Sunday, February 26, 2012

  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the wake of what is widely  perceived as Israel caving to Islamic Jihad terrorist Khader Adnan's hunger strike, four Hamas members started their own hunger strike in Junaid Prison, Nablus - against the PA.

They claim they were supposed to be released by now.

Two of them were apparently arrested for political reasons last September.

It will be interesting to see if the international community will show the same outrage against the PA as it did towards Israel for Islamic Jihad terrorist leader Khader Adnan's detention.

In related news, Ahlam Tamimi - the Sbarro's bomber who was among those released for Gilad Shalit - said in Amman yesterday that hunger strikes were a tactical move that will continue for at least two months, until April 17th, which is "Palestinian Prisoners' Day," for the purpose of reinstating prisoner privileges that had allegedly been denied since last year.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades' Media Division has just published an e-book on how to fight Israel.

It is titled, simply, "Fight."

It supposedly documents how the Zionist mind works and how to defeat it.

A spokesman said "The book increases the awareness of all the jihadist Mujahideen on the land of Palestine, led by the Mujahideen of Al-Quds Brigades, in order to prepare the psychological and logistical support based on sound science to confront and defeat the Zionist army." Thousands of copies were distributed to all members of Islamic Jihad.

You can download it here.

It is hard to use translation tools on the PDF file (the text is reversed) but the book seems to be heavy on coming up with ways to destroy Israel's morale.

Remember that Islamic Jihad has courted recently by Fatah as part of "unity" talks.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jonathan Kay at the National Post (Canada):
In Syria, the Assad regime continues to rain artillery on rebel positions in the city of Homs, killing journalists and innocent civilians alike. Iran’s mullahs are set to execute a Canadian citizen for the crime of operating a web site they don’t like. The new Libyan regime is torturing Gaddafi loyalists. And Egypt’s rulers are prosecuting NGO leaders on trumped-up charges. And so next week, Canadian left-wing activists will congregate in Toronto to express their hatred of … you guessed it: Israel.

The events of March 5-9 will take place as part of the 8th annual Israel Apartheid Week (IAW), and will feature presentations such as “Cutting the Ties to Israeli Apartheid: Cultural and Academic Boycott,” and “Rhymes Of Resistance And The Sounds Of Existence — with poets Remi Kanazi, Red Slam and Chand-nee.” The IAW website is full of the usual rhetoric about Israel’s “criminal” actions. There is not a word of acknowledgement about how utterly ridiculous it is to run a week-long event vilifying Israel when right next door in Syria, the government has just exterminated more Arabs than were killed in both Intifidas, the 2008 Gaza conflict, and the 2006 Lebanon war combined.

The timing of IAW this year truly does represent something of a farce. The eyes of the entire world are focused on Syria and the Strait of Hormuz. Even West Bank Palestinians themselves now seem more concerned with building up their economy than with grand international gestures aimed at the Jewish state. And in the “occupied” Golan Heights, Druze Muslims have been stirring — not against Israel, but against the Assad regime that many once looked to for “liberation.” In the streets of Cairo, Sana’a and Tunis, no one is talking about Israel — only about when they will get the democracy they were promised. Only among cultish, single-minded anti-Israel activists has the news of the Arab Spring failed to circulate.

The word “cultish” is used here advisedly — because even some veteran anti-Israel activists are getting tired of the false mantras that circulate at IAW events. This includes no less an anti-Zionist than Norman Finkelstein (who has called Israel a “vandal state” that “relentlessly and brutally and inhumanly keeps these vicious, murderous wars”). Speaking to an interviewer earlier this month, he attacked the animating philosophy behind IAW — the movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel (BDS) — as a “cult,” and an unsuccessful one at that.

