1. The health conditions of the Syrian population in the occupied Golan continue to deteriorate markedly as a result of the Israeli occupation and its repressive practices. Syrians refusing an Israeli identity card are unable to obtain medical treatment and primary and secondary health care services are non-existent, because there are no integrated health centres in the occupied Syrian Golan.
2. Syrians held in Israeli occupation prisons also suffer inhumane conditions and are subjected to the most brutal forms of torture and ill-treatment in attempts to extract from them confessions to acts that they did not commit. They are consequently prone to a host of serious illnesses and permanent disabilities, as well as to other life-threatening injuries and diseases.
3. The Israeli occupation authorities continue to experiment on Syrian and Arab prisoners with medicines and drugs and to inject them with pathogenic viruses, causing them to develop diseases and medical conditions that are potentially fatal, as in the case of prisoner Hayil Abu Zaid.
4. We also draw WHO’s attention, on the occasion of the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly, to the fact that the Israeli occupation authorities continue to bury nuclear waste in over 20 sites and have dumped 1500 barrels of radioactive and toxic materials in secret landfills in the territory of the occupied Syrian Golan. They also persist in planting nuclear mines and radioactive materials on the ceasefire line. These actions are in themselves crimes contrary to all international humanitarian customary law and instruments, constituting in addition a flagrant aggression against the Syrian people living under occupation.
All of this is fiction, of course.
But perhaps the funniest part comes later, where Syria complains to the World Health Organization about Israel saving Syrian lives:
8. The Israeli occupation authorities continue to set up field hospitals providing medical treatment for armed terrorists from Jabhah al-Nusrah and groups associated with it who, pursued by the competent Syrian authorities, flee to the territory of the occupied Syrian Golan. The Israeli occupation authorities then return them to the Syrian Arab Republic so that they can resume their subversive terrorist activities directed against the country’s peaceful citizens and its infrastructure.
Here's one of those armed terrorists, playing with a remote controlled car at Israel's Ziv Hospital:
There is a long history of people making up stories to WHO about how awful Israel is. Here is what the Albanian representative had to say in 1973:
Mr HYSENAJ (Albania) said that it was well known that the health of the Arab population of the occupied territories had grown worse as a result of inadequate medical services and personnel. The very serious economic situation of the Arab population in the area, and its deprivation of all national, political and social rights, had increased the number of sick in the population and mortality among children, and had made the future uncertain for them. The Israeli Zionists, pursuing their aims to create a Greater Israel at the expense of the Arab countries, was carrying out a policy of mass extermination of the Arab population, by creating extremely difficult living and housing conditions, turning the people out of their homes, pillaging, and stepping up arrests, imprisonment, and torture. The deterioration in the health of the Arab population of the occupied areas was a direct consequence of the imperialist Israeli aggression of June 1967 against the three Arab States. As long as that aggression continued, the serious health problem of the Arab population of those areas would not improve.The Israelis have got to be the worst practitioners of mass extermination ever. (For those interested, here is a WHO report from Israel on how much Arab health services improved from 1967 to 1980.)
(h/t Gidon Shaviv)