Sunday, July 24, 2022

From Ian:

David Collier: Anne Frank wouldn’t Trust this
The Anne Frank Trust UK’s Dejudaisation
We all know what this is about. Perhaps it is best stated in a retweet by Amjid Khazir (one of the speakers mentioned above) of hard-core hater CJ Werleman, when he wrote “Muslims are the new Jews“

This is all about theft – appropriation. The Holocaust and Anne Frank are stripped of everything particularly Jewish. On the ‘explore Anne Frank’s Diary’ page on the website of the Anne Frank Trust UK, the word ‘Jewish’ does not even appear. Yet everything that happened to her – her entire experience – happened because she was Jewish. Someone looking at the site would actually need to download the ‘learn more about this’ link – to learn that her Jewishness had anything to do with her story at all. Inexcusable. Horrific. Deliberate. The universalisation and dejudaisation of Anne Frank.

Instead of the Jews – who in this woke, racist bubble are considered white, wealthy, and privileged – the Islamists slide right in. This has to be about them. The Anne Frank Trust cannot see beyond the hijab to the problematic ideologies that may be running within.

Simple fact. There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. They have majority rule in about 50 countries. There are dozens of nations where Islamic rule has all but suffocated out all minority groups. Without downplaying real bigotry that they certainly can face – their experience can be nothing like that of the Jews.

Had Anne Frank survived, and moved to Israel – all these people would be demonising her and her children. Had Israel been created sooner – perhaps she would not even have suffered at all. Failing to understand these issues – or build them into the Anne Frank story – signals a complete lack of understanding of Jewish history, Jewish identity, and anti-Jewish hatred. Today’s Israelis are descendants of the Anne Franks that made it out.

Let us not forget, that by the time Anne Frank’s family had moved into the ‘secret annex’ in July 1942, the ‘Palestinian’ Arab leader – Hajj Amin al-Husayni – had already met Adolf Hitler to try to gain assurances that Hitler would help to deal with the Jews in Palestine.

How can anyone have anything to do with Anne Frank and not understand the need for a Jewish homeland?

The story above is disgraceful. The Anne Frank Trust UK allows Islamists and antisemites to both work against the existance of the Jewish state and claim legitimacy as a friend of the Jews. They do this and they should not be allowed to do it in Anne Frank’s name.

Which means that the Anne Frank Trust should have made acceptance of the basic concept of a Jewish state a passcode – without which nobody is ever allowed to stand upon a platform with their name. That they have instead allowed anti-Zionists and antisemites – not just into the building – but to help them run the show – will forever be their shame.

They should do the ethical thing and change its name!
PA commits identity theft regarding South Africa and Namibia -opinion
Apartheid had begun three years after the Holocaust, promoted by the Nationalist Party and the rigid Verkrampte faction, with a background of antisemitism, expressed through their saying: “the Jew has a white face, but a black heart!” Five years later, I visited the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. Any Jewish connection had been removed. The curator was embarrassed by my questions.

In 1994, a Wiesenthal Center sting led to Bariloche, Argentina, revealing a roll of names of neo-Nazis, predominantly in South Africa. This resulted in the arrest of a group bent on bringing European assassins to murder listed members of the official Anti-Apartheid Committee.

For the first on the list, Chris Hani, it was too late. He had been shot by a Polish immigrant, Janusz Walus, close to the white supremacist Conservative Party. Second on the list was Judge Richard Goldstone.

During a visit, I and our then Latin American director, Sergio Widder, were invited by Goldstone to a “thank you” dinner in Johannesburg. We would have declined, if only we had known of his later report on Gaza, castigating Israel. Identity theft

The Palestinian leadership has constantly committed “identity theft” to validate their own historical narrative, as in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, where over the years they claimed numerous sites, from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to the Temple Mount, renaming the Kotel “al-Buraq Plaza” and still on the wish list, even demanding property over the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The new “apartheid” campaign against Israel is based on lies and identity theft, adopted by Amnesty International, presently including South Africa and Namibia – the latter bearing a horrifying history.

