Friday, August 04, 2006

  • Friday, August 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of days ago when I was getting lots of hits and comments from Huffington Post readers on a posting that was linked there, I decided to try a little test in the comment section:
I also invite my new lefty fans to donate money to Israeli charities that help out Israeli refugees and victims of terror. I have a program that matches donations - check out my latest blog entry. (I'll understand if you don't want to donate to Friends of the IDF )

I'm sure that as compassionate people you donate money to help innocent victims, no matter whose side they are on. Right?
OK, it was obvious baiting, but I still wanted to see a reaction.

Most ignored it, but one of them took the bait:
You've got to be kidding. Israel already gets 1/3 of the U.S. taxpayers' foreign aid even though the last I heard it was the 12th or 16th richest country in the World.

Give me a break. How about spreading some of that wealth among the poor Palestinians instead of stealing the money that Israel owes them because Israel doesn't like the democratically elected politicians they chose?

So by this stunning logic, there must be no poor people who need help in the US or Canada either, since our nations are so rich.

While I usually do not like to generalize a group of people based on a single comment, this appears to be illustrative of the hypocrisy of those who claim to be equally compassionate towards those who need help.

Although if you are a liberal and want to prove me wrong, feel free to donate - I'll get the money matched.
  • Friday, August 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fox right now has Jeff Goldblatt covering live Katyusha rocket fire in Kiryat Shmona. The whizzing of the rockets and explosions could be clearly heard. At least one house was on fire; the rest landed in the forest. At one point a rocket itself could be seen flying by on its downward trajectory.

The hosts were asking why Hezbollah is shooting at Kiryat Shmona when it has been essentially deserted. Goldblatt answered "pure terror" and he is partially right, but I think that the video I posted yesterday shows that Katyushas (as opposed to the longer-range rockets) are generally being shot very hastily from wherever the terrorists can find cover, meaning they are just aiming south, firing, and hoping to hit some Jews.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon, "the voice of Muslim America," has this to say about Mel's anti-semitic rant:
Mel Gibson is telling the truth when he said to a Los Angeles County Sheriff July 29, 2006 that "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world" during the early morning hours of July 28 near his home in Malibu, California. God bless Mel Gibson for his courage!

Mr. Gibson, producer and director of the highly successful film "The Passion of the Christ", has again provided a great service to the world by utilizing his celebrity status in stating a truth that most ordinary gentiles are afraid to say. Mel Gibson is now being crucified, as was done during the production of his film on Jesus Christ, for saying a very inconvenient truth about world Jewry, especially during the current Israeli murderous rampage in Lebanon.

It did not take long for the Jewish dominated media to inflict pain on Mel Gibson for his statement. One reporter by the name of Harvey Levin said, "Mel Gibson is garbage. What an awful person he is. True enough, I'm Jewish, so the grotesque remarks didn't please me none". The truth never matters to Jews even when confronted by irrefutable evidence.

Do they ever ask themselves, "what is it that we do that makes the world dislike us"? Why do they have to have such high security in their Jewish centers? Why did a Muslim shoot up the Jewish Federation in Seattle two days ago? There is no doubt, Jews suffer from "collective denial!"

There are many questions concerning the incident that occurred on Friday when Mel Gibson, driving in his automobile, was stopped by a Los Angeles County Sheriff near his home. There is no doubt that certain Jews were out to get Mr. Gibson ever since he produced "The Passion of the Christ". Was Sheriff's Deputy James Mee, a Jew, lying in wait for Mel Gibson. Pacific Coast Highway in this part of Malibu is a well known police trap. Here they can wait for celebrities that live in Malibu and that they know are coming home from restaurants, social engagements and parties where drinks are served. Why was Deputy Mee ordered to redo his police report by his superiors? Most important of all, how did Jewish reporter Harvey Levin end up with a copy of the original and unapproved report written by Deputy Mee and which Levine used to justify calling Mel Gibson "garbage".

Was there collusion here between Deputy Mee, Levine and other Jews?

To be fair, DailyMuslims didn't write this insane bigoted rant. It was written by La Voz De Aztlan, which followed this up with an even more bizarre conspiracy theory that you've got to read to believe.

But the fact that DailyMuslims chose to publish it shows that many American Muslims are on the same page as the nutcase that wrote this.

