The Story About Obama Placing Sanctions On Israel May Well Be False
The Haaretz story claims they heard from unnamed Israeli officials that the sanctions being considered include not vetoing U.N. Security Council condemnations of Jewish housing in Jerusalem, and/or issuing clearer instructions to American officials about the ban on cooperating with the settlements or funding activity in them.White House Dodges Questions on If They Are Considering Sanctions on Israel
Middle East scholar Barry Rubin, my friend and teacher of blessed memory, used to drill in my head: never believe a story coming out of the Middle East until it is verified by a few sources (even then suspect its accuracy). Think about the source, the timing and where the news was leaked, he would say.
The story about sanctions was leaked in Israel. If the Israel government really leaked the story, the purpose of the leak would be to change U.S. policy. It it would have been leaked to the NY Times or another U.S. source. But this story was leaked to Ha'aretz, a newspaper whose editorial policy is to bring down the Netanyahu government. The timing makes sense; the leak just happened to be published right after new Israeli elections were announced and scheduled.
Recent reports have come to light that indicate the White House is prepared to impose sanctions on long-time ally Israel.
When pressed by Fox News’ Ed Henry, White House spokesman Josh Earnest refused to provide a direct answer.
“I’m not going to talk about any sort of internal deliberations inside the administration,” Earnest said. “Israel is a close and strategic partner of the United States of America.”
Earnest further dodged saying, “and I don’t need to remind you of the strong and unshakable bonds that exist between the United States and Israel, and the United States’ exceedingly strong commitment to the security of the nation of Israel.”
Congress Demands Obama Explain Rumored Sanctions Against Israel
The administration’s evasive position has prompted outrage among pro-Israel leaders and prompted Congress to demand that Obama start answering questions about the delicate issue.
“We urge you and your administration to clarify these reports immediately,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) and nearly 50 other House lawmakers wrote Friday afternoon, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
“Israel is one of our strongest allies, and the mere notion that the administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome,” they state. “Such reports send a clear message to our friends and enemies alike that such alliances with the United States government can no longer be unquestionably trusted.”
Congress, which traditionally has purview over such measures, has never given the White House permission to sanction Israel.
“At no point in time has Congress given the administration the authority to sanction Israel,” they wrote. “In fact, Congress has continued to show its unwavering support for Israel and has recently taken steps to increase our economic and military cooperation.”
Turkish Hospitality For Arab Terrorism
In 2004, Turkish President (then Prime Minister) Recep Tayyip Erdogan labelled Israel "a terrorist state." Two years later, he hosted Khaled Mashaal, Hamas's leader. Alluding to Turkey's experience with Islamist parties, including his own, coming to power through elections, Erdogan said: "The choice of the people (at the ballot box) should be respected." Erdogan, citing Hamas's election victory in Gaza, apparently wanted to legitimize Hamas and terrorism.White House Inaction On Muslim Brotherhood Fuels Bizarre Conspiracy Theories
However, he deliberately overlooked a significant difference between Hamas and Turkey's Islamist parties: Hamas specifically advocates violence, while Turkish parties operate within democratic politics.
Eight years after Mashaal's visit to Turkey, Hamas is coordinating its efforts in the West Bank with logistical support from a command center in Istanbul -- a fact that apparently annoys even the Palestinian Authority [PA], Hamas's "governing partner" in the Palestinian territories.
Turkey is also host to Salah al-Aruri, a Hamas commander whom the PA accuses of planning multiple attacks against Israeli targets.
Egyptians are outraged over a perceived American admission of guilt in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, with one of the country’s most prominent newspapers claiming a “closely-held relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, ISIS, and the U.S. Congress” is conspiring to tear Egypt apart.Don’t Want to Come to the Middle East? Stay in Europe and Kill Jews, IS Tells Aspiring Jihadis
The evidence? The White House’s rejection of an online “We The People” petition, requesting the Muslim Brotherhood to be designated as a terrorist organization.
In its three-sentence response, issued Monday, the White House wrote that “We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence.”
The White House’s move comes at a time when numerous Arab countries besides Egypt are cracking down on the Brotherhood. The United Arab Emirates recently issued an extensive list of foreign terrorist organizations, which included the Muslim Brotherhood, echoing a concerted effort by Saudi Arabia to curtail the group’s activity. Shortly thereafter, Jordan arrested its domestic branch’s deputy head for criticizing the UAE’s list.