National Post editorial writers have attended BDS events here in Toronto, and they all contain the same rousing assurances that the BDS movement will bring Israel to its knees. The self-consciously enforced spirit of viva la revolución solidarity that permeates these rallies reminds one of communist rallies in the days before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Year after year, we hear the same clichés about how the BDS movement is on the cusp of victory. Yet the Israeli economy continues to prosper, and the only groups that have fallen into line with the boycott call are scattered NGOs and low-tier universities. “All [the BDS] claims about ‘victories’ [against Israel]: These 10 fingers more than suffice to count their victories,” Mr. Finkelstein said this month. “It’s a cult. The guru says: ‘We have all these victories,’ and everyone nods their head.”...

IAW and BDS are not what they seem: As some of Israel’s own fiercest critics themselves now admit, these are dishonest cults meant to enlist ill-informed activists in a campaign to destroy the Jewish state.

Don't forget if you are involved in any IAW counter-protests that you may use my posters freely (photos appreciated!)

(h/t Ian)
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is video of the vicious stone attacks on Zehava Weiss and others' cars in Beit Ummar last week:

Apparently, because AP And AFP uncharacteristically released good photos of the incident, prompting Israeli media to cover the story, Channel 10 in Israel managed to find an actual videotape (since many reporters were there waiting for cars with Israeli plates to be stoned, some with video.) I don't know which service took this video.

Chances are that the tape would never have been released if it wasn't for the publicity. It isn't newsworthy on its own.

Yesterday, the uber-moderate PA prime minister Salam Fayyad described incidents such as these as "non-violent."

(h/t Israellycool)
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is a conference in Doha this weekend called the "International Conference on Jerusalem." Participants include some of the most extreme Israel-haters on the planet, including Knesset members Haneen Zoabi, Ibrahim Sarsur, Jamal Zahalka, and members of Neturei Karta. Also there are representatives from UNRWA and other UN agencies as well as many prominent Arabs.

One keynote speech was given this morning by Mahmoud Abbas, and it proves yet again what a liar and inciter he really is.

Among his statements:

The Israeli occupation authorities, using the ugliest and most dangerous methods, are accelerating in an unprecedented way the implementation of plans erase and remove the Arab-Islamic and the Christian character of East Jerusalem.

The occupying power is attempting to change the parameters and the structure of the Maqdisi scene the smallest details, believing they can wipe from the memory of the world and consciousness that are immediately evoked by the name of Jerusalem the image of the shimmering golden dome Dome of the Rock, the remarkable image of the juxtaposition of the brotherhood of the minarets of mosques and the domes of the churches, in the shadow of the city walls that are witness to the history and memories and facts, and the illusion that they are able to replace them, and bring a different scene serving illusions of superstition and arrogance of power, and they are by virtue of brute force that are able to invent history and install their allegations, and the abolition of facts, religious and historical.

Hurva before its destruction in 1948
Abbas here is not claiming that the Jews are trying to destroy the Dome of the Rock. He is referring to the building of synagogues in the Old City, specifically the Hurva. When the Hurva was rebuilt and dedicated, on the exact spot that it had been destroyed by Jordanian troops along with some fifty other Jerusalem synagogues in 1948, the major objection by Palestinian Arabs was that - given that the Jewish Quarter is on a hill - the Hurva's dome is taller than that of the Dome of the Rock. (Islamic law says that the tallest structure in a city must be a mosque.)

So now photos of the skyline of the Old City prominently show a synagogue, just as they did before 1948. This is what Abbas is objecting to, as he hypocritically is claiming that Israel is fabricating history of the city. And he himself is now claiming that Jerusalem historically only had churches and mosques - but no synagogues. In other words, the liar Abbas is trying to destroy the Jewish character of Jerusalem, today, while he falsely claims that Israel is destroying its Christian and Muslim character.

Since the occupation authorities to remove the Mughrabi neighborhood after the 1967 war in the Old City of Jerusalem, they still continue to demolish houses that carry symbolic importance, such as historic generosity of the Mufti and others, and build settlements in more than one site on land confiscated from the citizens of the holy city.

