Remember Salma Abdelaziz, the CNN reporter who seemed to believe the story about Israel sending spy dolphins to Gaza?
As I noted at the time, every other news outlet treated Hamas' claims as a joke - but not Salma.
People made lots of fun of her on Twitter for reporting the story straight.
So, courageous young reporter that she is, Abdelaziz silently removed her tweet about the story.
At least she is showing some shame. Unlike her colleague Don Melvin, who similarly grabbed a likely sounding anti-Israel story made up by less than trustworthy sources and reported it as if it was to be taken seriously.
Melvin, unlike Abdelaziz, doubled down on his "reporting" and brushed aside criticisms, even blocking me on Twitter.
He defended that as well, claiming that I accused him of favoring genocide.

I never said any such thing.
But why should we expect accuracy and fairness from CNN reporters?
(h/t Ian, Bob K)