Gerald M. Steinberg: Bias and Betrayal
Human Rights Watch (HRW) is routinely described as one of the world’s most powerful non-governmental organisations (NGOs), but it is tainted by a biased political agenda and troubling questions about the ethics of its fundraising. The salience of these problems has only increased in the wake of a high-visibility campaign following the October 7th Hamas massacre, during which 1,200 Israelis were brutally murdered and 240 more were taken hostage.Gadi Taub: Why Israel Is Target #1 of the Global Left
In response to the October 7th atrocities, HRW officials rushed to condemn Israel’s military campaign with repeated accusations of war crimes, apartheid, collective punishment, and similar terms. For a senior employee, who had worked at HRW for 13 years, this response crossed a moral red line, and she circulated a bitter email, confirming the pervasive bias and lack of credibility that have previously been detailed by the organisation’s critics (including this author). In parallel, the publication of a leaked document appeared to show that HRW received $3.75 million from Qatar in 2018, a conflict of interest that casts further doubt on the organisation’s commitment to its stated mission.
These developments raise a number of important questions: How did this organisation, established to promote the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, become a world leader in political propaganda, apparently willing to accept donations from some of the world’s most oppressive and brutal regimes? How did an initial emphasis on detailed and verifiable research reports on global human-rights issues degenerate into narrow political advocacy tracts?
A Changed Mission
In order to understand HRW’s transformation, we should begin with its founding in 1978. The NGO was established by Robert Bernstein, the CEO of a major publishing company, after he returned from a trip to the Soviet Union where he met with prominent dissidents. Three years earlier, Washington and Moscow had signed the Helsinki Accords, which included a commitment to “respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms,” and Bernstein’s new NGO (initially called Helsinki Watch) began by documenting compliance from Moscow. It quickly grew into an influential watchdog, and its reports and other activities brought international pressure to bear first on the Kremlin, and then on dictatorial regimes worldwide as its remit and operations expanded. Unlike other NGOs such as Amnesty International, which relied on claims by activists, HRW produced detailed academic-style research reports based on verifiable information.
Bernstein served as the organisation’s chair until 1998, when he retired from active involvement. Five years earlier, executive director Aryeh Neier had left and Ken Roth was appointed to take his place—a position he would hold until 2022. Following the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, Roth began to pursue a very different agenda, anchored in an anti-Western, anti-American, and postcolonial ideology that was and remains popular on university campuses. This simplistic perspective divides the world—subjectively and a priori—into opposing groups: aggressor states that are presumptively guilty of aggression and war crimes, and victims who cannot be held accountable for even the most egregious acts of brutality and terror. Under the pretext of promoting human rights, Israel went from being a parliamentary democracy to a neocolonialist oppressor, while Palestinian terrorists—including Hamas—became decolonial activists exercising their legitimate “right of resistance” by murdering hundreds of Israeli citizens.
This ideological shift was only amplified by indications that Roth harbored personal animus toward Zionism, regardless of Israel’s borders or policies, and he repeatedly attacked its use of military power in self-defense. Roth frequently refers to his father’s experience as a child in Nazi Germany (until 1938) to justify these obsessive condemnations, and makes frequent use of his social-media accounts to attack Israel. At times, he even employs a distorted text from the Jewish Bible in an effort to provide his hostility with some Jewish authenticity. In a 2006 letter to the New York Sun, Roth described Israel’s response to a lethal Hezbollah attack as “an eye for an eye” and “the morality of some more primitive moment.” In response, the Sun ran an editorial calling this “a slur on the Jewish religion itself that is breathtaking in its ignorance. ... To suggest that Judaism is a "primitive" religion incompatible with contemporary morality is to engage in supersessionism, the de-legitimization of Judaism, the basis of much anti-Semitism.”
Antisemitism has evolved through a breathtaking dialectical leap: It is now conveyed through the lingo of human rights. This is how a host of liberals and progressives—many of them Jews—have been seduced into supporting NGOs that claim to promote human rights, but are in fact promoting a racist view of the Jewish people. They do so by singling out the Jews as the one people not partaking in the universal right to self-determination, and Israel alone among the nations as the one state which has no right to exist. Singling out the Jews for special hostile treatment is, of course, the very definition of antisemitism.Brendan O'Neill: Why Ivy League universities are so blasé about genocide
How has this old-new antisemitism become a legitimate, even respectable position once again? And how did the idea of human rights, which purports to serve as a universal standard, get distorted so badly as to yield an argument for the targeting and exclusion of Jews?
One part of the answer is that academia and the media have created an Industry of Lies, as the title of Israeli leftist journalist Ben-Dror Yemini’s book accurately called it. By using gross double standards, this industry portrays Israel as a uniquely monstrous violator of human rights. The world’s actual egregious violators of human rights—such as China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and most of Israel’s neighbors—don’t receive a fraction of the moralizing attention that Israel gets.
But that is not the whole story. Another part of the answer lies in the way the human rights agenda has been channeled globally into undermining national democracies in general. This trend usually presents itself as a critique of nationalism, understood by the global left as proto-fascism permanently poised to break into actual fascism at any moment. The argument is admittedly catchy: If nationalism is particularistic and exclusive, then human rights, which are universal, are the answer. Catchy, that is, only if you conceive of nationalism as a “negation of others,” as opposed to the particular manifestation of a universal right to national self-determination.
What is more troubling is that behind the declared critique of nationalism lies the undeclared attack on democracy. Because to “transcend” nationalism is to “transcend” the nation-state. When those nation-states are democracies, that means “transcending” democracy too. It means undermining the one effective framework by which citizens exercise political control over their common fate. Imposing a universal regime of human rights from above, through international institutions, is therefore a direct attack on the right to elect the government under which one lives—a right which is the single most effective check against tyranny, and therefore the linchpin of liberty and all other human and civil rights.
