Hamrin News - a book review that discusses how individuals and groups act in history, and the Protocols are referred to as a must-read to understand the point.
Watanserb has an article about Israel-Egypt relations that quotes the Wiesenthal Center about how there are Egyptian books and TV shows that rely on the Protocols.
Baladna El Youm has a completely insane antisemitic article that has lots of classic themes of which the Protocols are merely one.
Shabiba has an op-ed that says that the Protocols is merely one indication of how the US does not dare to oppose Israeli policies.
7adramout.net has an op-ed opposing sports and fans' obsessions with their teams, saying that the 12th protocol for how the Jews control the world is by getting people involved in sports. The author says that he does not accept that all woes can be blamed on the Jews, but he does believe that "it is true that the Jews are the origin of evil in the world."
Al Basrah says that the US is fomenting divisions in the arab world, which is similar to what is called for in the Protocols.
That's six articles that assume the legitimacy of the book, and zero that do not. (Two others quoted Western sources about the Protocols but did not give an indication of whether they believed in them or not.)