Recruiters in Europe for the Islamic State (IS) organization are proposing an alternative form of service for those jihadis unwilling to venture to the Middle East, where the terrorist group has carried out gruesome massacres of Christians, Yezidis, and other minorities: stay at home and kill Jews.Anglo-Jewish Ostrich Leaders Attempt To Muzzle Israeli Islam Expert Mordechai Kedar
In an article about a Muslim female teenager from the French town of Bethoncourt who disappeared in October, and was later discovered to have traveled to Syria via Turkey to join IS, the New York Times reported that “another 15-year-old girl, who was intercepted by French intelligence officers as she tried to go to Syria months ago, has since told the authorities that once her recruiters realized that she was unlikely to be able to leave the country anytime soon, they began pressing her to strike at home against Jews. She told them she had begun looking for weapons and targets.”
For it's also reported in the Jewish Chronicle, the distinguished and forthright Israeli Professor Mordechai Kedar, an expert on Arab culture and on Islam, who will be addressing the Zionist Federation's Israel Advocacy Conference as well as the meeting illustrated at left, is persona non grata in some quarters:London Labour - "UKIP full of money grabbing Jews"
'The Zionist Federation this week cancelled appearances at three Jewish schools by an outspoken Israeli academic following concerns about his links to an anti-Islamist activist banned from Britain.
Dr Mordechai Kedar, an expert on Israeli Arabs who regularly appears to defend Israel on Arabic stations such as Al Jazeera, was due to begin a speaking tour on Wednesday night.
But ZF chairman Paul Charney said that he had removed the schools from the tour after the intervention of the Board of Deputies.
Dr Kedar, who lectures at Bar-Ilan University, has spoken at events organised by Stop the Islamisation of Nations, founded by the Jewish American Pamela Geller, who was banned from Britain last year in a move supported by the Board of Deputies."
A Labour Party twitter account has accused UKIP of being 'full of money-grabbing Jews' in a disgraceful attack on UKIP candidate Shneur Odze this evening.Nigel Farage: Muslims to blame for antisemitism
Mr Odze, who earlier this week organised a 'Friends of Israel in UKIP' event attended by several MEPs and senior activists, is a longstanding member of UKIP who now resides in the North West. He is the most prominent of UKIPs many Jewish members.
the Twitter account in question - @LabourLondon - describes itself as the 'Official North London Labour presence. It is followed by Labour's Welsh Assembly Group, journalist Dan Hodges, and others including Meg Hillier MP, Jude Kirton-Darling MEP, Alison Seabeck MP, Dan Jarvis MP, Ian Lavery MP, Steve Reed MP, Sadiq Khan MP, Cllr Tudor Evans, and Constituency Labour Parties including Barnet, Brent, Norwich, East Lothian, Redbridge, Labour Youth, Ipswich, Bedford, Aylesbury, SE Region and SW Region. Can we look forward to the howls of outrage and demands for an apology from Hope not Hate?
Ukip leader Nigel Farage has blamed Muslims for what he called “a sharp rise in antisemitism” in Britain and Europe.How Hamas makes fools of the Western media
Speaking during his weekly phone-in show on London’s LBC Radio, Mr Farage told a caller from Highgate: “I have detected quite a sharp rise in antisemitism, not just in this country, but across the rest of Europe too.
“What’s fuelling it is that there are many more Muslim voices, and some of those Muslim voices are deeply, deeply critical of Israel. In fact, some of them even question the right of Israel to exist as a nation.”
It’s a known fact, if you want to take control of the minds and souls of a country, you start with the children. In this, Gaza excels, and they’re probably better at it than ISIS, Hezbollah, the Syrians and Iranians and all the other psychopaths living in the region combined.Anti-Israel groups now exploiting Eric Garner death, too
In 1944, in a propaganda film, the Nazis presented Theresienstadt to the International Red Cross as a model Jewish settlement where the Jews lived an idyllic life. It was, in fact, a ghetto established to gradually transfer the Jews from Theresienstadt to extermination camps. The Red Cross representatives were conducted on a tour and fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The representatives apparently did not attempt to divert from the tour route on which they were led by the Germans, who posed questions to the Jewish residents along the way.
Hamas has learned well from the Nazis
This past Thursday, Will George in an article titled, “100 days on: Gaza’s children speak out” published in the British paper The Independent, wrote an emotional article about the children of Gaza: “Standing outside a youth centre in the north of Gaza, Mohammed, a confident 12-year-old says he works hard at sciences in school and has big dreams: “I want to be an astronaut, I want to be the first astronaut from Gaza.”
