Sunday, July 17, 2022

  • Sunday, July 17, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • , ,
The Human Rights Watch 2021 World Report describes the human rights situation, as they see it, in every country.

The number of pages allocated to each country is a rough approximation of which countries HRW considers their top priorities.

And the country with the most pages, by far, is....The United States.

This chart shows a very bizarre idea of where the top human rights problems worldwide are:

Western democracies are rated often worse than states with the most serious human rights issues. 

Here's the entire list so you can see for yourself how twisted HRW's priorities are.

United States 18
China 14
Russia 13
Brazil 12
European Union 12
India 12
Colombia  11
Mexico  11
Syria  11
Venezuela  11
Egypt  10
Israel/Palestine  10
Myanmar  10
Afghanistan 9
Argentina 9
Australia  9
Iran 9
Peru  9
Bangladesh 8
Belarus  8
Bolivia  8
Canada  8
Cuba  8
Ecuador 8
El Salvador  8
France  8
Guinea 8
Haiti  8
Honduras  8
Iraq 8
Japan  8
Kyrgyzstan  8
Libya 8
Nigeria 8
Pakistan  8
Thailand 8
Turkey 8
United Kingdom  8
Yemen 8
Armenia  7
Azerbaijan  7
Chile 7
Germany  7
Greece  7
Guatemala  7
Indonesia 7
Kazakhstan  7
Lebanon  7
Maldives  7
Morocco 7
Nepal 7
Nicaragua  7
North Korea 7
Saudi Arabia  7
Somalia  7
South Sudan 7
Spain  7
Sudan 7
Turkmenistan  7
Ukraine 7
Uzbekistan  7
Algeria 6
Bahrain 6
Burkina Faso  6
Burundi  6
Cambodia 6
Cameroon 6
Eritrea  6
Ethiopia  6
Georgia  6
Italy  6
Jordan  6
Kenya  6
Malaysia  6
Mali  6
Papua New Guinea  6
Philippines  6
Poland  6
Qatar 6
Rwanda 6
Tajikistan 6
United Arab Emirates 6
Vietnam 6
Bosnia and Herzegovina  5
Central African Republic 5
Democratic Republic of Congo 5
Hungary  5
Kuwait  5
Mauritania  5
Mozambique  5
Singapore  5
South Africa  5
South Korea 5
Sri Lanka 5
Uganda 5
Zimbabwe  5
Angola  4
Eswatini  4
Kosovo 4
Oman  4
Serbia  4
Tunisia 4

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