Here's a photo that has surfaced that seems to be of the kid in the arm cast appearing to throw before the IDF soldier tried to subdue him. (UPDATE: It is a from a YouTube video but his hand appears to be empty.)
Chris Gunness of UNRWA, naturally, tweeted the incident without such context, and one of his fans responded by calling Israelis "jackals" and "ZioNazis":
Gunness responded with some advice to his bigoted follower to be careful in how he or she speaks, because the world doesn't take kindly to people who speak such obvious truths of considering Israelis to be subhuman:
He doesn't denounce his comrade for demonizing Israelis as "ZioNazis." No, this UNRWA spokesman only gave some advice that the world, unfairly, doesn't like dehumanizing Jews and Zionists the way they deserve to be and that his tweeter should be more careful in how he shows his hate.
According to Gunness, the message is accurate, but it might get sidetracked because of the "zoological imagery" used.
He has nothing bad to say about referring to Israelis as "ZioNazis." He does not distance himself from the comment. No, Chris Gunness only wants to make sure that messages of hate against Israel are couched in more politically correct terms so that the world can be more receptive to anti-Israel propaganda.
This is yet another example of Chris Gunness' "neutrality."
Someone started a petition for the UN to investigate Gunness for violating his agency's own neutrality standards so egregiously.
UPDATE: Gunness removed his tweet, as usual without apology.