Both parts of the answer—the demonization of Israel and the attack on democracy—were clearly manifest in the Durban conference of 2001, beginning with its Orwellian title: World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. The conference turned into a festival of blood libels against the Jewish nation-state—in the name of tolerance, of course. But it also exhibited the rising trend of using the idea of human rights to undermine democracy.
John Fonte was the first to point out, a year after the conference, that the new transnational globalist agenda was utilizing the United Nations and the conference to undermine the principle of government by the consent of the governed. Forty-seven American human rights activists, Fonte noted, sent a petition to the UN’s high commissioner for human rights, under the title “A Call to Action to the United Nations.” The petition demanded that the U.N. impose on the U.S. an agenda that the U.S. government rejected. Fonte went on to write a landmark book, Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?, detailing the many ways in which new globalist elites are bypassing democratic sovereignty in pursuit of policies that the citizens of democratic nation-states have not consented to.
The case of Israel is most instructive because the general trend of anti-democratic liberalism acquires special poignancy in the one instance where a nation-state’s very right to exist is being questioned. The effort to undermine the Jewish nation-state does not therefore need to camouflage itself. It can be explicit about both its aim and its means: the destruction of Israel in the name of human rights.
Yet it seems clear to me that our shuffling, nervous Ivy League heads have very little in common with yesteryear’s valiant warriors for the liberty to speak. Witness their entirely administrative attitude to the question of genocide-speak. These doyennes of the Byzantine bureaucracy of the 21st-century campus seem obsessed with ‘the rules’. The only way they can understand the profound question of whether genocide advocacy is permissible speech is by referring to their universities’ carefully drawn speech codes. They avoid the immense moral challenge thrown up by a question like ‘Should genocide advocacy enjoy freedom?’ in preference for citing the rulebook. Where liberals of the past thought in deep moral terms, this lot thinks only technically. They end up defending the right to call for genocide for the wrong reasons – not because, in Aryeh Neier’s view, we must defend freedom even for speech we hate, but because they’ve memorised that dusty document in HR’s top drawer that sets out exactly when words become ‘violence’.Why the young are falling for Hamas propaganda
Worse, there’s the double standards. To many observers of yesterday’s hearing, it will have felt nothing short of horrifying that the representatives of campuses overrun by petty and insane forms of censorship should be so chilled about the most racist speech imaginable. What the layman knows of the Anglo-American campus in 2023 is that you can be mobbed and reprimanded and disinvited for the slightest transgressions against correct-think. That students, often with the blessing of administrators, have constructed ‘safe spaces’ in which to hide from the horror of a disagreeable idea. That trigger warnings have been whacked on works of literature to shield students from scary storylines and adult themes. And yet now we see Ivy League presidents essentially saying: ‘Yeah, it’s okay to call for the murder of all Jews.’
Jews, clearly, are not covered by the new moral order in the academy. They do not enjoy the same security from offence that is offered to other identity groups. All of us have the right to a ‘safe space’, ‘a refuge’, where we might feel ‘insulated from pressures, insults and impositions’, says the Penn website. Not Jews, though? They might have to run the gamut of genocidal hate? A ‘sense of belonging’ is ‘critical for students’, says MIT, which is why we ‘strive to create an environment that is welcoming’. But not for Jewish students? They might have to suck up hearing people call for the gassing of their race? Harvard promises to be a ‘safe environment’ for everyone regardless of their ‘race and ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ+ [status]’, etc. And yet Jewish students might hypothetically have to listen to some Goebbels fanboy with blue hair and a Palestinian scarf praying for Jewish extermination? Make it make sense.
Clearly, the safe-space system that now pertains on campuses does not extend to Jews. No safe space for you. No sense of belonging. No shield from triggering. Let’s be clear: Jews are second-class citizens in the modern academy. Where racist regimes of old forbade Jews from entering certain professions or marrying gentiles, the new woke regime denies them access to the new moral conventions – good and ill – of campus life. This is identity politics in action, in all its wickedness and bigotry. This new hyper-racial regime brutally organises people according to their ‘oppression’ or ‘privilege’, offering safety to the former while exposing the latter to ridicule, judgement and, we now know, open calls for their mass slaughter. So where some students are protected from the microaggression of being asked ‘Where are you from?’, Jewish students can be exposed to people calling for Jews to be killed. Thus anti-Semitism is re-institutionalised, under the cover of woke.
What should Jewish students do about their blatantly racist exclusion from campus convention? I agree with Batya Ungar-Sargon: instead of fighting for inclusion in the safe space, they should fight against the safe space. Instead of agitating for their fragility to be respected alongside that of other minority groups, they should revolt against the entire cult of fragility. The hypocrisy, illiberalism and outright racism of the new campus ideologies of ‘safety’ and ‘inclusion’ have been starkly exposed in the aftermath of 7 October, and such a poisonous moral order deserves dismantling, not expansion. It was the academy’s turn against reason and enlightenment that landed us in the horrendous situation where students are not allowed to say a man is not a woman but they can call for every Jew on Earth to be murdered – only with the restoration of reason and enlightenment might sense finally return.
Throughout the Anglo-American world, many young people seem to have thrown in their lot with Hamas. Indeed, a recent poll carried out by More in Common shows that 24 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds would characterise Hamas as freedom fighters.
That nearly a quarter of Zoomers have chosen to see Hamas, a vicious Islamist terror group, as liberatory heroes is all too telling. It suggests that millions of young people throughout the West identify with a movement that is unambiguously hostile to their society and way of life. Many of those who regard Hamas as freedom fighters are also likely to give more credence to Hamas propaganda than to mainstream news sources. As a result, over 30 per cent of Zoomers now believe the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October are a fiction invented by Israel or the West.
