Sunday, August 15, 2010

  • Sunday, August 15, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week for the sheer hell of it I wrote a folk song about the true history of Palestinian Arabs, rather than the romanticized version that too many on the Left hold. It was mostly a reaction to a sickening, slanderous video I saw of another folk singer praising the IHH attackers on the Mavi Marmara, after going through a bunch of historical lies.

Well, after asking for volunteers, someone who wants to remain forever anonymous sent me some audio of my lyrics. (As bad as his or her version is, anything I could have sung would have been worse.)

I made a music video out of it, incorporating video of that same air-head singer who ticked me off, plus some historical photos and headlines. And, I must say, it is much better than the video that inspired me.

So, here is the world premiere of Pawns of the Middle East, with the lyrics as well:

The pawns of the Middle East

In 1948 their leaders abandoned them

The rich Arabs packed up and went to Lebanon
Their confident leaders told them to get out of the way
So the Jews could be slaughtered and then they'll be back to stay

But that's not what happened. Their fighters didn't fight.
Wild rumors scared them, and most then joined the flight
They ended up in Egypt, Syria, Jordan
The Palestinian Arabs thought they'd start over again

They thought that they'd be welcomed by the Arabs who said that they loved them
But they were placed in giant camps, and had to stay in tents
They thought that they were all Arabs, but they were only that in name
The other Arabs didn't want them to remind them of their shame

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

They wanted jobs, they wanted land, they wanted to fit in
Their hosts only wanted the millions given by the UN
They kept them stuck in camps, in disgusting misery
They did everything possible to ensure they'd never be free.

The Arab states passed laws to let them know where they stand
They couldn't work in certain jobs, couldn't own any land
They had no choice, no rights, no control over their fate
And they raised a generation who was taught nothing but hate.


Jordan never gave them an inch of "historic Palestine"
The entire world had no problem. They thought that this was fine.
The only land that Arabs would allow them to receive
Was the land that would be left over when they forced the Jews to leave.

Their new leaders taught terror, for them not to be so meek
Jordan slaughtered thousands of them in a matter of just weeks
And so it went, year after year, kept in dire straits
400,000 of them got kicked out of Kuwait

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

UPDATE: The author of the song I was originally spoofing, David Rovics, also has a song extolling "Resistance," a song about the Israeli separation barrier whose video and lyrics compares it to the Holocaust, and a song that praises Somali pirates.

Sorry, I didn't realize when I called him an airhead that I was being complimentary. He is evil and he actively supports evil. And there are thousand of people who love his songs.

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