Because exploiting Michael Brown and fomenting confrontation in Ferguson wasn’t enough.One of the World's Largest Internet Companies is Promoting Anti-Semitic Site Veteran News Now
We previously documented the exploitation of the death of Michael Brown and the riots in Ferguson by anti-Israel groups, Intifada Missouri – Anti-Israel activists may push Ferguson over the edge.
That Ferguson exploitation involved spreading false claims about Israeli training of the Ferguson police, trips to Ferguson by anti-Israel groups, and an anti-Israel activist who fomented confrontation with the police.
Now they’re doing it again, this time with regard to the death of Eric Garner and failure to indict the arresting police officer.
A Facebook and Twitter campaign has started trying to equate Palestinians to Garner using the “I can’t breathe” phrase and Twitter hashtag.
The photos, such as the featured image by Hamde Abu Rahma, are being spread by groups like Central NY Committee for Justice in Palestine:
Yahoo is one of the most visited sites on the internet. How fortunate that is for Debbie Meron, an old-school anti-Semite whose hate site Veterans News Now has been promoted on Yahoo's front page several times in recent weeks.Belgian politicians: No vote for Palestinian state recognition in sight
Let's jump straight to the substantiation for that last sentence, because it should go without saying that if its three key points are all true — in other words, if Yahoo considers Veterans News Now (VNN) a legitimate news source and prominently features it on its front page; if Veterans News Now is in fact an extremist site; and if VNN is run by a fanatical Jew-hater — then Yahoo has a serious problem, which it must quickly remedy.
CAMERA has recently received several complaints from readers shocked to see VNN articles promoted on Yahoo and Yahoo News. The following image, a screen shot of the Yahoo homepage on Dec. 4, proves point number one: Yahoo does treat VNN as a legitimate news site and, at least for some readers, gives it one of the most coveted spots on the internet.
The Belgian Le Soir and De Standaard reported earlier this week that the four coalition parties had agreed to pass a motion in parliament favoring Belgian recognition, The government would then enact the recognition, which would make Belgium Europe’s second country to recognize “Palestine,” following Sweden’s lead in October.Irish nationalist says Israel banning him from Gaza
The Belgian federal government’s interior minister, Didier Reynders of the Reformist Movement, played down the reports in an interview Thursday with Belgium’s Radio 1. Belgian recognition for a Palestinian state “is not on the agenda yet at all,” he said. “It should not happen in a unilateral manner but in cooperation between Israel and Europe.”
And Peter De Roover, a lawmaker for the New Flemish Alliance, told the Joods Actueel Jewish monthly that “there is no text available on this subject so in fact there is currently nothing” to suggest that Belgium’s government intends to recognize a Palestinian state. He said that efforts to promote recognition were “work in progress.”
Adams’ Sinn Fein Party has long taken a pro-Palestinian position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Israel’s ‘Hair’ Star Rips Haaretz After Criticism of His Support for IDF Troops (VIDEO)
In July during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, Adams pulled what critics have termed a pro-Palestinian “publicity stunt,” asking his fellow parliamentarians to join him in standing for a minute of silence in solidarity with “the people of Gaza and the Middle East.” He made no specific mention of the citizens of Israel.
Members of the chamber acceded to Adam’s request. Some also held up small posters of the Palestinian flag.
“The other parties played along with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but some TDs [Members of Parliament] silently fumed at the irony of a party which supported a campaign of terror and murder against the civilian population of its own country attempting to make political capital from the suffering being inflicted on the people of Gaza,” wrote Stephen Collins in The Irish Times at the time.
Earlier in his trip to the region, Adams met with Issac Herzog, leader of Israel’s opposition Labor Party, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Israeli stage actor, Oz Zahavi, set to lead in an upcoming remake of the iconic musical, “Hair,” has slammed an op-ed in the left-of-center Haaretz newspaper charging that his character, Berger, “would be turning over in his grave” for Zehavi’s support of the Israeli army, Israel’s Ch. 2 News reported Thursday.Interpol Alert Seeks Arrest of Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Qaradawi
Zahavi was responding to reviewer Moran Sharir, who referred to quotes from the actor strongly supporting the troops during the IDF’s Operation Pillar of Defense against Gaza rocket fire in 2012.
