Its April edition (p. 22) includes an article that describes Judaism as a terrorist religion, entitled "Jewish terrorism."
The article, originally published in Al Jazeera, says that Islam only orders Muslims to fight defensive battles, "but if you look at the Bible, the Jews are the real terrorists in the name of the Lord."
The article also says that Jews believe that "the world is divided into two parts: the people of God who have grace and love, and other peoples who engage in bestial, savage acts." The Torah, it says, tells the Hebrews to separate from the other people because non-Jews are unclean and really just animals in human form who do not deserve to mingle with the Chosen People. The only reason God created non-Jews, we are told, is to either have them available to be destroyed by the Jews or for God to use them as a lesson when he is angry so the gentiles can defeat the Jews.
There are only three things permissible for Jews to do to gentiles, according to the writer. The first is to murder them (of course.) The second is to expel them. And the only other acceptable behavior of Jews towards non-Jews is to enslave them.
Also, we are told that women are considered to have bad qualities and are despised by Jewish men.
I believe that this article may violate Canadian laws on hate propaganda. While there is a loophole for legitimate critiques of religious beliefs, the person making the critique must be acting in good faith, and in this case the article is based thoroughly on lies that the author (and editor) must have realized if they weren't a priori antisemitic.
Here is the illustration for the article in Meshawar.
(h/t Shawarma News)