. The religious themes don't stop the secular wedding guests from joining in and having a good time. After 15 minutes, the Na Nachs rush out as suddenly as they came, leaving big grins on everyone's faces.

Na Nachs make merry at weddings for money, but they're more than a novelty act. They're a growing religious movement with a distinct vision of ultra-Orthodox Judaism.

Na Nach took off about 30 years ago as a countercultural offshoot of the Breslovers, a Hasidic sect that follows the mystical writings of 19th-century Ukrainian rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Their central belief is that happiness is key to a rich relationship with God, and that it's their spiritual duty — a mitzvah — to spread that happiness to others.

"Rabbi Nachman says that when you're happy, you keep the Torah better," says Zohar Ginsberg, a 24-year-old member of the sect. "So you have to do whatever you can to be happy. Dance. Sing. Jokes. Nonsense."

For the Na Nachs, dancing to electronic music is actually a matter of the soul. That appealed to Ginsberg: He grew up in a religious family, but found himself slipping away from Judaism as a teenager. When he came across Nachman's teachings, it was a revelation.

"You have to find a way to connect with love," Ginsberg says, "not to feel like it's just a bunch of rules that you do and it makes your life better. You want to feel like it's something that gives you liveliness and happiness."

In a sense, the Na Nach are very traditional. They keep strict religious rules about diet and modesty, for example. But in most other ways, their religious style diverges from other Hasidic groups. Shaul Magid, a scholar of Hasidic Judaism from the University of Indiana, says while most Orthodox movements focus on reading and studying, the Na Nachs are more interested in having intense, personal and ecstatic experiences with God.

"Prayer, joy, celebration: This becomes the core of religious living for the Na Nach," Magid says.

The Na Nachs' interest in dancing and ecstatic experiences leads Magid to compare them to another subculture: ravers.

"Rave culture is very big in Israel," Magid says. "And in some way the Na Nach people are replicating a particular certain kind of rave culture within the norms of ultra-Orthodox Judaism."

The group has attracted lots of younger Israelis who grew up in secular families and find themselves interested in Orthodox Judaism. In fact, many of them are former ravers who decided to trade in the party life for a more spiritual lifestyle.

Those rave culture roots show themselves in the Na Nachs' famous joyrides that happen every week in cities all over Israel. A few days after the wedding, Zohar Ginsberg and his buddies pile into a colorful van covered in stickers and drive through Jerusalem's curvy streets, blasting music from a speaker system strapped to the roof. They play house and trance music, but also Torah-themed reggae, rock and even mizrahi ("Eastern" pop).

"Hopefully people will get a little happy when we pass by," Ginsberg says, "and they'll get the light of Rabbi Nachman."

At red lights, the Na Nachs jump out and dance around in the intersections, bringing an instant, religious-tinged rave party wherever they go. What's more remarkable is what happens next: Some pedestrians drop whatever they are doing for a few moments and dance along.

"I just felt acceptance and welcoming. And love," says Gabriella Wernick, a passerby who found the good vibes to be contagious.

Secular Jews like Wernick often like the Na Nachs. Magid thinks that's extraordinary when you consider that tensions are high between secular and religious Israelis.

"The Na Nachs are really just interested in proselytizing joy," Magid says. "So in that sense, they're really a breath of fresh air for a lot of the secular Jews. They allow for a certain kind of exposure to traditional Judaism that secular Jews would never have because they would never have that sort of contact with the ultra-Orthodox community."

(h/t Zvi)
  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week's escalation with Islamic Jihad saying it shot 130 rockets at Israel (about 60 seem to have landed) continue to have reverberations, as the terror group continues to use it to buttress its image in Gaza.

An article in its newspaper Palestine Today interviews the closest thing Palestinian Arabs have to royalty - the families of "martyrs." Those families, especially the mothers, are said to have been ecstatic at the volley of rockets.

The mother of the martyr Abu Muammar confirmed for Palestine Today that from the first moment of the death of her son, Abdel Shafi decided to sit alone, especially since her husband died a short while ago, and she said: "I sat in the room and only looked at the picture of Abdel-Shafi and to the image of his father... and feeling very sad at their passing. "

Um Omar said "I was crying so much on losing him, but I feel proud of the martyrdom of Abdul-Shafi..."

She said that her tears dried up after she heard the sound that one always wishes to hear to deter the Israeli occupation, when the Al-Quds Brigades launched the process of "Breaking the Silence" with dozens of rockets and missiles, saying: "I felt great joy because the blood of my son was the fuel for resistance that ignited Champions of Saraya in the operation that was long-awaited by Mothers of martyrs. "

And the mother of the martyr Abdel-Shafi gave thanks and appreciation to the heroes of Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, headed by the Secretary General of the Movement, Dr. Ramadan Abdullah Shallah...
The brother of another "martyr" was quoted as saying "We are very proud of the heroes of the resistance in Gaza which helps our heads to be raised high and heals our hearts, assured that the operation of "breaking the silence" will put an end to the Zionist enemy and confirming that our people are not afraid and alone, but the Zionists are shivering in horror of missiles of the Al-Quds Brigades."