Moving from Jo’burg to Windhoek, I was hosted by the late Jewish leader Harold Pupkewitz, who pointed out that the capital of Namibia still held streets with German names, such as Kaiserstrasse... a vestige of Germany’s colonial bite of Africa, from 1884 until 1919, lost in the aftermath of World War I.
PMW: Are the Palestinians going to take the League of Nations or the UN to court?
From a legal point of view, while diplomatically important, the Balfour Declaration was nothing more than a statement of British policy.

In the aftermath of World War I, the allied powers met to discuss the future of the territories that had been held by the Ottoman Empire for 400 years. As regards “Palestine”, the allies resolved:
“The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on the [2nd] November, 1917, by the British Government and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” [April 25, 1920]

The decisions made in San Remo in April 1920 by the Allied Powers then formed the basis for the preparation of a number of Mandates. Indeed, 2 years later, alongside the Mandate for Palestine, the League of Nations also adopted the Mandate for Syria and the Mandate for Lebanon. Together with the Mandate for Palestine, it was these instruments that provided the international legitimacy to create Israel (the Jewish State), Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Since it is the League of Nations, since replaced by the United Nations, that is truly responsible for creating Israel, the question that must be asked, is: Are the Palestinians going to sue the League of Nations/the UN?

Whatever the Palestinians decide to do, the truth remains that the 24th of July 1922 was probably one of the most important dates in the history of the Jewish people. On this day, the international community openly recognized the connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and decided to end 2,000 years of Jewish exile. On this day, the international community gave legitimacy to reconstitute the Jewish national homeland.

Jewish Americans are increasingly concerned about left-wing anti-Semitism
The events surrounding the taking of hostages at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on January 15, 2022 by Malik Faisal Akram, a 44-year-old British Pakistani armed with a pistol, received considerable attention and live coverage in the United States.

Following the escape of the hostages and the subsequent storming of the synagogue by law enforcement—which resulted in the death of Akram—dialogue and discussion ensued regarding issues of anti-Semitism in the United States, synagogue security and the Jewish community’s general sense of safety.

We undertook two simultaneously administered surveys of Jewish and non-Jewish Americans between February 1 and February 6, 2022, close enough to the Colleyville events for them to remain “fresh” in people’s memory and far enough away to allow for reflection and internalization of the ramifications of the experience.

Our data, on the whole, suggest the following:
-While Jewish Americans, as well as Americans in general, still see right-wing ideology as primarily responsible for the hate-related activity of white supremacist groups, there appears to be increased concern over Islamic extremist activity as well as a trend of increased attribution of anti-Jewish and other hate-based activity to what can be identified as progressive or “woke” sources.

-Jewish Americans differ from “general” Americans in attributing greater responsibility for hate-based incidents against Jews to left-wing ideology and in perceiving a greater threat from white supremacists and Islamic extremists.

-They also showed higher levels of feeling that the Democratic Party tolerates Islamic extremist activity. Anti-Semitism is seen as primarily based on verbal or offensive language or threats and very little on physical violence against Jews.

-Moreover, the subjective intensity of anti-Semitism in the daily lives of Jewish Americans may be less than it appears to be based on media reports and not very different from the hate-based activity against other groups. -

-Both Americans in general and Jewish Americans in our survey essentially offer support for Israel, but feel that Jewish Americans should maintain political and ideological independence and distance themselves from policies and behavior they disagree with.

-Both our “general” American and Jewish American samples are overwhelmingly unaware of any specific efforts to “combat” anti-Semitism by any Jewish organization.

-The threat to Jews from hate-based or extremist activity is perceived to be similar, but generally midway between the perceived threat to Christian (less threatened) and Muslim (more threatened) communities.

-Both the Jewish American and “general” American samples hold Donald Trump’s administration and supporters as responsible for increased anti-Semitism, but both, especially our Jewish American sample, attribute substantial responsibility to progressive “woke” ideology.

