The article he is referring to is here.
Gunness, trying to cajole the world into giving more and more funds to his agency, is using the threat that if the UNRWA schools don't start on time, then we can expect violence from the students - just as, he quotes an "expert," the deadly riots of 1936-9 and the First Intifada started with school (and other) strikes.
Think about that. The biggest supposed booster for Palestinian "refugee" rights believes that it is natural for Palestinian students to react to being idle with violence.
In 2007, tens of thousands of Israeli high school students were out of the classroom for two months during a prolonged teachers' strike.. Yet for some reason there were no riots, no increased violent crime statistics, no wild attacks on Arabs by the suddenly idle Israeli youth.
Yet Chris Gunness expects his UNRWA students - students that he brags learn concepts of human rights, respect and dignity - to turn violent if their school year is delayed. In fact, he expects it so much that he is threatening the world with the specter of Palestinian violence if they don't pay up!
Isn't that about as bigoted as can be? Isn't there something wrong when the people who supposedly are defending the Palestinians assuming that they are naturally violent people - more violent than any other society faced with delays of the school year?
I pointed it out to him, even though he blocks me on Twitter:
So @ChrisGunness' opinion of Palestinians is that they cannot stop themselves from being violent if they are idle. Sounds vaguely bigoted.— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) August 16, 2015

He apparently got the message. Gunness then removed.his tweet (cached here.)
Without apology, of course.
Gunness has been exposed as a person who believes, and banks on, the idea that Palestinians.are naturally immoral people.
He's not alone. This is the bigoted conceit of many so-called "progressives" who defend and justify Palestinian Arab terror and violence. It is never their responsibility - it is always a "natural response" to perceived provocations.
There is a further irony: There is little reason to associate the violent riots of 1936-39 and 1987-91 with school strikes to begin with. In 1936 there was a general Arab strike that was accompanied by deadly attacks on Jews, and the schools were affected by the general strike, but they were hardly the vanguard for the violence. In 1987 I see no specific mention of school strikes at the start of the intifada but even if they occurred they were not the leading issue for the outbreak of violence.
In other words, Gunness is exaggerating any propensity to violence by Palestinian Arab youth - youth who are in his own UNRWA schools.
Which makes him even more bigoted!