And it was then picked up by KavkazCenter, my new favorite place to see what radical Muslims are really thinking.
  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From his column in the Huffington Post:
As I watch so much of the world ask Israel for restraint in a way no other country would (Can you imagine what Bush would do if a terrorist organization took over Canada and was lobbing missiles into Montana, Maine and Illinois?) - and, by the way, does anyone ever ask Hezbollah for restraint. you know, like, please stop firing your rockets aimed PURPOSEFULLY at civilians? - it strikes me that the world IS Mel Gibson. Most of the time, the anti-semitism is under control, but that demon lives inside and when the moon is full, or there's been enough alcohol consumed, or Israel is forced to kill people in its own defense, then it comes out.
Andrew Sullivan agrees.

Tim Dickinson of Rolling Stone disagrees:

The reason the world doesn’t ask Hezbollah for restraint is precisely because they’re a terrorist militia that purposefully targets civilians. These people are not reasonable; they are a vicious anti-Semitic virus, an organization with American blood on its hands that needs to be disarmed and defanged, if not annihilated.

But what is supposed to differentiate a civilized democracy like Israel from the enemy they face is precisely a sense of restraint: an unwillingness to massacre women and children and U.N. peacekeepers in pursuit of its righteous goal of eliminating Hezbollah’s army.

Now don’t, please, purposefully misunderstand me. I do not believe that Israel intentionally targets civilians. (I reserve judgment, however, about the intention behind the strike on UNIFIL). But Qana happened because Israel has opted for a strategy of collective punishment of Lebanon for the sins of Hezbollah. And in so doing it has debased itself.

Yes, Hezbollah hides out among the civilian population. But, under all but the most extreme of circumstances, that does not excuse bombing apartment buildings and towns that are home to desperate civilians unable or unwilling to abandon their homes. Israel’s apparent indifference to the “collateral damage” that is the inevitable consequence of its urban bombing campaign might — might — be excusable if these attacks were sure to produce a swift victory: three weeks of death and destruction to eliminate a pernicious threat once and for all.

But Israel appears to be having little luck in degrading Hezbollah’s leadership or its military might. Indeed, with 200 rockets fired into Israel yesterday, the campaign seems to be most successful at defanging the dogs of Hezbollah by goading them into mauling Haifa with their katyushas.

I commented there:
What should Israel do?

Seriously. It is easy to criticize - but if you can find a more moral alternative that doesn’t involve Israel letting its citizens die for the sake of your “morality”, please let the world know.

Also, it is a little sanctimonious to declare that since the “Party of God” shot 200 missiles yesterday then Israel’s strategy is counterproductive. Let the Israeli people who are under attack make that decision, not you.

This has been my main question for the critics of Israel who don't hate Israel. What is the alternative? No one is happy that Lebanese civilians are dying (although the numbers are somewhat suspect, certainly way too many are dying.) But not to attack Hezbollah heavily means that they, and the Islamists who will copy them, now have a surefire way to achieve any aim they want against the West - just hide behind civilians.

The world reaction should be horror at Hezbollah, and despite Dickinson's justification, one can be sure that when Israel is criticized in Europe and elsewhere it is not out of concern for Israel's losing the moral high ground. Because if the world is so concerned about morality, the EU would not hesitate to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization, depriving it of funds used to kill Jews. If the world was concerned about morality, it would not have grieved over Arafat.

It is obvious that Israel should act far better than her enemies. But from reading the news, what is not so obvious is that Israel always has, and clearly always will. Criticizing only Israel for defending itself - which necessarily means sometimes making mistakes and adjusting tactics to the evolving threat - gives the impression that only one side is doing something wrong. Over time of reading coverage filled with such "loving" criticisms inevitably makes people think that Israel is in the wrong, or that at best "both sides do immoral things."

This is the worst and most dangerous kind of misrepresentation of the conflict, and it is one that Dickinson is unconsciously a part of.
  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Along with a happy ending.

Of course, this would be reported by most media as "Civilians killed in Israeli airstrike."

From the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, I uploaded it to YouTube.
Hat tip: Israellycool
Ha'aretz published a typical anti-religious op-ed yesterday about Tisha B'Av. Here is a large part of it:
After the Six-Day War in 1967, a few important rabbis from the national-religious camp proposed making changes to the Nahem prayer recited on Tisha B'Av. The idea was that since we had established a sovereign state and resumed control of Jerusalem, it was no longer appropriate to continue to speak about "a desolate and vacant city... laid waste and deserted." Most Orthodox rabbis, however, wanted to continue to mourn the destruction, even when Jerusalem was quite rebuilt, and were unwilling to lend a hand in even this small and very sensible reform. It is unlikely that anyone thought about turning this day of mourning into a festival.