-Some consideration should be given to the data—especially among a significant minority in the Jewish American sample—showing a cognitive differentiation between “anti-Jewish” and “anti-Israel” behavior, as well as the notion that such differentiation and the rejection of a distinct Jewish national identity may enable anti-Semitic activity masked as “anti-Zionism.”
Lapid: Closing Jewish Agency offices will impact ties with Russia
The delegation of Israeli law experts led by Foreign Ministry Deputy Legal Adviser Tamar Kaplan was supposed to leave on Sunday, but its actual departure date remains unknown, because Russian authorities have not yet approved of their arrival, a government source said.

"We need to understand the political matters before making a decision on their departure," the source said, explaining that legal advisors of Israelis ministries were chosen for the delegation even though the "understanding is that this is a diplomatic and political matter - not a legal issue," a government source said on Sunday.

Russia began increasing scrutiny of the Jewish Agency about three years ago, along with a crackdown on foreign NGOs. Authorities in Moscow intensified the probe in recent weeks, searching documents and computers. Some observers have tied the move to Israeli criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, votes against Russia in the UN and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Israel has not sent any military aid and has tried to be careful not to jeopardize the deconfliction mechanism with Moscow that allows the IDF to strike Iranian targets in Syria, where the Russian Army has a major presence.

A source in the Jewish Agency said, “It is clear to everyone that the agency isn’t the story. The reaction of the prime minister says it all. The government understands that this situation is very serious and that Israel should threaten Russia with real actions and not just statements.”

A government source concurred, saying, “Everyone now understands that the management of this crisis is by the Prime Minister’s Office and it’s not an issue only of the Jewish Agency.”

Russian diplomacy
“Why isn’t Lapid speaking to Putin?” a European Jewish leader with decades of experience in the former Soviet Union asked rhetorically while speaking to the Post on Sunday. He explained that in his opinion, “Sending a delegation of mid-level government employees to Russia isn’t very impressive and will not have the effect it should have had on the Russian government.”

The Jewish leader said, “If Benjamin Netanyahu or even Naftali Bennett were prime minister, they would immediately pick up the phone to Putin and create constructive dialogue. The way the Russians work is different from Western countries and there needs to be an element of respect between both sides. In this case, Israel is making many mistakes.”
ILF's Arsen Ostrovsky on ILTV, Discussing Our Claim for Torture Against the PA
ILF CEO Arsen Ostrovsky interview on ILTV, discussing our groundbreaking claim for torture against Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership, filed at the International Criminal Court.

Biden pressing Palestinians to cooperate on Abraham Accords, but Abbas undecided
US President Joe Biden asked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his cooperation as he looks to leverage the Abraham Accords normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states to advance measures that benefit the Palestinians, a senior administration official told The Times of Israel.

The PA until now has balked at requests to join multilateral initiatives that team up Israel with its new Arab allies, arguing that the Abraham Accords are an attempt to bypass the Palestinian issue.

Abbas did not commit to changing his tune during his meeting with Biden in Bethlehem earlier this month, where the request was made, and his office has yet to get back to the White House on whether it is willing to get on board, the senior US official said Thursday.

“We’ve made very clear that normalization and the implementation of the Abraham Accords is happening. This is a trend, and for the Palestinians to try to stand against it is not in anyone’s interest,” said a second senior US official. “We have found the Arab capitals are very supportive of folding Palestinians into Abraham Accords efforts and we’ve increasingly found the Israelis to be so as well.”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid agreed at March’s Negev Summit with Arab nations to have each of the six working groups established by member states — on national security, education, health, energy, food security and tourism — also work to promote measures to boost the Palestinians in their respective area of focus.

The idea was proposed, however, after Lapid rejected a request by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to establish an additional working group to advance the Palestinian issue, two Middle East diplomats said at the time.

Nonetheless, one of the first fruits of the US effort was announced during Biden’s trip. Included among the package of steps the US said Israel would advance for the Palestinians was a plan to keep the Allenby Bridge crossing between the West Bank and Jordan open 24/7 by September 30.

Corbyn supporters 'weaponized antisemitism by minimizing its presence' - Forde Inquiry
Responding to the Forde Inquiry, Head of Political and Government Investigations at Campaign Against Antisemitism, Joe Glasman, stated that "in one area, the Forde Report is clear. It confirms that contrary to Jeremy Corbyn’s claim, antisemitism in the Party was not exaggerated. Sir Keir Starmer needs to act on that information and expel him."

