Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Elder of Ziyon
From the Palestine Bulletin, July 14, 1930:
The havdalah ceremony involves wine. Muslims are forbidden to drink wine. So the Muslim policeman stopped the Jews from their own weekly religious ritual because it violates Muslim precepts.
The Palestinian Arabs at the time (and today) would argue - but what about our religious practices? Don't they deserve to be protected?
And the world, facing a disagreement between the (seen as fanatic) Arabs and the (seen as reasonable) Jews, would take the Arab side - because, really, is this something worth fighting over? The Jews should concede to keep the peace.
Now, every single Jewish holy place in the region is also (by sheer coincidence, of course!) also considered a Muslim holy spot. If the Palestinian Authority - which defines itself as Muslim - has physical control over an area, it would always place the Muslim demands over the Jewish demands, on sites that were Jewish for may centuries before Mohammed was born.
This incident is a blueprint of what happens when Palestinian Arabs are given control of Jewish holy places.