In a scene that speaks volumes of Morocco’s openness, tolerance, cross-cultural understanding and peace in face of difference, a group of Jews arrive at Casablanca Mohammed VI airport singing and dancing their ritualistic Talmudic dance as an expression of their gratitude for Morocco.
The scene, which can rarely happen across the Middle East and North Africa except in Morocco, features a group of Jews at the airport’s checkpoint dancing and singing in very apparent joy, some wearing Moroccan traditional clothes but many others wearing their full Jewish attire such as the kippah, the black hat and suit, etc.What was remarkably interesting on the faces of Morocco’s guests is the sense of security and comfort they expressed through dancing and through their smiling faces while being checked. Morocco has admitted its cultural diversity including its Jewish influence in the 2011 constitution.
The full story of who they were and what they went to see in Morocco is at Yeshiva World News.
While it looks like no one at the airport was terribly concerned over these "Talmudic rituals," Arabic media called the behavior "provocative."
I'm not sure how wise it was for them to make a scene at the airport either, especially at the security, making the jobs of the workers a little harder. For the most part I have not yet seen Moroccans being too insulted by this.