The Coalition Against Anti-Semitism in Europe tweeted to Amnesty-UK asking for comment. Here was their shameful response:
@caasecoalition We condemn all forms of hate crime and discrimination. Unfortunately we can't campaign on everything.
— Amnesty UK (@AmnestyUK) April 21, 2015
Here are the resolutions, outside of internal governance topics, that easily passed in the meeting:
- Amnesty International’s stance on Abortion: Pro - Choice
- Addressing impunity in Guatemala
- Violations of the rights of Colombian activists including trade union leader Huber Ballesteros
- The United Kingdom: Rendition and Torture
- Asylum detention in the UK -AIUK will undertake research into the wrongful detention of torture and trafficking victims in British detention
- Sex Work - Decriminalisation
- Garment workers in Asian countries
- Guantanamo
- Guatemala
- Sri Lanka Human Rights
But, hey, you can't campaign on everything.
You can, however, campaign on everything except antisemitism.