A popular French health website, DocteurClic, has a section on the dangers of traveling to other countries.
Here is the map it uses to travel to "Palestine":
In general, it is safe to travel to "Palestine" which is entirely occupied, although from the map it is unclear exactly who is occupying it. Perhaps Great Britain.
It does have a section on traveling to Israel, which is apparently a state in two sections somewhere on the Mediterranean:
For Israel, it says that it is very dangerous to travel:
The troubled political climate, lack of stability in the region and the situation on the ground makes it dangerous country for travelers.Who knew Israel's health system was so primitive?
In addition, the low level of health does not allow the traveler to ensure optimum safety in terms of the management of health problems. Health infrastructure is poor or very degraded.
Precautions are needed to avoid many worries or to compromise a part of your stay.
It is in any essential way to know the safety rules to be respected during trips.
It has similar rules for "Palestine," but it adds for Israel:
Travel is not recommended in this country, except for imperative professional reasons.
Due to the increase in suicide bombings and their random and unpredictable, visitors should exercise extreme caution.
In all major Israeli population centers:
avoid places and rush hour: market squares, pedestrian streets, shopping centers, restaurants located on major streets, cafés, clubs, gatherings of any kind on the highway;
refrain from using public transport (buses, taxis, trains)
Do not participate in any event,
rent a mobile phone and tell the number to friends or acquaintances, or even the French official representations.
These instructions apply especially to pilgrims planning to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem, but also in Galilee (Nazareth Christian sites near the Sea of Galilee: Taghba, Capernaum, Cana, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Tabor ...) .
While Israel is rated amber for travel, Egypt is considered green. So is Jordan.
And so is Syria, which is green in every single category.
Travelers to Israel are warned about respiratory diseases in the dry air but not for Jordan or Syria.
(h/t The New Antisemite)