Israel haters love to claim that Israel engages in organ trafficking, or that Israel takes out organs of Palestinian terrorists without their permission.
Yet these oh-so-moral people are silent when there is real organ trafficking by Arab nations.
From The Guardian:
According to a 2018 report, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has collected data on 700 incidents of organ trafficking, primarily from north Africa and the Middle East. Yet these figures are conservative, at best. The true scale of the industry is difficult to assess, as the majority of cases go unreported, with victims reluctant to come forward for fear of deportation, arrest or shame.Outrageous? Nah. Arab countries are expected to act this way, so the moral police are OK with it.
The trade appears to be flourishing in Egypt, bolstered by an EU-funded clampdown on refugees by security forces. There, the hostile environment created by the arbitrary detention of migrants, and the hike in smugglers’ fees, is creating a perfect opportunity for unscrupulous organ brokers who prey on those desperate to raise funds to cross the Mediterranean.
(h/t Yoel)