This micro-war will help Islamic Jihad recruit hundreds of new potential "martyrs."

Meanwhile, Hamas is trying to remain relevant to the bloodthirsty demographic of Gaza by trying to bask in reflected glory:
Head of the political bureau of Hamas movement Khaled Mishaal said that the Gaza Strip was always targeted but will always adhere to the option of resistance.

Mishaal stressed that all the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, 1948 territories and in the Diaspora have always been ready to make sacrifices to protect their country and are committed to the strategy of resistance as the only option to defend their cause.

He said on Friday evening in Qatar that his movement and all the resistance factions will not stop the resistance until liberating all of Palestine and al-Aqsa Mosque, achieving the right of return and freeing all the prisoners from the Israeli jails.

The Hamas leader has also hailed Qatar's leadership and people for their continued support for Palestine and the people of Gaza.
Islamic Jihad has now eclipsed Hamas as the ideological leader of Gaza.

Which is reason #9345 that peace is impossible.

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are all the videos I have made that have over 10,000 views that I am aware of, in order of most popular:

Title Views Category Type
Disgusting Turkish shampoo commercial starring Hitler 233000 - Original News
"Peace activists" stabbing IDF soldier 188000 - Recopy News
The Humanitarian Crisis of the Gaza Mall 98000 - Original Humor
"Peace activists" on Mavi Marmara attacking with metal batons 44500 - Recopy News
Cute Arab kid hugs an Israeli soldier who is giving him food 46000 - Recopy News
Women fight on Egyptian cooking show 35000 - Recopy Offbeat
A tour of the main Belzer Synagogue in Jerusalem 35000 - Original Education
Hamas throwing Fatah member off roof in Gaza 29000 - Recopy News
Two minutes on the Land of Israel 28000 - Translation Education
Iranian video simulating a nuclear attack on Israel 21000 - Recopy News
BDS Professor at Penn explains how to teach anti-Israel propagand 13700 - Original Hate
Egyptian sore loser refuses to shake hands with Israeli at judo match 13500 - Recopy News
Saturday's Hunter anti-semitic Iranian film trailer 13000 - Recopy Hate
Ahmed, the Palestinian burning- flag salesman 12500 - Translation Humor
How Will He Die? - Hamas mascot death watch 12000 - Original Humor
Hamas imam says "KIll all the Jews" 11300 - Recopy Hate
Rachel Corrie - the song parody 10000 - Original Humor

A large percentage received lots of hits because they were topical; I would grab a video from a news source and upload it to YouTube so everyone could see it. Some of my original pieces did quite well, though.

Here are some of my more notable videos that did not reach the 10,000 hit mark yet - but should. (I had to guess on the numbers for some old videos that had been lost when my original YouTube account went away.)

Anti-Israel, anti-semitic Arab cartoons on the eve of the Six Day War 8200 - Original Hate

Hello Martyr, hello Fatah

6500 - Original Humor
The truth about Christians in Bethlehem 6500 - Modified Education
"Peace" - Palestinian style 5500 - Original Education
Save the Gazans 5000 - Original Humor
If Israel made cheesy Hamas-style videos.... 4000 - Original Humor
The horror of Palestinian Arab refugee camps 4000 - Modified Education
Weeds 4000 - Original Education
Jerusalem in Jewish and Islamic culture 4000 - Original Education
PaHamas Pajamas! 4000 - Original Humor
Gettin' Mighty Crowded 4000 - Original Humor
"Civilians" 3400 - Original Education
What would a Palestinian State mean? 3000 - Original Education
Nothing's Changed: Arab/Israeli Conflict as seen in 1956 2000 - Original Education

The humorous ones might be fun to watch on Purim, but the humor is often very dark.

Altogether, I've created and uploaded over 160 videos.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

  • Saturday, March 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
EoZ fan Scott came up with a very interesting interpretation of the concept on Purim of drinking "ad d'lo yada," until one doesn't know the difference between "Blessed is Mordechai" and "Cursed is Haman."

It clearly does not mean to drink until one cannot tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai. That is impossible. People have tried.

So the actual issue is to drink until one doesn't know the difference between "Blessed is Mordechai" and "Cursed is Haman." In other words, one must be able to distinguish between blessing your own side and cursing the other side.

In terms of Israel, it is the difference between building up a nation and wanting to destroy your enemies.

Clearly, Israel-haters are in a constant state of "ad d'lo yada." They have no interest in building a Palestinian Arab state or helping Palestinian Arabs altogether; their entire lives are dedicated to destroying Israel.  Arab leaders and "intellectuals"  in particular look at the situation as a zero-sum game where hurting Israel is somehow deemed equivalent to helping the Arab cause. They have enshrined "ad d'lo yada" as policy.

Israel, in the meanwhile, keeps on building, keeps on creating, keeps on improving and keeps on moving forward. That is the difference between cursing your enemy and blessing your allies.

This is a much trickier distinction to make when one is drinking.

Maybe I'll post some real Purim Torah tomorrow...