However, he continues "most of the report is of no use. Taking even-handedness to an absurd extreme, the Report tries to criticize and defend both ‘sides’ in Labour’s antisemitism scandal equally. One ‘side’ was filled with antisemites and their enablers. The Report failed to grasp this elemental truth, rendering it useless."

The Report offers neither explanations nor remedies," Glasman concludes. "Until we see our complaints addressed, we are unable to have confidence in the Party’s leaders and processes, let alone its culture.”

Also responding to the report was Board of Deputies of British Jews President Marie van der Zyl, who specifically notes the report's concern regarding the Jewish Labour Movement and Jewish Voice for Labour.

“Under Keir Starmer, there has been a marked improvement in the seriousness with which Labour treats incidents of antisemitism, but we continue to stress that there is more to be done," she says. "The Jewish community is still deeply affected by the way in which antisemitism was allowed to flourish, all but unchecked, within the Labour Party during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.

“The Forde report explicitly regrets that ‘some still deny the existence and the seriousness of the problem’ of antisemitism within Labour. Given this, we are troubled by the authors’ later expression that they are ‘disappointed’ that ‘Jewish Voice for Labour’ – an extreme fringe far-left organization that has obsessively denied antisemitism within the Labour Party – has not been granted a role in educating Labour members on antisemitism. This is clearly a backward step and the authors of the report need to clarify their position on this matter.”
Jewish groups slam Rep. Cori Bush for support by woman who aims to 'set Israel on fire'
Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), a member of the far-left "Squad" in the U.S. House of Representatives, is under fire by Jewish and pro-Israel groups for accepting fundraising assistance from Neveen Ayesh, a woman with a history of making threats against Jews and Israel. The most recent of those was at a July 16 reception in support of Bush.

According to the watchdog group Canary Mission, Ayesh – a government relations coordinator for the St. Louis Chapter of the American Muslims for Palestine – has in the past tweeted that she would like to "set Israel on fire with my own hand and watch it burn to ashes along with every Israel in it" and that "if you are a 'yahoodi,' a Jew, "please kill yourself cause you aren't welcome anywhere." Bush is facing Missouri State Sen. Steve Roberts in the Aug. 2 Democratic primaries to represent Missouri's 1st Congressional District. Roberts has his own connection to Ayesh, as the two reportedly dated for a time, with Roberts claiming in a public letter that they parted when "her views became clear to me … ."

The district was redrawn in 2020 and includes neighbors such as University City, where a large segment of St. Louis's Jewish community resides.

"What part of this anti-Semitic activist did Rep. Bush not know about? Her wish to see Israel and the world's largest Jewish community burn and be reduced to ashes? Her support for Hamas terrorism?" asked Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. "Do these sentiments reflect Cori Bush's worldview? If not, say so and return the money!"

Palestinian convicted of murder for 2018 car-ramming that killed 2 IDF soldiers
The Israeli military on Sunday convicted a Palestinian man of murder for ramming his car into a group of IDF soldiers in 2018, killing two.

Ala Qabha, was convicted of two counts of “intentionally causing death” — the equivalent of murder under military law — and two counts of attempting to intentionally cause death.

Qabha rammed his car into the group of soldiers on March 16, 2018, outside a military post in the northern West Bank, near the Mevo Dotan settlement, killing Sgt. Netanel Kahalani, and Capt. Ziv Daos and seriously injuring two others. The army later designated the car-ramming as a terror attack.

The following day, the Shin Bet security agency said Qabha had confessed to carrying out the attack. It said Qabha had initially claimed the incident was an accident, but later changed his story and said it was deliberate and that he intended to murder soldiers.

The security agency said at the time it appeared he had acted alone, and possibly spontaneously.

Footage from the scene showed Qabha driving past the soldiers, then making a U-turn and accelerating into them, at a speed of around 70 kilometers per hour, according to the IDF.
In northern West Bank, gunmen call the shots, tired of Palestinian Authority - analysis
The Palestinian Authority is rapidly losing control of the northern West Bank, where hundreds of gunmen belonging to the ruling Fatah faction and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have increased their presence and activities in recent months.