Israel demolished the area in front of the Kotel in 1967 in order for Jews to be able to worship there, as the Arab homes there would have made that impossible. Here is how Israel's UN representative described the area at the time in response to similar complaints by Jordan:
The Jordanian Government deliberately profaned the sacred character of the Wall by erecting adjacent to it structures of secular services, warehouses and toilets, and converting its immediate precincts into a slum. It accordingly became essential to remove these installations and restore the dignity and the sanctity of the Holy Place as a very first step after the battles in Jerusalem had ceased. Moreover, archaeological excavations are being conducted in order to remove part of the earth and refuse that have accumulated at the Western Wall in the course of time and which cover its lower layers. This is a proper archaeological operation, and it is being conducted in a way that assures that nothing will damage the Wall or jeopardize its character as a Holy Place or impair in any way the Haram esh-Sharif area situated beyond the Wall.
It is to be noted that the Western Wall is a recognized antiquity and was treated as such also by the Mandatory Government, which also assumed responsibility for its maintenance and upkeep.

...The contention in the letter of the Permanent Representative of Jordan that "the Wailing Wall and the entire adjacent area are an integral part of Al-Haram esh-Sharif" is a wilful attempt to confuse the issue. The Mughrabi Quarter, consisting of a group of dwelling houses, to which the letter of the Permanent Representative of Jordan makes particular reference, is not a holy site. It faces the Wall but is also entirely separate from it. Its status is no different from that of secular property, whether or not owned by religious institutions as a source of income, in any other city in the world.

No modern civilized Government or municipal administration would have tolerated the slum conditions which the Jordanian Government created in this Quarter. One of the first things which the Government of Israel had to do was to embark on a programme of urban improvement, which included resettling the unfortunate inhabitants of this Quarter in respectable conditions.
The Mufti reference is to the Shepherd Hotel, an eyesore that was purchased legally by a Jew and whose only historic importance is the fact that is was once owned by an unabashed anti-semite.

Abbas goes on:
[The occupation wants to] carry out continued excavations that threaten to undermine Al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to extract evidence that supports the Israeli version of Judaism. They failed miserably, but that did not prevent her from implementation of all that would create a Jewish character to the city, ... the preparation of models of what they call the Temple in order to build on the ruins of Al Aqsa, to the establishment of a so-called biblical garden at the expense of the lands and houses of Jerusalem.

Here Abbas is stating as fact that Israel plans to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque, a lie designed to incite Muslims to rise up against Jews.

He is also lying in saying that Israeli archaeological work has not found any evidence of Jewish history in Jerusalem. In fact, the most important findings in recent years came not from Israeli digs - but from sifting the discarded remains of the disgusting wanton destruction of priceless artifacts by the Waqf on the Temple Mount, in the news again today. Beyond that there have been exciting findings nearly every week that prove beyond all doubt the ancient Jewish character of the city - as if that is even in dispute by anyone.

The occupation authorities carried out ethnic cleansing, with all that entails, against the Palestinian citizens, to make them at best a minority in their city, their resident status only for strengthening the Jewish presence to build more settlements.
Of course, Jews have formed the majority of Jerusalem's population since the mid-1800s. And there is no "ethnic cleansing" - there are more Arabs in Jerusalem now than at any time in history.

The occupation authorities work through the impoverishment of the holy city and the destruction of its infrastructure and hit its economy, which has always been in all ages the booming center and head of economic activity and tourism, medical, educational, and an incubator for cultural, intellectual and artistic endeavors in Palestine.
In 1967, the eastern part of Jerusalem was essentially a neglected slum. There was even a UNRWA refugee camp called Mascar in the old Jewish quarter that UNRWA closed - in 1965! - because conditions there were so horrendous and unsanitary.

Between 1948 and 1967, Jerusalem was a neglected backwater of the Arab world. There were essentially no Muslim pilgrims going there. And while thousands of Christians would indeed visit Jerusalem every Easter, that number increased dramatically after Israel regained possession of the holy city.