Tonight, many non-observant Israeli Jews will be wondering why the cafes are closed. Yes, indeed, tomorrow is Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning over the destruction of both the First and Second Temples and the dispersion (as well as a long list of other calamities). It is interesting to consider how many of our readers knew that it is tomorrow, how many will feel themselves to be in mourning, and how many of them even deem it significant. It is doubtful that anyone should even feel bad about this, with the possible exception of the rabbis, who have not bothered to make the fast day relevant.

It is no accident that so many non-observant Jews feel no connection to Tisha B'Av. Some people say it is because it falls during summer vacation, so children do not learn about it in school. But the source of the resistance seem to be deeper. In many ways, Tisha B'Av is the negative of Independence Day. Everything that a secular Zionist could wish for -- an independent, sovereign, democratic, Jewish state, the in-gathering of the exiles of the Law of Return, a strong army, model academic and scientific institutions -- already exists. That is why Independence Day is celebrated.
Is it really possible to create a secular alternative to Tisha B'Av?

Former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg proposed changing Tisha B'Av, making the first half a time for mourning and the second half a meal of thanksgiving, in a combination that echoes the rapid succession of Israel's Memorial and Independence days. But Burg's proposal cannot be implemented without cooperation from the Orthodox. You cannot celebrate while many of your co-religionists are mourning, even if they are mourning an exile that has ended, and even if it is unclear whether they are mourning for the Jerusalem that was destroyed or for the ruins that no longer exist and to which they cannot say goodbye.

And anyway, the religious community does not need to celebrate the liberation of Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av. It has demonstrated a remarkable ability to celebrate Jerusalem Day as if there was no Tisha B'Av, and commemorates Tisha B'Av as if Jerusalem had not been liberated.

Until a logical, current, relevant and Zionist way to mark Tisha B'Av can be found, perhaps the right way to behave on that day is exactly the way that most non-observant Jews do: to ignore it, as if it did not exist. But even those who ignore this day of mourning find it difficult to ignore the fact that our religious brethren insist on behaving as so many of the things that are so important and precious to us are not even worthy of their attention.
I cannot give the author a good reason why secular Israelis should commemorate Tisha B'Av, for the same reason I cannot give him a reason for them to light Chanukah candles or not work on Saturday. By definition, if you reject the religion, the importance of matzoh on Pesach is exactly the same as the importance of turkey on Thanksgiving, and if you think hard about it there really isn't much reason for Jews to keep identifying as Jews, except in the quaint sense that Irish-Americans show pride for their heritage by drinking green beer on St. Patrick's Day.

But I will answer his implicit question as to why religious Jews continue to mourn over a Jerusalem that is rebuilt. The answer can be seen in a Haaretz editorial from June that I quoted (original is not online):
Israel is having trouble formulating a logical and consistent stance with regard to East Jerusalem, and therefore it has been taking inconsistent and hypocritical steps. The decision to allow East Jerusalem residents to participate in the PA elections is part of this same duality. East Jerusalem's residents live here, vote for the PA and are citizens of Jordan. Instead of removing Palestinian parliamentarians from the eastern part of the city, it would be better to remove East Jerusalem from the State of Israel and transfer it to the Palestinian Authority.
In the Israel that Haaretz writers occupy, Jerusalem has no inherent value, and it can and should be traded for the same kind of peace that Gaza was traded for. In that mindset, the fact that Jews cannot ascend to their own holiest site in a city that they say they control is smart politics, not a tragedy.

Tisha B'Av commemorates many tragedies besides the destruction of the Temples, and unfortunately we can add the deaths of 12 more today to that list. But perhaps the biggest recent tragedy is that the modern state of Israel never truly acted as if all of Jerusalem is ours. The center of Jewish longing has been the Temple Mount for two thousand years but the Jews that this author represents - the ones in charge of Israel today - discount all of this with a wave of the hand, as their new, "improved" Zionism has replaced the old, antiquated Judaism that they despise.