Zahavi, in a furious riposte on his Facebook page, wasted no time in returning fire.
Interpol issued a bulletin Friday seeking the arrest of the Muslim Brotherhood's most influential cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The bulletin was sparse on details but said that Egypt wanted the 88-year-old Qaradawi "to serve a sentence" for crimes including "incitement and assistance to commit intentional murder."Former IDF Intel Chief: Threat of U.S. Force Needed to Restore Leverage with Iran
Qaradawi lives in Qatar. He also is alleged to have had a hand in a massive prison break of Brotherhood members and others during the revolution against then-dictator Hosni Mubarak. Mohamed Morsi, a Brotherhood official who went on to become Egypt's president in 2012, was among those who escaped.
Qaradawi has been a fierce critic of Egypt's new government and of Morsi's July 2013ouster after one year in office. "From the day he (new President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi) came, all we saw is killing and bloodshed, detention and women being raped," Qaradawi before elections in May.
In February, Egyptian officials demanded that Qatar extradite Qaradawi. They also asked Interpol to arrest Qaradawi a year ago.
The West must reestablish a credible threat of force in order to restore eroded leverage with Iran according Amos Yadlin, former head of Israel’s military intelligence and director at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), and INSS researcher Avner Golov.Senate Testimony: New Sanctions Needed To Restore Leverage In Talks with Iran
In an article published Wednesday, Yadlin and Golov argued that the West must avoid a bad nuclear deal with Iran, which they described as follows:
An agreement that leaves Iran’s breakout capacity where it stands today — several months from a bomb — is a bad deal. It would keep Iran far too close to having nuclear weapons, making it extremely difficult to stop Tehran if it decided to weaponize. Under no circumstance should such a deal be signed. Rather, an agreement with Iran must make certain that, if Tehran chooses to break (or sneak) out to a nuclear weapon, it would need several years to get there, thereby giving the West enough time to deal with the dangerous move.
In testimony yesterday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Michael Doran, a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, recommended new sanctions against Iran to ensure that the United States has sufficient leverage ahead of the June deadline to conclude negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. Such leverage has been diminished, Doran argued, by increased cooperation with Iran in other matters, such as the fight against the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS).Saudis Suspend Aid to Yemen in Reaction to Iran-Backed Rebels
Doran identified trends in American policy towards the Middle East, and the implications of this policy for its allies. The first trend is that “our allies perceive increased coordination” between the United States and Iran, as evidenced recently by Iranian airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq, which could not have been carried out without coordination with the United States. Despite this cooperation, there has been no “change in the malign Iranian policies that, historically, have deeply threatened America’s allies.”
Another trend has been the reluctance the administration has displayed in “build[ing] up the Syrian opposition in ways that might threaten the Assad regime.” The administration has also taken to insulting traditional American allies. Vice President Joe Biden recently said explicitly, “our allies are the problem.” Finally, Doran notes that America’s retreat in the nuclear negotiations with Iran “confirmed our allies’ perception that American resolve is flagging.”
A political deal that called for the withdrawal of the Houthis from Sanaa was concluded in September, but the rebels have remained. A Yemeni official told Reuters, “the Saudis have conditioned any aid on the implementation of the (deal). The Houthis have to leave before they pay.”Iran Upholds Death Penalty for Facebook Post
In recent months, Iran has begun openly expressing its support for the Houthis and has reportedly been sending Hezbollah fighters to Yemen to aid the rebels. This past November, an Iranian official boasted that his nation had captured its fourth Arab capital, Sanaa. The presence of Iranian proxies in Yemen poses a threat to Saudi Arabia as well as to shipping lanes through the Red Sea.
Iran’s Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty for 30 year-old Soheil Arabi, who was convicted of insulting the prophet Mohammed in a Facebook post, according to a report at Al-Monitor on Tuesday.Obama condemns ‘barbaric murder’ of US captive
According to Arabi’s lawyer, Vahid Moshkani Farahani, the Tehran court had originally sought the death penalty for Arabi for “insulting the prophet.” When the Supreme Court reviewed the case, it upheld the ruling and added the “corruption on Earth” charge, which also carries the death penalty.
Arabi was arrested on November 2013 along with his wife Nastaran Naimi, who was soon released. Naimi made no public comments until the Supreme Court ruling, and has since pleaded in various interviews with foreign-based media outlets for her husband’s life.