The gunmen from the armed wings of Fatah and PIJ, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and Al-Quds Brigades, have stepped up their attacks on settlers and IDF soldiers and installations.

Most of the gunmen are based in refugee camps and villages in and around the cities of Nablus and Jenin.

In Nablus, scores of Fatah and PIJ gunmen are also based inside the Old City, also known as Al-Qasaba. What does it all mean though?

The presence of the gunmen on the streets in the Nablus and Jenin areas underscores the weakness of the PA, whose leaders are aware that there’s little they can do to disarm the armed groups and individuals.

The Palestinian public, meanwhile, continues to view the gunmen as “heroes” who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause. The gunmen are regarded as the defenders of the people, while the PA leaders and security forces are denounced as corrupt “traitors” and “collaborators” with Israel.

It is this perception that is stopping the PA from ordering its security forces to rein in the gunmen.
Two Palestinian gunmen killed in clashes with Israeli security forces in Nablus
Two Palestinian gunmen were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces early on Sunday morning in the West Bank city of Nablus.

The two men were identified Abdul Rahman Sobah and Muhammad al-Azizi. Another 10 Palestinians were injured, including at least two seriously, in the three-hour-long operation that focused on a home in the Casbah (old city) of Nablus. Prime Minister Yair Lapid praised the soldiers for the Jenin raid during Sunday’s cabinet meeting.

“This government’s policy is clear: We will not sit and wait for people to hurt Israeli civilians,” Lapid said. “We will go out and strike the terrorists at their home.”

Lapid said Israeli forces “responded quickly, efficiently and precisely,” killing and injuring terrorists and confiscating weapons.

While it is still unclear if the two belonged to any specific Palestinian militant group, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades published a statement mourning the deaths of the two gunmen.

Security forces from the IDF, Israel Police, Border Police and YAMAM entered the city to arrest a number of terrorism suspects and encountered fire from armed militants who had barricaded themselves inside a building.

According to the Israel Police, the militants fired at troops and threw explosive devices at them. Troops responded with live fire and used “several other means” until the men inside the building and on its roof were killed. Some Palestinian reports indicated that forces used a “pressure cooker” method, including firing a missile toward the building.

Im Tirtzu: Hamas Summer Camp
Summer camp is very different in Gaza than other places. In most places children are learning new games and making new friends. But Hamas uses the summer as an opportunity to indoctrinate children into an endless cycle of hatred and violence.

Iranian IRGC senior missile engineer killed - report
An Iranian senior missile engineer died in southern Iran several days ago, according to a report by an Iranian dissident group published on Saturday night.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps engineer Said Thamardar Mutlak was described in alleged funeral announcements shared by the National Iranian Congress as having been made a shahid (martyr) and murdered in Shiraz. The report stated that Iranian authorities did not want news of the death to be published, and that Mutlak’s family had been threatened not to share the news.

Did Iran hint to alleged assassination?
“Cowardly assassination of heroes of our scientific prowess didn’t help behind-the-curtain terrorists to achieve their goals,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani wrote online on Saturday night, although it was unclear if he was responding to specific assassinations or remarking on the ongoing discussions over the JCPOA nuclear deal.

“Peaceful nuclear industry of Iran owes its flourishing to [Dariush] Rezaeinejad & his fellows,” he continued. “Their blood & scientific accomplishments will be safeguarded.”

In July 2011, nuclear scientist Rezaeinejad was shot dead by gunmen in Tehran.
Report: Turkey arrests 3 more Iranians in plot to attack Israelis
Turkish authorities have arrested three more Iranians as part of an ongoing operation against an Iranian initiative to organize "hit squads" to attack Israeli civilians in Istanbul, Turkish media reported Friday.

The three suspects were arrested on July 14. After a court appearance, the men were sent to a remand hearing on July 18. The new arrests bring the number of Iranians arrested in the plot to attack Israelis to seven, five of whom were arrested at the end of June. One has already been released on condition.

