Tuesday, February 21, 2023

  • Tuesday, February 21, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian security prisoners in 2005

No, this isn't parody. From Amira Hass in Haaretz:

Four minutes of shower time for every Palestinian prisoner, the master has ordered, and in doing so he has opened an old-new front in our war for Jewish supremacy.

For now, the new rule can only be applied in two wings of Nafha Prison in the south because the showers are outside the cells and the guards can turn off the water main whenever they want. But the Jewish mind can be expected to devise ways of imposing the new restriction on all Palestinian political/security prisoners.

Is the idea to return to the 1960s and '70s? “Upon entering the common shower, the guard would warn the prisoners that they had to undress, shower and get dressed in very little time. He would count to 10, and during that time the prisoners had to finish showering and get dressed,” Ghazi Abu-Jiab writes about Ashkelon Prison, which served as a laboratory for incarcerating Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Limiting shower time to four minutes is one of Nationalist Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's many moves to reduce the fabricated prisons’ five-star rating. Not three minutes, not five or six, but exactly four; the minister must have consulted with experts and mathematicians. This is the kind of applied math that we in Israel excel at and that the bureaucracy of control and subjugation needs.

For the past 10 days Palestinian inmates have been protesting the new measures, and the prison service responds with reprisals to satisfy its master. This is not a new front. Whether it's throwing a stone, writing a post online or killing Israelis, their actions are in the context of a people under occupation that is doing what any other oppressed people under foreign rule has done and that has reached indescribable levels of despair.

But in prison, Palestinian inmates become a collective “enemy” for the authorities and are punished not only by denying them their freedom but by humiliating them and denying them their humanity.

Oh, the humanity! The four minute shower is merely a gateway to a 10-second "shower and get dressed" story that cannot possibly be true! 

Ms. Hass ignores one small fact: Palestinian prisoners have, for years, been wasting huge amounts of water to hurt Israel.

The practice seems to have started in the early 2000s, when Israel was suffering from a severe water shortage. "The Prisons Service in recent years has said that security prisoners leave the showers running for hours at a time. In 2007, the service said security prisoners consumed around 1,000 liters of water per day, while criminal prisoners consumed 500 liters, and civilians used 250 liters."

In 2018, the problem was just as bad:

The Israel Prison Service is reportedly exploring ‎the possibility of limiting Palestinian security ‎prisoners’ time in the shower, after learning that ‎they are wasting water on purpose.‎

Israel is grappling with a five-year drought, and the ‎public has been asked to use the precious resource ‎wisely, but according to religious news website ‎Hakol Hayehudi, security prisoners are wasting ‎‎hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of water on ‎purpose to undercut Israel’s water supply. ‎

According to the report, IPS data shows that ‎security prisoners’ wards use up far more water than ‎the criminal wards, whose inmates spend less time in ‎their cells.‎

The discrepancy between the wards’ water use is so ‎great, that it led the IPS to believe that ‎Palestinian inmates leave their showers running for ‎hours on purpose, to waste water.‎

An analysis of the data shows that ‎security prisoners use about 3.5 times more water a ‎year than the average Israeli—250 cubic meters ‎‎(‎8,830 cubic feet‎) compared to 70 cubic meters ‎‎(2,472 cubic feet).‎

As there are currently 5,800 Palestinian security ‎prisoners in Israeli jails, they seem to waste an ‎average of 750,000 cubic meters (26,486,000 cubic ‎feet) of water a year, costing taxpayers some 5.6 ‎million shekels ($1.5 million).‎

For some reason, the environmentalists at Haaretz have never felt that the purposeful waste of  over a billion liters of water a year is anything to be concerned over. In fact, it is "resistance" and must be encouraged.

The other restrictions being proposed are equally reasonable. Fox News has an article that describes the unbelievable freedom that Palestinian murderers have in prison - far more than in most other countries. 

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