President Barack Obama said Saturday he authorized the attempt to rescue American Luke Somers in Yemen because the US had information that the American photojournalist’s life was in imminent danger.Brazilian Police's Startling Nazi Discovery
Shortly before the White House statement, Yemen’s national security chief said militants had planned to kill Somers on Saturday. On Thursday, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula posted a video online threatening to kill the American.
Authorities said Somers, who was kidnapped in September 2013, and a South African teacher, Pierre Korkie, were killed in the rescue operation that Obama said was conducted by US forces in partnership with Yemen’s government.
The president said he “strongly condemns the barbaric murder of Luke Somers at the hands of al-Qaeda terrorists” and reaffirmed that the US “will spare no effort to use all its military, intelligence and diplomatic capabilities to bring Americans home safely, wherever they are located.”
A Brazilian police helicopter made a startling discovery while assisting in a kidnapping investigation.Russian refuses to take down garden fence that looks exactly like entrance to Buchenwald concentration camp – because he likes the slogan 'To each his own'
Flying over a property in Pomerode, Brazil, the helicopter spotted a gigantic swastika at the bottom of a pool.
According to CNN, authorities will not be pressing charges “since the swastika is on private land and they say that the homeowner, who was not identified, is not promoting Nazism.”
Following the defeat of Germany at the end of World War II, many Nazis fled to South America to live in hiding. One of the most prominent Nazis to make a new life before being caught was Franz Stangl. He became the commandant of two death camps, Sobibor and Treblinka.
A Russian businessman who erected a garden fence that looks just like the gate that surrounded the Buchenwald concentration camp has denied he is anti-Semitic.‘Jewish’ soccer star Mario Balotelli charged over ‘racist’ post
Nestor Lavrov, 53, commissioned the fence because he liked the design after seeing the images online and claims he had not realised the historical context of the words 'Jedem Das Seine'.
Lavrov claims he did not realise that the image he had seen was actually of gates put up in 1937 around one of the Nazi's first concentration camps in Buchenwald, near the central German town of Weimar.
He said: 'I didn't know what the words Jedem Das Seine meant, but I looked it up and found it meant "To each his own".
Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli was charged by the Football Association on Friday for re-posting a message on Instagram that contained racist and anti-Semitic references.Japan newspaper apologizes for running anti-Semitic ad
Balotelli appeared to endorse an image of computer game character Super Mario on the social media website which included the words “jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew”.
The post was titled “Don’t be a racist” and continued: “Be like Mario. He’s an Italian plumber, created by Japanese people, who speaks English and looks like a Mexican.”
The FA announced in a statement: “Mario Balotelli has been charged by the FA in relation to a recent posting on social media.”
A conservative Japanese daily on Saturday apologized for carrying an advertisement for books by an author who claims Jewish people were behind the country’s 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster.France to compensate Holocaust deportees
The advert ran in a November 26 regional edition of the Sankei Shimbun national newspaper, and promoted the works of Richard Koshimizu, a self-styled journalist and activist who also blames Jews for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States.
Koshimizu has claimed the Holocaust was a “fabrication” designed to establish the state of Israel.
“It is extremely regrettable that an advertisement of this content was carried and delivered to our readers, and we deeply apologize to readers and the people of the Jewish community,” Sankei president Takamitsu Kumasaka said in a statement published in the paper.
Thousands of Holocaust survivors and family members in the United States and elsewhere will be entitled to compensation from a $60 million French-U.S. fund announced Friday — reparations to those deported by France’s state rail company SNCF during the Nazi occupation.The world is NOT silent on anti-Semitism! (satire)
As part of the deal, the U.S. government will work to end lawsuits and other compensation claims in U.S. courts against SNCF, which is bidding for lucrative high-speed rail and other contracts in U.S. markets. State legislators in Maryland, New York, Florida and California have tried to punish SNCF for its Holocaust-era actions.
“This is another measure of justice for the harms of one of history’s darkest eras,” said the U.S. Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues, Stuart Eizenstat, who spent three years working with French officials on the agreement.
SNCF transported about 76,000 French Jews to Nazi concentration camps, though experts disagree on its degree of guilt. SNCF has expressed regret for what happened, but argues it had no effective control over operations during the Nazi occupation from 1940 to 1944.
