This morning there was a terror attack in Ma'ale Adumim, with three gunmen shooting anyone they could find including a pregnant woman.
The response from Hamas was the same as the Palestinian responses to hundreds of previous terror attacks: it was a "natural response" to perceived Israeli crimes.
2012 bus bombing in Tel Aviv:
2006 suicide bombing:
2002 by the PLO's Jibril Rajoub:
1997, referring to a 1989 terror attack:
An Israeli Arab MK in 1992:
There is nothing "natural" about terror attacks for normal human beings. But for Palestinians, literally every such attack - no matter how heinous - is called a "natural response" to Israeli actions.
The narrative is so entrenched that no one even questions the "naturalness" of blowing up Jews. Peopel in sub-Saharan Africa or Myanmar and many othe rplaces live much worse lives than Palestinians have, but no one expects violence from most of them.
Only for Palestinians are terror attacks routinely called "natural."
If I would say that Palestinians are naturally oriented towards violence and terror, people would call me a bigot. But what about when Palestinians themselves consistently say that very thing about each other?
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