Sunday, March 16, 2014

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are all the videos I have made that have over 10,000 views that I am aware of, in order of most popular:

Title Views Category Type
Disgusting Turkish shampoo commercial starring Hitler 233000 - Original News
"Peace activists" stabbing IDF soldier 188000 - Recopy News
The Humanitarian Crisis of the Gaza Mall 98000 - Original Humor
"Peace activists" on Mavi Marmara attacking with metal batons 44500 - Recopy News
Cute Arab kid hugs an Israeli soldier who is giving him food 46000 - Recopy News
Women fight on Egyptian cooking show 35000 - Recopy Offbeat
A tour of the main Belzer Synagogue in Jerusalem 35000 - Original Education
Hamas throwing Fatah member off roof in Gaza 29000 - Recopy News
Two minutes on the Land of Israel 28000 - Translation Education
Iranian video simulating a nuclear attack on Israel 21000 - Recopy News
BDS Professor at Penn explains how to teach anti-Israel propagand 13700 - Original Hate
Egyptian sore loser refuses to shake hands with Israeli at judo match 13500 - Recopy News
Saturday's Hunter anti-semitic Iranian film trailer 13000 - Recopy Hate
Ahmed, the Palestinian burning- flag salesman 12500 - Translation Humor
How Will He Die? - Hamas mascot death watch 12000 - Original Humor
Hamas imam says "KIll all the Jews" 11300 - Recopy Hate
Rachel Corrie - the song parody 10000 - Original Humor

A large percentage received lots of hits because they were topical; I would grab a video from a news source and upload it to YouTube so everyone could see it. Some of my original pieces did quite well, though.

Here are some of my more notable videos that did not reach the 10,000 hit mark yet - but should. (I had to guess on the numbers for some old videos that had been lost when my original YouTube account went away.)

Anti-Israel, anti-semitic Arab cartoons on the eve of the Six Day War 8200 - Original Hate

Hello Martyr, hello Fatah

6500 - Original Humor
The truth about Christians in Bethlehem 6500 - Modified Education
"Peace" - Palestinian style 5500 - Original Education
Save the Gazans 5000 - Original Humor
If Israel made cheesy Hamas-style videos.... 4000 - Original Humor
The horror of Palestinian Arab refugee camps 4000 - Modified Education
Weeds 4000 - Original Education
Jerusalem in Jewish and Islamic culture 4000 - Original Education
PaHamas Pajamas! 4000 - Original Humor
Gettin' Mighty Crowded 4000 - Original Humor
"Civilians" 3400 - Original Education
What would a Palestinian State mean? 3000 - Original Education
Nothing's Changed: Arab/Israeli Conflict as seen in 1956 2000 - Original Education

The humorous ones might be fun to watch on Purim, but the humor is often very dark.

Altogether, I've created and uploaded over 160 videos.

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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