Israel alllllways complains the world is against them. Jews alllllways complain there is anti-Semitism. Yes yes – we all know the story, but tonight – I say that the world doesn’t remain silent on it at all. In fact, they have shown they take action whenever these anti-Semitic events occur. But you know, Jews are a bit paranoid, aren’t they? I mean, it’s not like anti-Semitism refers to them, does it?Israeli start-up sees gold in wastewater
Because even the word anti-Semitism doesn’t actually mean Jews. The Oxford dictionary defines anti-Semitism as a “hostility to or prejudice against Jews,” but they didn’t really mean Jews specifically even though they… kind of hinted at Jews…in the… definition… Of course, on social media, there are many qualified professors and noble laureates, who comment on this. They clearly point out that being anti-Semitic actually means being against the people who originated from the Near East, like the Mandaean people. So in 1879, when German journalist Wilhelm Marr coined the phrase “Anti-Semitism” in his publication “The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism”, he didn’t actually mean Jews… even though he… said Jews… he really meant the Mandaean people. So the “League for Anti-Semitism” that was founded shortly thereafter wasn’t really against Jews… despite them… only mentioning… Jews… in their works and stuff.
But surely by now, everyone knows that the term anti-Semitism has always actually meant a “hostility to or prejudice against Mandaeans.”
In a new crowdfunding effort, the company is seeking to raise millions of dollars to expand its cellulose harvesting activities, creating a $200 billion a year market — more than Google — by converting sewage into an economic asset.Awards Highlight Three Revolutionary Israeli Inventions
ACT’s Sewage Recycling System (SRS) technology enables water treatment plants to bypass the production of sludge by extracting the solid waste before the recycling process begins. Sludge, that mixture of waste and water that is left over after the usable water has been “mined” from sewage, is useful as fertilizer, or, in some situations, as a fuel source.
In most cases, sludge needs to be disposed of by incineration or dumping in a landfill. Instead, said company CEO Dr. Refael Aharon, ACT’s technology recycles the biosolids in sludge, which constitutes up to 50% of the material, into a product called Recyllose — recycled cellulose.
Two Israeli professors and an engineer are the winners of a new $10,000 award for their amazing inventions including an injectable form of chemotherapy; a metal ligament prosthesis; and a bendable plastic touch screen display for smartphones.Kuwaiti Muslim discovers he is 'the Jewish enemy'
Professor Dan Peer, of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Cell Research and Immunology, developed the groundbreaking “cancer bullet” an injectable form of patient-friendly chemotherapy treatment that targets only diseased cells. Prof. Shlomo Magdassi, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, won the prize for inventing a bendable plastic touch screen display for smartphones. The display can be made with a commercial inkjet printer, reducing the number of manufacturing steps by 80 percent. Idan Tobis invented a metal ligament prosthesis that dramatically reduces the recovery time of arthroscopic procedures.
The inaugural awards ceremony took place in New York recently. “Our first annual Untold News Awards showcases three amazing inventors whom the jury and I feel will unequivocally make a mark on the global stage,” said Marcella Rosen founder of Untold News. Interviews with the award winners explaining their inventions are in the video embedded below.
After years of being educated to hate Jews, Mumtaz Halawa was shocked to learn he is Jewish. He changed his name to Mordechai, moved to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. 'I feel like Abraham,' he says.Israel’s George Washington
He was born as a Muslim in Kuwait, never heard a good word said about Jews, and then suddenly, in the middle of his life, Mumtaz Halawa's entire world turned over. He discovered that he was Jewish.
After quite a difficult crisis, he immigrated to Israel and changed his name to Mordechai. Until this very day, he has yet to tell his father – a member of the al-Masri family from Nablus who lives in Jordan – about the change has gone through.
It’s difficult for an American to identify with Ben-Gurion, a humorless socialist who admired Lenin. To Americans of his time, Ben-Gurion would have sounded less like a candidate for the Jewish State’s first leader than as a poster child for stronger immigration laws. To add insult to injury, he was tactless and socially awkward.
Many books have been written about Ben-Gurion but given his decades-long dominance of the Zionist scene, there’s always room for one more. Anita Shapira is professor emerita at Tel Aviv University, well-known for her biographies of historical figures hailing from Israel’s left, the best of which is probably that of Berl Katznelson, a prominent Zionist leader in his time who is virtually forgotten today. She has now provided an easy to read, compact, well-organized—if superficial—account of the political development of the man she calls “Father of Modern Israel.” The English translation from the original Hebrew is excellent and translator Anthony Berris deserves special mention.