There is considerable evidence that even before 7 October young people tended to be more supportive of Palestine than of Israel. After 7 October, Zoomers stood out for being the generation most likely to support anti-Israel protests. These sentiments are particularly prevalent among university students where the caricature of Israel as a ‘settler colony’ holds sway.
So what is it about Gen Z that has encouraged so many of that cohort to sympathise with or even support Hamas? And why are so many young people excusing the atrocities Hamas committed on 7 October or even denying they ever happened?
Many commentators have found a familiar scapegoat. They are blaming Gen Z’s pro-Hamas views on social media, noting the role played by influencers on TikTok and Instagram, or pointing to the huge amounts of pro-Hamas videos and propaganda on these platforms. They also claim that young people are afraid of saying the ‘wrong’ thing about the conflict, in case it leads to being singled out by the vocal pro-Hamas mob.
Social media’s role is no doubt significant. Unlike older members of society, who still get most of their news from mainstream outlets, the younger generation relies on social media to inform themselves about current events. They are thus much more likely to encounter sceptical takes on mainstream reporting. But it’s important not to overstate social media’s influence. A TikTok influencer does not have magical powers that can automatically make young people perceive an atrocity as a blow for freedom.
To understand properly why many young people are so uncritically anti-Israel, we need to look instead at the influence of identity politics. Make no mistake: identitarianism suffuses Gen Z’s worldview. It dominates Anglo-American popular culture. And it has become institutionalised in schools and universities.
As UN chief uses rare clause to urge truce, Israeli envoy says he ‘reached a new moral low’
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan castigates UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, calling on him to resign, after Guterres invoked a rare clause and prompted the Security Council to discuss the humanitarian situation in Gaza and call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
Guterres wrote the letter invoking Article 99 of the UN’s charter, which states that “the secretary-general may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”
It is the first time the UN chief has invoked the article since taking office in 2017, and the first time any secretary-general has made use of it since 1989.
“Today, the Secretary-General has reached a new moral low,” writes Erdan in a tweet. “The Secretary-General decided to activate this rare clause only when it allows him to put pressure on Israel, which is fighting the Nazi Hamas terrorists. This is more proof of the Secretary-General’s moral distortion and his bias against Israel.
“The Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire is actually a call to keep Hamas’s reign of terror in Gaza. Instead of the Secretary-General explicitly pointing to Hamas’s responsibility for the situation and calling on the terrorist leaders to turn themselves in and return the hostages, thus ending the war, the Secretary-General chooses to continue playing into Hamas’ hands,” Erdan says.
“I again call on the Secretary-General to resign immediately — the UN needs a Secretary-General who supports the war on terror, not a Secretary-General who acts according to the script written by Hamas.”
Today, the Secretary-General has reached a new moral low. He writes that he is activating, for the first time, Article 99 of the UN Charter in relation to the Israel-Hamas war, an article that can only be invoked in a situation where international peace and security are…
— Ambassador Gilad Erdan גלעד ארדן (@giladerdan1) December 6, 2023
The UN rose from the ashes of the Holocaust with a promise of Never Again.
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) December 6, 2023
Again came on October 7. And this Secretary General said nothing. Did nothing. For weeks. No Art. 99s. No condemnations.
Today he further indicts himself & the UN. We should not give them another penny.
UN Palestine envoy: Demands that Hamas release hostages 'unacceptable'
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese, who previously claimed that Israel does not have the right to protect itself from the Hamas terrorist organization, stated that calls for Hamas to release the hostages it kidnapped on October 7 are "unacceptable."Israel booting top UN humanitarian official Hastings
Albanese responded to a tweet by former State Department official Dennis Ross, who wrote: "The suffering of Palestinians in Gaza is real. Why not call on Hamas to release all hostages and agree to have its leaders leave Gaza. They could save Palestinians from paying a further price. Real support for Palestinians should produce such a call. Isn’t it time for that?"
The Special Rapporteur wrote in response: "Regrettably, this sounds like: - putting the onus to end the carnage in Gaza on the Palestinians, including those being slaughtered in Gaza; - justifying and deflecting the attention from the atrocities committed by the Israeli army in Gaza. Unacceptable."
In another tweet yesterday, Albanese stated: "Fellow Europeans, Italians, Germans: after the Holocaust, we should instinctively know that Genocide starts with dehumanizing the Other. If Israel's current attack agst Palestinians doesnt prompt our strong reaction, the darkest page of our recent history has taught us nothing."
Albanese has consistently defended Hamas in the aftermath of the massacre of over 1,200 people in southern Israel and the taking of about 240 hostages on October 7.
In November, during a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra, Australia, Albanese claimed that Israel had no right to engage in a war in response to the massacre, saying: “Israel cannot claim the right of self-defence against a threat that emanates from a territory it occupies, from a territory that is under belligerent occupation."
Foreign Minister Eli Cohen says on X that he has canceled a visa for Lynn Hastings, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in the Palestinian territories, over her refusal to speak out against Hamas.Freed Thai hostages: 'Israelis had it worse'
Hastings has been a vocal critic of Israel’s offensive in Gaza and has led appeals for increased humanitarian aid in Gaza.
Israel has consistently panned the UN for its response to Hamas’s atrocities on October 7, further straining an already frayed relationship.
According to Ynet, Cohen has given Hastings, who is based in East Jerusalem, two weeks to leave the country.
“Whoever does not condemn Hamas over the massacre of 1,200 Israelis, kidnapping of old people and babies, horific torture and rape, and the use of Gazans as human shields, but does condemn Israel, a democratic country that defends its citizens, cannot serve the UN and will not enter Israel,” Cohen writes on X.
The UN said last week that it was informed by Israel that Hastings’s visa would not be renewed when it expires later this month, according to Reuters.
