Tuesday, May 08, 2018

  • Tuesday, May 08, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini criticized the US move to reimpose sanctions on Iran - because Iran has been an economic windfall for the spineless Europeans.

After her boilerplate on how the EU considers the JCPOA to be essential to security, she emphasizes the real reason that Europe was so happy to lift the sanctions on Iran to begin with:

The lifting of nuclear related sanctions is an essential part of the agreement. The European Union has repeatedly stressed that the lifting of nuclear related sanctions has not only a positive impact on trade and economic relations with Iran, but also and mainly crucial benefits for the Iranian people. The European Union is fully committed to ensuring that this continues to be delivered on.

I am particularly worried by the announcement of new sanctions. I will consult with all our partners in the coming hours and days to assess their implications. The European Union is determined to act in accordance with its security interests and to protect its economic investments.
Iranian missiles aren't aimed at Western Europe.

I also love how Mogherini claims that the money going to Iran from European business deals are helping the Iranian people. The money is going towards gassing children to death in Syria and buying thousands more rockets for Hezbollah - all of which accelerated since JCPOA.

The EU purchased some 10 billion euros worth of goods from Iran in 2017.

(h/t Irene)

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