This is indeed a reason to mourn on Tisha B'Av.
  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is what a vehicle looks like after an Israeli missile hits it:

Here's what a Red Cross vehicle looks like when a not-too-credible Red Cross worker convinces the MSM that it was hit by an Israeli missile:

This image taken from video made by Lebanese Red Cross workers Sunday, July 23, 2006 in Qana, south Lebanon, and made available to AP Television, shows the roof of a Lebanese Red Cross ambulance destroyed in what they say was an Israeli airstrike.

(Don't be fooled by the tone of the caption above - by Thursday, the AP stated that it was an Israeli airstrike as a fact.)

Notice the very neat "missile" circular hole right in the middle of the Red Cross symbol? Notice the rust?

Now, here's a picture of an intact Red Cross vehicle from the Red Cross website. Look at the one on the right:

See anything interesting right in the middle of the Red Cross symbol?

Riehl World View does a masterful job of destroying the credibility of the story that the Red Cross worker said, along with links to pictures of the inside of the ambulance showing no fire damage, nor floor damage, at all. Thsi reflects only a small part of his proof that the "destroyed ambuance" was probably taken from a junkyard.
  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, as every day, many prominent Muslims are calling for the utter destruction of Israel as well as Jihad against the West:
Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat- Supreme Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Muhammad Mahdi 'Akif, called on all Muslims to "help the resistance in all its forms," both in Lebanon and in the Palestinian areas, describing the current "official" Arab position as "shameful." .

The Islamist leader praised Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian areas, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, calling on his followers to prepare themselves to fight "the Zionist gangs." According to 'Akif, Israel was "planted within the Palestinian lands by the Western crusaders, to perform as representatives of the Western superpowers headed by the United States."

TEHRAN –– Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the answer to the conflict in south Lebanon was the "elimination of the Zionist regime," ISNA agency reported.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei blasted United States policy in the Middle East and warned of an impending Muslim “jihad”, or holy war, against the West.

“Today, it is clear for everyone that the aggression against Lebanon was a premeditated U.S.-Zionist action as a key step in the path of dominating the Middle East and the Islamic world”, Khamenei said. His comments were reported in the official news agency IRNA and aired in part on state television on Wednesday.

“Today, Muslim nations more than ever despise the U.S.”, he said.

“With its support of the Zionists crimes and criminals and its blatant aggression against the rights of Muslim nations, the U.S. regime must be prepared for a hard slap and a destructive punch by Muslims”, Khamenei said.
The mainstream media reports these things occasionally, but always in a sort of secondary, backhanded way, in one of the bottom paragraphs and glossed over as if it is not really news when the "supreme leader" of a nation threatens the entire Western world.

The liberals read things like this and think, "well, it is just rhetoric, just Arab bluster, it is not serious." No matter how many terror attacks occur against the West, no matter how many 9/11s and Balis and Madrids and Londons and Bombays, no matter how clear the Islamists make their position that they are not distinguishing between Western liberals and Western conservatives, and that we are all targets for death - the left remains in utter denial. If they are forced to confront real terror, they are unable to see that the jihadists are to blame for their actions.

Because the truth is hard to take. It is easier to belittle those who see evil for what it is, those who see that Lebanon is not a regional spat over land but a spark of a global conflagration between Islamists and the Western world. It is hard to accept that hundreds of millions of people want to see you dead or subjugated - even if you accept that fewer than half of worldwide Islam subscribes to these views.

It is an understandable psychological defense mechanism, to try to take the easy way out. If only Israel would agree to all Arab demands then the Arabs won't bother us, they say. If only we do what they say, it won't affect my life right now today. The direct jihadist threats are not to be taken seriously.

Because to believe the threats means that something must be done about it, and all the other justifications for appeasement and blaming of Israel and US policy is an intellectual equivalent of hiding one's head in the sand.

If there is one thing that Jews have learned through history, it is that if someone says they want to kill you, take them seriously. It is a lesson that the "enlightened" West needs to learn very badly.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

  • Wednesday, August 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since this blog should pass three milestones this month, I might as well combine all of them in this post.

Sometime today, both this blog and Yoni's blog will hit the 50,000 hit mark (according to Site Meter, which seems more accurate than the inflated StatCounter figures.) The only difference is that it took me almost two years hit this milestone, while Yoni is doing it on his third day.

This gives me a healthy dose of humility, after my recent flirtation with the semi-big time. I had a few days with over a thousand hits, so fully one-third of my total hits have come about only in the past six weeks.

On August 15, I will hit my two-year blogoversary. The blog has evolved from exclusively a news linker to what is now almost exclusively original content. I am gratified that there are people out there who actually read what I have to say, and seem to enjoy it.