One of them was Manee Jirachat, who's been back in Thailand for just a few short days. He's happy to be home, but also pained by the memories of what he witnessed in the past seven weeks. He was kidnapped, held hostage, and saw friends being murdered.Spielberg speaks out against ‘unspeakable barbarity against Jews’ in Oct. 7 attacks
"Physically, I'm fine," the 29-year-old told DW on his farm in Udon Thani. "My neck still hurts a bit."
The dull pain is from a rifle stock that one of his kidnappers rammed into his neck while driving him and other kidnapped laborers on to the back of a pickup.
"Once the truck was full, they shot two of my companions in the head," the young man recounted, head lowered. "Just because there was no room left for more hostages. I'll never forget the sight."
As the overcrowded pickup crossed the border into Gaza, Manee was sure he was headed into certain death. He and four other Thais, as well as two Israelis, were lead into a tunnel. They spent their first days in captivity tied up on a plastic sheet. Only after it was established that they were Thai citizens were they untied so they could walk through the tunnels a bit each day.
"The Israeli hostages had it worse," he said, recounting how guards would shout at them while the Thai hostages received medication.
The group of hostages was relocated within the tunnel network three times. After weeks of living in fear, the first glimmer of hope appeared. "The guards said we would be released during the ceasefire."
After 50 days underground, he was finally allowed to return home.
After two months of silence, Steven Spielberg made his first public remarks about the deadly October 7 Hamas attacks in Israel, calling them “unspeakable barbarity.”Islamic Antisemitism and its Leftist Twin
“I never imagined I would see such unspeakable barbarity against Jews in my lifetime,” Spielberg said in a written feature published on Friday by the USC Shoah Foundation, an organization he founded in 1994 to record and preserve interviews with Holocaust survivors and other witnesses.
The foundation has begun collecting testimonies and accounts from survivors of the October 7 attacks as part of their Countering Antisemitism Through Testimony Collection initiative, a project that documents post-Holocaust antisemitism.
Countering antisemitism
Spielberg said the initiative is “an effort that will ensure that the voices of survivors will act as a powerful tool to counter the dangerous rise of antisemitism and hate.”
“Both initiatives – recording interviews with survivors of the October 7 attacks and the ongoing collection of Holocaust testimony – seek to fulfill our promise to survivors: that their stories would be recorded and shared in the effort to preserve history and to work toward a world without antisemitism or hate of any kind,” he said. “We must remain united and steadfast in these efforts.”
Some three weeks ago, Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation-USA published an open letter by its president, 94-year-old David Schaecter, calling on the Schindler’s List director to make a statement condemning the massacre.
Schaecter began the letter by expressing his admiration for Spielberg, especially for documenting the horrors of the Holocaust in Schindler’s List. He went on to describe how most of his family members were murdered in the Holocaust, and how he survived four years in Nazi camps, Auschwitz and Buchenwald, where he watched his brother die.
A Possible Future For Hamas Depends On One Thing
The question of the possible future of Hamas in Gaza is one that, tragically, now must be asked since the late November ceasefire has given Hamas the chance to refortify and resupply in their terrorist tunnels.
Dennis Ross, a U.S. envoy to the Middle East, admitted in an op-ed in the Washington Post in August 2014 that he put pressure on Israel to allow Hamas to import cement into Gaza.Ross acknowledged that he knew the cement might be misused. “At times, I argued with Israeli leaders and security officials, telling them they needed to allow more construction materials, including cement, into Gaza so that housing, schools and basic infrastructure could be built,” Ross wrote. “They countered that Hamas would misuse it, and they were right.”
We will never know if that cement was used to build the particular tunnel where Moshe Leiter was murdered. What we do know is that the cement was used to build thousands of terror tunnels in Gaza. And it is because of those tunnels that these Israeli soldiers had to go into Gaza and target the tunnels, one by one. That is what put them all in harm’s way and, it also must be said, allowed the terrorists to carry out October 7 in the first place. That is why Major Leiter and his fellow soldiers lost their lives on November 10.
But Ross is far from the only American to blame. Back in 2010, the Obama Administration began pressuring Israel to ease up on its blockade of cement and other building material to Gaza. Then Vice President Joe Biden told interviewer Charlie Rose, on Bloomberg TV: “We have put as much pressure and as much cajoling on Israel as we can to allow them to get building materials” into Gaza.
The international pressure on Israel intensified until finally, in 2013, the Israeli government caved in. The New York Times reported on September 17 that Israel had agreed “to allow building materials meant for private projects into the Gaza Strip for the first time in six years…Gaza has been struggling with a shortage of building materials…[An] Israeli official said that 350 trucks of cement, steel and concrete would cross into Gaza weekly.”
But thanks to all that pressure from the Obama-Biden Administration and the United Nations, Gaza received plenty of concrete for “humanitarian” purposes. And now we can see why Hamas was so anxious to get those building materials – in order to build its vast network of underground terror tunnels so it could murder Israelis more easily, culminating on October 7.
Giving “humanitarian aid” and “dual use” items to the people of Gaza will never bring peace and will only allow the terrorists to build more and better tunnels. Peace will only come when Hamas is eradicated along with their tunnels.
Dear Arabs and Muslims,
— Luai Ahmed (@JustLuai) December 6, 2023
I just back from Israel, and my life will never be the same.
I thought I was going to be met with pure racism, and then came to see that half of Israelis look just like me.
I thought I was going to be treated as a terrorist, but I was met with…
National Review The Editors: Kamala Harris’s Performative Scolding of Israel
Senate Democrats Foreign Aid Plan Could Put Taxpayer Dollars in Terrorists' Pockets
House Passes Resolution Equating Antisemitism with Anti-Zionism
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism by 311 to 14.
95 Democrats voted in favor of the resolution, introduced by Jewish Republicans Max Miller of Ohio and David Kustoff of Tennessee, while 92 voted "present."
They introduced the resolution to affirm U.S. support for Jews in the wake of the spike in antisemitic rhetoric and actions spurred by the Israel-Hamas war.
