Wednesday, February 07, 2024

  • Wednesday, February 07, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Victoria Police are pursuing a protection order for a Jewish couple who received a photograph of their five-year-old son from an anti-Zionist activist with the threatening message "I know where you live".

The couple seeking the protection order runs a gift shop in Melbourne's northern suburbs, which has been forced to close by an antisemitic campaign that started after the Hamas massacre on October 7. They do not want to be identified and are leaving the area out of fear for their own and their child's safety.
The shop has been graffitied with "No Jews" messages in the form of Stars of David with crosses through them. Regular custom has disappeared in a general boycott.
A 30-year-old Jewish student was brutally assaulted and hospitalized with facial fractures by a 23-year-old pro-Palestinian student in Berlin this past weekend. 


 A duo of Iranian agents were arrested in Stockholm on suspicion of targeting Jews in the Swedish capital, local media Sverige Radio reported on Tuesday morning.

A self-described Palestinian migrant from northern Africa stole a pro-Israel flag from a Long Island porch — then pummeled the homeowner who tried to stop him in a wild caught-on-video attack, officials said.  

New York City:

An antisemitic flier depicting a skunk in the white and blue of the Israeli flag and a Star of David has surfaced on Columbia University’s campus, sparking outrage among the Jewish community. 

The skunk depiction has been likened to Nazi propaganda posters used during World War II — which dehumanized the Jewish community and compared them to vermin. 

New Jersey:

 A New Jersey man admitted to a series of violent hate crimes, for driving his car into a group of people and stabbing one because they were Jewish.   


 At least 50 vehicles in Lincoln Park, a neighborhood with a significant Jewish population, were targeted by antisemitic flyers.  

Racist incidents usually prompt horror and a backlash. Antisemitic incidents cause.more antisemitic incidents.

After all, the current tsunami of antisemitism started with the biggest mass slaughter of Jews in nearly eight decades. The Hamas pogrom didn't marginalize or shame the antisemites - it emboldened them. 

Notice that these incidents span all flavors of antisemitism - from the Left, the Right, Muslims and the Black community. Hamas attacks on Jews don't only encourage other Muslim Jew-haters to publicly spread their bile, but  it also inspires the "progressives" and the other antisemites. Their talking points have all merged to become virtually indistinguishable: even the most woke self-described anti-racist and avowed enemy of antisemitism has no problem with chants of "Khaybar, Khaybar, ya Yahud" by Arabs who attend their rallies, and far-right proud antisemites will parrot the anti-Zionist talking points of the Left. 

And mainstream anti-Israel reporting - reporting that thoroughly misrepresents and perverts Israeli actions to defeat a depraved Islamist terrorist group - adds more fuel to the fire. 

Antisemitism snowballs. And it is still near the top of the mountain. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!




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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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