Many of them complained about the prospect of being dependent on Israel for their energy needs. One called on Algeria and other Arab states to provide fuel for reasonabl eprices so they don't have the shame of buying from Israel.
Attorney Tariq Khouri asked "why the government is resorting to the Zionist enemy." MP Khalil Attia asked whether Israel respects agreements and contaminated the water of the Sea of Galilee.
Yes, he is saying that the Jews were poisoning the wells.
MP Aataiwi Majali said that this agreement is political victory for Israel, which is of course unacceptable. Attorney Assaf Shobaki said any agreement rewards the Israeli enemy and provides a service to the Jewish state.
MP Mohammed al-Abadi called on the government the need to search for alternatives, refusing to deal with the "enemy" in any way. He also called to expel any Israeli tourists in Jordan.
Attorney Khaireddin Hakouz pointed out that the negative reactions of the agreement is the result of the crimes the Jews in Palestine are doing in the holy places.
MP Mohammed Saud said that the government is able to solve the energy situation without resorting to the Jews, who don't respect agreements.
MP Atef Kawar said: "Israel aggressively usurped lands, and the Arabs can subdue the Jews only through the demolition of the Israeli economy."
MP Mohammad al-Riyati read verses from the Koran and said: "These Jews attacked the prophets."
And so it went, with the vast majority of the MPs trying to outdo the next in their public expressions of hate. One of the few exceptions was MP Kamal Zghoul who said, "Jordan's sovereign national interest is above all other considerations, and Jordan signed a peace agreement." He pointed out that Jordan would deal with the "devil" to meet the interests of Jordan.
That's what a Jordanian "moderate" sounds like; Israel is the devil but we need them.
In the end, they will almost certainly end up buying the gas from Israel, and Israel will be a far more reliable partner with Jordan than any Arab state has been. And that will make them hate Israel even more.
Because as this debate proves, it isn't about Israel's actions - it is about he dreaded, hated, feared Jews. Not Zionists, not Israelis, not Westerners - Jews. .
This is a lesson for all those starry eyed people who believe that somehow Israel and "Palestine" would live side by side in peace. The Palestinian mentality mirrors that of Jordan. The absolute best that anyone can ever hope for is for their relationship to be as warm as Israel's relationship with Jordan, where practical considerations drive what both sides do while at the same time the Arab political leaders will posture and openly incite more hate.
UPDATE: The English version of this article didn't mention any of the times the MPs blamed Jews.