Friday, February 09, 2024
Friday, February 09, 2024
Elder of Ziyon
"Royal Match" is a very popular mobile game where players can join teams and compete. The most obsessive players would naturally want to join teams with the other best players.
There are plenty of teams that claim to represent countries or regions. Most of their descriptions say things like "Have fun" or something patriotic.
One of the top teams in the game is called "Royal Palestine."
Its self description says nothing positive about "Palestine." It's only about how Israel "is an evil terrorist state that kills women and children."
Like the Palestinian national cause itself, there is nothing "pro-Palestinian" here. It is purely anti-Israel.
Ukrainian teams don't insult Russia in their descriptions. Kurdish teams don't attack Turkey. But "Palestinian" teams define themselves with hate, not pride.
Hating Israel is not a reasoned opinion. It is an obsession. It is a psychosis. It is the socially acceptable way to be antisemitic.
And Jews who just want to live their lives are forced to be exposed to this hate, even when they just want to play a game.