Kustoff said, "We have seen an explosion, an absolute explosion, of antisemitic incidents, attacks, and harassment, in Israel, here in our own nation, and across the world."
311-14: House voted to "strongly condemn and denounce the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world." Resolution approved by a two-thirds vote "clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism." 92 Democrats voted Present.
— Craig Caplan (@CraigCaplan) December 5, 2023
92 House Democrats voted "Present" on a GOP-led resolution condemning antisemitism, which states "anti-Zionism is antisemitism" included leaders Jeffries, Clark, Aguilar and Lieu.
— Craig Caplan (@CraigCaplan) December 5, 2023
With 92 Democrats voting ‘present,’ House calls anti-Zionism Jew-hatred
This! @RitchieTorres:
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) December 6, 2023
“I'm commonly asked why as a gay Afro-Latino from the Bronx I am so outspoken against antisemitism. But people ask me the wrong question. The right question is not why I have chosen to be outspoken, the right question is why others have chosen to remain…
Seth Madel: Why Is Jerry Nadler Legitimizing Anti-Zionism?
Daniel Greenfield: Rep. Nadler, Rep. Raskin Defend ‘Anti-Zionism’
Here is the full text of the anti-semitism resolution that over 100 Democrats refused to vote for. They apparently didn't like how it equated anti-Zionism (belief in the existence of Israel as a Jewish state) with anti-Semitism
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 5, 2023
Biden should summarily get rid of every one of these interns. Take away their badges and swag and kick them to the curb. Immediately. If interns want to be courageous and virtue signal like this, they should quit. If they don’t have the guts, teach them about consequences.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) December 6, 2023
This is BS.
— Ari Hoffman (@thehoffather) December 5, 2023
The Hamas spokeswoman continues her moral equivalence even while attempting to walk back her moral equivalence
So... how certain are we that if Mehmet Oz had won the election, he'd be out there calling out these mobs as irredeemably antisemitic?
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) December 4, 2023
The funniest thing about this isn't that they think that he can be bought for 100k in campaign cash, but that they think J Street is some big pro-Israel organization. Fetterman is way better on Israel than Jstreet.
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) December 5, 2023
'Blinking Lights Everywhere': FBI Director Raises Alarm Over Terror Threat to US
Republican Rep. Thomas Massie is accused of anti-Semitism for sharing Drake meme suggesting Zionism controls Congress: Chuck Schumer calls it 'disgusting' and White House demands GOP leadership condemn him
Rep. Massie, you’re a sitting Member of Congress.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) December 5, 2023
This is antisemitic, disgusting, dangerous, and exactly the type of thing I was talking about in my Senate address.
Take this down.
Despite drop in incidents, US announces blacklisting of settlers
The new visa policy, when read carefully, is neither limited to settlers or violence. It sanctions anyone "believed to have been involved in undermining peace.. or stability" in West Bank. In short, carte blanche or @StateDept to make blacklist of people whose politics it…
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) December 5, 2023
Long time Democrat diplomat who pressured the Israelis to make concessions to terrorists, failed at it, and then gave a widely cited anonymous interview blaming the Israelis for it. Then there was a wave of terrorists mass-murdering Jews.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) December 6, 2023
He has thoughts on the state of things.
Jayapal's call for a "balanced approach" to Hamas's rape & violence v. women is OUTRAGEOUS.
— Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) December 6, 2023
Pelvises were BROKEN.
When faced with this true evil we must:
➡️Call it out
➡️Hold it accountable
➡️Not pursue half measures
Nobody alleged a cabal when Bowman ran against democratic incumbent Eliot Engel. They all recognized the composition of the district favored a challenger.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) December 6, 2023
Then the lines were redrawn. Bowman has made 0 effort to not alienate his many new Jewish constituents.
If you don't want history to judge you as antisemitic, don't vote not on a resolution titled, "Strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world."
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) December 6, 2023
Incredible…absolutely incredible.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) December 6, 2023
Yes, the first thing I think of when I think of Congresswoman Tlaib is “imperialist collaborator.”
"Hamas is a threat because it launched the attack on #October7 but..."
— CIJA (@CIJAinfo) December 6, 2023
There can be no "buts" when fighting a Canadian-listed terrorist entity that openly calls for the destruction of #Israel & the Jewish people.
While everyone aspires for peace, Foreign Minister @melaniejoly's…
Trudeau's woke agenda fails to curb antisemitic outbreak
Canada lectures Israel on killing civilians? That's chutzpa
You can attribute Kibbeh as a Lebanese dish, but it's also popular in South America because of immigrants from the Levant. Are Colombians lying?
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) December 6, 2023
20,000 Jews were expelled from Lebanon. Another 30,000 from Syria.
Are they lying when they call it their dish too?
Poll: Israeli Optimism about the Future on the Rise despite War
Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, the Israeli Voice survey has found a rise in public optimism regarding the future of Israel's security.Nearly half of Arab Israelis support Israel’s military response to Hamas, survey reveals
In a Nov. 27-30 survey released Tuesday, 49.5% of Israeli Jews said they are optimistic about the future of national security, compared with 39% in September.
Among Israeli Arabs, 32% were optimistic about national security, compared with 15% in September.
87% of Jewish Israelis supported the resumption of the fighting in Gaza after the ceasefire.
Terror Tunnels Found in Judea & Samaria: The IDF says reservists of the Menashe Regional Brigade, Duvdevan unit, LOTAR, and Border Police operated overnight in Jenin overnight, detaining 10 wanted terrorists and locating two tunnel shafts and three bomb-making labs.