Abbas is pushing lies and incitement, and his speech is filled with hypocrisy about things like freedom of worship when he would ban (or, at best, severely restrict) Jews from ever visiting their holy sites in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron and elsewhere if given half a chance.

This speech reveals the ugly face of Mahmoud Abbas and how he is not interested in peace or co-existence at all, let alone the truth.

(h/t Alex for link to program)
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to Palestine Press Agency, a Gazan man walked into a police station complaining that a neighbor had stolen a sheep on his farm. The police took down all the information and went to question his friend, who denied the theft.

It took a few minutes for the police to realize that the theft happened in cyberspace, within the popular Facebook game, either Farmville  or a variant (in Arabic, "Happy Farm," which is the name of a popular Chinese version.)

In another incident, a fight broke out between two brothers in Gaza over the same game, causing injuries, and neighbors had to separate them.

Naturally, the story has to include the obligatory section saying that the reasons Palestinian Arabs are so addicted to Farmville is because of the crippling Israeli "occupation."

If that is true, then why are tens of millions of others hooked on these games as well? Has Israel managed to occupy the world?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

From Ma'an:
The Gaza Strip has not received enough fuel to resume normal electricity levels, a Gaza energy official told Ma'an on Saturday.

The deal as described by al-Nunu includes longer-term measures to increase the capacity of the power plant and link Gaza's electricity grid to Egyptian infrastructure. The shorter-term requirement is the delivery of fuel into Gaza, but a disagreement on the route of the fuel still appeared to be pending agreement.

Egypt wants to stop the use of underground tunnels for delivery of Egyptian fuel purchased by Palestinian authorities, and has severely reduced supply through the tunnel network, prompting the current crisis.

The Gaza government is pressing for the Rafah terminal between the countries to be equipped for fuel transfer, and is reluctant to accept fuel to be delivered via the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing.

The government fears Israel will use control of supplies to squeeze the coastal strip.

However, Rafah currently is only fitted for passengers, and its development is restricted by an agreement between Egypt, Israel and the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority.

"We are still waiting for the Egyptian agreement to let fuel enter Gaza officially and legally," Abu al-Amreen told Ma'an.
As I have noted several times, Israel never restricted the flow if fuel to Gaza except for logistical reasons, and was regularly supplying all of Gaza's power plant needs until January 2011 when Hamas refused the shipments.

So when you cut out all the double-talk, Hamas is less interested in helping Gazans than it is in refusing to get fuel through Kerem Shalom. Hamas is using the crisis as an excuse to gain politically - and Gazans are the ones suffering because of it. Hamas knows that if the fuel goes through Kerem Shalom, there would be no political pressure on Egypt to prioritize other delivery methods, so Hamas prefers to keep Gaza in the dark - endangering  the electric supply to hospitals, water treatment plants and other infrastructure - to get its message across.

The entire crisis is an exercise in cynicism and disregard for the lives of Gazans, and yet the world is still fooled by Hamas' subterfuge.

Do you think that "pro-Palestinian" activists would ever say a word against Hamas? Have they ever?

Friday, February 24, 2012

  • Friday, February 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Continuing my experiment on writing things for others, here is an article I wrote for The Algemeiner.
  • Friday, February 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh gave a speech to 3000 chanting Egyptians in the Al Azhar mosque in Cairo today.

Haniyeh said that the Egyptian revolution and the Arab spring "is the beginning of the liberation of Palestine" adding that "Palestine will be liberated through Egypt."

Haniyeh said that Hamas and the Palestinian government in Gaza are subjected to strong pressure to recognize the state of Israel, saying, "We will never recognize Israel and the resistance will continue as long as the occupation continues."

Hamas considers all of Israel to be "occupied."

The congregants in the mosque and its courtyard started chanting, saying, "the commander Ismail said he will not recognize Israel" and "We go to Al Quds, martyrs in the millions."