One of the Iranian detained had been charged with patrolling the area around a hotel at a main square in Istanbul, while another was organizing the attack. A third was supposed to have been the one to carry it out. The Turkish reports said that Iranians had pretended they were visiting Turkey as tourists, to do business, or as students.

The reports further said that the Iranian suspects were keeping close tabs on their target and had been arrested in possession of weapons and foreign passports, including three handguns, two lasers, and three silencers.
Jordan’s king protests attacks by Iran-backed militias on border, hosts PA’s Abbas
King Abdullah II blamed a series of recent deadly clashes with drug smugglers along Jordan’s border with Syria on “militias linked to Iran.”

In an interview published Sunday in the Al-Rai newspaper, Abdullah claimed that Jordan faces “regular attacks on its borders by militias linked to Iran.” He called for “a change of behavior by Iran” and said that Jordan “does not want tensions in the region.”

“Jordan, like the rest of the Arab countries, seeks good relations with Iran, with mutual respect, good neighborliness, respect for the sovereignty of other states and non-interference in their affairs,” the king said.

Abdullah said that Jordan, like other Arab nations, was being targeted by smugglers of drugs and arms that he said were in transit to Europe.

“Jordan is coordinating with its brothers [Arab countries] to confront this and protect its borders,” he said.

The Jordanian army conducts regular anti-smuggling operations on the border with Syria, where Iran-backed fighters support the Damascus regime in a civil war that erupted in 2011.

On January 27, Amman said its forces killed 27 drug traffickers supported by armed groups, seizing a large quantity of drugs. An officer and a border guard were killed in a similar clash earlier the same month.

‘Palestine Correspondent’ Mohammed El-Kurd Shares ‘Nazi-Like’ Cartoon: Will The Nation Remain Silent?
With more than a million followers across Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, Mohammed El-Kurd has become somewhat of a media darling. Over the past two years, the 24-year-old resident of eastern Jerusalem has appeared on virtually every major television network, including CNN, CBS, NBC and MSNBC, and in the process exposed a global audience to his radical anti-Israel views.

Journalists at The Financial Times, Le Monde and other publications have penned fawning profiles of El-Kurd, with some describing the young Jerusalemite as the “next generation of Palestinian activists.”

Related Reading: The Financial Times’ Next-generation Palestinian Activist: ‘Israel is a Child Killing Entity’

El-Kurd has certainly reaped the financial rewards of his newfound prominence: researchers recently revealed that he collected tens of thousands of dollars in speaking fees, which have included giving lectures at college campuses throughout the United States and addressing the United Nations in New York.

Last September, El-Kurd and his sister, Muna, made Time Magazine’s annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Just days before Time hailed his “grassroots organizing,” the activist announced that he would be joining The Nation as a writer. So far, the “Palestine correspondent” has produced eight articles for the progressive journal — all of which sought to justify violence perpetrated by Palestinians.

Meanwhile, The Nation and other media organizations continue to turn a blind eye to El-Kurd’s brazen displays of antisemitism.

Washington Post Headline Creates False Equivalence Between Israeli and Russian Strikes in Syria
In its headline above a recent article detailing foreign military activities in Syria, The Washington Post created a false equivalence between Israel’s defensive strikes and Russia’s offensive campaigns within the war-torn country.

By titling the piece ‘Russian and Israeli planes hit Syria in separate strikes, kill at least 10,’ the publication is giving readers the impression that Russia and Israel struck similar targets in Syria and the results of both strikes carry the same moral weight.

Only later do readers learn that Israel struck a military installation and resulted in the deaths of three Syrian soldiers, while Russia killed seven non-combatants — including four children — while attacking a civilian target.

By combining Israel and Russia in the same headline, The Washington Post is also inviting its readers to view the Israeli military in the same light as the Russian military.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, much of the Western world has come to view the Russian military’s conduct as “brutal” and “inhumane.”