— Michael Weingardt (@Michael_Wgd) December 6, 2023
The Arab mayor of the Israeli city of Kafr Qasim, Adel Badir condemned the Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas, as did most of the Arab mayors in Israel, saying what happened is undeniable. What a contrast to American professors, gov officials & college students who have denied the reality…
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) December 6, 2023
An Israeli Druze mother writes:
— Yonatan Gonen (@GonenYonatan) December 4, 2023
“I have 4 children who serve in 4 different fronts with the aim of defending the state of Israel and winning the war. I'm proud of them!”
Phenomenal footage of Iron Dome intercepting an enemy rocket in the north of Israel today but filmed from a height.
— Documenting Israel (@DocumentIsrael) December 6, 2023
This system is incredible and those rockets are insanely fast and agile.
The IDF announced the death of Sgt. Maj. Adi Shani, a reservist who was killed fighting in the northern Gaza Strip.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) December 6, 2023
Adi leaves behind a wife and three daughters. His widow said: "He was a perfect husband and father, a man of life."
May Adi's memory forever be a blessing 🕯️
Staff Sgt. Teshager Taka 🕯️
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) December 6, 2023
Teshager was killed on Oct 7 while battling terrorists who attacked the Kissufim military post on the Gaza border.
He was three weeks from his scheduled release. Hamas's attack caught troops off guard, and without a gun, Teshager managed to find a…
Israeli expert, regulator cast doubt on Oct. 7 insider trading report
IDF issues rare apology after strike kills Lebanese soldier
From Which River to Which Sea?
250 college students were asked if they sympathize with Palestinians' chant "From the river to the sea." Most said they supported the chant, 32.8% enthusiastically and 53.2% to a lesser extent.
But only 47% of the students who embrace the slogan were able to name the river and the sea.
Less than a quarter knew who Yasser Arafat was (10% thought he was the first prime minister of Israel).
There's no shame in being ignorant - unless one is screaming for the extermination of millions.
When 80 students who were shown on a map that a Palestinian state stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea left no room for Israel, 75% changed their view.
Many students reduced their support for the slogan when they learned it would entail the subjugation, expulsion or annihilation of seven million Jewish and two million Arab Israelis.
In all, after learning a handful of basic facts, 67.8% of students went from supporting "from the river to sea" to rejecting the mantra.
From which river to which sea? “Only 47% of the students who embrace the slogan were able to name the river & the sea. Some of the alternative answers were the Nile & the Euphrates, the Caribbean, the Dead Sea (which is a lake) & the Atlantic…. There’s no shame in being…
— Izabella Tabarovsky (@IzaTabaro) December 6, 2023
An Islamist incited a mob to scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ at a Jew.
— Israel Advocacy Movement (@israel_advocacy) December 6, 2023
His response shocked them 😂
An Islamist is shocked by an orthodox Jew refusing to be a dhimmi.
— Israel Advocacy Movement (@israel_advocacy) December 6, 2023
iPolitics Commentator Whitewashes Anti-Israel Rallies, Dismisses Their Antisemitic Intentions
Israel-Hamas War 2023
Susan Sarandon is dropped by production company after her anti-Jewish rant at pro-Palestine rally in NYC
'Anti-Semite' who hurled abuse at Israeli tourist and said 'Hamas should kill more of you' before hitting him in NYC's Times Square is hit with hate crime charges
At the weekly anti-Israel marches, police look inward for those inciting antisemitism or glorifying terrorism.
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) December 6, 2023
At the #MarchAgainstAntisemitism, police worked with @CST_UK to protect people from antisemitic attacks from the outside.
That is the difference, says @GideonFalter.
“There should be no freedom to intimidate other people, to glorify terrorism, to commit acts of hatred.”
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) December 6, 2023
CAA Chief Executive @GideonFalter addresses the Home Affairs Committee about the weekly anti-Israel marches taking place in Britain.
“We also know very well that you didn’t see any antisemitism at all in the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.”
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) December 6, 2023
Today at @CommonsHomeAffs, Diane Abbott said she has not seen anyone glorifying Hamas during the weekly marches.
Here is how CAA Chief Executive Gideon Falter replied.
Comparing Emmett Till, an innocent 14 year old boy who was brutally lynched, to Hamas terrorists.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) December 5, 2023
EXCLUSIVE Popular Sydney restaurant owner tells 'narcissistic' Jewish 'pigs' to stay away from his venue in abusive Instagram rant that has divided customers
BREAKING: With some pro-Palestinian demonstrations planned, there will not be a public Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the California State Capitol this year.
— Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) December 5, 2023
Gov. Newsom is expected to do this "virtually," which is a major shift in plans:
Belgian city cancels plans for Black female Santa Claus draped in the Palestinean flag to hand out presents to children as critics slam 'woker than woke' event
I don't give a fig who you are standing in solidarity with--the flag of a foreign nation *shall not* be flown over your own government buildings.
— Kaya (@sisterinferior) December 6, 2023
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) December 6, 2023
PreOccupiedTerritory: Europe To Take Refugees From Anywhere But Palestine (satire)
Kassy Dillon: Jewish Students Encounter Anti-Israel Mob Calling For ‘Global Intifada’ Outside Campus Shabbat Dinner
Jewish students encountered an anti-Israel mob calling for ‘Global Intifada’ outside the Northeastern University Chabad Shabbat dinner on
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) December 5, 2023
Last night, I screened the film of Hamas atrocities at @Harvard. This is the first time the film was screened at a U.S. university and I felt it was very importance that it happen at Harvard first.
— Ambassador Gilad Erdan גלעד ארדן (@giladerdan1) December 5, 2023
Since the October 7th massacre, we have seen a sharp increase in antisemitism on…
3) There is a federal law standard under Title VI they are choosing to ignore for Jews in this context. A standard they would not ignore for others covered under Title VI.
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) December 6, 2023
This comment is from the Harvard Law professor who co-directs the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security.
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) December 5, 2023
This you, Heidi, justifying Hamas's massacre/rape/torturing/kidnapping spree as legitimate resistance?