Haniyeh continued, saying,"Our hope is not only the independence of Palestine, but the independence of the Islamic nation [where we will] put an end to the current situation of political wilderness, cultural and foreign interference and encroachment of the Zionists."

He said that there was a Zionist plot for the Judaization of Jerusalem which wrested it from the Arab and Muslim world it belongs to, calling on Muslims to support Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.

Hundreds of congregants chanted in response, saying, 'Khaybar Khaybar oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return," and "We, sons of Hassan al-Banna .. Islam! Islam!" (Hassan al-Banna was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.)

No doubt, MEMRI will have a better translation sometime next week.
  • Friday, February 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Everything is an international incident:

Lebanon filed a complaint with the U.N. against Israel for erecting a barbed wire near the U.N.-drawn Blue Line in the town of Adaisseh, the foreign ministry announced on Friday.

The ministry said in a statement that the incident took place on Feb. 8 when Israeli forces “erected a 40-meter concertina wire near the Blue Line in the town of Adaisseh to block the road leading to the Blue Line and that crosses into a minefield.”

The complaint, which was submitted to the world body through the Lebanese mission in New York, described the Israeli move as “an infringement on Lebanese territories as well as a violation of Lebanese sovereignty, Security Council Resolution 1701, international law and the Charter of the U.N.”

It also said that the erection of the barbed wire “threatens international peace and security.”

Lebanon asked U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to take the necessary measures to end the Israeli violation, the statement added.
I cannot tell from this description that the Israeli fence is on the Lebanese side of the Blue Line.

It appears that it was built to stop people from accidentally going into a minefield.

Everything Israel does on the border is painstakingly coordinated with UNIFIL.

This complaint isn't to UNIFIL, but to the UN Secretary General.

By the way, Adaisseh is a Potemkin village.

It sounds like Lebanon is now simply making stuff up in order to complain about to feel important.

(h/t Dan)
  • Friday, February 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From UPI yesterday:
Sacha Baron Cohen is not allowed to attend the Oscars in Los Angeles dressed as a character from his film "The Dictator," organizers said.

The British comedian and actor, known for his outrageous publicity stunts, is a cast member of Best Picture Oscar contender "Hugo," Martin Scorsese's first family flick.

The Hollywood Reporter said this week Cohen plans to attend the film industry's biggest night, dressed and acting like the bearded, Middle Eastern totalitarian ruler he plays in his upcoming comedy "The Dictator."

The academy subsequently reached out to Cohen's representatives and Paramount, the studio behind both "Hugo" and "Dictator," asking if Cohen really intends to walk the Oscar red carpet in character.

"We don't think it's appropriate," an academy spokesman told The Hollywood Reporter.
Later, it turned out that he was requested not to wear the costume from The Dictator by the Academy on the red carpet.

So Cohen released this statement, naturally in character, to respond to the "Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Zionists:"

  • Friday, February 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ammon News of Jordan has a couple of articles about Jordan's uneasiness with the Syrian situation.

The idea of Islamists taking over Syria is a major concern. Right now Syria is Jordan's major trading partner and many Jordanians in the north are related to Syrians. An Islamist takeover would strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, and the MB would try to unite with Jordan being between their centers of power in Syria and Egypt. It also has the potential of wrecking Jordan's already shaky economy. Syria is Jordan's gateway to Lebanon, Turkey and Eastern European markets. This is one reason why Jordan does not support economic sanctions against Syria.

On the other hand, the massacres of civilians in Syria bother most Jordanians and the government as well. King Abdullah was among the first to call for Assad to step down.

Their close ties make it inconceivable that Jordan would withdraw its ambassador, though.

Another complicating factor is that there are thousands, and perhaps tens of thousands, of Syrian refugees in Jordan now.

King Abdullah reportedly does not believe that Syria is going to fall in the short term, but another major concern is that when it does, it will become another sectarian-torn mess like Libya and Iraq.

Any way you look at it, Jordan will be in a worse situation in a couple of years than it is now - and it is not in great shape now by any means.


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