Therefore, by associating Israel with Russia, The Washington Post is seemingly creating the baseless impression that the IDF shares similarities with the Russian Armed Forces. This is not only wrong, but also deceitful.
BBC fails to identify the organisers of a highlighted campaign
As we see, Plett Usher made no effort whatsoever to inform BBC audiences of the identity of those “activists” or their “affiliations, funding and particular viewpoints”. Other reports on that June 15th event show that participants included representatives of ‘Code Pink’ and that the event was co-organised by ‘DAWN’, as suggested by the appearance of Sarah Leah Whitson, Abdullah Alaoudh and others from that NGO in the photo used by the BBC.

Notably, the day before that event took place, the BBC News website amplified another campaign involving ‘DAWN’, also without providing relevant information about that organisation.

Plett Usher’s article also promotes comment from representatives of various think tanks, again without providing any information about their “affiliations, funding and particular viewpoints”. One of those think tanks is described as “left-leaning”:

“And he’s [Biden] defended his decision to go [to the conference in Jeddah] by saying he’s acting partly at Israel’s request. He started his trip by stressing the importance of Israel becoming “totally integrated” in the region.

A big part of that is helping to normalise Israel’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, with a wider emphasis on closer Arab security ties with Israel. The idea is to coordinate air defence systems to deal with the threat of missiles from Iran and its allies.

The plan has gained momentum given stalled US efforts to revive the Iran nuclear agreement, Iran’s rapidly progressing nuclear programme, and an increase in regional missile attacks from Iran’s Yemen Houthi allies.

Paul Pillar of the left-leaning Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, called it a “military alliance against Iran”.

“The entire arrangement is based, certainly, from the Israeli point of view, but also from the Gulf Arab point of view, on hostility toward Iran,” he said.”

Readers would of course have found it useful to know that the Quincy Institute is by no means an impartial organisation on the topic of US-Israel relations (or Iran) and that its quoted representative Paul Pillar believes that there are “attempts to silence criticism of Israel by tarring such criticism with the label of anti-Semitism”, that “Tel Aviv” is trying to “sabotage the US in the Middle East”, that arguments against the JCPOA “make no sense” and that the IRGC “don’t belong on the foreign terror list”.

When BBC journalists uncritically promote catchy sound-bites from inadequately presented commentators or campaigns run by unidentified parties with unexplained agendas they are not meeting their organisation’s obligation to “build people’s understanding” of topics in the news. They are however revealing their own disregard for the editorial guidelines intended to ensure that the corporation adheres to that contract with its funding public.

Whatsapp co-founder pouring millions into Jewish, Israeli causes
Whatsapp co-founder and former CEO Jan Koum, a Ukrainian-American Jew, has donated $2 million to AIPAC's efforts to get pro-Israel Democrats elected in the upcoming mid-term elections.

By doing so, Koum, who prefers to keep a low media profile, has become one of the biggest participants in AIPAC's latest political initiative, out-donating Haim Saban, Paul Singer, and Bernard Marcus, who donated $1 million each.

Koum's personal wealth is estimated at some $10 billion. In 2014, he sold Whatsapp to Facebook (now Meta) for $22 billion, and in 2018 stepped down as CEO. According to a recent JTA report, since leaving Whatsapp, Koum has devoted his time to a charitable foundation he established that donates enormous amounts to various Jewish causes.

In 2019-2020 Koum donated some $140 million to approximately 70 different Jewish groups. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of this year, Koum has donated tens of millions of dollars to Jewish organizations in eastern Europe. These sums have made Koum into one of the biggest philanthropists in the Jewish world.

An analysis of Koum's donations indicate that he is staunchly pro-Israel. He is a major donor to the US Friends of the IDF; Campus Coalition – an umbrella group of Jewish organizations fighting anti-Israel propaganda on college campuses; and the Maccabee Task Force, which is also taking on anti-Israel propaganda at US universities and colleges.

Meanwhile, Koum has also donated $6 million to the Elad NGO, which works to expand Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem, and $175,000 to an Israeli foundation that serves as a clearinghouse for US donations to settler organizations in Judea and Samaria and right-wing groups such as Im Tirzu, Honenu, Women in Green, and others.
Mobileye founder enters Automotive Hall of Fame
Founder of Israel's autonomous driving technology software company Mobileye, Professor Amnon Shashua, has entered the Automotive Hall of Fame, which conferred on Shahua its Mobility Innovator Award at a ceremony in Detroit on Thursday.