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) December 5, 2023
It's no longer a question of whether she's evil or dumb. It's both. She's both.
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) December 6, 2023
.@RepJimBanks: why did Penn invite Roger Waters to speak?
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) December 5, 2023
Pres. Magill: Antisemitism has no place at Penn.
Banks: Why did you invite Roger Waters?
Magill: Antisemitism has no place at Penn.
Banks: Why did you invite Roger Waters?
Magill: Antisemitism does not have a place at Penn
After @columbiassw canceled a despicable "teach-in" planned for today by @cssw4palestine that praised the October 7 massacre, pro-Hamas students decided to hold the event anyway, featuring predictably disgusting rhetoric. @Columbia should expel every one of these students.
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) December 6, 2023
Controversial academic Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu is handed an honorary award for 'combating discrimination' by top university just days after sparking backlash by comparing Israel to Nazi Germany
Meet Yara Shoufani, PhD Researcher At York University Who Defended Hamas Terrorism And Recently Received $105,000 In Taxpayer Grants
Ben & Jerry’s chair: ‘When people are occupied resistance is justified!’
She is the *chair* of the @benandjerrys Board of Directors.
— Melissa Weiss (@melissaeweiss) December 5, 2023
Despicable behavior at the @CityofBerkeley City Council meeting last night: Hamas supporters showed up and disrupted the meeting, demanding the Council call for a ceasefire. One man snatched an Israeli flag out of a pro-Israel attendee's hands, to applause from the crowd.
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) December 6, 2023
Jewdas mocking a vigil for the hostages – one of whom is my cousin who had to witness his daughter getting shot in the head and her life drain away before he was wrenched from his other children and wife to an unknown fate. Disgusting people.
— Adam Ma’anit (@adammaanit) December 5, 2023
We are HORRIFIED to see Matt Stephenson (Instagram user @matty_ranks) allude on a CNN IG post the Chief Rabbi of the IDF encourages rape of Palestinian women to keep up morale!
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) December 6, 2023
This is nothing short of a vile blood libel. Even more frightening is that Stephenson is the…
Ishan Daya, who was fired from his CEO position at Crafty in Chicago after being filmed ripping down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, is now a candidate for the 32nd Ward Committeeperson in Chicago. Daya's campaign website said he was “a community organizer and…
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) December 6, 2023
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) December 6, 2023
Multiple levels of Chanukah irony.
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) December 6, 2023
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is in Philadelphia today visiting Goldie, the falafel shop that over the weekend was the subject of antisemitic protests.
— Gabby Deutch (@GSDeutch) December 6, 2023
Congratulations, @Harvard. You regressed by an entire century.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) December 6, 2023
I'm sorry, this is the funniest tweet of all time.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) December 6, 2023
5 major Jewish groups team up to advocate for Israel and push for ‘accurate’ coverage of Israel-Hamas war
Media Legitimize Hamas As Peace Partner Despite October 7 Atrocities
Can The BBC Ever Be Trusted Again After Israel-Hamas War?
If you're following Israel's war against Hamas, this is for you.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) December 5, 2023
The news cycle can be dizzying, so make sure you are making it easy for yourself to decipher the truth. How do you do that though? (We hear you ask). We have answers!
CTV News Edmonton Reports On “Why People Are Boycotting Starbucks In Solidarity With Palestine,” Yet Manages To Produce Only A Single Boycotter
CTV sparks outrage, reporting peaceful pro-Israel rally supported war
The Walrus Claims It’s “Questionable” Whether Israel Has Any Right To Self-Defence
After HRC Complaint, Toronto Star Amends Article Mentioning That Palestinian Teen Killed By IDF Was A Hamas Terrorist
Does @ap think shooting, stabbing, and blowing up innocent Israelis is part of this “popular resistance?”
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) December 6, 2023
You literally wrote an article calling for Hamas terrorists to be given leadership positions in any new Gaza government. You are a shill for Hamas.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 5, 2023
Here's @guardian's Simon Tisdall telling Biden to overthrow Prime Minister @netanyahu in the middle of an existential war.
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) December 6, 2023
I'm sure it's a coincidence that his call to oust the one Israeli leader vowed to eradicate Hamas and block its US-armed junior partner from taking over…
Hamas propagandist suspended at last
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) December 5, 2023
WRONG! our anti-Zionist stance, is deeply rooted in religious beliefs, and is fundamentally distinct from political anti-Zionism.
— Satmar Headquarters (@HQSatmar) December 5, 2023
our stance is a principled religious position, and is clearly not a political tool to cover for antisemitic Jew-haters.
Audience growth of white nationalists on X who have pivoted to pro-Palestinian content:
— Elad Nehorai (@EladNehorai) December 5, 2023
Jackson Hinkle: 500k to 2 million
CensoredMen: 200k to 700k
Lucas Gage: 100k to 200k
Keith Woods: 70k to 150k
Jake Shields: 400k to 550k
Ryan Dawson: 75k to 150k
Lord Bebo: 155k to 275k
A View from Cairo: Hamas Are Nothing but Terrorists
My family fought in Egypt's many wars against Israel. My grandfather, an infantry officer, fought in 1956, 1967, and 1973. My uncle, a fighter pilot, fought in 1967 and 1973.
On Oct. 7, Hamas launched an attack against Israel from Gaza, killing more than a thousand innocent civilians and taking more than 200 hostages back to Gaza. In response, Israel declared war against Hamas.
Around the world, pan-Islamist organizations mobilized large demonstrations to erode public support for Israel's right to defend itself. Their talking points are not about defending the Palestinian right to self-determination. They have descended into an outright defense of Hamas, including rampant justifications of the atrocities of Oct. 7.
As someone whose family fought Israel valiantly on the battlefield, this cannot stand. It is not a defense of Palestinian rights to justify atrocities.
