The Arab gunman raised his gun
to the car window as the vehicle neared the bus stop and taking aim, shot that pregnant
Jewess in the stomach first. “Good,” he thought, spraying the woman’s young
husband, a couple of teenage girls, and then anyone else in range.
Targeting the Jewish woman was
smart, aiming at her abdomen, even smarter. He’d killed two birds with one
stone, or so he hoped. There was a good chance he’d hit a major organ, and
hopefully, the baby in his Jew-Mama’s womb. Why let that baby Jew live when you
can squash it like the cockroach it is, before it gets born to spurn the word
of Allah and get in the way of building the Khalifa,
the worldwide Muslim caliphate?
Robert Bowers raised his gun to
spray the elderly Jewish woman first, then anyone else in shooting distance. A
Jew is a Jew is a kike, and it doesn’t
matter if that Jew is old or infirm. That’s all a mirage to make you have mercy
on them, when what they are is no less than a “kike infestation.” No mercy, no how.
These Jews can’t be allowed to continue flooding our country with immigrants
who steal our jobs, steal our resources.
Killing that old woman was
smart, a test of his bravery. He was no wuss. He was leading the way for
others, no matter what would happen now when he got caught.
Killing that old woman was genius.
Two terror attacks. Two men.
One Arab. One not.
Do we know the thoughts in
their minds?
Can we state unequivocally that
both attacks were antisemitic by nature?
Do we know that the Arab
terrorist who shot Shira Ish Ran in her pregnant stomach (and killed her child) thought “Jew” and not “Zionist,”
“Jew” and not “Occupier,” “Jew” and not “settler?”
Media pundits would claim there
is a distinction. That you can be against Zionism without being against Jews.
That you can be against occupation and not Jews. That you can hate the
settlers, without hating all Jews.
But we know the truth, because
of statements made by Arab leaders (government, military, and religious) on official
PA TV. These endless antisemitic statements set a precedent which no measure of
etymological chicanery can obscure. Listen, for instance, to Palestinian
National Council member Najib
Al-Qaddumi, who had this to say on the official PA TV programPalestine This
Morning, regarding the Balfour Declaration: “There is no choice
but to return to the background behind the publication of this promise by then
British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour. We will return to the situation of
the Jews in Europe and Russia, when they lived in a closed society and knew
only to make money, trade, weave plots, corruption, and such. Even the European
nations and Russia were sick of them and longed for when they would leave their
Or listen to the words of Masoud
Rayyaan, lecturer on Islamic Shari'a at Al-Quds Open University, in this Friday
sermon broadcast on official PA TV:
(Quran) “’Proceed throughout
the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied’ ... The occupation
government hasn't learned from history, from the corruption of the Children of
Israel the first and second time.
“It hasn't learned. They [The
Jews] didn’t learn from what Nebuchadnezzar did to them.
“They didn’t learn from what
Titus, the great Roman leader, did to them.
“They didn't learn from what
Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain – they didn't learn.
They have continued to behave the same way: The mentality of arrogance toward
other people. The mentality of superiority over other people. The mentality of
seclusion, the mentality of settlement. This mentality, an ideology of planning
and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world. Those
[Jews] have not learned from the events of history."
"We won't abandon the way
of Jihad and Shahada [Martyrdom] as long as one inch of our holy land is in the
hands of the Jews. A day will come when our flag will fly above all of the
regions of our land. Our flag will fly on the minarets of Jerusalem, and the
walls of Acre, and the quarters of Haifa."
"[Khan Al-Ahmar is] holy
land. We know its value, and not them [Jews], the foreigners, the fabricators
of history, who dance and live on the body parts of others, and on the blood of
others. Read their history: There is no global corruption that they are not
behind. There is no global corruption that their rabbis did not allow... People
could be deluded or think... that we have no way out with the Jews... The
liberation of this land is a matter of faith, which will happen despite
everyone. The Jews leaving this land is a divine decree... The war is not only
over this strip of land, as you all know the Jews want everything and not just
a part [of it]. They want to subjugate us, and that we be slaves to their
command... There have always been two camps in history: the camp of truth and
the camp of falsehood. The people of falsehood see themselves as those who rule
over everything... Among the Jews we find nothing but corruption and
Lest you think these men
represent the unwashed or uneducated, here are the words of an academic, one Imad Hamato,
Professor of Quranic Studies at the University of Palestine in Gaza who hosts a
weekly official PA TV program on Islam:
“Humanity will never live in
comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the
land. Humanity will never live in peace or fortune or tranquility as long as
they are corrupting the land. An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights
with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it. As Allah says: ‘Every
time they kindled the fire of war [against you], Allah extinguished it. They
strive throughout the land [causing] corruption, and Allah does not like
corrupters.’” (Sura 5:64)
Then there's the recent Hamas radio chatter picked
up by Israel only last month, describing the operation that took the life of Officer “M”:
“Four fighter jets are above
me. There was a strike near us. The jets are coming from the north. They
attacked one of the (Hamas) cars. Hide. Close in on the Jews. Don’t let them
leave Gaza," yelled one Hamas commando into his radio during the firefight.