And also later this month, if current trends continue, I should write my 2000th post.

I am most proud of the money I've been raising for Israel in the "Elder Challenge" (a rotten name that I hope to replace as soon as I find a new one.) So thanks again to everyone who has donated, and please take the latest "Elder challenge" to have your money donated to Israel matched, dollar for dollar. The more generous can also offer to sponsor an upcoming phase.

Thanks again to everyone for dropping by!
  • Wednesday, August 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
As a result of the IDF raid in Baalbek, Hezbollah is making some claims:
'This hospital was empty when they got here. We lured them into this operation,' one Hezbollah guerrilla on the scene said.

Hezbollah claimed to have spread rumours about the presence of an important Hezbollah figure inside the hospital, which had been empty since the start of the Israeli offensive....

Journalists were only allowed to take pictures at the ground floor of the hospital Wednesday.

'We fear for your safety. The Israelis might have left booby trapped bombs in some sectors of this hospital to target us (Hezbollah), so we do not want you venturing in,' a separate Hezbollah official in Baalbek told dpa.

So, Hezbollah is saying that they came up with a brilliant plan to lure many Israeli soldiers into a trap, very far from Israel, presumably to massacre them.

And even with all that preparation, they didn't manage to get anyone?

Hezbollah says they emptied the hospital, again far from the border. If you believe them, it sure sounds like they control the hospital and use it for, shall we say, "militant" purposes. There might be a Geneva Convention about that.

But the reason journalists can't see the rest of the hospital is for their own safety.

Yeah, this all sounds real credible. Almost as credible as IRIB's reporting of the war.

  • Wednesday, August 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sammy at the Die Welt blog has a brilliant suggestion for Mel Gibson:
If you seriously want help, and I can image you might, my suggestion is that you come to Israel. Come to Jerusalem and show us you mean it. Right now. Now that Israel is at war, bombarded by Hizballah missiles and attacked by misguided critics around the world. Show us you're not afraid to confront either the issue of anti-Semitism or the calumny that will no doubt accompany your visit. Be a Daniel and step into the lion's den.

Here you'll see Jews of every colour and every corner of the world, from deeply religious to virulently atheist, from aggressively Zionist to absurdly anti-Zionist, from boorish and pushy to gentle and kind. Beautiful people, vibrant, curious and intriguing, generous and caring. Jews are just like everybody else, only more so. Israel is an intense place. You'll love it. And when you've met us, if you still blame the Jews for everything that's wrong in the world, at least you'll know what you're talking about.

Come and visit. Please.

Just imagine - he goes to Israel and forces himself to say nice things publicly about Jews and Israel, the Jew-haters write vitriolic articles and boycott his movies for doing it - and then he has a slight clue of what it is like to be Jewish.

And he's a tough guy, so he can take it - at least as well as the Jewish kids in bomb shelters in the North.

Come on, Mel - visit Israel and show how much of your apology is heartfelt and how much is just PR.
  • Wednesday, August 02, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah managed to shoot rockets near Jenin, in the West Bank:
Some of the long range rockets that were fired at Israel Wednesday noon landed across the Green Line, in the West Bank. The rockets fell near the Palestinian village of Pqua, in the Jenin area.

Ynet has learned that parts of the rockets fell off while they were in transit, but caused no injuries or damage.

The rockets' landing site in the Palestinian territories is the most southern point Hizbullah has managed to hit so far. A week and a half ago, an improved Fajr-5 rocket landed in Afula.
OK, should a moonbats be happy that Hezbollah still has long-range deadly rockets, or should they be suddenly concerned about possible Palestinian Arab casualties?

If a PalArab had died, would it be good news or bad? And, most importantly, how can they blame Israel?

Luckily, the PalArabs themselves (through their "moderate wing") were nice enough to instruct the moonbats how to react:
A Fatah activist from Jenin added that the rocket hit was heard clearly around the city, and a spark and a flame were also clearly seen.

The Fatah member related that local residents cheered when they heard the rocket fall and saw the resulting flames. “Even if it were to fall on our heads, it wouldn’t have spoiled our joy. All of us here are praying for Hizbullah’s success and victory," he said.

Whew. Another ethical conundrum solved before Lefties would be forced to think a little about their indefensible and contradictory positions.

Now they know to cheer if Hezbollah kills Palestinian Arabs.


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