Why won't muslim countries accept fakerstinian refugees?
— Never Again UK (@Never_Again_UK_) December 4, 2023
Remembering the #WestBank was controlled by #Jordan until 1967 and #Gaza was controlled by #Egypt until 1967
Look at whats happening around the world for the last 5 weeks
Can you spot the pattern ? #StandWithIsrael
UN spokesman says UNRWA takes allegations of a hostage-holding teacher seriously; if anyone has info linking UNRWA staff to Hamas, they should pass it on to UNRWA.
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) December 6, 2023
But @antonioguterres, we found 150 cases:
Why is @UNLazzarini refusing to meet with us?
Looting sacks of flour from the #UNRWA warehouses in Khan Younes, south Gaza Strip. #UNRWAisascam
— Imshin (@imshin) December 6, 2023
MEMRI: Palestinian Officials Justify Hamas' October 7 Massacre: It Was Not Terror But A Natural Reaction To Occupation; 'The Next Explosion, Even More Violent, Will Be In The West Bank'; Hamas Is And Will Remain Part Of The Palestinian Fabric
Did you know that under international law, combatants have to distinguish themselves from the civilian population?
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) December 6, 2023
Here's an assortment of screenshots taken from recent Hamas and PIJ propaganda videos. The featured terrorists are all dressed in regular clothing so they can blend…
PMW: Oct. 7 Hamas terrorists were “summarily executed” by Israel, as per Al-Haq “human rights” organization’s wild accusation Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorists were “summarily executed” by Israel
IDF soldiers operating in Gaza found a brothel in the middle of Gaza. The brothel was for Hamas terrorists
— Documenting Israel (@DocumentIsrael) December 6, 2023
Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras Calls on the West Bank to Rise Up against the Palestinian Authority: Mahmoud Abbas Is a Traitor; May Allah Take Revenge on Criminal, Nazi America #Hamas #Palestinians
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 6, 2023
Is this the comparison you really want to be making?
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) December 6, 2023
Colorado Imam Karim Abu Zaid: Allah Decreed that Only Muslims Could Live in Palestine, that the Jews Would Leave Jerusalem and Never Come Back; When the Caliphate is Established We Will Liberate Palestine and Expel These Guys #Antisemitism #Palestinians
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 6, 2023
While we're mentioning Deema, she posted a video of her life in "concentration camp" Gaza - before Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, committing horrific atrocities to thousands of Israeli and foreign civilians - and an after of what happened to her favorite haunts: her…
— Imshin (@imshin) December 6, 2023
“This regime is anti-human, their ideology celebrates martyrdom rather than life.”
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 6, 2023
Crown Prince of Iran @PahlaviReza talking to Polish television @TVPWorld_com about what the Islamists have done to the beautiful country of Iran.
Israel is not systematically targeting Iranian forces in Syria, Fars news website affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard stated on Tuesday, downplaying repeated air strikes which recently led to the deaths of two IRGC generals in Syria.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) December 6, 2023
Iranian Int’l Affairs Expert Khoshcheshm: Hamas Can Give Israel Hell, So No Point in Iranian Intervention that Would Lead to a World War; We Don’t Need to Throw Israelis into the Sea, They Will Throw Themselves into It, Fleeing in Boats Like the Syrian Refugees #Iran #Hamas…
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 6, 2023
A new report by @amnesty has revealed how Iran's security forces weaponized rape and other sexual violence to torture, punish and inflict lasting physical and psychological damage on protesters, including children as young as 12, during the 2022 Woman Life Freedom uprising.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) December 6, 2023
Sasy's latest music video, named Leila's Brothers after a banned Iranian film by Saeid Roustayi, mocks a children's program on Iran's state television and harshly criticizes Iranian officials and their main propaganda machine, the state TV, for their hypocrisy.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) December 5, 2023
The videos'…
There is an old Jewish saying: the antisemite does not accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole something. He does it because he enjoys watching the Jew turn out his pockets to prove his innocence.
— Alex Ryvchin (@AlexRyvchin) December 6, 2023
The rape deniers know women were raped, mutilated and tortured.…
Here are some hate crime numbers for this month. The Jewish community again has the most hate crime victims , In November, the Jewish community had 62 hate crimes reported to the NYPD. A lot of hate crimes go unreported.
— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) December 6, 2023
Neighbors ‘stunned’ after ex-SS soldier found living in sleepy English suburb
Wrestling star's 'likes' of antisemitic posts causes firestorm – but no sanctions from WWE
Hi @FBI @FBILosAngeles, this google reviewer threatened to shoot up and bomb 2 Jewish Centers in California. Here are photos of him from his google reviewer account. He even posted a picture of his boarding pass and it appears his name is Steven Lee Johnson.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 6, 2023
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) December 6, 2023
Bondi Junction antisemitic assault.
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) December 6, 2023
AJA reported on this a few weeks ago (and faced criticism from other Jewish orgs for informing the community).
Now this shocking incident has made the media.
A Jewish man was targeted in an antisemitic attack. It ended up being a bystander…
Applicants for naturalization in the eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt are now required to declare their support for Israel's right to exist.
— DW Politics (@dw_politics) December 5, 2023
Today I visited the Abrahamic Family House complex in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) December 5, 2023
They have a church, mosque, and synagogue all on the same site. All are active and hold services for worshippers.
Cool to visit and learn more.
Sylvan Adams donates $100M to Ben-Gurion U after Hamas attack
Chabad Tel Aviv members set up a Chabad House in the middle of Gaza 😂❤️🇮🇱
— Documenting Israel (@DocumentIsrael) December 6, 2023
They will deal with all the soldiers' religious needs during Channuka and after.
Amazing Jewish pride in public, as this giant Menorah, the largest west of the Mississippi, goes up in St. Louis, Missouri!
— (@Chabad) December 5, 2023
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