He said "Close in on the Jews." Not "settlers," "Zionists," or "Occupiers." Not even "Israelis," but "Jews."
What are Arab children taught? On November 29, a young girl recited a poem at the Gaza Conference for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People that referred to the Jews as wild apes, miserable pigs, and evil creatures destined for humiliation. She said that Jews are like herds of stupid cattle, and that Jerusalem "spits out [their] filth" because it is a pure virgin.
I did not have to scour the
internet to find these examples. They are numerous. Antisemitism is not just
the domain of a few oddballs or iconoclasts. Jew-hatred pervades the culture of
the Arab terrorist who shot Shira Ish Ran in the abdomen, an act that led to the death of an infant she never got to hold.
To the terrorist who shot
her, Shira was not a hands-off target, someone vulnerable, carrying life in her
womb. She was less than human. A pest to be sprayed dead, along with the baby
in her womb.
To think of her as a pregnant woman, like any other pregnant
woman, or her baby like any other baby would have betrayed weakness, a fault in his basic foundational beliefs,
a softness that must never be given quarter if the ultimate goal were to be
If he'd dared think of Shira Ish Ran as a
pregnant woman, he would have had to try all the harder to prove his mettle by shooting to kill her and her unborn infant. Once he did so, of
course, the terrorist was free to tell the world anything he liked, that he did not, for instance, think of Shira
Ish Ran or the baby she carried as Jews, but as Zionists, settlers, occupiers, and oppressors.
They would want to believe these things, the world, for the West is short on
understanding how things really work and they prefer not to see the bigger picture.
Those who live in Europe or America, prefer you to couch such actions, the elimination of Jews, in the language of colonialism and oppression. That speaks to them, while antisemitism seems so, well, gauche. If you use language that is politically correct,
they can excuse the targeted murder of a pregnant woman, the successful attempt at
infanticide, or if you like, the long, drawn-out third-trimester abortion of a Jew-Pig.
After all, that baby would have grown up to be a soldier. Had he lived. That made him fair game. Right? Just another occupier, a thief, an oppressor in waiting.
As long as the world has an
excuse to think of it in another, politically correct way, an Arab is safe to shoot whatever Jews he likes,
whether it be a pregnant woman and the baby in her womb, or a couple of teenage girls. Europe looks the
other way. The UN
looks the other way. The New
York Times looks the other way.
It’s all good.
The question is why Jews look
the other way. Even the Arab terrorist, now dead thank God, couldn’t puzzle that one out. To him, in his short evil lifetime, Jews were Jews. No matter who shed their blood. No matter that their condition marked them among the most vulnerable sectors of society.
An old woman in Tree of Life Synagogue
in Pittsburgh, in this respect, is exactly the same as a young pregnant woman
standing at a bus stop in Ofra holding life inside her womb--a life soon extinguished.
The dead Arab terrorist knew there was no essential difference between him and Robert Bowers. He actually felt a
lot of sympathy for Bowers, when he thought about him. After all, he hated Jews
and Bowers hated Jews. Hates them still. The Arab terrorist saw Jews as less than human. So did and does
When he thought about it, the
Arab terrorist who shot Shira Ish Ran and killed her baby, knew that the only difference between
him and Robert Bowers was that there was no possibility that Bowers would ever be set free in a prisoner exchange or receive a large government pension for killing Jews. Had the
Arab terrorist not struggled during his capture, he would have ended up on easy street in a comfortable Israeli
Of course, the 72 dark-eyed virgins are a nice compensation.
If only Bowers had been Muslim.
A pity.
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