From Ian:

Egyptian who led 2011 terror attack near Eilat killed by own bomb
Egypt’s deadliest terrorist group said one of its founders, who led a 2011 terror attack in Israel, has been accidentally killed by a bomb.
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, which has spearheaded a low-level insurgency against Egyptian soldiers and police, said Tawfiq Mohamed Fareej was killed last week when a car accident set off a bomb he was carrying.
The group, whose name means “Partisans of Jerusalem” in Arabic, has claimed some of the deadliest attacks on Egyptian security forces since the army overthrew Islamist president Mohammed Morsi last July.
One of the group’s founders, Fareej was the “field commander” of an August 18, 2011 cross border terrorist raid into Israel that killed 8 Israelis, the group said in a statement on Friday.
The bitter fruits of Bibi’s Bar-Ilan blunder
During the half-decade since that fateful lapse at Bar- Ilan, Netanyahu has consented to a series of far-reaching, previously inconceivable concessions – conveying that once any issue, no matter how pernicious or perilous, is raised, Israel will eventually give way.
His dramatic about-face on Palestinian statehood was soon followed by his aforementioned, unprecedented, and largely futile decision to freeze construction in Judea-Samaria – which was unreciprocated by the Palestinians, and unappreciated by the US and the international community.
This was merely a harbinger of things to come.
Mondoweiss & the Far Right?
Mondoweiss, the fanatically anti-Zionist website run by Jews, has many open and demonstrable links (unsurprisingly) with the extreme Left, especially with the Center for Economic Research and Social Change (CERSC), which publishes the International Socialist Review and sponsored the “Socialism 2012” conference.
Significantly, Mondoweiss now appears to be developing links with the extreme Right. A blog posted by Philip Weiss (co-editor of the site, for whom it is named) on 9 March this year, headed “Conservatives for Palestine” , gave an account of the “National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel Special Relationship”, which he attended and addressed.
The Conference was apparently wholly the work of extreme conservatives, ranging from neo-isolationists and old line “Foreign Office Arabists” to out-and-out ultra-right antisemites and Holocaust deniers.

Friday, March 14, 2014

  • Friday, March 14, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Naharnet:

The Israeli army said it shelled a Hizbullah position in southern Lebanon on Friday after an explosion targeted an Israeli patrol on the border, as the Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant reportedly claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.

Agence France Presse quoted a Lebanese security source as saying that Israel shelled southern Lebanon after an explosion on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

The Israeli army confirmed that report, saying that it had acted after a border patrol was attacked with explosives.

The Lebanese source said "10 Israeli rockets hit an uninhabited border area" and that "there were no casualties."

"In response to the explosive device activated against IDF (Israeli army) soldiers, the IDF fired towards a Hizbullah terror infrastructure in southern Lebanon. A hit was confirmed," the Israeli army said in statement.

Earlier, the Israeli army radio said "artillery fired at southern Lebanon in retaliation for the explosion of a concealed device targeting a patrol."

"The device exploded near soldiers on the border in the Har Dov area," the statement added, using Israel's term for the occupied Shebaa Farms.

Meanwhile, Lebanon's state-run National News Agency said “a 107 mm rocket struck an Israeli army post on the al-Ramta Hill inside the occupied Shebaa Farms.” It did not elaborate and it was not immediately clear if it was referring to the same attack on Israeli forces.

Media reports later said that the Qaida-inspired ISIL claimed responsibility for the bomb attack on the Israeli patrol.
The ISIL claim would seem to be nonsense, but there have been rockets to Israel in the past that were claimed by Sunni terror groups. I would think that Hezbollah is the more likely culprit.

But this incident, together with the similar on on the Syrian border last week and the Islamic Jihad rocket escalation, indicates that Iran is directing its satellite terror groups to keep Israel on edge. It is not clear why; perhaps to divert attention from what is happening in Syria (there have reportedly been heavy Hezbollah losses recently). If Israel attacks Hezbollah, then Iran might be gambling that public opinion would swing towards Hezbollah and against the Sunnis fighting in Syria.

Haaretz' Amos Harel thinks that this is a deliberate response to Israel's last airstrike on the Lebanon/Syria border.
Friday's incident in Har Dov points to a gradual change in the rules of the game on the northern front, after years of almost complete calm. Slowly, Hezbollah and the Assad regime are taking the gloves off in their struggle against Israel. The attacks they both attribute to the IDF are answered with terror attacks from the other side, even if for the time being the targets are limited and the operations are low-profile, and no public claims of responsibility are voiced in their aftermath.

Last December, shortly after the mysterious assassination of Hezbollah commander Hassan al-Laqis in Beirut, an IDF jeep was targeted by an IED in an area controlled by the Syrian Army around Mt. Hermon. In early March, immediately after a Hezbollah convoy was attacked in Lebanon, rockets from Syria were fired toward the Israeli side of the Hermon. Last week the IDF thwarted an attempt to plant an IED on the Syrian border, hitting Hezbollah operatives or militants loyal to Assad. The incident on Friday is the latest in this series of events.
It is possible that this is a face-saving gesture, but it seems a stretch that even Arab pride would think that these tiny attacks are any sort of retaliation.

Anyway, things are heating up in Lebanon, slowly, and Hezbollah knows quite well that it can be a wild card in whatever happens.


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