Since its establishment in 1939, the Automotive Hall of Fame has bestowed more than 750 awards upon industry leaders and innovators. Its long list of inductees is a veritable Who's Who of notable names, identifiable with their eponymous brands to this day, such as W.O. Bentley, Ettore Bugatti, David D. Buick, Louis Chevrolet, Walter P. Chrysler, André Citroën, Enzo Ferrari, Soichiro Honda, Armand Peugeot, Ferdinand Porsche, Louis Renault, and Ratan Tata – as well as brothers Horace E. and John F. Dodge, three generations of Fords, three Toyodas [sic], and five Opels.

This year's new inductees include the late sportscar magnate Ferruccio Lamborghini, Chinese entrepreneur Lu Guanqiu, pioneering production engineer Taiichi Ohno, trailblazing female racing driver Lyn St. James, and Alma and Victor Green (authors of The Green Book). Alongside Shashua, the organization also honored Ford CEO Jim Farley as Industry Leader of the Year.

"The automotive industry is experiencing revolutionary change driven by innovators who are shaping the future of mobility. The Mobility Innovator Award celebrates individuals and their impact," noted Automotive Hall of Fame president Sarah Cook.

"We are thrilled to recognize Amnon Shashua for his industry-leading contributions to advanced driving assist systems and other autonomous driving solutions," Cook said.

"I am truly overwhelmed. Entering the Automotive Hall of Fame and being awarded the Mobility Innovator of the Year is an incredible honor," Shashua said at the ceremony. "I am privileged to have the chance to work in and influence such an exciting industry."
Maccabiah GamesOnce homeless, para athlete Freya Levy finds a home at the Maccabiah Games
Just six years ago, Freya Levy was living out of her family’s car in the southern British coastal town of Southend. Now, at age 26, Levy has overcome incredible obstacles to become one of parasports’ most impressive multi-athletes competing at this year’s Maccabiah Games.

In 2010, 14-year-old Levy was playing soccer for her school’s team when she fell down and couldn’t get back up.

“That’s when I knew I wouldn’t be able to play able-bodied sport anymore,” she told The Times of Israel. She would later be diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, a disease that progressively erodes muscle in the body and is currently incurable.

“It’s left me unable to walk, raise my arms above my chest, I have a weak diaphragm and eventually will lose the ability to smile and close my eyes at night to sleep,” Levy said.

With her own body seemingly fighting against her, Levy did not give up sports, and instead doubled down on her efforts.

After that initial fall, Levy said she “went home that night and found wheelchair basketball.” That year, she joined a local team and then went on to play for the Great Britain squad at the European Wheelchair Basketball Championship three times, winning a slew of medals.

Yoseph Haddad: You Don’t Have to Be a Jew to Be Successful in Israel

Ben Shapiro visits Temple Mount with his father - report
Right-wing media personality Ben Shapiro went up to the Temple Mount with his father and prayed the afternoon prayer (Mincha) on Sunday, according to the Joint Headquarters of the Temple Mount Organizations.

Shapiro had visited the site in the past but was removed in the middle of that visit after a number of people who were in his group began singing. According to the joint headquarters, Shapiro expressed marvel at the progress made at the site concerning allowing Jews to pray. Ben Shapiro and the Temple Mount

The media personality had said earlier in his visit that "you can't visit Israel without going up to the Temple Mount."

Rabbi Shimshon Elboim, the head of the Temple Mount Administration, joined Shapiro on his visit on Sunday.

Shapiro's father is still in the traditional year of mourning for his mother, Ben's grandmother, so those who went up to the Temple Mount with him greeted him with the special bereavement greeting for the Temple Mount which reads "He who dwells in this house will be comforted and in the building of the temple we will be comforted."

Entrance to the Temple Mount is permitted to Jews Sunday through Thursday from 7 to 11 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Those hours are subject to change due to the season, the security situation or Muslim holidays.

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